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Volume 2 Strange Place Chapter 22 Bloody Battle

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    The sneak attack was discovered by the enemy. Yutani took out the headquarters' secret order from her pocket and said in a deep voice: "Kill everyone in the underground arsenal!"

    The soldiers did not hesitate. Siltu took the lead and rushed out of the laboratory. Yu Zhe drew his spare gunpowder weapon and followed closely, fearing that he would suffer a loss.  The enemy's biotechnology is more advanced than that of Shantou Star, so the use of special bullets is an inevitable choice.  More and more warriors poured out of the passage, and Siltuban formed a combat formation to sweep them all the way.  There is no need to be concerned about the sixth underground floor. It is small in area. It can be seen from the monitor on the fifth floor that the tunnel is clear. The soldiers who arrived first are already exchanging fire with the enemy. Victory is at hand.

    Area T is obviously a little abnormal. If it is operating normally, there must be many people working here. After all, technicians cannot always go to the factory.  It was foolish to follow the enemy's tunnel. Siltuban's demolition crews blasted through a dozen walls in the technical area, and the whole squad went straight to the production area.  The enemy also reacted quickly, and both sides began to shoot at each other, using small-power weapons.  The senior warriors of the Wei Kingdom were all special shooters and quickly gained the upper hand.

    Yu Zhe mainly deals with fast enemies, and his comrades who are good at moving target shooting are paired with him.  A soldier named Zhaka destroys surveillance equipment, including micro-monitors, and his group of soldiers detects and sweeps away nano-sensors along the way.  Yutani is responsible for destroying protective facilities, and her equipment is more powerful than others.  Siltu was in command from the center, and the deputy squad leader Zhanei was the best at leading a team of melee masters to protect the shooters.

    The enemy was not an Iifu. After being hit by special ammunition, his original shape was revealed. He seemed to be a mollusk, like a noodle, but not like it.  An enemy suddenly self-destructed. Yu Zhe felt that the enemy might have contact with Tesaka's predecessors, the Jagiduos, and quickly reminded his comrades that relevant information was quickly added to the database of the battlefield data link.  Shantouxing's combat communication system is very advanced and has strong anti-interference ability. mnm99 has a regional vision sharing function, and the processor automatically adjusts the parts beyond the human brain's adaptation.

    There are more and more enemies coming down from above, and the number of joint force soldiers coming out from the fifth and sixth underground floors is also increasing.  The underground arsenal was designed with the possibility of underground firefights in mind from the beginning, and is extremely strong.  After the enemy used high-power weapons, the officers and soldiers of the joint forces found that the spacious underground factory could withstand high-power weapons, and they were not far behind. The enemy did not cherish materials and equipment, and there was no need for our own side to pay attention. Anyway, there were many in Xizhou and Luntzhou.

    The consequences of frequent use of powerful weapons are obvious. A large amount of energy cannot be vented. A storm blew up in the underground factory, blowing both sides topsy-turvy, making it almost impossible to fight.  The enemy's purpose was obvious, to use powerful weapons to block the advance of the vanguard group.  General Kataba ordered the soldiers equipped with mnm109 to use portable electromagnetic guns to split the enemy's defense line with heavy firepower.

    A group of two mnm109s form a stable launch platform with energy sharing.  The power of the combined platform was greater than the enemy imagined. After several fire points were penetrated and exploded, they changed their strategy and focused on mobile shooting. Unfortunately, they miscalculated. The two mnm109s were like four-legged mobile turrets, extending their fire.

    The total area of ??the underground factory area is nearly 100 square kilometers, with an inverted trapezoidal cross-section. The sixth underground layer is 1*1 kilometers, and the side length of each layer increases by one kilometer upward.  With the help of sharp weapons, the nearly two thousand masters of the Pioneer Regiment managed to reach the third underground level without much effort, and only a dozen people were killed.  The soldiers who entered the arsenal from the cave took over the 654th underground floor and brought sufficient supplies to the front line.

