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Chapter 956: Japanese monk seeks seed

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    Regardless of status, just talking about individuals, to be fair, Wu is indeed much more mature than Li Zhi.  Li Zhi is a flower that has grown up in a greenhouse since she was a child, while Wu has lived her life as a big tree that can support her own life. She has already experienced the ups and downs that she should go through, so she understands better than Li Zhi what the human heart is.  How scary it would be.  Therefore, Li Zhi and Wu can form a complementary personality. This is why in real history, in order to establish Wu as his queen, Li Zhi did not hesitate to offend Changsun Wuji, turn against the Shandong nobles, and fight against all opinions to abolish him.  Empress Wang turned to make Wu family her queen.  Of course, the reason for making Wu his queen was not only love, but also a deeper reason about the game between the imperial power and the noble family. However, it is undeniable that Li Zhi did favor Wu very much.  Because there are indeed many shining points in Wu's character that Li Zhi lacks. At the same time, in terms of government affairs, Wu's ability and courage are also things that Li Zhi cannot achieve. These character advantages have become Wu's gains.  The weight of Li Zhi's favor, and these advantages could not be given by the king and queen at that time. In addition, the contradiction between the imperial power and the nobles at that time had gradually become acute, so it became an inevitable trend in history to abolish the king and establish military power.  Wu is more realistic than Li Zhi, and has a more thorough and profound understanding of the world and people's hearts than Li Zhi.  Of course, the reality is hard to listen to. Li Zhi, a little flower living in the greenhouse, was a little unhappy. The world he saw had always been beautiful, but Wu broke the beauty in his heart.  "How can the court be as bad as you say? It has been thirty years since the founding of the Tang Dynasty. The great ancestor and my father saved the people from dire straits. In just thirty years, the country and the country have undergone earth-shaking changes.  The prosperous age is just around the corner, and the reputation of the emperor and ministers in the court will spread far and wide. If the court is really a place full of intrigues, how can the world have such a gratifying change?" Li Zhi said displeasedly.  Wu smiled helplessly and said: "Your Highness, conspiracy and creating a prosperous age are two different things. No matter in prosperous or troubled times, the court is the birthplace of conspiracy, because all the power in the world is concentrated in this place, and power affects everything.  Interest, everyone in the world is seeking profit. Where there are interests, there must be disputes. Where there are disputes, there must be conspiracies. Your Highness is the future king of the Tang Dynasty. If His Highness cannot even understand this simple truth, I will be very worried about the future.  There will be a situation in the court where the king is weak and the ministers are strong" Li Zhi still looked unhappy, frowning and said: "Does it mean that there is no pure friendship between people in the court? Everyone only talks about power and peace?  "Is there any benefit?" "There are only monarchs and ministers in the court, how can there be any friendship? Even if there is friendship, it is only temporary and is established because of benefits. Such friendship is too fragile and can collapse at any time. Your Highness has been there since he was a child.  Growing up in the palace, you may have witnessed many seemingly touching friendships between kings and ministers, but those are just a harmony on the surface. If your highness doesn't believe it, why not ask your majesty in person whether he and Changsun Wuji are compatible with each other.  Heart trust" Wu paused and said: "A qualified emperor will never trust anyone." Li Zhi murmured: "In this way, my friendship with Li Su  " Mrs. Wu's face changed slightly. After thinking for a while, she smiled sweetly and said: "The relationship between His Highness and County Duke Li is naturally pure and a rare friendship. However, I think this is only temporary. If one day Your Highness  After ascending the throne, you and County Duke Li have changed from friends to monarchs and ministers. Then, friends are no longer pure friends. You and he will have beneficial cooperation or disputes, a little trust, and a little guard against each other.  There will even be conflicts and dissatisfaction. Everything is possible. " Li Zhi was stunned for a while, then suddenly shook his head, then glanced sideways at her and said, "Brother Zizheng often told me that you must be a decent person.  Your own independent thoughts should not be influenced by other people's thoughts. This is a complete person. Miss Wu, your thoughts are too dark, and my father's thoughts are the same. I don't think I can trust you. I don't trust the relationship between the monarch and his ministers.  