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Volume 2 Hidden Dragon Chapter 28 Yamamoto¡¯s Joining and the National Treasure¡¯s Stealth

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    When Li Zhuang arrived at the gate, Yamamoto Kazuki was talking to a pregnant woman. Judging from the way they stood, the woman seemed to be his wife.

    Seeing Li Zhuang, Yamamoto hurriedly came up to him and greeted him: "Li Sang, I have almost reached your request. Is your promise still valid?"

    Li Zhuang said in surprise: "What's going on? It's impossible to marry a wife and have children so quickly. Don't lie to me!"

    "Li Sang, I'm an honest man, and this is what happened." Yamamoto recounted what happened from last year to this year.  It has been more than a year since he left his old company. During this time, he has been teaching in the Chemistry Department of H University and is a specially appointed professor.  After he failed to pursue Liu Jing, he realized that he was already old and it was time to get married, so he married a female graduate student with whom he could get along.

    When Li Zhuang heard this, he was very depressed and said, "I was fooled!" But he had no intention of going back on his words. This was not his style.  Use people you doubt, and use them with suspicion. He rarely promises, but usually keeps his promises.  In his opinion, it is easy for Yamamoto to become an Australian citizen. This kind of person is welcome in any country.  It's just that Yamamoto may not be able to figure out the matter of marrying a Chinese girl.  Japan is far more developed than the rest of the country. As a Japanese, there must be a potential sense of psychological superiority. Even the coastal areas of the country have a sense of superiority over the inland, let alone different countries.  Unexpectedly, Yamamoto didn't care at all and could marry whoever he wanted. The family also thought that Yamamoto was not young and his parents were very old. It was rare that he wanted to get married, so they did not interfere.

    In July, when the legal department was fighting fiercely with large companies, Yamamoto joined the laboratory. In fact, what he was best at was theoretical physics. He only studied computers because he was interested in it when he was young.  Although he is knowledgeable in this area, he is not very talented.  As for electrochemistry, it is his hobby and means of livelihood.

    Combining Yamamoto¡¯s expertise and hobbies, Li Zhuang asked him to take charge of the theoretical research group of the New Energy Laboratory.  Yamamoto's management skills are not very good, but the assistant assigned to him can help him manage the entire team. He only needs to do research and training.

    Yamamoto¡¯s foundation in physics and chemistry is very solid. In addition to completing his daily work, he seems to like to study some cutting-edge theories such as aerospace.  His income is good and he has no extra expenses. He spent his own money to buy an astronomical telescope and set it up on the roof of the laboratory. When the weather is nice, he often takes his son out to watch the stars. He doesn¡¯t know what his son, who is only a few months old, can do.  Can't see clearly.

    ¡°Whether this is a time bomb or a big help for the future, Li Zhuang is not sure.  Li Zhuang didn't know whether Yamamoto had feelings for Japan, but at least he was very good to his wife and children. When he was resting, he was like an ordinary father. He often carried his son who looked like him around the living area, day after day.  day.

    Last time I discussed the establishment of a desert management company with Da Mian, Da Mian never responded. Maybe he felt that Li Zhuang's casual talk was unreliable after all.  In desperation, Li Zhuang had no choice but to contact him.

    "Da Mian, has there been any progress in what I told you last time?" Li Zhuang's title was the same as before. Lisa was a little dissatisfied, but Da Mian didn't care. It was very common in Australia, so she didn't bother to care.

    "Haha, I asked for you and am planning to call you in the next few days. The state government has never dealt with a similar situation before and they discussed it for a long time. They said they support well-known companies like United Technologies Corporation in engaging in public welfare activities.  , it is not difficult to buy desert, but the area is too large, and the parliament cannot pass it for the time being. What they mean is to establish a desert management company first, and the land that is successfully managed by the company can be given priority to obtain ownership, and the taxes and fees will be halved, and the plants and crops on it will not be affected.  Ecological balance shall prevail, and the rest will be left to the company. If minerals are mined, the government will still impose taxes, but based on the taxes and fees of other mining companies operating in the desert, there will be certain discounts."

    He suddenly stopped over there, as if he was drinking water. Li Zhuang couldn't help but urge him: "Keep talking, don't hesitate."

