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Volume 1 Chapter 244 Happy Cooperation

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    Chapter 244 Happy Cooperation

    "What do you need me to do?" Bazin drank all the wine in the glass and poured another glass.

    Yi Lexiang immediately caught the small foreshadowing in Bazin's words.  He said "I" rather than "we", and he was obviously a qualified commander who was rigorous and responsible for his men.

    "Actually, we don't need you to do anything for me." Yi Lexiang Chongba praised Yang Jiongbei, "My only request for you and your men is that you can promise not to reveal our whereabouts."

    Bazin also heard some meaning in the other party's words. The young fleet commander also used the word "I", but the two meanings were completely different.  It was clear that the commander had absolute control over his fleet, and he did not need to ask anyone else's opinion.  This is rarely seen in military fleets.  Most troops need to discuss with their own staff before making any decisions, especially in countries with democratic systems.

    But Bazin racked his brains and couldn't think of such a young general in Charno. After all, Yi Lexiang's rise happened in recent years. He had never appeared in the sight of the imperial intelligence agency before, let alone  Textbooks appearing in military academies.  Even today, there are still some disputes within the Imperial Alliance regarding Yi Lexiang's series of victories, and many Imperial generals still regard him as a lucky boy.

    "You just trust me that much?"

    "This is not a question of whether I trust you or not, but a question of whether the people in power in your country trust you." Yi Lexiang smiled, showing a few white teeth.

    Bazin knew that Yi Lexiang's words were correct. No matter what he said to those corrupt bureaucrats, they would not believe him. They might even send him to the execution stand directly without giving him a chance to speak.  if they deem it necessary.

    There is no trial or defense in this country.

    Yi Lexiang silently tasted the wine in the cup. He usually didn't like drinking this kind of drink that would make people lose their calm judgment. He was just doing this now to pass the time while he waited.

    "Ifit's just a hypothesis, if we need your help, what do we need to pay?"

    "us"?  This is a good title.

    Yi Lexiang put down the wine glass in his hand and said seriously: "Nothing is needed. This is your own business. In fact, once you decide to resist, you are helping us, and helping you is equivalent to helping ourselves. As far as you are concerned,  , actually it¡¯s the same.¡±

    Bazin knew that the other party was right.  This young man was in control from the beginning and knew what the Resistance needed.  As the Empire's suppression of the Resistance became more and more severe, the situation for him and his men became more and more dangerous. It was already difficult for them to obtain urgently needed supplies from the ground.  Perhaps it won't be long before they are defeated by hunger and lack of supplies without the Empire's troops surrounding them.  Just look at the resistance officers in the conference room who are feasting, and you will know how scarce their supplies are.

    As far as he knows, several resistance forces have become interstellar pirates, and their image is gradually getting worse in the eyes of the people, until one day the people no longer want to support them.  But in order to survive, the resistance soldiers have no choice.

    "Supplies, ammunition and weapons, I need these."

    "I think you also need excellent commanders, some more advanced starships, and a base where you can hide. Let me think about it, there is also a professional intelligence network that can provide you with intelligence, and even a  A Starfleet that can be relied upon at critical moments?¡±

    "You can also provide these?" Bazin was a little unbelievable.

    "I can train commanders for you. Of course, if you want, I can also send you commanders directly. But I think this is not a good idea. Your army is different from mine, and you won't agree." Yi  Lexiang smiled.

    Bazin nodded sheepishly, no one was willing to insert military commanders from other armies into their own army.

    "But I can provide you with a tactical advisory group. The starship cannot be provided to you yet. You see, my fleet and I are being hunted, and we have to fight all the way back to our country from here. But I can  You can share Chengpiao Astronomy with me."

    Bazan nodded happily, it was enough to deal with the fleet of Orbis's empire.

    "No, it's not enough. As far as I know, when you gain the upper hand, other empires will definitely interfere. The Imperial Alliance will never allow any problems to their granaries. Therefore, you need to carefully maintain a weak balance.  , until you have the strength to compete.??Interference of the Imperial Alliance.  It's hard, and unless we achieve decisive victory on the frontal battlefield, it's unlikely that you and your people will be able to do it.  I can give you a little advice, you are a resistance army, not an insurgent army trying to overthrow the regime.  This will allow you to live longer.  "

    "What can we do for you?" Bazin said, understanding what General Charnot meant.

