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Volume One Chapter 243 A Little Test

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    Chapter 243 A small test

    Yi Lexiang understood something from Bazin's silence, "We are not an imperial army, and our guns will never be aimed at civilians. I think you should understand that our two countries adopt different social forms.  "

    "Then what are you doing here?" Bazin said with some distrust.

    "To be honest, we are actually evading the pursuit of the imperial army." Yi Lexiang shrugged indifferently. There is no need to hide this information from the leader of the Orbis Resistance Army. They are now surrounded by his fleet.  , as long as he gives the order, the opponent will be wiped out in the intensive artillery fire.  And since the other party appears in this deserted area, it means that the other party's situation is not much better than his own.

    "AndI don't know how the empire describes this war, but we are not the one who started the war."

    Bazin was silent again. The imperial propaganda agency said that Charno provoked the war. They crossed the interstellar dividing line and massacred the people of the empire, but all this may be false.  He knew in his heart that this decadent country full of lies could do such a thing.  His eyes crossed the screen, and outside the porthole was the imposing and mighty Star Fleet, with the cold muzzle exuding the unique brilliance of energy cannons.

    "Perhaps, we can become friends, but before that I think there are still many things that need to be discussed."

    Yi Lexiang smiled, this is a good start.

    The shuttle boat of the Combined Fleet carried Bazin and his officers to the flagship of the Combined Fleet. Bazin was not afraid that the other party would be detrimental to him.  If the other party wants to kill himself and others, he only needs to order the starships that are eyeing him to fire directly.  The old resistance warships can't consume much energy from the opponent at all.  As for his soldiers, Bazin had no doubt that they were but a dispensable burden to such a well-trained fleet, and not worthy of prying eyes.

    Yi Lexiang led the officers of the combined fleet to greet Bazin and others at the cabin door. This kind of respect moved Bazin a little.  In the Orbis Empire, noble officials were always aloof. Even when he was the fleet commander, the nobles never looked at him, the son of a peasant, in the eyes.

    When the anxious resistance officers behind him saw the straight and gorgeous military uniforms on Yi Lexiang and others, a trace of envy flashed in their eyes, and they even felt a little ashamed of themselves.  How long have they been wearing their military uniforms?  Three years or five years?

    A resistance officer gently scratched the cold and smooth bulkhead of the starship with his hand. The biolight at the top of the corridor was extremely bright and extended into the distance. It was clean and tidy, unlike their old and damaged starship which was exposed everywhere.  There are flashing spark lines outside, and people are always careful when walking to avoid accidents.

    Walking into the conference room, Bazin unexpectedly found that several Orbis people who were as miserable as himself and others were sitting on the metal chairs next to the conference table with curious expressions on their faces.  Although there were yellow velvet sofas arranged around the conference room, they chose the seats furthest away from the sofa, perhaps because they were afraid that the dirt on their bodies would stain the clean and tidy backrest sofa.

    "These guys are from the spaceship that has been tracking behind you. They said they came to join the resistance army." Li Shaojun introduced, and behind him stood several military police equipped with individual armor.

    Bazan was surprised. He didn¡¯t know that someone had been tracking them behind the fleet.

    "I'm Toby!" Toby stood up. He still doesn't understand what happened.  Those heavily armed soldiers made him feel a little panicked.

    "Toby? Bounty hunter - Toby?" Bazan was surprised. He knew this person, but this person had always served the nobles. They captured criminals for noble officials in exchange for bounties.  But they are somewhat different from those bounty hunters who have no sense of right and wrong. At least they only accept those tasks they think they should accept.  "How did you find us?"

    Toby carefully took out a small tracker with a flashing red light from his arms. He noticed that when he reached into his arms, the muzzles of the plasma guns in the hands of the soldiers covered in thick armor were pointed at  He, a trace of cold sweat broke out involuntarily on his forehead. He had no doubt that if his actions were a little too extreme, they would shoot him on the spot without mercy.  In comparison, his beloved six-barreled Thor was like a toy in the hands of a child. He even suspected that even if the opponent stood still, the high-speed projectiles fired by Thor would not be able to penetrate the opponent's armor.

    Bazin subconsciously touched the "explosion collar" around his neck. The Resistance Army's technical officer tried all methods but could not remove this damn explosive device from his body. A tiny nanowire pierced the collar of his neck.  The skin was attached to his spine, and any attempt to cut the nanowires would blow his brains out.

