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Chapter 948: Prepare for a Rainy Day

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    The brothers reunited after a long absence, just looking at each other with a familiar heart and soul.  When we meet and smile, it's like opening a jar of old wine. The wine is full of fragrance and mellow.  The two of them were very excited and looked at each other and smiled. After a long time, Li Su punched him hard.  "Although I'm uglier than before, my figure is much stronger, which can be considered an improvement. Not bad!" Wang Zhuang laughed and said, "It's not just my figure, my mind has also become much clearer. You used to give me a lot of trouble back then."  I can't always answer the two-digit addition and subtraction. Now you can ask questions to show you what 'without thinking' means. Well, it's only for two-digit numbers" Li Su smiled a little stiffly and sighed.  He took a breath and murmured: "I can tell from your words that you may have some misunderstanding about the word 'growing up'" The two sat down. Li Daozheng knew that the two brothers would have a lot to say when they reunited.  So he smiled, said hello and left.  Li Su and Wang Zhuang were the only ones left in the front hall. After a while, the maids served wine and food. Li Su raised his glass to Wang Zhuang and drank happily together.  It was only then that Li Su began to look at Wang Zhuang carefully.  Wang Zhuang is indeed much stronger, his skin color is darker than before, and he has a light black beard on his chin, but his eyes are much sharper than before. Sitting in the front hall without saying a word, he exudes a faint  of majesty.  Li Su raised his eyebrows: "I can guess from the domineering aura you exude now. Have you been promoted?" Wang Zhuang grinned: "Haha, half a year ago General Hou promoted me to Lieutenant Zhechong, and my subordinates are in charge.  With 1,200 people, you can barely be considered an official." Li Su smiled and said: "Congratulations, it seems that you have made a lot of contributions in the Western Regions in the past two years, otherwise you would not be promoted so quickly. Tell me first, Hou Da.  How is the general going on the western expedition?" Wang Zhuang looked pleased and said: "The battle is going very well. Half a year ago, the capital of the Yanqi Kingdom was captured by our army. The leader of the country, Long Tuqi, fled north in a hurry. After hearing the news, all the countries in the Western Regions  They were shocked and all came to our Western Expedition to surrender. The war in the Western Expedition is settled. " Li Su was overjoyed and said: "This is good news. For Your Majesty, this news is very timely. It can at least share the discussion among the nobles and scholars in the world.  " After a pause, Li Su said again: "Did you make a lot of contributions in the battle against Yanqi? Please tell me in detail." Wang Zhuang smiled and said: "The credit is not big or small. In the past two years, you have been as big as Yanqi.  There were more than ten small battles, and several battles with the Western Turks. When they heard that our army was conquering Yanqi, the Western Turks could not sit still. They mobilized 10,000 troops from various tribes to compete with my king's division for the master of the Western Regions. Later,  I was beaten back by General Hou. In all these battles, I fought against the enemy and fought with all my life. I killed nearly a hundred enemies in total. Haha, I killed them so happily!" Li Su smacked his lips and said.  : "That's not right. It doesn't make sense to say that you were promoted to Captain Zhechong just because you killed hundreds of enemies. General Hou is famous for being strict and fair in running the army. Your merits are not enough to promote you to such a high official.  Yeah" Wang Zhuang blinked: "Didn't I tell you just now? Well, I really forgot, so what, killing a hundred enemies is a trivial matter. Later, after conquering the Yanqi capital, I confusedly  The Tu Qizhi was captured alive. This achievement seems to be a little greater than killing a hundred enemies" Li Su was shocked: "I will give you eighty-two points, you actually captured the leader of Yanqi alive?" Wang Zhuang?  With a look of embarrassment, he pretended to be reserved and nodded: "It's just a small amount of work, haha, it's just a small amount." Li Su coldly lowered his face: "If you look like you deserve a beating again, I'll have Buqu throw you out, don't  Blame me for hurting your face in front of your general¡¯s bodyguards.¡± Wang Zhuang immediately returned to his silly and bold image: ¡°I was the one who captured Longtu Qizhi alive.¡± ¡°Six months ago, Hou.  The general captured the capital of Yanqi. The leader of the country, Longtu Qizhi, led a group of guards to escape before the city was broken. General Hou was furious. After discussing with the generals, he thought that he would defect to the Western Turks in the north, so he ordered  Three thousand soldiers and horses were sent to pursue in three routes. At that time, I was just a captain with a false title of captain, and I had more than a hundred brothers. We were ordered to cross the desert from the east to pursue the Longtu Cavalry to the north, but later we failed.  