    Yu Zhe had no injuries. When he reached the third underground floor, his beloved mnm109 came to him obediently.  The protection and firepower of mnm109 are much stronger than that of mnm99, and the safety is more guaranteed.  He was getting excited about killing when he suddenly noticed something strange on the top of his head and hurriedly warned his comrades, "Be careful with your head!"

    The instinct of trusting outstanding comrades is one of the common sense of veterans. The big man flies back, and the others follow suit.  Hundreds of people had just retreated to a safe zone when a large hole burst open in the ultra-thick solid compartments on the second and third underground floors. Countless flying robots emerged from the hole and countless beams of light were fired at the vanguard group.  warrior.

    The emp warning light of the battlefield data link came on, and the soldiers immediately turned off the electronic equipment manually and adjusted the level of the basic energy shield to the highest level.  The makeshift artillery at the rear fired hundreds of missiles carrying EMP warheads, which exploded in the queue of flying robots one after another. The densely packed flying robots fell like raindrops to the floor of the third floor.

    The less experienced soldiers all smiled, feeling that this low-protection gadget was useless.  The experienced warriors were a little hesitant. The enemy's flying robot might be acting strangely, so they called on their teammates to step back.  The expert's worries were correct. The enemy dropped a special bomb from the cave, and the pile of corpses of the flying robot suddenly exploded in a chain. The overflowing air flow swept through the sixteen square kilometers of space on the third underground floor, and parts of the equipment were scattered everywhere.  Flying, some flammable and explosive materials also exploded.  The underground factory has been trembling and cannot calm down for a long time.  Although the Lunt people are physically strong,However, the soldiers with ordinary equipment still suffered heavy casualties, and the enemy side was almost completely wiped out.  With their strong defense, the soldiers of the Pioneer Regiment had almost no casualties, but their equipment was seriously damaged.  The underground space is small, and the enemy has closed the ventilation system. The walls of the underground factory are solid, and the damage caused by the shock wave is much higher than that of fragments.

    "Go to the first and second floors underground and engage in a melee with the enemy!" Kataba's roar came from the earphones, and the commander still did not forget to break down the details even in his anger.

    Yu Zhe rushed to the cave and fired off the remaining Taco's grenades in one breath. He then pulled out his plasma sword, activated the flight function of the small mecha, and climbed up through the cave. Half of the senior warriors followed closely, and the other half followed the two stairs.  Kill to the underground level.

    There are obviously some problems with the cooperation between the enemies. They come from five civilizations and cannot be of the same mind at critical moments.  The third, fourth, fifth and sixth floors are a civilization, and the second floor is definitely different from them. Judging from the equipment used and the way they behave, it is most likely that they are the Yifu people.  Yu Zhe had this idea the moment the flying robot appeared. Unexpectedly, as soon as he stood firm on the second floor, a giant struggled to get up from the ground and slashed at his head with a huge sword.  The senior warrior's mind wandered, the small mecha dodged, removed the giant's thigh with one knife, and then responded with the same action.  A large stream of blood spurted out from the giant's headless neck, dyeing the pillars beside it red.

    Yu Zhe's excitement only lasted for a short moment. A huge plasma ball exploded near him. The scattered electric current burned the mecha's energy shield. The tattered mecha's light path was quickly overloaded and burned out.  , leaving only basic functions.  He couldn't help but get furious, "The Yifu people of nnd are really cunning. They fight together with the giants and complement each other. They are not like the enemies downstairs who pretend to be aloof."

    The small mecha has a backup system. While venting his anger, Yu Zhe did not forget to move the interface to the backup system. The mecha quickly stood up again, waving the sword to kill the enemy.  After the vision sharing system was restarted, the big man found that his mecha was in a miserable shape and seemed to be falling apart. He couldn't help but become even more angry. He swung his knife at the nearby Iaver mecha and tore it into pieces.

    Shantou Xing and Yifu use the same technical system. The Yifu people know the weaknesses of mechas very well. However, although their equipment is not inferior to that of the Pioneer Group, they are no match for Lunt's top warriors in close combat.  The second underground level was not high enough, and the giant army was unable to use its hands and feet in close combat. The coalition forces were quickly defeated until reinforcements suspected of being Luntians arrived, and the two sides fell into a bitter battle.

