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Text Chapter 332: The Hidden Enemy

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    Under Yu Guangrong's insistence, Yue Heng finally took three infantry fighting vehicles and two special operations teams, and the rescue team formed went to the village of the Sasang tribe.

    He was also appointed as the captain of the rescue team.

    No one disputes this.

    Because in the previous battle, Yue Heng showed his powerful combat power.

    Completely trustworthy strength!

    The first generation of superpowers were mostly rebellious, and what really convinced them was not their status.

    It's strength.

    There are more than one hundred superpowers in the Shenzhou Rescue Team, and no one is confident that they can defeat Yue Heng.

    He is the team leader, so he is naturally convincing.

    It was already midnight when Yue Heng led his team to set off.

    The night was extraordinarily long.

    ?The three infantry fighting vehicles carrying the special operations team were driving fast on the open grassland, heading southwest according to the satellite navigation, and continued to penetrate into the hinterland of this African country.

    "Report to the captain, we found alienated creatures."

    After the convoy drove for more than an hour, Yue Heng, who was sitting in the front car, received a report from the car behind.

    He immediately opened the roof and got out.

    I saw a group of alienated hyenas appearing four or five hundred meters away.

    Their gleaming eyes are very visible in the dark.

    Densely packed, there are at least hundreds of them.

    It's just that this group of hyenas are very cautious. They didn't chase the infantry fighting vehicle to attack, but followed it from a distance.

    Such a scene made Yue Heng smile coldly.

    If he guessed correctly, the sudden outbreak of alienated beasts in Sagunda this time was not a natural disaster but a man-made disaster!

    Whether it's the previous alienated hyenas, or these guys who are now following the convoy, or those giant bats, they are all controlled by people!

    The reason is very simple. Since Yue Heng followed the rescue team into this land, he shot and killed hundreds of alienated creatures, but not a single alien species emerged.

    If it is a naturally evolved beast, unless Yue Heng wears the crown of a non-chief, it is impossible.

    In fact, except for him, no one else killed any alien species.

    There is only one truth!

    The problem is that the beast master Yue Heng encountered this time is a bit strong, and he has not found the figure of the other party until now.

    Able to control so many strange beasts, this hidden enemy is quite powerful.

    Although Yue Heng really wanted to dig out the real culprit behind the scenes, but the timing was not right now, so he could only bear with it for the time being.

    Yue Heng suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky.

    The night sky after the storm was extraordinarily clear, and the light of the moon covered up the bright stars, allowing him to clearly see the dark shadows cruising high in the sky.

    A giant eagle!

    When Yue Heng watched the giant eagle, he felt like he was being watched.

    A watcher.

    Yue Heng judged the height. The position of this guy should exceed the shooting height of the machine gun on the infantry fighting vehicle. It is basically impossible to shoot it down with an anti-aircraft machine gun.

    So he took out the sniper rifle from the storage space.

    This cheytacm200 sniper rifle is a trophy captured by Yue Heng before.

    Later played a big role.

    The range of the cheytacm200 is no farther or higher than that of the anti-aircraft machine gun, but Yue Heng chose it instead of the latter because the cheytacm200 is easier to control and has higher accuracy!

    Loading the bullet, he raised the sniper rifle in his hand.

    In the blink of an eye, he locked onto the giant eagle in the sky.

    In an instant, Yue Heng entered a mysterious and mysterious state. He and the sniper rifle held in his hand seemed to be integrated, and superpower energy was continuously injected into the gun body and bullets.

    If you don't bless your extraordinary power, you can't beat this extraordinary creature!


    The giant eagle in the air seemed to sense the danger, screamed and flapped its wings violently, preparing to raise its altitude.


    Yue Heng pulled the trigger.

    A high-explosive bullet condensed with super power instantly escaped from the barrel and shot at the giant eagle at three times the speed of sound.

    The giant eagle exploded suddenly, and countless feathers flew in all directions along with the blood, floating and falling from the sky.


    Yue Heng put down his sniper rifle.

    A mere giant eagle dares to act as eyes and ears. If he really thinks he is helpless?


    Possibly aware of Yue Heng's strength and ferocity, all the alienated hyenas following the convoy stopped.

    They looked at the moving convoy, raised their heads to the moon and let out a mournful howl.

    It seems to be funeral for his teammates!

    Boom!  boom!  boom!

    As the saying goes, a wave of unrest will rise again, just half an hour after Yue Heng shot and killed the giant eagle in the sky, there were waves of tremors on the ground, and the rumbling sound caught up with the moving convoy from far and near.

    Yue Heng never returned to the foot battle, so he quickly saw the new pursuer on the roof of the car.

    Good guy, it turned out to be a group of rhinos!

    Yue Heng saw five of them. Although there were differences in their size, they were all two or three times larger than normal rhinos, and their volume had completely surpassed that of elephants.

    Despite their huge size, these guys are not slow at all, and they are chasing the convoy to keep shortening the distance.

    The infantry crew asked Yue Heng: "Captain, do you want to fire?"

    An infantry fighting vehicle has three crew members, and the gunner in the vehicle can control the cannon to attack the enemy.

    "Do not worry."

    Yue Heng replied: "I'll check first."

    Ammunition is precious, and even though he still has a little stock in his storage space, he can't shoot whenever he wants.

    Maybe there will be a big fight later.

    So Yue Heng once again raised the sniper rifle in his hand, aiming at the alienated rhino that rushed to the front.

    This guy was the strongest and toughest, with heavy breathing and staring eyes, as if he was at odds with the team.

    Yue Heng aimed at its head and pulled the trigger.


    At this time, the distance between this alienated rhinoceros and the last infantry car has been shortened to less than 300 meters.

    With its size and strength, it is entirely possible to overturn foot combat.

    Of course Yue Heng would not give it such a chance.


    A huge blood flower burst out instantly on the head of the alienated rhinoceros.

    It howled in pain, but did not fall down immediately.

    Instead, he sped up frantically!

    boom!  boom!  boom!

    Yue Heng fired three consecutive shots in one breath, and each shot did not leave the alienated rhino's head.

    This guy's defense is turned on. Without super powers, the sniper rifle is not a great threat to it, and it is quite resistant.

    But when Yue Heng's trial ended and superpowers were added, half of the alienated rhino's head was shot off.

    Although it is not afraid of death, it cannot withstand such a large amount of damage.

    Sprinkling blood all the way and chasing for a mile, his front legs gave way and he fell to the ground, his limbs twitched and he couldn't get up again.

    Yue Heng didn't fluctuate in his heart, and continued to shoot and kill other alienated rhinos.

    A few minutes later, there were no more pursuers behind the convoy!¡ª¡ª

    ? The second update is here, please subscribe and vote for support, thank you everyone!  !

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