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Volume 1: A Difficult Beginning Chapter 1: The Unlucky Alta

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    Li Zhuang heard his cell phone ringing in a daze. He picked it up and saw that it was his sister calling.

    "Girl, what's the matter?"

    Li Zhuang was startled by his own voice, which was as hoarse and dry as a torn rag.

    "Brother, what's wrong with you? Are you sick? Didn't you say you'd be back on Monday? I've been calling you these days. Why don't you answer the phone? I'm so anxious."

    "No, I didn't hear it. I was too tired. I took a rest."

    ¡°That¡¯s good, I want to discuss with you about applying to volunteer. What do you think about Z University?¡±

    "Z is pretty good. If you are confident, you can apply, but I think F is better. You can weigh it yourself."

    "Well, let me think about it and call you in a few days."

    Li Zhuang said goodbye to his sister. He picked up his cell phone and looked at it. Sure enough, there were several caller IDs on it. The dates were all from yesterday and this morning.

    Could it be that he slept for two days and two nights by himself?

    Li Zhuang went into the bathroom, wiped his face, and looked in the mirror. He was startled by the person in the mirror.  He has an unkempt beard, sunken eye sockets, and a few white hairs. There is not much flesh visible on his face, and his clothes are fluffy and hanging on his frame. This does not look like the face of a normal healthy man. He looks like a baifen ghost and a tuberculosis ghost.  Compared to a few days ago, there were two people.

    I stumbled and almost fell. I felt powerless and my stomach growled.  Li Zhuang quickly took out the cereal from the refrigerator, cooked it as quickly as possible, and put the few remaining high-tech eggs into the pot.

    After eating and drinking, Li Zhuang was a little excited and a little scared when he thought about the scene that happened a few days ago.

    At that time, Li Zhuang saw white spots shining and moved his chair closer to see what was going on.  It was nothing at first, but slowly the white spots in front of his eyes began to enlarge. Suddenly, a cold chill passed through his brain, and his eyes blurred. Li Zhuang found that the environment around him had completely changed.

    There are so many stars, the starry sky is so deep, it can¡¯t reach the sky or the earth, yet he is standing on the river of stars.

    "My friend, welcome to the world of Kallus."

    An old voice floated over, and an old man in a white robe suddenly appeared in front of Li Zhuang.

    Li Zhuang was startled, "God? Alien? Monster?"

    "According to what you said, I am an alien. I don't know if there are gods or not."

    "How do you know what I'm thinking?" Li Zhuang asked.

    "We are communicating through consciousness. I have scanned your brain, and my image has been simulated according to your ideas. Okay, we don't have much time, so listen carefully."

    "My hometown is the Kallus Galaxy. Don't ask me where I am. I don't know. Maybe it's not in this space, maybe it's not in this time. How far away it is, I guess I won't know for another hundred thousand years. The universe is so vast.  beyond our imagination.¡±

    The old voice paused, and then said: "I don't have a name, and our people don't need names, but you can call me Alta. According to your classification, we should be a kind of spar life, which can also be said to be  A kind of crystal spirit. We were born near the center of the galaxy. No one knows how we appeared. The crystal space we are in now is what you think of as a black ball. In fact, it is not black originally. We call it a soul.  Crystal is a special kind of purple crystal mined near the center of the galaxy. It is our tool and our prison. We sometimes use it as a high-level memory crystal. Our people all have a piece made of  The soul crystals distributed by the temple. The crystal ball outside is called the guidance crystal. It is a widely used tool for us. It can help us communicate with other lives and use energy crystals to replenish the energy of the soul crystal for us. "


    The old man in white robe talked a lot.

    Li Zhuang can understand some of them, but not others. After all, the two civilizations are very different, but the basic meaning is still clear.

    First, this guy comes from a very distant galaxy, I don¡¯t know where, maybe not in this space.

    Second, he used the imbalance caused by the explosion of galaxies to make hasty jumps in space.  According to the few space theory derivation Li Zhuang has read, disorderly space jumping is very dangerous even in the same main space, and it is easy to lose track of where you are running.  The energy of the galaxy explosion was too huge, maybe it tore apart his main space, maybe not.

    Third, the shock of the space jump severely injured him. What we see now is the projection of his soul, which can be understood as our computer backup at a certain time period.  His spaceship drifted in the galaxy for hundreds of thousands of years, unable to find energy to replenish it. It crashed on Earth 50,000 years ago, leaving only the strongest soul crystals and guidance crystals.

    ?Fourth, Li Zhuang was not the first Earthling he met, and there were many stories during that period.  Li Zhuang was able to come here mainly because he had a developed mind and his special experiences made his Alpha brain waves and Theta brain waves pure and powerful.

