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Comprehensive comic of the moon world 48, The Blue Eye of the Demonic Eye

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    On May 8, 1998, when Mizaki Ming did not arrive at school, and seeing the indifference in the classroom, Sakakihara Tsuneichi felt something indescribably strange.

    The next day, according to the established plan, Sakakihara Tsuneichi went to the hospital to review his lung disease. After the examination was completed, he suddenly had an idea, so he returned to the hospital and walked into the hospital's inpatient building.

    "Eh? What's wrong, scary boy?" The person who said this was the hospital nurse Mizuno Sanae. As for why she called Sakakibara Tsuneichi the scary boy, it was because she often saw Sakakibara Tsuneichi while he was hospitalized.  I went to Sakakibara Tsuneichi to read horror novels. This person was also a victim of this year's events in the original work and died in an elevator accident. However, I will stop this.

    "Ah, hello." Seeing this nurse, Sakakibara Tsuneichi was relieved. Some of the things he wanted to know were about to start with this nurse.

    "What's wrong, Sakakibara - Tsuneichi-kun, you're here again. Could it be that the condition is serious again?"

    "No, it's not." With a hint of panic, Tsuneichi Sakakibara shook his head: "I came for a follow-up visit today, and the examination said there is nothing wrong."

    "That's it. Then, why are you here?"

    "Well, uh, because I want to see Miss Mizuno." Although it didn't feel appropriate, Sakakihara Tsuneichi still said such words that were similar to teasing.

    "Oh, I'm so happy." The beautiful nurse responded as if she was acting.

    "There are no like-minded people in the new school? Or maybe it's just too lonely Probably not. So why are you here?" Then, Sanae Mizuno returned to his normal tone.

    "Umwell, actually, I want to ask you something, so"

    Sakakihara Tsuneichi and Mizuno Sanae are very familiar with each other because of a conversation they had when they were hospitalized.

    ¡°Do you only read this kind of book?¡± When Mizuno Sanae said this, Sakakihara Tsuneichi was reading a Stephen King novel.

    "It's not just this kind of book."

    "So, what else is there?"

    ¡°Hmm¡­it looks like Kunz¡­¡±

    From that day on, Mizuno Sanae will call Sakakibara Tsuneichi a "terrible boy".

    After that, the two of them became friends, and another conversation between them was described in the original work:

    "There are very few people who read this kind of book when they are in the hospital."

    "Very few?"

    ¡°Because it¡¯s too fearful and too painful, wouldn¡¯t ordinary people try to avoid these things? Because my condition and injuries are already very scary and painful.¡±

    "Yeah, but anyway, if it's a sentence in a book, I'm not very"

    "Really? It's exactly like that. It's amazing, scary boy."

    In fact, Sanae Mizuno is an avid lover of horror novels.  She has dabbled in both Eastern and Western novels as well as ancient and modern novels, not only reading novels but also watching movie adaptations.  There is no one with the same interests as her in the workplace, and she feels a little lonely.

    Of course, these are things in the past.

    "April 27th - that is, last Monday. Did any girl die in the hospital that day?" This is what Sakakibara Tsuneichi wanted to ask.

    "April 27th?" No matter who it is, it will feel strange to be asked this kind of question suddenly, and Mizuno Sanae is the same.  "Last Monday? At that time, Sakakibara-kun had just been admitted to the hospital

    "Hey. It happened to be that day, the day I received closed therapy."

    "Why are you asking this suddenly?"

    Sakakihara Tsuneichi was not confident enough to explain the matter clearly. He answered like this: "Nowell, there is something that I am very concerned about."

    Yes, what he = Sakakibara Tsuneichi wants to know is about the girl he cares about - Mitsaki Naru.

    There are no wards or examination rooms on the second underground floor. Apart from the warehouse and machine room, there is only a morgue

    ¡°If at that time, the girl named Mizaki Naru went to the morgue.  No ordinary person would visit an empty morgue.  From a common sense point of view, there must be someone's body placed there, Sakakihara Tsuneichi reasoned like this.

    Furthermore, from what Miizaki Ming said about "my poor half body", Sakakihara Tsuneichi had a vague feeling that it was a girl.

    In fact, that child was Misaki Fujioka who died on April 27th in the original work. However, due to my intervention, she is still feigning death. In order to prevent her fake death from turning into real death, I put her in ice afterwards.  She sealed it up and set up a barrier to "drive away idlers" at her location

    "It seems like a very subtle thing." Mizuno Sanae puffed up her cheeks slightly and stared at Sakakihara Tsuneichi's face.  "Even if I asked you to explain it in detail now, you wouldn't say it That's right."

    "Any clues?"

    "At least, there is not one among the patients I am responsible for. However, there should be one in the ward building."

    "Then, let's forget about that" Sakakihara Tsuneichi changed the question: "On that day, did you see a girl in uniform in the ward building?"

    "What? Another girl?"

    "Wearing a middle school uniform. A blue jacket. Short hair, and an eyepatch on his left eye."

    "Eye patch? Are you an ophthalmology patient?Ah, wait a moment. Wait a moment."

    "Have you seen it?"

    "It's not that one, it's the person who died that day"


    "Um, so to speakit seems that there is such a thing"


    "Probably, but. I only heard a little bit"

    Mizuno Sanae took Sakakihara Tsuneichi from the corridor to the waiting room, because standing in the corridor and talking would cause trouble to other people.

