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Text Chapter 331: A New Task

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    Although night still rules the land, the people of the Vanara Mine see all light.

    The local miners who had fled into the depths of the mine before returned to the ground. The joy of rescuing their lives from a desperate situation made them unable to restrain their excitement, and danced on the spot to represent victory.

    But the ones who are most excited are Jiang Wenfu and other Chinese people.

    Everyone cried.

    After two days and two nights of perseverance, I thought that there was no possibility of surviving in a desperate situation. Unexpectedly, at the most critical moment, the soldiers sent by the motherland pulled everyone back from the edge of the abyss.

    Jiang Wenfu felt that he would never forget this night in his life.

    It's just that for the Shenzhou Rescue Team, the Wanara Mine is only their first stop.

    The compatriots of Sant and Dadaant are also in urgent need of rescue.

    According to the plan in advance, the rescue team will leave two special operations teams and corresponding weapons and equipment, and use the special geographical environment of the mine to build a line of defense against alienated creatures.

    Then the rescue team continued to Sant and Dadaant, and escorted the compatriots there back to join them.

    Finally return to the armored train.

    ? Saving people is like putting out a fire, and time is very tight, so Yu Guangrong immediately deployed personnel.

    Although he successfully rescued dozens of compatriots and completed the first goal of this mission, the commander's expression is still very solemn, with a look of worry hidden between his brows.

    On the way to the Wanara Mine, the Shenzhou Rescue Team first fought a battle with alienated hyenas and alienated giant bats.

    After arriving at the mine, the alienated creatures here were cleaned up.

    Although there were no casualties, ammunition was consumed a lot, and it is estimated that there will be tough battles to be fought.

    In case of running out of ammunition, let alone rescuing more than 300 compatriots, the rescue team may be lost on this land.

    It turned out that the rescue team carried enough ammunition and fuel on the armored train, but the rails were blown up, so they had to use infantry fighting vehicles and Humvees instead.

    Because of the limited loading weight, only part of the ammunition supply was carried.

    Now it is necessary to allocate some soldiers to defend the Wanara Mine. Yu Guangrong feels overwhelmed thinking about it.

    "team leader."

    Yue Heng pulled Yu Guangrong to the front of a row of simple work sheds in the mine.

    At the beginning, Yu Guangrong didn't know, so he felt baffled, but when he saw the ammunition boxes and fuel barrels in the shed, his eyes almost popped out of their sockets!

    Yu Guangrong is very familiar with these ammunition boxes and fuel barrels - all are supplies brought in from China through the Universiade!

    Except for the part carried by the infantry fighting vehicle, the other part remained on the armored train.

    Why are there also here?

    Yu Guangrong's brain stopped functioning.

    After a while, he swallowed and asked, "Consultant Yue, did you bring this?"

    Although it is unbelievable, Yu Guangrong really can't think of other possibilities.


    Yue Heng replied: "This is my ability."

    When he evacuated the armored train earlier, he thought about the issue of supplies.

    Having experienced so many wars in his previous life, Yue Heng deeply understands the importance of logistics, and also knows that dealing with alienated creatures requires a lot of ammunition consumption.

    So he secretly put some ammunition and fuel into his storage space.

    The purpose is to come in handy at critical moments.

    When his teammates desperately need these ammunition supplies, Yue Heng will not worry about the consequences of exposing his ability.

    In fact, he has never deliberately concealed that he has such an ability!

    Just to avoid shocking the world too much, Yue Heng found a utility room just now and took out these ammunition supplies.

    "Very good!"

    Yu Guangrong patted Yue Heng's shoulder excitedly: "Consultant Yue, you have done a great job!"

    With these ammunition supplies, the next rescue operation will have a greater chance of success.

    "I'll let everyone move!"

    Yu Guangrong didn't explore the question of Yue Heng's amazing ability at all. He excitedly called the team members and moved the ammunition to the infantry fighting vehicle as quickly as possible.

    Fuel up the tank and the Humvee at the same time - both are gas guzzlers!

    However, in the process of commanding and arranging, Yu Guangrong received an emergency satellite communication.


    After finishing the call, he called Yue Heng and the other two captainsCome, said solemnly: "The superior ordered us to send personnel to rescue an international volunteer medical team."

    The African continent has been poor and backward for a long time. Many countries cannot even guarantee basic medical and health care. Coupled with the harsh living environment, countless people die of various diseases every year.

    Since the middle of the last century, China has sent volunteer medical teams to Africa to help people get rid of their illnesses and save innocent lives.

    In addition to China, volunteer doctors from many countries have also joined the ranks of aiding Africa.

    It was a medical team composed of volunteer doctors from many countries who ordered Yu Guangrong to rescue.

    There are three compatriots in this medical team.

    The trouble is that the medical team is currently located in a tribal village called Sasang, more than 300 kilometers away from the Wanara mine.

    Its direction is just opposite to the Sant mine where the rescue team will go!

    This means that to carry out this new mission, the rescue team needs to send a team there.

    The night is vast, strange beasts are rampant, and there are many dangers lurking in the boundless wilderness.

    How many people should be sent there?

    Yu Guangrong has no way of assessing the danger of this task at all, and if the personnel are divided up and down again, the probability of accidents is bound to increase greatly!

    He must carry out the task of the superior, but he must also consider the safety of the team members.

    As a last resort, Yu Guangrong can only discuss with everyone.

    "How about this."

    Yue Heng said without hesitation: "Give me an infantry vehicle and three people, and I will go to Sasang Village to save people."


    Yu Guangrong was taken aback: "There are not enough people!"

    The village of the Sasan tribe is more than 300 kilometers away. Even if the infantry fighting vehicles go at full speed, it will take three to four hours.

    In fact, three or four hours is far from enough, because there is no road to drive here.

    It's too dangerous for a few people to drive over such a car!


    Yue Heng smiled and said: "Captain, don't worry, I will bring people back as I brought them there!"

    After several previous battles, he had a good understanding of the alienated creatures that ravaged Sagunda. Even if there were other beasts, there was nothing to be afraid of.

    And Yue Heng's self-confidence left Yu Guangrong and the other two captains speechless.

    They looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

    In the end, Yu Guangrong gritted his teeth and said: "I'll give you three infantry vehicles and two teams. We must rescue the international medical team!"¡ª¡ª

    The first one is delivered.

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