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Text Part One: Going East Chapter 8 2

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    ps: I want to hear more of your voices and receive more of your suggestions. Now search the WeChat public account "qdread" and follow it to give more support to "A Few Flowers in One Spring"!  It¡¯s not what I imagined. It¡¯s the same as in China. You check in from the exit and get out of the station, and take a look at the panoramic view of the Monkey Country Capital Station.  [As soon as the train entered the station, a large group of Monkey King uniformed people were waiting on the platform. When Li Deyuan saw the expressions of this group of people, it was really the same as the enthusiasm of the Monkey King uniforms in the movie "A Better Tomorrow 3"!  Looks wretched and has a sinister expression!  "Compared with the large portrait of Grandpa Hu that I saw on the same street, this group of people looks nothing like Grandpa Hu's compatriots.  Grandpa Hu is one of the leaders that Li Deyuan admired very much when he was a boy. If nothing else, his simple image of an old farmer and his vow to remain unmarried all his life are awe-inspiring. If Grandpa Hu can live as long as a monkey  If the north and south of the country were unified, what happened in 1979 would not have happened.  At this moment, under the amiable portrait of Grandpa Hu, the monkeys in uniforms surrounded Li Deyuan and the others, not at all amiable.  As the saying goes, faces come from the heart. In fact, this sentence is not about fortune telling, but comes from Buddhist scriptures. Whatever profession you have, what you have been thinking about for a long time can be seen from your face. This person in uniform is eating official meals.  Monkeys spend all day thinking about making things difficult for others, so naturally they are not kind-hearted people at first glance.  Fortunately, we had gone through training before coming, and everyone didn¡¯t bring anything that might cause trouble. The food and drink they brought were basically eliminated on the way. Finally, the two bottles of liquor were drank before arriving at the station to keep out the cold, and we got off the train.  The people were separated, with an average of four or five Monkey Country uniforms facing each Chinese, checking their documents and luggage.  Li Deyuan and the others were pretty good. They were led by Mr. Li, and they also had documents from Monkey Country Taiyuan Iron and Steel Company and Monkey Country. They were led to a small courtyard at the end of the platform without much trouble. Those old guys  Not having much luck, he looked very excited and waved his furry arms to express his dissatisfaction.  It was only ten years since the armistice between the two countries. At that time, our flower growers were attacked eight kilometers away from Hanoi. The people of the Monkey Country are still very vindictive. Look at the vicious eyes they look at us.  After waiting for half an hour in the small courtyard, no one cared, no one asked, and they couldn't even drink. These guys all drank a few sips of wine in one night. They were so considerate in the early morning that they were here.  Only then did I understand why the old comrades who came earlier said that this trip was a hard job. They didn¡¯t feel the feeling of foreign guests at all. They looked like laborers!  The weather is gradually getting hotter, and the sun is warm, but the ground is as hot as a bathroom, and the stickiness on the skin is very uncomfortable. Everyone is getting impatient. The equipment department of the iron smelting plant who led the team came  Boss, I've been here once and said to wait. Someone came after a while. They were treated the same way last time.  The closed side door of the small courtyard was opened with a roar, and a group of people came in. At first glance, they were people from the Monkey Country. They were all dark and thin, not tall, but very enthusiastic, speaking in monkey language mixed with half-baked Chinese.  Talking, shaking hands and greetings, Mr. Li introduced one by one. The biggest monkey official was the official in charge of industry in Thai Nguyen Province, as well as some officials from Thai Nguyen City and the steel plant.  There were also several reporters accompanying them. The flashlights dazzled people's eyes. The officials from the Monkey Kingdom pulled Li Deyuan and the others with smiles on their faces. They kept posing for photos and answered the reporters' questions in a gibberish voice.  They all hang around their officials, and no one comes to interview the Chinese.  They just shook hands and greeted each other in an official tone, but still didn't mention the matter of food and water. Li Deyuan and the others were too embarrassed to mention it when they were new here. They thought to themselves that these monkeys are really unreasonable. They only talk without practicing. If we leave it to the north, as soon as we receive people  The first thing I asked was, have you eaten?  What do you want to eat?  It's great to ask about other things after eating and drinking at the dinner table, just tell me!  After a particularly enthusiastic interview, the officials patted their butts and got into their cars. Li Deyuan and the others followed Mr. Li out of the small courtyard, carrying their bags on their backs, and waited for the car in a small hall. The officials said  , the reception for this steel cooperation project between China and Vietnam has been completed. Li Deyuan and his factory took a plane for sightseeing, and the leaders who attended the signing ceremony have already set off to return home!  The officials of the Monkey Country went to see off the leaders from China. On the way back, they stopped by to see the Chinese comrades who wanted to stay behind and worked hard. They agreed that the banquet would be held in Taiyuan.  According to the Provincial Office, Li Deyuan and the others still had to sit hungry for three hours before they could eat the Jie Feng Banquet.  After waiting for a minibus of unknown brand, Mr. Li handed out a round bread and a small bottle of water. The bread was only as big as a fist and tasted pretty good. Unfortunately, he finished it in two bites.  The water in the small bottle is a little sweet. I can't understand the monkey Chinese characters on the bottle, but I can tell in English that it is mineral water.  