    At the same time, an enemy wearing gem-shaped armor suddenly appeared in a corner of the third underground floor, charging towards the group of Weiguo warriors supporting the second floor.  The strategy of this group of enemies was correct, but it was a pity that the Wei nationality was not the Lunt people of Tabos. The ferocious automatic defense system fired all kinds of bullets and swept away the strangely dressed people. The powerful small electromagnetic gun projectiles even penetrated two  enemy.  The technical soldiers came forward with cryogens to take samples, while the others attacked upward in the direction from which the enemy came.

    The Weiguo troops on the first underground floor were also in a tough fight. On this floor there were enemies suspected of being Luntians who were good at melee combat and enemies with gem-type armor. The power of the giant army was fully exerted on the higher first floor.  The special forces of Ivor hid behind enemies who were good at melee combat and fired cold arrows. Many soldiers from the Wei Kingdom fell to their special weapons.

    The Joint Forces Command considered this situation when formulating its strategy. The special forces of the four legions of the Wei Kingdom continued to enter the underground arsenal from the cave, advancing upward layer by layer.  The underground arsenal is made of real steel and iron, using a large number of high-end building materials. The main support columns on each floor are tens of meters in diameter, which cannot be damaged by ordinary bombs.  The Min'an Department and the Department of Civil Affairs later enhanced the support system's seismic and compression resistance, and senior officials of the Weiguo Department felt that the possibility of problems was very small.  Even so, for the sake of safety, most of the special forces soldiers still attacked the ground part of the fortress with the Weitai troops and the Tallinn Army to prevent the enemy from using nuclear weapons.  The underground part is beyond the reach of Shantou Star's strategic defense system. The enemy carries many high-level bombs. They were useless before, but that doesn't mean they won't be used in the future.

    After suffering huge casualties, the officers and soldiers of the joint force, with the support of heavy weapons, blasted the fortresses outside Xavier Town one by one, and successfully approached the main body of the fortress. Some senior soldiers invaded the fortress, frequently used powerful weapons, and then engaged in close combat with the enemy.  The ground froze and the ground gradually lost ground. The enemy's mobile troops numbering half a million could no longer bear it and began to attack the coalition forces.  The Liuhe, Xiji and Yutian regiments, who were good at field warfare, came forward. They first launched a stormy three-dimensional attack and met the enemy's reinforcements with the most ferocious artillery fire.  The joint force air force that successfully transitioned to the scene was strangled with the enemy's air force to prevent the other party from destroying its own heavy equipment.  They are the support of the three major legions. Once a stalemate is formed with the enemy, the troops ashore will definitely be defeated.  The Weiguo and Weitai factions have simulated many times based on their respective strengths. Each time, the Weitai faction's troops were defeated after a stalemate.

    The frontline headquarters gritted its teeth with hatred when it saw the Shantouxing equipment used by the enemy. The traitor was indeedIt's so hateful that if it weren't for them, the Battle of Middle-earth wouldn't have been so difficult.  No matter how powerful the special forces are, they are no match for the large army in the field. Most of the military aircraft used by the enemy are Shantouxing's cutting-edge models.  The military aircraft in the atmosphere of Shantou Star are stronger than those of Iaver, and there are not many general-purpose aircraft. The two sides have different philosophies. Unexpectedly, they have become enemies.  The Combined Forces Air Force mainly uses aircraft from Iaver, but the enemy mainly uses aircraft from Shantou Star. It is really inexplicable.  Quantity trumps quality, and the price paid is not only property, but also the lives of pilots.  The battle loss ratio between the enemy and ourselves is almost 1:3.  Just two hours after the air battle began, the Joint Forces Air Force killed more than 2,000 pilots and lost nearly 10,000 drones and hundreds of military spacecraft.  The enemy not only has a qualitative advantage, but also a weapon advantage.  The ground air defense forces launched tens of thousands of anti-aircraft missiles and shot down less than 500 enemy aircraft. However, laser cannons and military spacecraft gained a lot.  At the end of the brutal air battle, the pilots of the joint forces began an aerial collision battle, using brutal collisions to counter the enemy's superiority in quality and equipment.