    "Although I'm not sure, last Mondayare you sure it was that time? For a girla young patient who had not been hospitalized for a long time died suddenly. I heard that's the case."

    "Where's that person's name? Do you know? That person's name, the name of the disease, etc., more details."

    "Let me check it for you."

    "May I?"

    "If it's a secret investigation, it's not difficult to find out.  Bring your cell phone."

    "Ah, yes."

    ¡°What¡¯s the number?¡± Mizuno Sanae instructed decisively, taking out her mobile phone from the pocket of her white coat.  "I'll tell you as soon as I find out."

    "Really? Is this okay?

    "This is a friendship with similar interests. It seems like there is some special reason for coming here." The nurse who likes horror said this, rolled her eyes mischievously, and smiled.  "In exchange, you have to tell me your reasons later. Okay? Scary boy."


    After leaving the hospital, Tsuneichi Sakakibara got off the bus at a station called Hongzuki Street. After eating at a fast food restaurant, he went to a nearby small commercial street. Tsuneichi Sakakihara wandered around like this and walked into a small  The alley, and then after an unknown amount of time, he found that he was lost

    "The blue eyes lingering in the dusk of night sight"

    Sakakihara Tsuneichi saw a sign like this. There was an old white wooden board like a house sign hanging under the sign, with the following words written on it in beautiful calligraphy: "Please come in. - Workshop."

    This is a doll workshop.  To be precise, what Tsuneichi Sakakibara came to at this moment was the doll workshop of Mitsaki Naru's nominal mother, Mitsaki Yukiyo, also known as Kirigo.  Although he is just an ordinary person, Kirigo actually made the magic eye and installed it in the left eye that Mizaki Naru lost due to a tumor when he was 4 years old. My opinion on this  There is some kind of existence that manipulates her to do this, and it is most likely that she has a mutually hostile relationship with the guy who arranged the spell here, because a normal person would not think of making a prosthetic eye for his beloved daughter.  This comes with a lot of risk.

    Just when Tsuneichi Sakakihara was fascinated by the doll, his cell phone rang, and the caller was Sanae Mizuno.

    "I found out what happened just now!"

    At this time, Sakakihara Tsuneichi learned about the death of a girl named Misaki.

    May 16th.

    Sakakihara Tsuneichi came to the workshop again and entered the inside of the workshop for the first time.

    May 22nd.

    For several days, even though I saw the girl named Mizaki Ming, I didn¡¯t speak to her.  After school, Tsuneichi Sakakihara, who happened to see Mizaki Ming, made a bold decision - tail travel.

    ?????????????????? Then, following, we came to the ¡°blue eye wandering under the dusk of Yami¡±.

    There, he saw a box that looked like a coffin, inside which displayed a nearly life-size doll. When he saw the face of the doll, Sakakihara Tsuneichi was stunned. This was¡ªMizaki Naru.

    "Hmm. I don't hate it here, Sakakibara-kun."

    At this moment, Sakakibara Tsune had the illusion that the doll was talking.

    "Whywhy are you here, why?"??  "

    In the shadow of the coffin, behind the dark red curtains, a girl emerged¡ªMizaki Ming.

    "Why" Sakakihara Tsuneichi was indeed frightened.

    "I didn't hide because I wanted to scare you." The girl's tone was still cold, "It's just that you came here by chance, so"

    "Speaking of you, why are you in this kind of place? Why do you suddenly appear from that kind of place? Really" The boy named Sakakibara Tsuneichi secretly complained in his heart.

    "It looks similar, right?" the girl asked.

    "Ah, yes."

    "It's very similar to But it's only half of me. Maybe not even half, maybe less than that." As she said that, the girl brushed away the hair on the left side of the doll. It was not an eyepatch, but a cyan one.  Eyes - Blue Eyes.

    "Why are you here?"

    "I just come here occasionally, because this place is not annoyingOn the contrary, I am the one who wants to ask this question."

    "Why do you, Sakakibara-kun, come to a place like this?"


    "I have noticed this store before. I saw it when I passed by by chance last week. So today, I made up my mind to come in"

    "Oh, it's an interesting coincidencesome people don't like dolls like the ones in this exhibition hall, but that's not the case with Sakakibara-kun."

    "Well, that's about right"

    "What do you think when you come in?"

    "It's really amazing. Although I can't explain it clearly, it's really beautiful. It doesn't feel like something from this world. I feel excited when I see it"

    "They are my favorite." This is a beautiful conjoined twin doll. "What a peaceful expression. Even though they are bound to each other, they are still so carefree, which is incredible."

    "Because we are bound to each other, we are carefree, isn't it?"

    "How is it possible? Although it is unbelievable to say this, it is because we are not connected that we feel at ease."


    "Isn't it usually the opposite?" Although Tsuneichi Sakakihara thought so, he did not say it out loud.

    "You are probably very concerned about why I always wear an eyepatch on my left eye."


    ¡°Then let me show you.¡±


    "Let me show you, under this blindfold."

    "Then, thatis that a prosthetic eye?"

    Those eyes were the same as those of the doll in the coffin, shining with inorganic light.

    "My left eye is the 'Eye of a Doll,'" the girl whispered like a whisper.  "Because I can see things I shouldn't, so I usually hide them."

    This - is a magic eye - the magic eye called "Eye of Blue"

    "Okay, Assassin, you can retreat." I ordered through the radio to Assassin, who was monitoring the boy and girl
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