Maybe three or five hours, need to solve the problem halfwayAfter parking the car, Mr. Li introduced everyone to the accompanying doctor in the car. Miss Ruan, hehe, you can see a girl from the Monkey Country up close. She has thin skin and tender flesh, and is quite fair. Her facial features are perfect.  It has fine lines and its fingers are also long and thin.  The female doctor didn't say anything. The car was running, but she was not idle. She took blood pressure and temperature one by one. After working hard all night, everyone's blood pressure was a bit high. The female doctor and Mr. Li chatted in Monkey Mandarin. Although Li Deyuan and the others  I learned Monkey Mandarin during the training, and it sounds like the Bible. I don¡¯t know what they are mumbling.  Eating this small piece of bread and a small bottle of water was more torturous than carrying it without eating or drinking at all. Li Deyuan was not like the other honest technicians. He looked at the streets and people outside the car window.  Yes, after the car turned out of the city, he saw the opportunity and shouted: "Stop the car! Use the toilet!" He also winked at a few technicians who were doing well along the way. Everyone understood and shouted together.  There was no way to refuse the request for a toilet, and there was no device for relieving oneself in the car. Besides, there was a female doctor, so there was no way to solve it on the spot. Mr. Li had no choice but to ask the driver to stop the car on the side of the road, and he went down first to find a place to relieve himself.  .  The leaders' car in front of the motorcade had already driven away. When the female doctor and the driver were not paying attention, Li Deyuan opened the car door and jumped out. He went straight to the stall in front of the roadside board house. He had taken aim just now. The hanging on the pillar was  There were bunches of bananas and bundles of sugar cane standing there, but the other fruits were unknown.  Several other Chinese technicians also rushed down, scaring the driver and female doctor from the Monkey Country so much that they thought they were going to do something. They stopped one and pulled that one, but none of them was caught.  Among the group of people who came, the shortest one was about 1.7 meters, and several were over 1.8 meters tall. Li Deyuan was 1.75 meters tall. He crowded around the fruit stall and scared the old lady from the monkey country.  He couldn't even stand up. Even if he stood up, he couldn't be much higher than the stall.  He said in broken monkey Mandarin that he wanted to buy bananas and sugar cane. I have never learned the pronunciation of these two fruits, but when I pick them myself, people will understand. The northerners chew the sugar cane one by one, and they also have to hug the sugar cane.  Well, two children stopped me, gesturing with their hands at a machine that couldn't be hidden, which meant that it was for squeezing juice.  Li Deyuan took out five yuan, and the old lady kept waving her hands. Li Deyuan and the others couldn't understand what they were saying. Is this a free gift or is five yuan not enough? After a long time of gesticulating, no one could figure it out. Finally,  It was the female doctor who squeezed over and told Li Deyuan and others in quite authentic Chinese that they said the money was too big and they couldn't find it!  Five yuan is still a lot. This is the smallest denomination in Li Deyuan's pocket. He hasn't taken out the remaining one hundred and fifty. After asking the female doctor, he found out that RMB can be circulated in Monkey Country, of course in private.  Yes, but five yuan can basically buy all the fruits at this stall, so where can the old lady buy it?  The currency of the Monkey Country, the shield, is really worthless compared to the RMB. You can't even get it for five yuan. At this time, the female doctor and Mr. Li anxiously urged the group of people to get on the bus. In desperation, Li Deyuan and the others simply  I stopped drinking juiced sugar cane. I hugged bananas and other fruits that I could carry away, stuffed five yuan into the old lady¡¯s arms, and got on the bus.  In the past, Ah Huang had never eaten this, and he had never seen that before. When he couldn't eat a big bowl of ramen, he still laughed at others. When Ah Huang's one-third of an acre was occupied, except for bananas and sugar cane, everything was yellow, green, green and red.  Not to mention how to eat red fruit, I have never seen it before, and it also made the monkeys laugh.  They were so hungry that they didn't care much about it. They stuffed their stomachs with bananas first, and then each chewed a piece of sugar cane to quench their thirst while watching the female doctor and Mr. Li teach them how to eat jackfruit.  tropical fruits.  It opened my eyes and tasted something new. However, this group of northern men who are used to eating pasta and meat are still a little weak in stomach and intestines when dealing with the fruits of the Monkey Country. After stuffing their stomachs with strange fruits, the car did not go very far.  , everyone¡¯s stomach is upset!  Later I learned that the bananas they ate were not the yellow bananas common in the north, but a fruit called banana. You should not eat too much of this banana, especially not mixed with other fruits. Li Deyuan and the others carried them into the car.  There are also guava, rambutan, star fruit, and a kind of longan-like fruit called beng-beng, especially milk fruits that cannot be eaten together with plantains.  A stomach filled with fruit caused a chemical reaction inside, which made the gang growl loudly. Every time it screamed, they had to go to the toilet, which frightened the female doctor and Mr. Li. The Chinese staff also  I had vomiting and diarrhea before I even got to the steel plant, which was troublesome enough.  They were given medicine one by one, not to mention the sour smell in the minibus. Fortunately, everyone didn¡¯t have much storage in their stomachs. After vomiting, the medicine was taken and the diarrhea was finally stopped. By the time we arrived in Taiyuan Province,In Taiyuan City, the welcome banquet could not be held any longer, and everyone went to the hospital and lay down.  (The novel "A Year of Spring Flowers" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the upper right to "Add a friend"  , search the official account "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!)
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