We encountered a big storm in the desert. After the storm, more than ten of my brothers were killed, and we also lost a lot of food, grass and drinking water. What's terrible is that we lost our way in the desert" Wang Zhuang showed a bitter smile.  : "You and I have both crossed the desert. We should know that being lost in the desert is like stepping into the gate of hell. At that time, my brothers and I were anxious. Everyone kept asking me what to do.  How can I, a rough person who cannot read or understand the geography and climate of the desert, know what to do?  In the end, I was pushed to the point of panic by my brothers, so I made up my mind to run around in circles with my eyes closed. When I stopped, I walked wherever my fingers were pointing. This opportunityThis method immediately won the unanimous applause of the brothers" Li Su: "" "Then I randomly chose a direction and led the brothers forward. After walking for four or five days, I provided food, grass and drinking water.  They were almost exhausted and the brothers were almost in despair, but they unexpectedly encountered Long Tu Qizhi and more than a dozen of his guards. You don¡¯t know the scene at that time. We and Long Tu Qizhi suddenly encountered each other in the desert.  Everyone was dumbfounded. Long Tu Qizhi couldn¡¯t believe it, and we couldn¡¯t believe it either. The two groups were only a few dozen steps apart. They stared at each other for a long time, until Long Tu Qizhi knelt down with a look of despair on his face.  In the sand, we reacted and happily killed his guards, received their food, grass and drinking water, tied up the Long Tu Cavalry, and tortured him, after forcing him to find the correct direction in the desert.  , and then rushed back to General Hou's camp" Wang Zhuang grinned and said: "General Hou was very happy and promoted me to Lieutenant Zhechong on the spot. Thinking about it carefully, I also feel that I am blessed with great fortune.  Not only did I not die when I lost my way in the desert, but I gained a lot of achievements in vain. It was as if God had arranged for Long Tuqi to wait for me in the desert, just waiting for me to meet him and bring him back. It took no effort at all.  Well, even the food and water for the return trip have been prepared for me, haha" "Li Su was speechless" There are really no other words to use for this erratic luck except "good luck and good fortune".  Let¡¯s describe it. Is this what the saying goes, ¡°Foolish people are blessed?¡± ¡°You¡± Li Su was silent for a while, but hesitated to speak. ¡°What do you want to say?¡±  " Li Su pondered for a moment and sighed: "In your free time, find a few temples and Taoist temples to worship more. No matter who you worship, it is always right to worship more. You will probably count on the blessings of gods and Buddhas in the sky  " Wang Zhuang nodded thoughtfully: "Yes, I will go and worship tomorrow. By the way, is Her Royal Highness Princess Dongyang still opening a Taoist temple?  Don't let the rich water go to outsiders. Tomorrow, I will donate a few strings of sesame oil money to Her Royal Highness.  " Li Su sighed: "I haven't seen you for two years, and you still sound like an original bastard when you speak. I feel so friendly With your intelligence, don't go to harm the princess's Taoist temple tomorrow. Find another Taoist temple.  Wang Zhuang smiled and nodded: "Okay, let's switch to another family. Her Highness the Princess's Taoist temple cannot be offended. If I say something wrong, the Taoist Master will not blame me. I'm afraid the Princess will not be able to spare me."  " The two raised their glasses and drank another full glass. Wang Zhuang wiped the wine stains hanging on his short beard and said with a smile: "I heard about you when I entered Yumen Pass. Last year, His Majesty went on an eastern expedition and heard about you.  You have made a lot of contributions and have given the Tang Dynasty a good reputation. Seeing that you are not far away from the Duke, right?  " Li Su's eyes flashed and he shook his head: "Don't talk about this, just drink less. If you have two more sips, go home quickly. Your parents and aunts are looking at you. You are not heartless enough to drink at my place. I haven't seen you in two years.  , your virtue still makes people want to slap you" "Wang Zhuang is also a cheerful person. After hearing this, he took a big sip from the cup, wiped his mouth hard, stood up, patted his butt, and gave a lengthy wine burp, saying:  "Okay, let's go now. Go back and kowtow to your parents. I haven't seen my mother-in-law in two years. I miss her so much. Come eight times tonight. It's best to give me a child" Li Su suddenly turned dark and looked gloomy.  Said: ¡°Would you die if you didn¡¯t brag?  roll!  Roll non-stop!  Wang Zhuang laughed loudly, winked at Li Su, showed a mysterious smile that all men knew, and then strode out of the front hall, calling out to the dozen or so guards waiting in the front yard. Looking at Wang Zhuang's face  From the back, there was a faint smile on Li Su's lips. There is actually a lot to say about the reunion of brothers, but tonight is obviously not the right time. The first thing to do when returning home is to pay homage to his parents. Since he is back.  