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Text [Chapter 122 The first game?  ¡¿

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    Although the martial arts arena inside the Fire Refining Cave, which is enough to accommodate hundreds of thousands or millions of people, only has tens of thousands of people sitting here and there at the moment, when the top ten elite disciples from the inner circle entered the arena, there was still an explosion.  The fierce cheers, applause, and admiration like a sea breaking through the sky The top ten elite disciples in the inner circle, gathered together with thousands of favors, are the pride and future of the entire Fire Refining Cave!  I don¡¯t know how many pairs of eyes were staring at a special passage in the martial arts field. At this moment, from there, ten people walked out leisurely!  Qin Yan also turned his head and looked over with great curiosity.  ¡û I directly saw ten people with outstanding auras!  There are seven men and three women.  The youngest is in his early twenties; the oldest is only in his thirties.  As they walked, small-scale celestial phenomena in all directions seemed to be affected.  The wind and waves rolled, and the clouds dispersed.  Invisible spiritual coercion emanated from them, an astonishing momentum rose into the sky, and the wind roared around them.  ??When their eyes open and close, their gazes are like an endless sea, boundless, giving people a strong visual impact, making people look at them as if they are being stared at by a demon, and their hearts are as shocked as thunder.  However, every move they make is in harmony with the surrounding environment. There is no need to deliberately suppress people, and they can naturally exude a suffocating general trend.  It seems that competing with them is competing with the endless world The king stands on the top of the mountain, overlooking the height of the aura of the people and all the spirits, and releases it at will.  These are the top ten elite disciples in the Fire Refining Cave. Each of them is standing above the hundreds of inner disciples and tens of thousands of peripheral disciples in the Fire Refining Cave. They are at the absolute commanding heights, aloof from the rest.  Look down at everything.  At the very beginning, as soon as they appeared on the stage, the tens of thousands of peripheral disciples on the viewing platform could still cheer and cheer, but soon, the tens of thousands of peripheral disciples all quieted down and fell into silence.  All I know is that I am dumbfounded and have admiring eyes.  Watching silently the top ten elite disciples entering.  It seemed that they were all trapped in the oppression of the invisible aura. They were trembling mentally and did not dare to shout at will.  'Hey they are indeed stronger. They are not inferior to those second-level explosive sects in Linggu who participated in collecting herbs' Qin Yan was not affected by the aura of the top ten elite disciples. He was not ashamed of himself. On the contrary,  The fighting spirit soars, and the mind runs at will.  "Of course, it is estimated that there are countless disciples of the Explosive Qi Second Level Sect sent by the Second Grade Sect to the Linggu to collect medicine. And the ten elite disciples of the Fire Refining Cave in front of them. There are only ten of them fighting for their background and talent.  However, if I compete with these ten people, it will definitely stimulate the deeper potential of life, which will benefit me a lot It's interesting This qualifying match is indeed interesting I can't wait  " Qin Yan narrowed his eyes slightly.  When it was opened, a vague and domineering aura flashed away.  Immediately, Qin Yan restrained his vitality and glanced around.  At this time, in the ten preparation areas, most of the inner circle disciples sitting in the seats looked uneasy, their faces were shocked, and they did not even dare to take a breath.  Everyone has lost their high spirits, talking and laughing freely.  That¡¯s right. How glorious it is for the ten elite disciples to stand on top of the clouds and dominate the world?  Even warriors of the same level would appear shorter for no reason when facing them, as if they were facing a giant looking down at them, with the aura of a king who seemed to be born with them and looked down upon everything.  , the pressure made them breathless.  Maybe there is no need to fight at all, just the pressure of momentum can make the ordinary inner circle disciples feel invincible.  Only the rare inner disciples of the Second Level of Explosive Qi clenched their fists, with a trace of determination and firmness flashing in their eyes, and a somewhat crazy and ferocious challenge on their faces.  Qin Yan turned his gaze again and looked at the top ten elite disciples.  They seemed to be calm and leisurely strolling around, but inadvertently, their eyes were facing each other tit for tat, their stern gazes clashed across the air, and the fluctuations in their momentum that were invisible were extremely frightening.  Their momentum was such that Qin Yan even had the illusion that in the area where the top ten elite disciples were, there were criss-crossing arcs of fire that were indistinguishable to the naked eye and could only be captured with the power of soul and spirit!  