    "I am from a noble family"I grabbed this task from my hands.  "Toby tried his best to put a sincere smile on his face. He knew that if Bazin could not believe in him, his "ally" (in Toby's view, Bazin came here to seek help from his "ally")  Help) will mercilessly turn himself, his team members, and the spaceship he lives on into cosmic dust. "We want to join the Resistance Army, this is my "gift."  "He placed the tracker gently on the table and took a few steps back.

    Li Shaojun took a few steps forward, picked up the tracker on the table, and looked at it carefully. "This is not the one that controls the "Explosive Collar". It is just a replica. It cannot unlock the "Explosive Collar". If you use  If it comes to unlock it, there will only be one result" Li Shaojun did not continue, he just glanced at Bazan, but everyone understood what he meant.

    "Ah!?" Toby opened his mouth in surprise. Those damn nobles didn't trust him at all. They actually gave him a replica.  If he hadn't met Bazin's "allies", he would have been torn to pieces by the angry resistance soldiers.  However, his situation is not optimistic at the moment. The officers behind Bazin are looking at him with suspicion.

    "Whether you know it or not, you are a "bait" and our situation is in danger." Bazin's voice was low. The nobles would not let him go, but the most important thing at hand was to move as soon as possible.  Since Toby is a "bait", he must be followed by the empire's pursuit fleet.

    Li Shaojun smiled, this Bazan was pretty good, at least he immediately realized that Toby was just a "bait".

    "You don't have to worry about this. You have entered the "Wild Galaxy" and everything is under our surveillance. Orbis's pursuit fleet has been led elsewhere by us."

    "'Wild Galaxy'?" Bazin asked strangely, and then he understood that this was Charno's name for this galaxy. The Orbis Empire called this galaxy the "Skoyax Galaxy", which means  It's a barren land, which is pretty much the same meaning.

    "A galaxy?" Toby asked stammering. He had never imagined that a fleet could monitor the entire galaxy. This is it is really amazing.

    Yi Lexiang pointed to the sofa, "Let's sit down and talk." This is not a formal military meeting, and there is no need for everyone to be so serious.  Sitting on a comfortable sofa makes it easier to get closer.

    "The Orbis Empire is a purely agricultural country. Many things that are easy to understand in the outside world may seem extremely incredible to you." Yi Lexiang explained with a smile, "Monitoring a galaxy is not a big deal.  A few monitoring satellites can do it. If necessary, it is also possible to monitor the entire star field. I think Commander Bazan should be aware of this."

    Yi Lexiang noticed that Bazin strictly enforced military etiquette. Only military students who graduated from military academies would understand these.  The Orbis Empire did not have such a military school. He speculated that Bazan should have received quite formal military training in other empires, so he should have a good idea of ??what the outside world is like.  This may be the reason why he stood up against the rule of the Orbis royal family.

    Bazan sat down on the yellow backrest sofa and stretched out comfortably. He was not a country bumpkin like Toby who had never left Orbis. He knew that the fabrics of these seemingly gorgeous fabric sofas on the starship were actually  It is specially made and has a self-cleaning function. No matter how you sit, it will be as tidy as new.  Just like the uniforms of these soldiers, you can't ask officers and soldiers who fight in the interstellar world all day long to take time to clean their uniforms.

    Several logistics soldiers walked into the conference room pushing trolleys filled with various foods and drinks. Bazin unceremoniously picked up a tall wine glass filled with white spirits and took a sip.  Seeing Bazin's unceremonious style, the following officers naturally followed suit, but their target was the food on the trolley.  Toby originally wanted to show his reserve, but when the smell of food began to irritate his nasal mucosa, he also joined the ranks of grabbing food.

    Yi Lexiang and Li Shaojun looked at each other and smiled, each taking a glass of wine and tasting it.  This is a small test, written by Li Shaojun.  Bazin's performance undoubtedly confirmed Yi Lexiang's speculation.  Bazin did have a good military education and had seen the outside world, which undoubtedly reduced the difficulty of communication between the two parties.

    Starfleet¡¯s food comes from artificial synthesis. In essence, these foods are no different from the food produced by the food manufacturing machines on the Resistance starships.  It's just that their food making machines are more advanced, and the food they produce is closer to the taste of natural food.  But the food making machine cannot brew fine wine, so these drinks are real fine wines, which were supplied from the capital star before the expedition.  Bazin did not choose the food, but picked up the wine glass.Of course he already knew this.  And he did not explain this to his subordinates. He obviously knew how to control his subordinates. These were standard courses in the military academy.
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