    Fifth, maintaining soul projection requires a special sub-space structure, which requires a huge amount of energy. The soul crystal has been consuming its own energy reserves.  As an intelligent life, Alta is like sitting in a prison for hundreds of thousands of years. No other energy enters the space of the soul crystal. Alta cannot commit suicide even if he wants to. He can only watch death coming slowly.  The process of waiting for death is the most painful.

    Sixth, the memory crystal data in the soul crystal has Alta's spiritual imprint. Once Elta dies, the data will become uninterpretable waste.  When the galaxy exploded, only a very small number of tribesmen escaped, and it was unknown whether they could survive. Alta thought that if he could pass on his civilization in this strange star field, it would at least be a tribute to his tribe.

    Suddenly, the old man in white robe stopped, "Your body can't hold it anymore. All other information is left in the memory crystal. You can read the information in it by pressing it against your forehead. Goodbye, my friend!"

    In an instant, Li Zhuang returned to his body.

    The sweat on the ground turned into rivers, my forehead was hot, my headache was splitting, and my heart was beating as if I had run several 100-meter sprints.  The human body is too fragile. To maintain ultra-high-energy brain wave output, it is lucky not to die.  He collapsed on the chair, and it took him a long time to slowly get up. He emptied all the food he could find in the kitchen, and then fell on the bed and fell asleep.

    Thinking of this, Li Zhuang looked at the table.

    "Hey, why did the crystal ball turn white? It won't be scrapped, right? Where is the black ball?"

    The crystal ball became small and white, but the black ball on the side turned into something like ice jade. The mist inside seemed to be slowly rolling, and the volume was only slightly larger than the glass beads next to it.

    Li Zhuang looked at the crystal ball. Well, it was a white ball now. He picked up the small ball that looked like an emerald bead and said, "I will call you Emerald Ball from now on."

    "How to get in?"

    Theoretically, the strongest brain wave output is the pineal gland. He followed Alta's instructions and put the emerald ball on his forehead, just like meditation in Qigong, thinking about entering the emerald ball.

    "Aha, it really shines." Li Zhuang was as happy as a child.

    He came out, went in, and came out again. Suddenly, he felt dizzy. Only then did Li Zhuang remember that this was not fantasy.  In the material world, the movement of anything requires energy.

    After leaving the house, which he had not left for several days, Li Zhuang first went to a jewelry store, planning to provide a complete home for these two little darlings.  Looking at Li Zhuang, who was gesticulating and describing the specifications and requirements, the jeweler took a long time to hold back a sentence: "Isn't this a dog leash? Why does it have to be so strong?"

    Li Zhuang¡¯s head was full of black lines, ¡°When did I turn into a dog?¡± I didn¡¯t bother to explain to him anymore, so I paid the deposit and agreed to pick it up after 20 days.

    After dinner and a few laps in the park to relieve fatigue, Li Zhuang returned to where he lived.  He really wanted to know what message Alta left him, but his body couldn't bear it, so he had to endure it.

    After walking on a familiar road, we entered the jade ball, and a feeling of familiarity filled our hearts.

    "Where is Elta's information?" Li Zhuang just thought of this, and a hexagonal crystal flashed and flew in front of Li Zhuang, unfolding automatically.

    "Friend, when you saw this news, I had completely disappeared. I hope Kallus' civilization can reappear in your hands soon. I have used the energy of the soul crystal to engrave your soul on the control system.  , you will be the sole owner of this soul crystal from now on. But I have bad news to tell you, the energy of the soul crystal is no longer enough to support soul projection, and you can only use it as a memory crystal in the future."

    Li Zhuang heard Alta mention the word soul more than once, "Soul? What is the soul? I don't understand. It's a fantasy and science fiction thing. According to scientists' experiments, it does exist. Boss, why don't you explain what it is?  Soul, lest I faint."

    The amount of information in Alta was huge, and there were some things that Li Zhuang didn¡¯t understand at all, so he had to analyze them step by step.

    In the eyes of us earthlings, the homeland of the Kales tribe is like a paradise, with all kinds of gems and crystals everywhere.  That kind of beauty can only be seen in games.

    The Kalus people seemed to suddenly appear in the universe. From the beginning, their civilization level was extremely high.  With the power of energy crystals, their spaceships can fill the sky, and everyone is an outstanding scientist.  The Calus people were born from a kind of gray soul crystal. The gray crystal comes from the crystal mine closest to the core of the galaxy. Every few decades, a gray crystal appears in a certain place.At a specific location, the first-born Kales built a temple at this location.

    The total population of the Calus grew intermittently into the millions, then stabilized and never increased again.  All intelligent beings have a desire for knowledge. The more advanced a civilization is, the more it feels that there are many unknown things outside, so it believes in the existence of God.  There may not be a God in the world, but when faced with things that I have been unable to understand in my entire life, who else but God could set such sophisticated rules?