    "If you are willing, you can provide us with some intelligence and provide some cover for our military operations. We will leave here soon, and we will fight all the way back. You can take the opportunity to develop your power or create some chaos."

    Bazin nodded, he didn¡¯t know this young General Charnot yet.  Speaking of which, he seemed to have never heard of anyone who could obtain such a high military rank at this age.  Of course, the royal family of the empire is not included in this. Their princes are all generals, but Charno is different. It is a democratic country.  At the same time, he still had doubts about Yi Lexiang's promise, but he had no choice at all.

    Yi Lexiang pointed to Toby who was grabbing food, "He should be fine. And it seems that he should be qualified for the position of an army officer."

    Bazin nodded subconsciously. He didn't know how the young man judged this.  But he made the same judgment about Toby.

    "Okay, let them do the rest. I think we can arrange a cocktail party to celebrate, and we ensure that all foods are natural." Yi Lexiang ended the conversation with a joke.

    However, at the cocktail party an hour later, the officers under Toby and Bazin were a little unhappy. They ate too much in the conference room, which greatly restricted their appetite.  But Yi Lexiang was in a good mood. Natural food was very precious even to the United Fleet. He played a little trick that allowed him to save a lot of food materials.

    The combined fleet slowly left the "Wild Galaxy", and no one noticed that the fleet was missing dozens of warships.  They were left in the core area of ??the "Wild Galaxy".  In the next few months, they will build a space camouflage here and build a temporary base.

    Yi Lexiang has a bold plan. He is preparing to open a second battlefield in the rear of the Imperial Alliance.

    After leaving the "Black Star Area", the United Fleet immediately contacted the headquarters. The news of the Democratic Alliance sending troops made him both happy and worried.  Once Charno's military command authority is handed over to the theater command, it means that he can no longer command the troops according to his own intentions.  This was opposed by almost all the officers of the new army. They trusted Yi Lexiang and were simply unwilling to leave their fate in the hands of an outsider who had never met him before and was not even a Charno person.

    After repeated consideration, Yi Lexiang decided to take advantage of the opportunity when the Democratic Alliance did not understand the current situation in Charno to complete the reorganization of Charno's army.  His idea was supported by Lieutenant General Bu Yun.

    The four Annoki legions will be reorganized into the Annoki Free Army and will no longer be under the management of the Charno Command.  Nominally, the Free Army would be a liberal resistance force composed of volunteers.  This also means that all military supplies will no longer be obtained from Charno, and Annoki will become the only source of supplies.  Originally, this should be the most difficult problem faced by the Free Army after reorganization, but after obtaining the huge resources of the "Black Star Zone", this is no longer a problem.

    The original plan of the "Task Force" and "Kador Fleet" that secretly set off from Anokhi was to go to the capital star and receive the popularization of "spiritual guidance" there.  However, in view of the arrival of an advance military inspection team of the Democratic Alliance at the capital star, the itineraries of the two fleets had to be changed. Currently, they are secretly lurking near the interstellar dividing line between the Holy Alliance and Charno, preparing to meet the combined fleet.

    Bo Jiangang of Capital Star was not idle either. He did his best to mobilize a large number of troops from the actual control area of ????Charno to take over the defense lines stationed by the existing "Ninth Fleet" and "Abyss Fleet".  Fortunately, with the Democratic Alliance officially joining the war, the regiments originally stationed on the border were transferred to the front line.  At present, the Democratic Alliance Charno Theater Command has taken over the defense tasks of this line of defense.

    The two retreating fleets also secretly sneaked near the interstellar dividing line between the Holy Alliance and Charno, and the "Spark Project" had to be temporarily terminated.

    This made the new commander of the Empire's Charno Theater breathe a sigh of relief.  However, the Imperial High Command was furious about this.  This means that Yi Lexiang, who was besieged by them in the occupied area, may have secretly sneaked back into Charno territory, otherwise Charno's abnormal military actions cannot be explained.  Although the search work continues under the strict orders of the Imperial High Command, most of the fleet commanders on the front line believe that this is meaningless, and both the intensity and density of the search have been greatly reduced compared to before.
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