    "What are you in a hurry for? Do you really want to buy a desert? This is boring. Forget it, I'll continue talking."

    "The specific location, water intake and local coordination issues need to be discussed with the Port Hedland Government and the Broome Government, and approved by the local council. My father can help, so don't worry about this, but I suggest building a seawater  The desalination plant, the amount of water in the Fitzroy River is not enough."

    "In terms of employees, there are some volunteers who are willing to join the company. These people have experience in desert management. However, I think it is necessary to introduce a group of laborers from China. The labor costs in Australia are very high."

    Li Zhuang thought to himself: "When did you have this concept? Domestic labor is not cheap now." Having spent time in a factory, he knew that ordinary employees were very difficult to manage, and everything was in a mess under the general environment.  Many company owners cannot make any money at all, and they only work to maintain the factory. In essence, they work for relevant departments and have to support the workers.

    Da Mian is right, ?The village has investigated.  There is simply not enough water in the Fitzroy River to meet the requirements of desert transformation, and water allocation can easily cause disputes.  Western Australia has a serious water shortage. Even Australia as a whole, although surrounded by sea, is an arid continent and requires a lot of investment in desalination.  Li Zhuang's plan is to first choose a suitable location between Broome and La Grange to build a desalination plant, power it with solar cells, and then send fresh water and electricity to the desert.  The steel plant he planned was close to Highway 1, so that in the future it would be easy to take advantage of the Pilbara region's high-quality iron ore, and metallurgical coal and other minerals would also be easily transported by road.

    The specific details need to be investigated before the construction plan can be determined. This is not something that can be done just by scratching the head.  The two chatted for a while and then hung up the phone. Da Mian said he would send him an email.

    In order to transform the desert, Li Zhuang has to rely on Guobao's biotechnology laboratory. When he thinks of the biological laboratory, he finds it quite interesting. Guobao and his friend Zheng Fei are both interesting.

    Speaking of Sun Guobao, he is the most low-key laboratory director in the company.  Since the company was founded two years ago, other project teams have made great achievements, but there has been no movement in his laboratory.  The security of this laboratory is very strong, and the company spends a lot of money on it.  As for the exact amount spent, Wang Mei knew, but she refused to say.  In fact, Wang Mei couldn't figure out how much it cost.  Li Zhuang often uses his own private money to subsidize biotechnology laboratories. He is now a very rich man, richer than most people.

    People in the biological laboratory were tinkering with bottles and cans all day long. People in the company were a little interested at first. After all, this area is very mysterious. After seeing it too much, they didn't bother to pay attention to it.  The knowledge of the laboratory members is very complex and is not simply limited to biotechnology. Later, five researchers with medical doctorates even entered the laboratory.

    Since the end of the year before last, a bunch of large glass products have been introduced into the laboratory, which are very similar to those in science fiction movies.  Everyone joked with the national treasure about whether he planned to clone humans.  If you really plan to clone a human, find out how much it would cost to buy a maid or a handsome man.  Most of these people are not young, and their ideas are not as good as those of today's young people. Alizee and Beckham are the most popular.

    Naturally, the national treasure would not dare to clone humans in the country. Even if he had the strength, he would not even dare to think about it.  During this time, he has been busy with the plants and growth regulators that Li Zhuang told him to use for desert transformation.

    Li Zhuang still remembers the original conversation. He has a good relationship with the national treasure and has little worries when talking about things.  He didn't hide the idea of ??buying a desert to renovate and then become the leader of the village.  The national treasure comes from a farm family, just like Li Zhuang.  When I went to college, I almost studied agriculture, but because I didn't know much about it when I applied for the program, I accidentally ended up in the biology base class of F University. However, I later studied as a graduate student in botany.  Genetic engineering is very popular. Guo Bao followed the trend and studied for a Ph.D., but he did not expect that he had a talent far beyond ordinary people in this area.

    Li Zhuang wants to be the owner of the manor, and National Treasure wants it even more. He even joked with Li Zhuang that he would give birth to a small national treasure to manage his large estate.  Li Zhuang said that you and your wife are not young now and will never be born again until death.  The national treasure rolled his eyes and said, "You don't even know what I'm studying."

