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Text Part One: Going East Chapter 10 3

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    The road from Haiphong to Hue is basically close to the seaside. If you start early in the morning, the salty sea breeze blows from the east. The asphalt road is damp, and the monkey fishermen and fishmongers who are rushing early are also open.  Various modified motorcycles were going north and south. Mixed in the torrent of motorcycles, Li Deyuan, who had changed into the daily attire of a Monkey Countryman, was no longer conspicuous.  ¡×¨J He didn¡¯t even wear a helmet. He was wearing a tortoise shell hat that is most common in the monkey country, but he didn¡¯t choose the green one. It¡¯s better not to wear this green hat!  The backpack and clothes were wrapped in a raincoat and bundled on the back seat. In order to camouflage, I also brought some fruits and other things in a net bag. I looked like a small vendor from the Monkey Country.  Between Hai Phong and Hue, it looks like the Monkey Country from the map. In the long and narrow terrain with two big ends in the middle, the big end in the north gradually narrows into a strip of beach territory. It is said that the narrowest part is only tens of kilometers, otherwise  When Grandpa Hu fought against monkeys in the South, he had to take a trail through Cambodia. In this seaside area, there were a few warships in the sea, but there were no people on the land.  Eating and drinking is no longer a problem for Li Deyuan. Chicken noodle, shrimp cakes, meat dumplings, sausages, fried spring rolls and other roadside stalls can be eaten. However, those green vegetables in Monkey Country are basically eaten raw and dipped in them.  The fish sauce or chili sauce had a strange taste, which was somewhat unaccustomed to it. There were also small hot pots, but Li Deyuan looked at the soup in the hot pot and couldn't tell what it was, so he didn't dare to eat it.  The biggest characteristic of people who play motorcycles and outdoors is that they are adaptable. They can easily overcome acclimatization and gastrointestinal problems. The antibiotics Li Deyuan brought from China also played a big role. He took one or two tablets a day.  , let¡¯s not talk about whether it works or not, at least it will make you feel at peace mentally.  It was almost noon, and after driving for nearly four hours, we arrived at the famous Halong Bay. Many movies have been shot here. There are more than 3,000 rocky islands and earth islands in the sea like a maze. It is known as Guilin on the sea. When we arrived at the monkey  If you don't come to Halong Bay, you won't see a unique scenery.  In those days, Halong Bay was not as commercial as it is now, and it was not developed as much as it is now. There were 998 and other things at every turn. Although there were already hotels and the like when Li Deyuan went there, it was basically still a fishing village by the sea.  Unfortunately, time was tight, so I took a sampan to go to several islands. I saw the monkeys with red noses and red butts and karst caves such as Paradise Cave. I followed the fishing boat around in the green seawater for a whole day. I ate and drank on the boat and fished freshly.  Eat now, the fisherman's homemade rice wine paired with seafood, life is very nourishing.  After all, fishermen are still suffering. The boat Li Deyuan followed was a young couple with one child. All their belongings were on the boat. It is said that there is also a house on the shore. There are not as many days in a year as on the boat. The two children rocked the boat, and the man  The net was lowered, and a four-year-old child and a kitten were running around on the deck and cabin of the boat.  It was agreed that the food manager would give him 500,000 dong, which is about 30 RMB. Before going abroad, according to regulations, everyone can exchange some U.S. dollars for foreign exchange. Li Deyuan deliberately exchanged some U.S. dollars with small denominations. He asked people in the outdoor circle  Travel friends, the RMB can still be used as hard currency in the northern part of Monkey Country, but the further south you go, the US dollar is still very popular.  When he landed ashore in the evening, Li Deyuan saw that the family of three was living so hard. In addition to giving him a large number of monkey shields, he also gave him five dollars, which was already twice the cost of the boat. Unexpectedly, the monkeys were also very rich.  I was so stubborn that I refused for a long time and insisted on giving Li Deyuan some dried fish.  After accepting the dried fish, Li Deyuan quietly stuffed the money into the little boy's pocket. Money can't explain everything, but something is better than nothing. Giving money will always make you feel better.  He has traveled thousands of kilometers, and although he was unhappy with Scarface at the beginning, in general, the impression of the people in the Monkey Kingdom on Li Deyuan is not as hostile as he imagined. Many times, the monkeys will be attracted to him as soon as they hear or see it.  I knew that Li Deyuan was a flower grower, but he did whatever he wanted, and there was no malicious intention to cause trouble or trap him.  I won¡¯t go into details about the history. There are too many entanglements and sensitive issues to explain clearly. Anyway, Li Deyuan sneaked out and felt that he was traveling in the Monkey Country. In fact, it was nothing compared to hanging out at our flower garden.  the difference.  Halong Bay already has a star hotel jointly opened by Halong Bay and local monkeys. There are many foreigners in it. Li Deyuan thought about it and didn¡¯t go in. The reason was not about money, but because he was worried that he would not be able to go there after showing his passport.  He's gone. He's been out for the past few days. Many people are looking for him.  There is no one from Halong Bay in the contact list given by Mr. Huang. Here is Hua.  There were almost no overseas Chinese, and most of them were fishermen born in Monkey Country. Li Deyuan originally wanted to drive his motorcycle south overnight, but seeing the fog on the sea, and the roads in Monkey Country being narrow and without street lights, it was not safe to go at night, so he decided  Find a place to stay.  ??Wandering around the town, I accidentally saw a small stall at the entrance of an alley.??, there were several small tables with umbrellas spread out, and there were steaming stoves and soup pots. I went over and looked at the chicken noodle. I smelled the aroma and my stomach immediately protested. I saw that it was a woman like a sister-in-law doing business.  Li Deyuan sat down and ordered a bowl of chicken noodles and two grilled fish.  Unexpectedly, this bowl of chicken noodles, which looked ordinary at first glance, was the most delicious thing Li Deyuan had eaten since arriving in Monkey Country!  The soup is extremely delicious and has an endless aftertaste in the mouth. It is not just a fragrance, but a variety of flavors are released and blended in the mouth. As the saying goes, you can't wait to swallow your tongue!  The shredded chicken is not rotten, but you don¡¯t have to chew it hard. It¡¯s more chewy than braised chicken and has a stronger flavor than roasted chicken. As for Kidd¡¯s fried chicken, it¡¯s inferior and incomparable.  The egg shreds are made by spreading the eggs on a small flat griddle and cutting them into shreds with a bamboo knife when they are medium-cooked. There are also more than ten kinds of ingredients such as fungus shreds and vegetable shreds. As for the milky white soup in the bowl, Li Deyuan judged that it was probably  It is made from chicken soup and seafood.  Sure enough, when I looked at the small pot with fish maw bubbling on the small stove next to the big pot for rice noodles, there was actually a whole chicken, as well as squid, shellfish, etc. in the pot.  After finishing the chicken noodles, I also liked the two grilled fishes!  Li Deyuan has been to Dalian, Qingdao and other flower-growing beaches. The grilled fish is also available in rivers, lakes and the sea. There are many kinds of grilled fish, but these two grilled herrings eaten in the alleys on the beach in Monkey Country  , it is absolutely the best!  The key to whether the grilled fish tastes good or not is the heat and the ingredients!  This lady from the Monkey Country used an oven made of a long iron box to grill fish. The red charcoal fire under the iron grid gave off a strange aroma. Li Deyuan was gesticulating and talking, but he couldn't understand what others were saying.  I didn¡¯t even figure out what kind of tree this charcoal was made from, I just guessed it was a shrub-like spice tree.  The sauce that was applied to the fish with a brush was dark green, and it was unclear what it was made from. There were only a few ready-made vegetables placed in the basket. The sister-in-law pointed it out to Li Deyuan,  There are galangal, spearmint, nine-story pagoda, etc., which are all monkey national dishes with a strong taste.  There were also some elder sisters-in-law who were referring to wild vegetables. Li Deyuan struggled to understand the language. Just for the grilled fish and chicken noodles, Li Deyuan decided not to rush to Hue all night and stay for another day!  Foodies are foodies!  I asked my sister-in-law if I could stay at her house?  The sister-in-law, whose whole body was covered tightly, shook her head and answered intermittently. Li Deyuan also understood that the man of the sister-in-law was running a boat outside, and he only came back once a month. The sister-in-law took three people with her.  The child is at home. According to the rules of the Monkey Kingdom, if a man is not at home, no outsider can stay.  Not to mention the Monkey Country, it was the same even in the flower gardening house. You could not stay overnight when the male owner was away. When Li Deyuan was in school, he wandered around on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau in southwest China. He had heard of this rule in Dong and Miao villages. In some villages,  If there is an unmarried girl in the house, no man will be allowed to live there.  It¡¯s the dry season in Monkey Country, but it¡¯s still very cold at night on the beach, especially when large clouds of fog from the sea come ashore with the rising tide. It¡¯s very cold, and the idea of ??staying up all night outdoors is not very realistic.  The sister-in-law was quite enthusiastic and gave Li Deyuan directions. She said that there are many family-style hotels in the east of the town near the tourist development zone, and the prices are not expensive. At the end, she muttered something that Li Deyuan didn't hear clearly, and seemed to say "come here, come here."  What, this "come here" means girl in Monkey Mandarin, and Li Deyuan didn't understand what it meant.  The extra fifty thousand dong given to the sister-in-law was considered a tip. The sister-in-law kept thanking her. Li Deyuan said that he would come for lunch and dinner tomorrow. Then he said goodbye to the sister-in-law and followed the direction pointed to the hotel.  He didn't go far when he met a male monkey who was also driving a motorcycle. He kept following him and asked if he was looking for a place to stay. Li Deyuan understood that this was a motorcycle driver soliciting customers. He could get benefits by introducing someone to the hotel. This was similar to  The flower grower at the station had the same thing, so I ignored him and looked for him myself.  The buildings in the Monkey Country are all thin and tall. Ah Huang said that ordinary people like them can buy ready-made houses or land. The price for buying a piece of land is calculated by the square meter, and then you can build it as high as you like.  People take care of you, so the Monkey Country is full of buildings with only one room on one floor or several floors, like bamboo poles.  In front of a small yellow building with a balcony on each floor, I saw the red signboard of the Monkey Country Inn. When I entered, I saw a girl at the front desk. She could speak simple Chinese and said she wanted to stay for one night: "Two  "Ten", Li Deyuan didn't think much about it. He probably meant twenty yuan, or according to the monkey's speaking habits, they said twenty, which usually refers to twenty thousand shields, which is twenty thousand shields. This is not  It was expensive, so I paid 20,000 dong and my passport, took the key and went upstairs.
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