    The Kales do not care whether it is peace or war.  In this galaxy or even in the several large galaxies they know, there is no existence that can fight against it.  The long and near-immortal life gives the Kalus people plenty of time to do whatever they want.  Every intelligent life has its own personality preferences, and gradually ordinary Kalus people become extremely boring.

    "Big galaxy? Like the Milky Way? It's big enough. It's estimated that after I turn into ashes for hundreds of thousands of years, humans may not be able to complete the exploration of the Milky Way. The Kalus people are indeed powerful enough." Li Zhuang muttered in his heart, and then continued  See information on Alta.

    Tens of millions of years later, the first suicide occurred among the Kallus tribe, and the soul collapsed on itself.  The temple didn't pay much attention to it at first. There were too many unforeseen accidents in the universe. But what happened one after another in the hundreds of thousands of years later made the temple start research in this area.

    The Purple Soul Crystal is the product of research in this area.  In order to avoid the reduction of clan members, the temple used the soul matrix to imprint the souls of each clan member onto the giant purple soul crystal in the temple. In the words of the people on earth, it was a backup so that they could be resurrected in the event of an accident.  Each clan member has a small purple crystal that complements the amethyst of the temple, and can also serve as a high-level memory crystal and a refuge.

    The number of tribesmen has not decreased any more. The special structure has allowed Amethyst to gradually have another function, which is to imprison, to punish those tribesmen who destroyed the planet and civilization due to boredom or some nonsensical reasons.

    Saying goodbye to the possibility of destruction, the elders of the temple began even more crazy research.  What exactly is in the core of a galaxy?  In the tens of millions of years since its birth, no Kalusian has ever been able to get close to the place where the gray soul crystal is produced.

    ??Continuous testing and constant adjustment.  I don¡¯t know what day it was, but an accident occurred in a super-scale experiment, and the galaxy slowly collapsed.

    When the big bang happened, Elta was inspecting a planet on the edge of the galaxy.  (Inspection? Li Zhuang slandered, maybe this guy is bored and wandering around, looking for something to do.)

    Taking advantage of the imbalance of galaxy collapse, Elta hastily launched a disorderly space jump to unknown extragalactic galaxies.  Elta's spaceship originally had six guidance crystals, but four were lost in the space storm due to the excessive output power of the energy crystals. Elta's gray soul crystal was severely damaged and had to be integrated into the purple soul crystal, which resulted in  Purple Soul Crystal requires huge energy.  Elta had no star map of the Milky Way and had to explore everywhere to find high-energy supplies.  He discovered the Earth during his exploration. After a long journey of tens of thousands of light years, the spacecraft barely reached the sky above the Earth and finally collapsed.  Elta sadly fell into the desert, with only one of the two guiding crystals by her side.

    I don¡¯t know how much time passed, and I don¡¯t know how long Elta stayed in the desert.

    The first person to meet Elta was a herdsman.  At that time, amethyst was very beautiful and was regarded as a symbol of good luck and wealth and was presented to the king. The king gave it and the guidance crystal to his generals.  The guy was very strong. Alta, who was desperate and impatient, didn't think too much and came up with the idea of ??seizing the body, although he also knew that seizing the body was a very dangerous and unpredictable behavior.  Who knew that guy would turn into an idiot? Alta failed to seize his body, and his body and soul were severely damaged.

    Seeing this, Li Zhuang broke out in a cold sweat. Alta was not a good guy. At the same time, he also despised him, saying that the Kales people were all scientists, and others might be, but Alta was probably a boring person.  Rich playboy.

    After this incident, the purple soul crystal was naturally thrown away as an unlucky thing.  As time goes by, the energy of the amethyst is gradually consumed, turning from the attractive purple into a worthless obsidian-like thing.

    After a long time, someone discovered the peculiarity of this thing, and presented it as the best obsidian to a Tibetan lama. A lama with advanced cultivation took it as a personal belonging.  The soul of a truly accomplished lama is pure and solid, and his brainwaves are extremely powerful. Alta tried to communicate with him, but was regarded as a monster. So after several struggles, his weakened soul was completely shattered, and the guiding crystal also disappeared.  It turns into an ordinary stone ball due to exhaustion of energy.

    Seeing this, Li Zhuang realized that the guidance crystal itself also contained energy, and turning white meant that the energy was exhausted.

    "Elta must find a crystal ball to communicate with me. It seems to use the energy and function of the crystal ball. They have no hands and feet, unlike us carbon-based creatures,Although the lower class is inferior, it is not without benefits. It dies quickly, lives quickly, and supplies are convenient.  It is estimated that Alta's universe is similar to ours, and energy is required to operate the equipment itself. Could it be that where in our universe is the Kallus Galaxy?  "Li Zhuang can only guess this, he is a rookie in space theory.