    Regarding the desert transformation project, Guobao was familiar with it as he had done relevant research when he was a master's student. His friend Dr. Zheng Fei is an expert in botany.  Desert transformation is very complex. Soil, water sources, suitable plants, invasive species, plant growth regulation, climate, etc. all need to be carefully considered. Transformation cannot be achieved simply by inserting a super species into the desert.

    Cost is the biggest obstacle, and it is also very difficult to develop plant varieties that have little impact on the surrounding ecology. Money and technology are indispensable.

    Both of them grew up watching Doraemon. It was Doraemon who was later named after the original work. He was a chubby and overweight guy who remembered the episode about the rapid growth agent.  Of course, in reality, there is no rapid plant growth agent that comes out of thin air, but Guobao said that it can be solved by nutrient solution that promotes root cell division.  He has been developing the formula for many years, and there are no technical obstacles. The plants to be planted for trial use have also been genetically modified based on native Australian desert plants.

    The implication of national treasure is very simple, it is the word "money".  Li Zhuang spent a lot of thought on the biological experiment expert system developed for him. The biological laboratory has the smallest number of employees among all laboratories, with less than fifty people. However, the requirements for national treasures are very high, and everyone who comes in is a  Top it.  He is not a nerd with no practical knowledge. He knows that desert transformation costs a lot of money. During this period, he fully perfected and improved his originally planned nutrient solution formula and genetically modified plants to reduce Lizhuang's financial burden.

    In the national treasure plan, cacti plants, modified baobab trees, and medicinal plants suitable for domestic needs that grow in large desert areas are included.??, is the key point.

    Cactus plants have been introduced to Australia for some years. They were originally introduced as ornamental plants.  But later it multiplied in large numbers in Queensland and New South Wales and spread everywhere, causing tens of millions of hectares of fertile land to be unable to grow pasture and crops, turning it into a major public nuisance.  The national treasure plans to use genetic modification to enhance drought resistance and reduce the reproduction rate. He even plans to turn it into an edible cactus.

    Baobab trees are endemic to African savannahs and deserts. Baobab trees are famous for their unique shapes.  Guo Bao has been to Africa with his mentor before and studied there for a month. He thought that this plant could be turned into a low bucket-shaped plant and then mass-produced breadfruit, which could be roasted and eaten.

    Li Zhuang is a lazy person in life and likes to eat bread, but he is still shocked by the plan of the national treasure.  Not to mention that although eating cactus has many benefits, it tastes bad and not many people like to eat it. It is estimated that not many people dare to eat the modified genetically modified cactus, which is a national treasure.  Baobab trees are full of treasures, and he has no objection to planting them in large quantities, as long as the water source can keep up, but when they are eaten as bread, he really does not have the courage to eat mutated breadfruit without knowing what consequences it will have.

    Research on genetically modified foods has been booming in recent years, and many crops have been actually planted. Now the domestic public has noticed this, and attacks on genetically modified foods have become more frequent.  It took nature tens of millions of years to transform things, but it took humans just a few years to transform them into reality. The impact of large-scale planting on the environment and the impact of consumption on the human body need to be carefully studied.

    Research on the use of genetically modified plants for desert transformation has taken more than a day or two. The main problem is that botanists cannot determine the impact on ecological balance. No one dares to plant large quantities. If the environment changes beyond recognition, it will cost unimaginable money.  An astronomical amount of money and manpower is needed to remove these plants.  A small cactus is enough to cause headaches for farmers in Australia. Sun Guobao plans to plant hundreds of thousands of square kilometers. Not to mention whether Li Zhuang can solve the financial problem, the pressure from an environmental group and the government alone is enough.  Let the plan die.

    A team of scientists from the Biological Laboratory has been working near the Great Sandy Desert near the Fitzroy River for half a year, conducting detailed research on the local soil, climate, water sources, desert plants, indigenous people, and possible potential mineral resources.  , and sent the data to the laboratory through the satellite network.

    Using these data, Guobao used the loudspeaker to simulate the potential ecological balance change curve in the next few hundred years, and swore that his words were absolutely feasible.  Even so, Li Zhuang asked him to go there first to do some small-scale experiments and submit the experimental results to relevant agencies of the Western Australia government for approval to avoid unnecessary disputes in the future.  The national treasure knew that the matter was important. Although he felt that his research had been very detailed, he did not dare to take it lightly, so he agreed.