This is the strange phenomenon caused by the confrontation between their momentums, and it is terrifying!  What attracted Qin Yan¡¯s attention the most was a young man walking at the front among the ten people.  He is in his twenties, wearing very ordinary coarse linen clothes, but his temperament is extraordinary and his face has sharp edges, which makes him handsome and mighty.  A pair of eyes, reflecting the light of gemstones, seems to be able to attract countless rays of light.  With his hands behind his back and his back straight, his body seemed to contain a sharp energy that could pierce the sky.?It seems that his whole body can support the sky.  While he was walking, in all directions, the auras emitted by the other nine elite disciples, and the arc fire that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye but almost real, were automatically pushed away by him and could not approach within one foot of his body.  He has a domineering will to break the balance. He walks like a god. Wherever he goes, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will cling to him.  It makes people feel timid and have to surrender to him, kneeling on the ground and worshiping deeply.  Walking among the top ten elite disciples, this person seemed to stand out from the crowd. His expression occasionally showed a sense of depression and loneliness.  He is like a born king, his aura is unwavering, he looks down upon the world, and sweeps across the world.  ¡®Emperor Feitian?  'Qin Yan didn't know any of the ten elite disciples at all, but at this moment, he was 100% sure that the young man in sackcloth walking at the front, as if he was lonely and invincible, was the legendary Emperor Feitian.  !  Di Feitian, according to legend, is the most outstanding genius in the Fire Refining Cave in the past thousand years!  The combat power sweeps through opponents of the same level, and has the unique style to overpower others!  The potential is huge!  Even if you get a second-grade sect, you will definitely occupy a place!  In the category of Yipin Sect, he is recognized as the king among the younger generation!  Di Feitian, wherever he appears, everyone¡¯s eyes are on him!  That light is so bright, dazzling, and attracts everyone¡¯s attention!  Qin Yan even heard Manager Ma say that it was a great honor for Emperor Feitian to worship in the Fire Refining Cave!  even.  Being able to be in the same sect as him is an honor for the other disciples of Lianhuo Cave!  He even represents a glimmer of luck for the future of the Fire Refining Cave!  Whether the Fire Refining Cave can rise again after being depleted for countless years depends on the future development trajectory of Emperor Feitian!  He is unfathomable!  He seems to always have a trump card in hand!  He, who has been working hard outside, has almost never suffered a loss!  He has always dominated the throne of the number one person in the Fire Refining Cave and enjoyed most of the sect¡¯s resources!  People who make fire caves.  You can always hear news about what powerful genius he defeated outside!  ¡°Tsk, tsk, this is a guy who was pushed to the altar¡± Qin Yan finally looked away, shook his head slightly and laughed, ¡°Indeed, this Emperor Feitian has tyrannical strength and talent that surpasses other elite disciples.  The pride and arrogance in him, even from such a distance, I can clearly feel' Through observation.  Qin Yan came to the conclusion that Emperor Feitian had hidden strength that surpassed other elite disciples in the inner circle.  However, the stronger the competition, the stronger the competition.  Qin Yan felt more and more happy in his heart, the demon blood was faintly surging, and his fighting spirit was unparalleled!  At this time, there were ten elite disciples inside.  Just spread out and go to the preparation areas belonging to their own groups.  "Hey I thought that this year of hard training would shorten the gap between me and the top ten elite disciples. But today, it seems that the gap has not been narrowed, but is getting bigger I am convinced, what is a genius?  This is a genius. He is stunningly talented and has the momentum of a king. Compared with it, we are simply little loaches in the pond" "In this qualifying match, we are likely to be sparring partners again. We are among the top ten elite disciples. I'm afraid.  None of them will be off the list" "Forget it, the outcome is not something we can control. As long as we try our best and leave no regrets, I will have no regrets in my life if I can compete with a monster like Di Feitian.  "This time, except for Di Feitian, the other nine of the top ten disciples have also made amazing progress. Regardless of whether we can achieve the ideal ranking, we can witness the passionate collision between geniuses with our own eyes.  , interpreting legends and good stories that will be talked about by future generations. We are worth it"  Qin Yan heard that from all directions, many inner disciples in some groups were sighing.  Most of them have given up their determination to compete with the top ten elite disciples.  Of course, there are also some rare voices "I will not be a foil! Genius? Geniuses are meant to be stepped on! On this stage, counterattacks have never happened. This time, I will make a blockbuster move and turn into a snake.  