There is no pure friendship. In the court, there are monarchs and ministers. They may argue over some state affairs, but outside the court, they can still play and tease each other, drink and have fun together. Such monarchs, ministers and friends are the most valuable. I  This is how it should be with brother Zizheng. There will be a long time to come, and I will definitely prove it to you." Mrs. Wu looked at Li Zhi in surprise, but her heart suddenly sank.  It wasn¡¯t until today that she truly understood how important Li Su¡¯s position was in Li Zhi¡¯s heart.  Is there really no true friendship between monarch and ministers?  Wu suddenly felt shaken by this sentence Li Su fell asleep after returning to Taiping Village from Chang'an City. When a crisis was completely resolved, a huge trouble appeared  be resolved, ??The individual's psychology becomes relaxed. Once relaxed, he feels sleepy and sleeps in various positions.  People are like this. The longer they sleep, the more they feel they don¡¯t get enough sleep. They spend most of the day sleeping, and when they wake up, they are still groggy. After trying to cheer up and eat, they immediately start to yawn again and again and start to feel sleepy.  Li Su enjoyed it. He felt that this was his ideal life, having no worries about food and clothing, being lazy and leisurely, and living like a pig.  Three days after the good days, another guest came to the door.  When the guests came to the door, Li Su was lying under the ginkgo tree in the middle of the yard, sleeping very deeply. He dreamed that he was lying in a pile of copper coins and silver cakes, smiling like a fool. Butler Xue carefully pushed him awake.  "Master, we have a visitor" Li Su opened his eyes unhappily and stared at Butler Xue: "Uncle Xue, do you know what is the most important thing in our family?" Butler Xue has been exposed to this issue in the Li family for many years.  The answer is very clear.  "Money is the most important thing!" Butler Xue said without hesitation.  "Wrong! My sleep is the most important thing!" Li Su glared at him dissatisfied and said, "If the owner of the house didn't sleep well, how could he have the energy to go out to make money?" Steward Xue suddenly understood and said very wisely: "Then, Mr.  Are you going to invite the guests back now?" Li Su sighed again: "Since I have been woken up by you, which means that my sleep has been ruined by you, then tell me, what is the most important thing in our family now?"  Butler Xue said without hesitation: "My lord's sleep is the most important. If the villain refuses the guest, my lord can continue to sleep." Li Su suddenly turned dark: "Wrong again! Your sleep is ruined. Of course, money is the most important thing at this time.  ! Do you know what the guests represent?" Butler Xue was a little frightened when he answered the questions incorrectly. He hesitated for a while and said, "The guests representmoney?" Li Su turned his anger into joy and nodded.  : "Good! Finally got the answer right." Steward Xue couldn't help but said: "What do you mean, sir, is this guest seen or not?" Li Su yawned for a long time and said casually: "Who is this guest?"  "The Japanese monk who came to our house the day before yesterday" Li Su was stunned for a moment, and then said with an ominous face: "It's the Japanese hozen again! See you there! Let him go!" "Yes, the villain will reject him now.  " Butler Xue bowed and stepped back slowly, then paused and said cautiously: "Master, this monk is here with a gift today Is Mr. Li not here too?" "  Su suddenly became energetic and jumped up from the recliner. He was dressed neatly and the jade tree was facing the wind. He was energetic and his eyes were bright. He said seriously: "Tang and Japan are two countries separated by a strip of water. They are good neighbors and friendly. We have friends from Japan. How can we keep our distinguished guest for a long time?"  Wait? Please come in quickly, I want to have a cordial and friendly conversation with this hozen" Butler Xue: "" I heard someone mention an idiom "to be ashamed of myself" a few days ago, is this the same?  Describe your mood at this moment?  ¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­ Dao Zhao had obviously done enough homework when he came to visit this time. He found that this Tang Dynasty dignitary particularly loved money. If he wanted to see him, money would be an indispensable stepping stone.  As he expected, Dao Zhao encountered almost no obstacles when he came to the door this time. The housekeeper forced a smile and invited him in. When he walked into the front hall, the owner of the house was already waiting for him, well-dressed, and even showed a look of being at home on his face.  laugh?  Dao Zhao took a deep breath, this feeling of being valued by his master so happy.  "Dao Zhao, a monk from the Kingdom of Great Harmony, pays homage to Duke Li County of the Kingdom of the Tang Dynasty." Dao Zhao saluted Li Su.  Li Su was smiling all over his face. He immediately looked at the gift in Dao Zhao's hand, and then he couldn't help but frown.  