    The greenhouse effect makes May days hotter in advance, but the discussion within the company about the newly launched super estate plan is even more heated.  This incident caused such a big fuss that even the bosses of the city government and the industrial zone were alarmed.  The secretary and mayor of K City personally came to the company to ask if they planned to evacuate. Li Zhuang and Robinson assured that it was just a plan of the parent company and it would be business as usual here, which made the public servants feel relieved.  The dissemination effect of the super estate plan is not without effect, at least the efficiency of government departments has been greatly improved.

    The bosses who invest in the industrial zone are also very interested in this plan. Director Yang and Director Zhou are all old and will retire in a few years.  They all have Australian green cards, and even most of the bosses in the industrial zone hold Australian green cards or have been naturalized in Australia. Some people jokingly call the K-city industrial zone an Australian gang, just like the Singapore gang in Sioux City.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????¡­  The super estate plan proposed by Wesson Technology this time made them very tempted.  Director Yang wanted to build a large estate there to raise chickens and ducks, while Director Chou wanted to raise horses.  As for other bosses, they have all kinds of ideas. Some want to grow ornamental plants, others want to grow medicinal materials. Anyway, they all do it based on their interests.  Even Li Hui called Li Zhuang and asked if she could get a piece of land in the super estate. She wanted to grow flowers.  She knew that the price of land in the transformed desert would be very cheap, and that other places in Australia, with her financial ability, might not be able to afford it. Australia's taxes are very heavy.

    After three years of development, United Technologies Corporation has numerous subsidiaries and has become a veritable group.  DaMian is promoting automation systems on a large scale overseas, and the entire group is very well funded.  Competitors are not willing to lag behind. Prices of originally expensive automatic production lines have dropped significantly. Automation technology is developing at a rapid pace. This has also caused unemployment rates to rise in countries around the world that have just calmed down from the economic crisis, labor conflicts have become acute, and demonstrations have occurred one after another.

    ?Hybrid and electric vehicles?It is slowly becoming popular, and the construction of charging stations is accelerating. Power grid companies in various countries have conducted a lot of research on fast charging technology, and the technology is improving rapidly.  Small chemical fuel suppliers are building power plants one after another, while big ones are thankful that the world is still inseparable from oil and coal. Demand in other industries such as plastics and chemicals is strong, and they are not worried about their future decline.

    The innovation of automobile power combination has also brought about the migration of talents. A large number of talents who were originally engaged in research on automobile engines and transmissions suddenly lost their jobs. Battery engineers and electrical engineers have become popular.  DaMian has recruited hundreds of senior talents in precision machinery from Western Europe, enriching the research capabilities of its Perth headquarters.

    The security review of the group is very strict. Singer himself is a master of computers. The big speaker can¡¯t find any useful information, but the photos and basic resume are still complete, and the big face will not miss it.  Then again, Singer worked at IBM, got along well, and was relatively traditional. He didn't like Wesson Technology's model. He only called Li Zhuang a few times, and the two parties were not much different from strangers. Although he  My friend Yamamoto works here.

    As for Thomas, he has been in contact with Li Zhuang about joining.  At the beginning of the year, he gave up the dead-end job of an agent. His personality was not suitable for being an employee of a special government department. He was only recruited by the relevant departments while studying at MIT.  Li Zhuang asked him to wait. The company's current strength is not suitable for recruiting employees with experience in Citi-related departments.  Thomas was helpless, knowing that his experience was not very glorious and he was often looked down upon in the technical circle.

    With the help of his father, Mr. Wilson, Da Mian soon established the Wilson Desert Management Co., Ltd. and recruited a large number of talents in desert management and survival.  A Species and Ecological Balance Laboratory has also been established at the company's Perth headquarters, and partnerships with several universities and research institutions have been established.

    Domestically, in June, a super estate project team led by a biotechnology laboratory, a new energy laboratory and a new materials laboratory was established. A large number of employees were recruited and went to Australia for on-site inspections to determine the construction plan.

    Except for Lizhuang¡¯s own project, everything seems to be going well.  ;
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