Dragon! The ten elite disciples are the stepping stones for my rise!¡±¡­ Qin Yan calmed down and stopped looking around.  At this time, the ten elite disciples all entered the preparation seats belonging to their own groups.  For example, Emperor Feitian walked into the area where a group was located.  As for the five groups on Qin Yan's side, the one who came over was a woman in blue robe, in her twenties, with a graceful walk. In terms of appearance, figure, and temperament, she could be said to be as stunning as a fish or a wild goose.  In Qin Yan's view, this woman in blue robe is no worse than the one she had in Linggu in any aspect.??, ¡®Miss Yan¡¯ who had had a close contact with him.  ¡°This is the seed player of the fifth group, Zhan Qiushui, who ranked fifth last time¡± Qin Yan knew it in his heart.  Qin Yan began to look at this 'Zhan Qiushui' slightly. She was indeed so beautiful. Her dark eyebrows and clear eyes were as outlined in poetry and paintings, and she was very classically beautiful.  The lonely fragrance that rejects people thousands of miles away.  It seemed like there was no one worth taking a second look at.  She has a loneliness that crushes everything.  She did not pay attention to any of the opponents in the fifth group. She walked to the front and sat down in front of the single wooden chair without squinting or saying a word.  By now, the ten elite disciples have all arrived.  Directly opposite Qin Yan, very far away, on the VIP viewing platform and on the seats below the gilded inscription, many high-level officials of the Fire Refining Cave had a brief exchange.  Then, an old voice came from over there, resounding throughout the entire martial arts arena "All the disciples in the Fire Refining Cave, please be quiet" The old voice contained a trace of expectation and enthusiasm, as if it was coming from the top of the clouds.  , condensed into a vast spiritual power in the void of the martial arts arena, causing all the Fire Refining Cave disciples in the martial arts arena to tremble and fall into silence.  The voice suddenly paused, and the lingering sound lingered in the martial arts arena area.  Gives people a calming and solid feeling.  After a few breaths, the voice continued.  "The annual qualifying competition for inner disciples has finally begun as scheduled. I, like everyone else, can't wait Well, this annual ranking competition is planned by the senior sages of the Refining Fire Cave.  The following competitions are used to select outstanding disciples for vigorous training. In this competition, the participating disciples must go all out and show their true skills, and must not be pretentious this time.  No expense is spared and generous rewards will be used to reward outstanding inner disciples. Then, I will use a very short time to announce the schedule and rules of this ranking competition, as well as various rewards" "  This qualifying competition is divided into three stages" "The first stage. There are ten groups. There are about fifty participating disciples in each group, and the candidates for the battles are determined by random drawing.  Which two players are named will take the stage. Each group stage is divided into ten rounds, that is to say, the disciples in any group will play ten games and win one game.  A draw will result in 1 point, and a loss will result in 0 points. After ten rounds, the top three teams will appear for the second round. Those who have already fought will not meet each other for the second time.  Each group has one elite disciple who was ranked among the top ten in the previous session and is the seeded player. The seeded players will start playing in the sixth round of the group stage, and everyone will win in the second stage. There will be three disciples in each group.  , ten groups were merged, with a total of thirty people, twenty of them were eliminated, and the last ten were left" "The third stage, the elite list qualifying competition, the last ten remaining disciples will be ranked among the top ten disciples.  "Except for the ranking of the top ten disciples, which is determined by fighting, the ranking of the other disciples is calculated based on points." "After entering the knockout round, the competitions of the ten groups will be carried out at the same time.  The duel will be held separately" "During the competition, everyone is from the same sect, and it is best not to have any casualties. This is not a life-and-death battle, so there is no need to fight for one's life." "  Okay, let¡¯s announce the rewards for this qualifying match, everyone, listen up" "Ranking first will get a chance to enter the 'Floating Cloud Island' trial. There is also a king-level mid-level mental method secret book and two king books.  A mid-level martial arts secret. A top-quality elixir for refining impurities in combat energy, the 'Wan Ling Dan'" "Ranking second and third will give you a chance to enter the 'Floating Cloud Island' trial.  The best elixir for refining the impurities of war energy, the 'Wan Ling Dan'" "Ranked fourth to sixth, you can get a king-level middle-grade mental method secret book, the best elixir for refining the impurities of war energy, 'Wan Ling Dan'.  