    Human bombs appeared in the sky, and the eyes of the soldiers on the ground were red. One after another, ordinary soldiers detonated their equipment when the enemy approached, killing the powerful enemy.  The large number of small and medium-sized mechas equipped by the joint forces took full advantage of their firepower. Every time the enemy approached the heavy equipment, they used covering fire to push back the enemies wearing high-level armor.  The result of overloaded shooting is accelerated wear and tear of equipment and increasingly lower accuracy.  The enemy repeatedly attacked and finally approached the defense lines of the three legions. The soldiers in front died one after another.  The Changba and Olivensa regiments had to go to the front line and engage in close combat with the enemy. The Huilan, Fengxi and Longjiang regiments gradually replaced the Liuhe, Xiji and Yutian regiments that suffered heavy losses.

    The offensive and defensive battles on the ground of the fortress have also entered a fierce stage. The main fortress of Xavier Town is well protected. Even if a giant military spacecraft comes over, it can still fight. The perfect design and powerful firepower are even better than ordinary sub-nodes.  .  The main plug itself is a key child node.  What Wei Guo Department wanted back then was to build the fortress as strong as possible, but he didn't expect that it would be difficult for him now.  The special forces of the Mosimbois Corps had to use the most primitive directional blasting method to demolish the outer walls one by one, and bombarded the fortress with heavy weapons.

    It¡¯s brutal in the sky, white-hot on the ground, and it¡¯s not easy underground either.  With the gradual influx of special forces from Weiguo on the first and second underground floors, the Yiifu people could no longer fire arrows because the two sides were fighting in a melee.  Yu Zhe's baby mnm109 has been completely scrapped, but fortunately mnm99 is still functioning.  There were only seven people left in Siltuban, and even Zhaka, who had an extremely accurate fixed target, was killed in the battle and fell under the cold arrows of the Iifu people.  The seven people cooperated with each other and there was no chaos. The deputy squad leader Cha Nei used Yu Zhe's kitchen knife to kill more than a dozen enemies one after another. He had a lot of blood from the head of the Weiguo family and could activate most functions. Even so, facing him  Enemies wearing gem-type armor also feel a lot of pressure.  When Yu Zhe used a gunpowder rifle to fire poison bullets wildly to support, he suddenly understood that the enemies with gem-type armor used Kalus technology, and these people were created by the Kalus people.  The kitchen knife has auras against other civilizations, but it has no obvious effect on this group of people. Some unique energy use skills are only available to the Kallus people.  The reason why Shantouxing is desperately developing Iaif technology is already clear. The boss forced Elta to commit suicide, knowing that sooner or later the surviving Kalus people would come to take revenge.

    The big man, who had suffered the pain of desertion, had his thoughts turned on his head and did not think about it again. He concentrated on dealing with the enemy in front of him.  Zane had just tied with the enemy. In terms of strength, the enemy was not as strong as the Lunts, but more flexible and equal to the Plots. Could it be that the Plots and the Kales had joined forces?  Since he looks like the Pluto, his weaknesses must be the same as the Pluto.  Zhanei was also born with supernatural powers, but the enemy's weapons were sharp, and he did not dare to get stabbed with his not-so-thick armor.  Yu Zhe created an opportunity for him. He shot the enemy in jewel-shaped armor with one shot. The enemy was exposed and the door was open. Zhanei grabbed his kicked leg and threw him to the big pillar next to him like a whirlwind. The huge force made the enemy  After fainting, Zhanei stepped forward and crushed his helmet.

    The two cooperated tacitly, and Yutani joined to form a three-person combat team.  Yutani's equipment was thick, and she tried to take a stab from an enemy with gem-type armor. The special product had no serious damage, and it repaired itself quickly.  Yutani found two sets of armors from fallen soldiers and put them on. The three-person team fought all the way, looking for enemies with powerful gem-type armors. Yu Zhe shot, Yutani was stabbed, and Zhanei specialized in throwing people and trampling them.  people.  The three-person team became more and more skilled in cooperating, and eventually the enemies with gem-type armor would duck and avoid them whenever they saw them nearby.