Judging from the size, this gift is obviously not big. The two oil paper bags are strung together with hemp rope and are swaying lightly in Dao Zhao's hand. Li Su uses the poor knowledge of physics in his previous life to judge that aerodynamics plus gravity can  After adding the density of the object and the arc of it floating in the hand, and finally doing some random addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, it is certain that this package is not heavy. First of all, we rule out the possibility of gold or silver cakes inside. There are valuable and small things in the world.  Not much. After excluding gold and silver cakes, the only options left are jade or emerald and diamond?  The value of this thing hasn't been discovered yet, has it?  In the end, Li Su finally came to the conclusion that the gift this guy was carrying was worth no more than a hundred cash.  So Li Su¡¯s face changed. While Dao Zhao was still smiling and feeling the warmth of ¡°feeling at home¡±, Li Su¡¯s face suddenly changed.  "Come, let's see the guests off!" Dao Zhao was shocked and said hurriedly: "Mr. Li, wait a minute, the poor monk brought a gift this time."Got a gift!  The poor monk was not rude!  " Li Su sneered: "What gift did you bring?  " Dao Zhao hesitated for a moment and opened the oil-paper bag in his hand. Li Su looked over and got furious. Of course, what was wrapped in the oil-paper bag was not gold and jade, not even copper coins, but two bags from somewhere in the East City.  The golden cakes bought from the black workshop shop are not regarded as county officials, so why are they sending beggars away? Li Su turned his back again: "Come here and see us off!"  " Dao Zhao hurriedly said: "There is more!  Mr. Li County, there is more!  " "What's there?  " Daozhao gritted his teeth and took out two Dongzhu from his arms with a distressed look on his face. Each Dongzhu was about the size of a pigeon egg. What was rare was that the color, size and roundness of the two Dongzhu were very similar. They were simply the same size.  A pair of twins. "These two East Pearls were given to the poor monk by our minister Suga Rulu before he left the Kingdom of Yamato. He said let the poor monk give them to the dignitaries of the Tang Dynasty, the poor monk.  I've been thinking about it recently, and I feel that Mr. Li's character and style complement these two East Pearls" Li Su looked at it and touched his chin, although the hozen said flattering things like "character and style"  It made him a little embarrassed, but Dongzhu was innocent! Without hesitation, Li Su immediately reached out and took the two Dongzhu, stuffed them into his arms, and then smiled like a spring breeze. "Oh, it turns out.  This is an eminent monk from the Japanese country. I haven¡¯t seen him for a long time. I haven¡¯t seen him for a day, just like three autumns. I miss him so much!  "Li Su was extremely enthusiastic, and once again showed a friendly and welcoming smile. Dao Zhao: "" "What's the matter with this feeling of being robbed suddenly while walking on the road "The Kingdom of Yamato, not the Kingdom of Japan" Dao Zhao  Corrected weakly "It's all the same, it's all the same" Li Su waved his hand nonchalantly: "Let's get straight to the point. As you know, I have a lot of things to do and am very busy. What can I do?  " Dao Zhao whispered: "It's the same thing, Mr. Li, the rice seeds improved by the agricultural science of the Tang Dynasty are really important to our country of Yamato. If we have it, the yield of our fields in the country will increase by 30%, and the people will not  No matter how hungry we are, our Emperor no longer has to worry about the shortage of food in the country every year. This rice seed is really an important treasure to save the country. Please ask Li County to show your kindness and give it to our country, Yamato.  " As he spoke, Dao Zhao stood up and gave Li Su a long bow. " It's strange that the monk did not practice Buddhist rituals, but secular rituals. " Li Su felt a little unhappy immediately. He had already made up his mind to improve rice seeds and would never do it.  The Japanese country, from the perspective of the Tang Dynasty, this is a matter of principle. We should not be too used to these neighboring countries. We will give others what they want. They are so generous. This is not called the magnanimity of a big country. In the eyes of others, this is  Called stupid. Touching his chin, Li Su began to hesitate whether to drive this hozen out. Anyway, he accepted the gift. In theory, he could cross the river and burn the bridge. Chang'an City is his own territory. It doesn't matter if he is driven out. The big deal is this.  It doesn't matter if the monkey goes around claiming that he is shameless, because he is telling the truth Does a shameless person care about others calling him shameless? Haha, it doesn't exist. The more I think about it, the more it makes sense "Come on.  People, see you off!  "Yes, Li Su fell out again." Dao Zhao was shocked: "Mr. Li, what's wrong with you?"  