Dan'" "Ranked seventh to tenth, you can get two king-level middle-grade martial arts secrets, a top-quality elixir that refines impurities in fighting spirit, the 'Wanling Pill'" "Ranked from eleventh to thirty.  , you can get a top-quality elixir for tempering the impurities of war energy, the 'Wan Ling Dan',"  After the reward was announced, Qin Yan noticed that each group and every inner disciple participating in the competition had eyes.  Among them, there is a scorching heat, even madness!  Everyone changed their color in shock!  Even the seeded players in each group are trembling in a subtle way.For a moment.  When Qin Yan even looked at Di Feitian from a distance, he saw that after hearing the reward, Di Feitian's eyes flashed for a few breaths, and then he calmed down.  ¡®It seems that the rewards from this qualifying match are indeed amazing.  It moved all the top ten elite disciples" Qin Yan's heart turned over and over again, "The value of the king-level middle-grade mind method secrets and martial arts secrets is self-evident.  The elixir that tempers the impurities of war energy must also be valuable.  However, it seems that the most important reward is an opportunity to go to that Floating Cloud Island for a trial!  ¡¯ ¡®A trial?  Leaving the sectarian trial?  ¡¯ Qin Yan once heard Deacon Ma say that the most important resources that the sect world can provide to its disciples are not martial arts secrets or natural treasures, but trial opportunities!  Take the sect world within the territory of the Chen clan as an example. There are many trial sites, some of which are ancient ruins, and they even contain Taoist traditions left by ancient powerful men.  There are some fragments of the ancient master's understanding of martial arts.  There are also some trial places, which are secret realms specially created by certain great powers in order to temper the younger generations of disciples.  Enter and explore, and you will definitely find adventure.  It is no exaggeration to say that trials represent all kinds of adventures!  In the Chen Clan sect world, the Chen Clan itself controls half of the trial sites.  The third-grade sect also controls a lot.  The second-grade sects each have their own trial sites used to select and hone their disciples.  Only the first-grade sect does not have its own trial venue!  Therefore, first-level sects can only pray, beg, and even pay huge prices to other high-level sects in order to obtain a few places in some trial sites so that their best geniuses can go in and explore.  In other words, for the disciples of the first-grade sect, the quota in the trial venue is simply extremely luxurious and unattainable!  'In this qualifying competition, the quota of three trial venues will be allocated to the top threeperhaps it is a big deal' Qin Yan secretly thought, 'The foundation of a first-class sect like Lianhuodong is definitely not good enough.  You may have your own trial venue. The trial quotas for these three Floating Cloud Islands must have been obtained at a huge cost and effort" "Speaking of which, what kind of mysterious place is Floating Cloud Island?  ¡¯ While Qin Yan was thinking to himself, the old voice had already announced the completion of the competition schedule and rewards.  Then, ten deacons who were equivalent to Deacon Ma were dispatched and each came to the preparation area where each group was located.  On the side of the fifth group where Qin Yan was, a middle-aged man in yellow robe holding a black wooden box also came over. His aura was about the same as that of Deacon Ma.  After he came over, he looked at the many participating disciples in the fifth group with piercing eyes, and said concisely and concisely, "This year's qualifying competition has begun. Now, I will select the players for the group stage. There are ten rounds in the group stage.  Now it¡¯s the two sides of the first game of the first round" "As he said that, the yellow-robed deacon reached into the black wooden box and quickly took out a wooden sign with a name written on it 'Group Five, Rao Shaofeng  ' "Rao Shaofeng," the yellow-robed deacon immediately shouted.  As soon as he finished speaking, a man in black clothes, about thirty years old, stood up directly from the seats of the fifth group. He had a sharp breath and a ferocious face, and he had a first-level cultivation level.  His level of fighting spirit is relatively strong among those in the first level of explosive energy.  He surpassed 'Zeng Hui' who led Qin Yan and other disciples into Linggu to collect herbs, and surpassed 'Senior Brother Ye' who was beaten violently by Qin Yan.  The yellow-robed deacon continued to draw, reached into the black wooden box, and took out the second wooden sign. He glanced at the sign, his expression was slightly stunned, and then subconsciously shook his head, "Group five, Qin Yan" "So, this time the rankings  Tournament, group stage, the first round of the five groups, the first game, Rao Shaofeng, against Qin Yan The winner will get 3 points, the tie will get 1 point, the loser will get 0 points" "Me?  ?" Qin Yan's face was slightly startled, and he stood up immediately.  "Hahahahahagood! A good start! Three points!" Qin Yan's opponent, Rao Shaofeng, suddenly laughed ferociously, moved his body, and jumped onto the ring.  ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!
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