    In the melee, the first to be killed was not the weaker Iifu special forces, but the Giant Legion.  They were too big, and their marksmanship was accurate. They all used 30mm large-caliber rifles. After concentrated shooting, the giants' solid helmets would usually crack, and their huge eyes would suffer.  The physique of the Wei people determines that they have an overwhelming advantage over giants when fighting in groups. The secret is teamwork and precise mobile shooting techniques, which other ethnic groups cannot do.After all the giants were killed, the Yiifu special forces had no cover and were quickly killed by the Weiguo system.  The damage caused by enemies suspected to be Lunt people to the Weiguo family was second only to the enemies with gem-type armor. However, once it was determined that they were similar to the Lunt people, this group of people suffered. The Weiguo family had many ways to deal with the same people.

    At the end of the stalemate underground battle, only the strong gem-type armored enemies and the enemies suspected of being Lunt were left. The first enemies encountered had gone to unknown places, and maybe they were all dead.

    While the underground slowly gained an advantage, the tragedy on the ground further escalated.  There are two moons on the hilltop star, which usually looks very nice, but now it makes the joint forces particularly angry. The large dark clouds that they were looking forward to were driven away by the enemy using technical means, and the specialties of the Weiguo system were unable to be used.  The enemy is very familiar with the basic situation of the four series of Cathay Pacific and Min'an, while the two series of Cathay Pacific can only gradually understand the enemy at the cost of blood.

    The effect of the human sea tactic is still good. The backup Agnew Corps opened the way with violent firepower, led by electromagnetic gun tanks and composite light cannon tanks. Nearly 100,000 small and medium-sized mechas lined up in three spaced rows, sweeping all the way, and the rear  The artillery provided the strongest support.  The Lishui and Yunling legions followed, and the enemy's mobile troops were finally defeated.  The three legions chased for hundreds of miles, killing the enemy until they abandoned their armor, and then quickly returned to establish a defense line.

    Seeing this scene, the enemy's morale in the fortress obviously declined. There were no reinforcements. Dongfang's troops were still fighting fiercely with Dongzhou's troops and could not support them at all.  The main force is facing a huge number of combat robots and combat biochemical beasts. There is no turning back. The task is on the one hand. Although the five civilizations are cooperating, scheduling is not easy. Once there is a scheduling chaos, Shantou Star's special forces will all press forward. If  In a stalemate, the likelihood of completing the task is low.  Shantouxing has a complete range of combat robots, from large steel fortresses to tiny nanorobots, making them difficult to guard against.  The combat biochemical beasts are even more bizarre, and there is no room for relaxation.  The soldiers wore armor all day long and did not dare to take it off. They became more and more exhausted. If they could not defeat the armies of the four departments of Guotai and Min'an in the interior, the consequences would be unimaginable.  It is unknown how many allies Shantouxing has. Judging from Li Zhuang's style when he was on Earth, there must be back-ups.  The outcome of the space battle is unknown. Fighting against the Shantou Star space fleet cannot be judged by common sense. No one knows the thinking mode of the Shantou Star's advanced robots.

    I don¡¯t know what the enemy is thinking. The front line of the joint forces is gradually returning to normal. The people in the General Armament Department and the General Logistics Department in the rear are as busy as windmills. The front is fiercely fighting, and the rear cannot relax for a moment.  The possibility of the enemy surrendering was very small, but the front commander of the coalition forces did not forget to persuade them to surrender, and the enemy simply refused.  Having caused such a big loss to Shantou Star, even if it surrenders, there will be no good fruits. In addition, Shantou Star is deeply influenced by the antique culture of the Chinese people in the IAIF Earth era, and the ancient Chinese people often killed prisoners.

    Being rejected was expected. The joint forces had no extravagant expectations and mobilized troops skilled in street fighting to continue the attack.  Old antiques like flamethrowers were brought back to the battlefield, and their power was dozens of times greater than in ancient times. Even friendly forces were far away from the flamethrowers.  The specially-made electromagnetic gun tank also came in handy. Demolition troops, tank troops and flamethrowers worked closely together. Experts who were good at close combat and special forces guards with accurate marksmanship gradually eliminated the enemies in the main blockade.