After Wang Zhuang left, it was already late at night, but Li Su couldn't sleep anymore, looking up at the bright moon hanging high in the night sky, Li Su stood in the front yard with his hands behind his back.  Lost in thought. After returning to Chang'an from the Eastern Expedition, Li Shimin's health became worse and worse. This year was only the 19th year of Zhenguan. Because of Li Su's arrival, the trajectory of history was more or less changed. It was time for Li Zhi to take over.  , the new king comes to the throne, and the court has a new atmosphere. Of course, there will also be some new troubles or enemies, such as Changsun Wuji, the Wu family, some wealthy families who are unwilling to stay dormant, etc. I think of what they may have to face in the future.  It has been ten years since he entered the court. In these ten years, Li Su has not had many enemies, but each one has become more powerful. After ten years of being an official, he has also interacted with others.  He has been fighting for ten years, and may continue to fight in the future. Will his life be spent in this kind of life-and-death struggle again and again? Li Su's values ????are different from others. He likes the quiet time and indifference.  Calm, if his life is trapped in endless battles, such a life will be very difficult for him.What does it mean?  "I really want to consider retiring and returning home" Li Su murmured to himself as he looked up at the bright moon in the night sky.  As for Li Shimin¡¯s preference to be the prime minister of the new dynasty I¡¯m sorry, that¡¯s not my ambition. Being the treasury administrator can be considered.  ¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­ ¡­¡­¡­ Li Su reluctantly fell asleep just before dawn, and slept until three o¡¯clock in the morning. Wang Zhuang¡¯s loud voice echoed in the front yard, and Li Su was finally woken up.  "This killer! Why didn't his mother-in-law squeeze him dry last night?" Li Su got up and cursed bitterly.  Full of anger, Li Su hurriedly dressed and came to the front hall. Wang Zhuang was sitting in the yard bragging to Fang Laowu and other tribes about his achievements in sweeping the Western Regions. When Li Su came, Wang Zhuang was talking about how he fought three thousand soldiers by himself.  The enemy army was beaten to a pulp, and he was very happy and foaming at the mouth. Unfortunately, he chose the wrong target. Fang Laowu and these troops are all veterans of hundreds of battles. What is the scene like on the battlefield? They are even better than Wang  Zhuang knew better that Wang Zhuang's shameless bragging only caused Fang Laowu and others to lower their heads and snicker, and then politely responded perfunctorily.  Li Su sighed, stepped forward and kicked Wang Zhuang's butt hard.  "Don't be embarrassed in my house. Can you show some face? I'm so embarrassed for you By the way, 'To be embarrassed' is an idiom, which means very embarrassing. Remember it, this is a knowledge point."  Wang Zhuang was not angry, he laughed and shut up, but suddenly there was laughter behind him. Li Su turned around and saw Wang Zhi was there.  Seeing Li Su looking at him, Wang Zhi smiled and said, "I just found out about my brother's return home this morning, so I hurried back from Chang'an City." Li Su nodded, looked at Wang Zhuang again, and couldn't help being surprised.  "Wang Zhuang, what's wrong with your face?" Li Su asked in surprise.  At this time, Wang Zhuang's face was covered in bruises and bruises, the corners of his mouth were swollen, and one of his eye sockets was black.  Wang Zhuang's face heated up, he brushed his hair pretending to be cool, and said: "It was too dark on the way home last night, so I accidentally fell into a ditch" Li Su said reluctantly: "No, it's impossible to get hurt if you fall into a ditch.  It's so heavy, and the scars are distributed evenly and reasonably Is your enemy lurking in the ditch where you fell?" Wang Zhuang's originally dark face became as dark and shiny as shoe polish.  "That ditch is very mysterious" Wang Zhuang was still stubborn.  Wang Zhi couldn't help laughing: "Yes, he is so mysterious that he can't even offend Captain Wang, who fights three thousand men alone. He can't offend him, he can't offend him" Before he could finish his words, the angry Wang Zhuang flew up with a kick.  Kicked the king away.  Fang Laowu and other members could not bear it any longer. They said hello casually and left. A group of people hid outside the door, and their wild laughter soon came from outside.  Wang Zhuang suddenly showed a look of shame and annoyance, and Li Su calmly struck out: "They are laughing at you" "I know." Wang Zhuang said dullly.  "Their laughter is full of ridicule and hurts self-esteem" Li Su continued leisurely.  "" Wang Zhuang, who had an ugly face, gritted his teeth and said: "We are all brothers, there is no shame in saying it. After returning home last night, my mother-in-law punched me when they met. It's so despicable. She attacked without saying hello.  , You are not so careless on the battlefield!" Li Su understood: "So, you feel the familiar feeling of being beaten when you return home? Hey, didn't you say that picking three or five women like her was like picking something out of a bag? " Wang  The pile paused for a moment, then sighed sadly: "I didn't expect that after two years of not seeing each other, Aunt Gua's skills have become more and more refined. She tried hard to resist last night, but in the end she was still inferior to others. In the end, she was completely defeated. She threw her to the ground and beat her violently  " Looking up at the sky sadly, Wang Zhuang's cheeks twitched: "To tell you the truth, I wanted to leave as soon as I got home last night. Being stabbed by the enemy on the battlefield was not so aggrieved" Li Su looked at him sympathetically.  : "So, last night you said in high spirits that you would come with your mother-in-law eight times" "Eight times, she beat me violently eight times"   On the hillside of an unnamed mountain outside Taiping Village,  Li Su sat in the shade of the tree and looked at the sky silently. Wang Zhi stepped on Wang Zhuang's shoulders, and the two of them were digging out the bird's nest in the tree.  Many years have passed, Li Su has become a high-ranking county official, Wang Zhuang has become a general, and Wang Zhi has become the leader of the Fox Society Rat in Chang'an City. The three of them have such status, but they are climbing trees and poaching birds.  Nest How to describe this behavior?  It's a bit disgusting to say that the innocence of a child is still there, how can I put it?  May you be away for half your life and still be mentally retarded when you return.  "Okay, okay, accumulate some virtue. The bird didn't offend you, so why bother with it?"You can't beat your own mother-in-law, but you are very courageous when bullying birds, with a posture of destroying everyone. Do you know that you bully the weak and fear the strong?  " One sentence suddenly made Wang Zhuang's mood waned, and the two brothers immediately stopped this boring behavior. The three of them sat side by side, Wang Zhuang looked at the peaceful Taiping Village at the foot of the mountain, and couldn't help but breathe out a sigh of relief. " It's better to be at home.  , the mountains are good, the water is good, even the bird's nest is friendly, everything is good except the invincible Aunt Gua at home.  Li Su said: "You came back this time with orders to report victory to Chang'an?"  Wang Zhuang nodded: "Yes, General Hou ordered me to return to Chang'an and report the war situation in the Western Regions to the Ministry of War in detail. After the report, I stayed in Chang'an. However, I plan to rest at home for two months before going to the Western Regions. After all, I have just earned a fortune."  Lieutenant, you can't be considered rich, at least you have to get a title so that you can return home in fine clothes.  " "Did General Hou not commit any of his old habits in this battle against Yanqi?  Such as massacre and looting.  Wang Zhuang shook his head: "No, I suffered a big loss once, and General Hou also learned a lesson. Massacres did happen, but not after people surrendered. So after the Yanqi capital was destroyed, General Hou ordered the massacre of the city for three days.  This is not against the law. This is the rule for the Tang Dynasty king to conquer foreign countries.  " Li Su nodded: "That's good. What does General Hou have in mind next?  The war is over, it's time for him to return to the country, right?  "Wang Zhuang thought for a while and said: "Before leaving the Anxi Protectorate, I saw that General Hou did not want to return to Chang'an. He planned to ask Chang'an to guard the Western Regions and protect the Silk Road for the imperial court.  " Li Su was stunned for a moment, and then said slowly: "That's fine, it's windy and rainy in Chang'an, but it's safer outside.  Wang Zhuang pondered for a moment and said: "Li Su, I have been following General Hou for the past two years. He has told me many things, especially why you want to put me under General Hou. You" See  Wang Zhuang looked hesitant to speak, but Li Su suddenly smiled: "You can say whatever you want. We grew up together, but you are still afraid of violating taboos in front of me?  Wang Zhuang also smiled, then looked solemn and said: "Listen to the meaning of the general's words, do you want the general to cultivate and promote me so that I can hold great power in the Anxi Protectorate?"  " Li Su smiled and said: "Yes, that's what I really mean.  "Wang Zhuang said nonchalantly: "What happens after you take control of the power?  No matter how much power I hold in the Anxi Protectorate, it seems to be of no help to you, right?  After all, the two places are thousands of miles apart. Even if something happens, I will be beyond my reach" Li Su was silent for a while, then slowly said: "When I am in Chang'an, I don't need you to do anything for me. Lead your troops well and maintain peace on the border.  , this is the great justice of the country, and we must not slack off at any time. However, if one day I encounter a life-threatening crisis in Chang'an, and this crisis is beyond my ability to solve, then you are the last resort for me and my family.  Do you understand?  "
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