    In a subsequent incident, the black soul crystal was thrown into the desert after being tossed many times.

    I don¡¯t know how long it took, but Alta met a Western scientist who came to explore the desert.  Elta, who only had the soul projection left, was much more cautious.  The scientist was a Christian and a person with a strong thirst for knowledge. He quickly discovered the anomaly of the black soul crystal.  Unexpectedly, people's fate is unpredictable. This guy ran around, died of thirst, and turned into a mummy in the desert.  Alta had no choice but to continue hiding in the desert, waiting for the right person.

    "Then someone else got it, and Alta's nightmare harassment caused that person to have a mental breakdown and become a madman.  This guy is also very difficult to force. With the level of technology at that time, who can find the location of the remaining guidance crystal?  Even the most powerful country in the world cannot do it.

    In the end, the black soul crystal was dug out by a little guy while playing and placed in his own warehouse to wait for the enemy to come to his door.

    Seeing this, Li Zhuang couldn't help but sigh, Alta is so unlucky, the most unfortunate among the lucky, and the lucky among the unlucky.  It is too difficult for him to find a suitable communication partner on our planet due to his condition. Why didn't he fly to those galaxies with powerful power? I believe that with his initial strength, it is not too difficult to obtain a body. Gradually,  As it develops, it may be possible to recreate its own civilization.

    The God of Destiny was using Alta as a racket, but luckily he still had the ball in his hand.  What happened later was related to Li Zhuang, so there is no need to read it again.

    What is left is Alta¡¯s database. The capacity and richness of the database exceed Li Zhuang¡¯s imagination. After all, it is the accumulation of a special race over a long period of time.  Becoming the master of the jade ball, you can understand what it means when you see it, without the need for translation. The miraculous technology makes Li Zhuang a little stunned.

    As time went by, the initial joy slowly disappeared. Li Zhuang finally jumped up and cursed, "What are these things? The technical system and the minerals used cannot be found on the earth. There are no equivalents or similar ones. Some things are even the most outrageous."  It's not mentioned in the novel.  The most serious problem is in terms of weights and measures. The weights and measures cannot be determined, and all technical data are useless.  Alta uses a unit series called Pingguo. If this guy hadn't said it himself, Li Zhuang wouldn't have known how to read it, because the Kales tribe has no language and no need for language.  The writing used for daily records is also very special, and only the Kales people can understand it.

    The information Elta collected into the emerald ball is too far away from the low-level carbon-based life world like ours, and we don¡¯t have such a long time to squander it.  Every time a revolutionary new technology appears, it is often the beginning of a catastrophe. If it goes too far, everyone might end it together.  Human civilization is an accelerating spiral. The closer we get to the top, the more likely it is that problems will arise.

    Li Zhuang's excitement didn't last long. He was angry that he spent so much time and money and almost died, but he didn't have any information that could be used directly.  As for Elta, he didn't have high expectations. Even without any alien technology, he was confident that he could make a breakthrough.  It is normal to not get many useful things. How many outstanding scientists are working in District 51 in the United States, and even the alien relics belonging to our carbon-based mechanical civilization have not been figured out.  Sometimes it is difficult for two different civilizations on Earth to understand each other's behavior, let alone something from another planet. It is the same technology and there are no available minerals, so nothing can be done.

    Kallus¡¯ civilization level is too high. A super civilization that is close to the center of a galaxy with infinite gravity does not bother to record things that are too backward compared to them, just like a doctor or the like will not record the knowledge of elementary school students in their notes.

    What makes Li Zhuang happy is that a special person like him can watch the information in the Jade Ball as a documentary.  Elta recorded a lot of things on his way to Earth. Although it cannot be used in aerospace due to problems with weights and measures, it can at least learn some knowledge about the Milky Way. It is customized for an avid astronomy enthusiast like him.

    ¡°It¡¯s still of some use after all, and it¡¯s not in vain for all my hard work and effort, but the price of almost dying is too high, damn alien.¡± Li Zhuang thought about the danger he encountered and couldn¡¯t help cursing Alta.

    "There are other carbon-based organisms in Centauri?" Li Zhuang was shocked to see this record, and then looked at the record time. Hey, it was thousands of years ago. There were many stories about the earth at that time, so it was possible.  Elta's records said that those civilizations were of very low level, and he was too lazy to pay attention to them, so he left quietly.

    "Poor Alta, if you were as powerful as before, why did you need to hide?"?You must think that I am a fool.  "Li Zhuang nervously slandered the poor alien who didn't know where he was in his hometown.

    "It would be great if I could go to Centauri and travel around the Milky Way. I probably won't live to that age."

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