Where did the poor monk offend you?  " Li Su said lazily: "Because I suddenly remembered something, haha, I heard that you came to His Highness the Crown Prince to say bad things about me the day before yesterday?  Eminent monk, you are trying to cause trouble. We ordinary people can't do such a thing. You, a foreigner eminent monk, actually slander others behind their backs. What's more, I saved your life when I was in Liaodong. You Japanese people  Is this how you repay your life-saving grace?  " Dao Zhao was anxious: "The poor monk swore to the Buddha that he never said anything bad about County Duke Li in front of His Highness the Crown Prince. The poor monk just asked His Highness the Crown Prince to show mercy and give improved rice seeds to me, Yamato, and then complained a little about Yamato.  Tang Shangguo was not enthusiastic about us sending envoys to the Tang Dynasty Mr. Li, the poor monk never said a bad word about you. Don't accuse the poor monk unjustly!  " Li Su suddenly hesitated. The reason for hesitation was not Dao Zhao's explanation, but that he suddenly remembered Li Zhi's words. "It doesn't matter if he offends the Japanese monk, but it is a pity that this monk still has the status of an envoy to the Tang Dynasty. In this way, Dao Zhao's identity  It rose to a political level. Envoys sent to the Tang Dynasty had always been highly valued by the emperor and ministers in the Tang Dynasty. Their status was almost equal to that of an envoy from a country. Therefore, even though Li Su did not like the Japanese country, he still did not dare to openly expel guests.  After all, this monk is very good at causing trouble. When people cry and complain in Chang'an City, rumors will spread.Here it is, it is a sensitive period when Li Shimin is about to die and Li Zhi is newly crowned prince. Li Su cannot guarantee whether he will get into big trouble if he gets into trouble.  Thinking of Li Zhi¡¯s advice, Li Su decided to be more polite to the Japanese hozen, just for the sake of the two dongzhu.  Li Su rubbed his face and smiled at home again.  Dao Zhao¡¯s cheeks twitched. Li Su¡¯s schizophrenic attitude change in front of him was so frightening. Dao Zhao felt that his spirit had also been hit hard.  "We won't mention the unpleasant things. What does the eminent monk think?" Li Su said with a smile.  Dao Zhao seemed to be pardoned and nodded hurriedly: "Yes, yes, those unpleasant things are all misunderstandings, let's not mention them anymore." Li Sun hummed and said, "What was the serious matter that the eminent monk just said?" "Datang Agricultural Science  If you can give us the improved rice seeds of Yamato, our people will no longer suffer from hunger" Seeing that Li Su was still expressionless, Dao Zhao fell to the ground and said with a respectful expression: "I beg Mr. Li County  Fulfill the compassionate heart of the poor monk and give me the rice seeds of Yamato, so that good people can live a safe life" Li Su smacked his lips, these words sound so familiar.  After blinking, Li Su's tone suddenly became ethereal: "Even if you are a monk, you still have something you want to protect. It really bothers me that you are asking me like this" Dao Zhaohe's face question mark  :"???"    What's wrong?  What happened?  Why is it that every word the county official speaks is in Guanzhong dialect, but when put together, I can't understand it at all?  "Mr. Li, I forgive the poor monk for being stupid, but what do you mean by what you just said? The poor monk doesn't understand." Li Su glanced at him, his expression still vague: "Although you don't understand what I say, look  It can't sound so kawaii, but Since you are in a foreign land, I'd better ask you, the eminent monk, to understand our words. Only by working hard can you protect what you want to protect! " Dao Zhao's expression was quick!  Turning green, he suddenly wondered if he was also schizophrenic.  "My Lord Li County, please stop making trouble!" Dao Zhao begged sadly.  "The rice seeds of our Tang Dynasty. As a senior monk of the Japanese country, you must complete it even if you risk your life and death, right? But, I'm sorry, even though I am so small in the Tang Dynasty, I have the same thoughts as you.  What should I protect and persevere" Li Su's tone became more and more gloomy, like a mist, making people confused.  Dao Zhao was going crazy, his eyes were rapidly becoming bloodshot and red, and he was on the verge of exploding on the spot.  "Mr. Li, what on earth are you talking about?" Dao Zhao's voice sounded a little crazy.  Li Su sighed. He suddenly realized that his charming eyes had been thrown to the blind man, so he had to return to normal.  "In order to take care of your status as a distinguished guest, I chatted with you in the language of your Japanese country I can't understand this. Are you from the Japanese country? You can't be a fake, right?" Li Su said dissatisfied.  Dao Zhao stared at his red eyes and said word by word: "We, the country of Dahe, come from, do not speak like this!"
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