    The underground battlefield is difficult to enter. On the one hand, we are worried about the enemy using powerful bombs, and on the other hand, the number of people accommodated underground is limited.  Yu Zhe's trio was already furious. The enemy with gem-shaped equipment was more tenacious than the Special Forces soldiers imagined. The enemies suspected of being Lunte were strong and powerful. The soldiers took turns to fight against the enemy.  The technical soldiers searched from the sixth underground level to the underground level, looking for bombs planted by the enemy.  This underground arsenal cannot be destroyed by ordinary nuclear bombs. After the technical soldiers turn on all the systems, the shock wave caused by the nuclear explosion will be removed.  Don¡¯t be afraid of optical radiation. Shantouxing has plenty of technology to deal with nuclear pollution.  High temperature and high heat are a bit troublesome. Although the design was initially designed to prevent high temperature and high heat, a large number of protections were removed after the enemy occupied it. It is obvious that if I can't get it, you won't want it either.

    There are fewer and fewer enemies, but the danger is increasing step by step. The soldiers of the special forces of the four major legions gradually retreated. Even the technical soldiers were not left behind, but the soldiers who were fighting with the enemy could not escape.  The Yu Zhe trio were all a little anxious, and the surviving enemy soldiers' desire to die could be seen in their movements.

    "Danger! Retreat!" Yu Zhe shouted.  His sense of crisis reappeared, and his comrades got rid of the enemy and desperately retreated.

    The explosion occurred in an instant, and the enemy self-destructed almost simultaneously. Their equipment and the powerful bombs they carried caused shock waves that raged on the first and second floors underground. Thousands of senior soldiers were swept away by the violent energy flow.

    Yu Zhe shook his dizzy head and reluctantly got up and sat down.  Not far away, Yutani was unconscious, with more air coming out and less air coming in. Her helmet was broken, revealing a burnt black face.  He scanned the surroundings. The four enemies didn't know where they were coming from.The one who got out there was tinkering nearby, apparently activating an explosive device.  Judging from their attire, the enemy is the "noodle man" encountered below.

    The enemy also spotted the big man and smiled proudly.  The big man was missing a leg, didn't have a complete weapon, and was left waiting to die.  There were no weapons, but there was ammunition. Yu Zhe struggled to find a small, sturdy box, took out all the small balls from it, and threw them near the enemy with all his strength. Seven streams of green smoke rose up.

    The enemy smiled disdainfully at the big man, as if to say, "Poison gas? I have a filter mask, an improved one."

    Yu Zhe stared at the "Noodle Man" coldly. The enemy quickly realized something was wrong and activated the explosive devices one by one as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, it was a step too late and they all fell to the ground and rolled.  The strongest enemy endured the pain, took out a packet of medicine, poured it into his mouth, and then crawled towards the explosion button.

    The enemy can still move, albeit slowly, but sooner or later he will be able to crawl there.  When Yu Zhe saw that something was going to happen, he gritted his teeth and crawled over to grab the enemy's leg.  The two competed for a while and found that they were at loggerheads with each other. The big man was seriously injured and had little strength.  "Noodle Man" smiled proudly, his hands became longer and longer, and his face suddenly changed color, a little worse.  The small ball thrown by the big man didn't know what it was, but it actually affected his functions, and even the healing potions couldn't make up for it.

    Yu Zhe noticed that the enemy's skin color was getting worse and worse, and he started to smile proudly, but suddenly stopped, because there was another enemy, Jin Qiao!  He's not dead?  How could he not die?  My little ball works every time, and there is no exception!

    Jin Qiao had no expression on his face. He walked closer to the explosive device and took a look. He turned to stare at the big man and smiled playfully. The sarcasm on his face was clear, "Let me introduce myself. I'm here at Jinqiao. I'm very friendly. Nice to meet you!"

    Yu Zhe was furious, his vision went dark, and then he didn't know anything anymore.

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