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Chapter 76 Auxiliary roaming

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    On the road, purple side jungler Wei made a wave of gank to help Pan Sen kill the blue side top laner Prince. ? Almost at the same time, the blue ball girl in the middle also had a set of skills that dealt damage and added [Ignite] and tried to kill the purple mid laner Bomber. The latter had a full double call of [Flash] and [Healing], and escaped with the remaining blood on his head.  Although no kills were taken in the middle lane, several members of the blue side army quickly gathered towards Xiaolongfjord after noticing the appearance of the opponent's jungler in the top lane.  At this moment, the opponent's mid laner has returned to the city with residual health, the jungler and top laner are both on the top lane, and the bottom lane duo has been killed again. This is the best time to fight the dragon.  Although playing against the dragon for more than five minutes at the beginning would be a bit hurt for the lower-level blue heroes, Lin Xiao controlled the auxiliary Thresh to constantly move back and forth in small steps, interfering with the operation of the dragon's hatred attack target.  Next, the health loss of the four heroes of the blue army is not much.  After just ten seconds, the system female voice sounded: "Your-team-has-slained-a-dragon (your team has killed the dragon)." The first dragon was collected early, counting  With a head count of 3 to 2, the blue army already had a small economic advantage.  ¡­ ¡­ Lin Xiao, who returned to the spring of the base, used his considerable financial resources to buy 800 yuan of blue eye stones, a pair of straw sandals and a real eye. He also changed the accessories to red scanning ones.  Then, he controlled his auxiliary Thresh and went out again carrying the sickle chain.  But this time out, Lin Xiao did not choose to return directly to the lower route with his ADC teammates. ? ¡¼Let¡¯s control the lane first, and I¡¯ll do some vision work.  ¡½ ? After typing in the team chat column to remind the female police teammate, Lin Xiao controlled Thresh and dived into his own jungle area.  Insert a false eye in front of the grass near the entrance of the river at the front of the F4 wild area.  This eye position is used to prevent the opposing jungler from invading your own jungle area and coming around to gank and catch people.  Lin Xiao controlled his auxiliary Thresh and walked a few steps further, inserting the 100-yuan real eye into the small tuft of grass on the left front of Xiaolong Gorge in the river. ? ? Considering this location, it is actually a pretty good deal.  First of all, this position can illuminate a large field of vision and clearly detect the situation at each intersection; secondly, because generally speaking, the heroes on both sides will not pay too much attention to the grass when passing by the river.  , so the real eye is often inserted in this position. If you are lucky, it will not be eliminated by the opponent for more than ten minutes.  After finishing the vision, Lin Xiao glanced at the small map.  The line of soldiers in the bottom lane just now was not very good. My ADC teammate, the policewoman, hit a stone man in the jungle. Now she rushed to the line again, and just a wave of blue soldiers were pushed under her own defense tower by the opposite party.  In other words, as long as the female police officer lasts a last-ditch attack under the tower and pays attention to her positioning, she will be very safe for the time being.  So Lin Xiao temporarily gave up the idea of ??returning to the bottom lane immediately.  Turning his eyes again, he focused on the purple square bomber in the middle.  As an auxiliary, especially an offensive auxiliary with first-hand control skills like Soullock Warden Thresh, after gaining a clear advantage in the bottom lane, you can choose to roam the side lanes to support or gank.  At this moment in the middle, the purple side's mid lane bomber "Ghost Moon, Quicksand" had just been forced out of the double call by the opponent's mid laner half a minute ago, and now his position is quite forward. He is definitely a  Quite a suitable gank object.  The decision is yours~¡ª¡ª Lin Xiao controlled his auxiliary Thresh and walked to the grass near the river mouth on the right side of the middle road.  He did not choose to crouch directly into the grass and ambush.  Because of Thresh¡¯s passive skills, souls may be randomly generated when enemy creeps are killed online.  This soul can be collected by Thresh and converted into his own armor and spell power, but at the same time, it can also easily expose Thresh's whereabouts.  As soon as the opponent discovers that a soul is generated when his own minion falls to the ground, he will immediately know that the opposite Thresh is nearby, and then he will be alert and alert or even retreat directly.  Precisely because he clearly understood the effect of Thresh¡¯s passive skill, Lin Xiao deliberately controlled the distance between himself and the purple minion on the middle line while waiting for the opportunity.  In this position, enemy soldiers will not generate souls when killed.  The opponent will have no way of knowing the existence of his Thresh.  While patiently waiting for the opposite mid laner Bomber to take a few more steps, Lin Xiao was in the teamType in the internal chat channel to ask your mid laner teammate: ¡¼How long does it take to reach 6?  ¡½ Soon, "YY Commentary£üUnlucky Day", who is the female player in the blue square, sent a message and replied: ¡¼Two pawns missing.  ¡½ Lin Xiao nodded. ???????? Wait a few more seconds and you can go up directly.  As long as your mid laner Syndra reaches six, even if you don't have [Ignite] in hand, the explosive damage of a set of skills plus the ultimate move will be quite astonishing.  Coupled with the control of his auxiliary Thresh, it is absolutely guaranteed to kill a Bomberman with no double summons.  Of course, the premise is that his Thresh Q skill can successfully hook the target - Lin Xiao bit another piece of dark chocolate and held it in his mouth, tasting it with relish.  As for the problem of the hit rate of the hook For him, that is not a problem at all. ?¡­ ?Two or three seconds later.  On the middle route, the blue square ball girl raised her hand and hit an A, taking down a purple square melee soldier with a last-ditch attack.  It¡¯s almost time.  Lin Xiao directly controlled Thresh without hesitation, preparing to walk towards the purple square bomber on the center line in front.  The next second.  A "Dark Sphere" from Ball Girl's Q skill detonated and exploded among several purple party's long-range minions. ????????? Another flat A, and another last hit.  Killing two minions one after another, the experience gained allowed the ball girl Syndra to successfully advance to level six.  Almost at the same time when he saw his opponent Syndra reaching six, the purple mid laner Bomberman had already turned around and ran away very quickly when he saw the opportunity.  The ball girl decisively handed over [Flash].  A thin golden light suddenly lit up, and the figure of the Dark Head of State Syndra suddenly rushed forward.  Raising his hand like lightning, the E skill "The Weak Retreat" was released.  An invisible force in the air vibrated violently, pushing an energy ball on the ground in front of the ball girl and flying forward suddenly!  Hit the target!  !  Completed dizziness control!  !  The purple side mid laner, Bomberman, was held in place and fell into a dazed state for 1.5 seconds.  ¡°Beautiful¡ª¡ª¡± With a compliment, Lin Xiao unambiguously controlled Thresh, carrying the sickle and chain, and quickly chased after the target bomber.  At the same time, Dragon Ball, who was still cooperating with his teammates in the bottom lane to assist Nippon A to consume the blood of the blue defense outer tower, glanced at the small map, suddenly noticed the situation in the middle lane, and immediately shouted: "Damn it! Hammer!"  Shi ran to the middle! ? -" The camera perspective was also switched to the middle by the Dragon Ball.  The mid laner Bomberman of "Ghost Moon and Quicksand" on the purple side was stunned and held at the edge of the range of his own defense tower. He was only a few steps away from escaping back to the tower.  The auxiliary Thresh on the blue side is quickly closing the distance between himself and the target Bomberman, holding a sickle chain.  1. The 5-second dizziness control time is actually just the blink of an eye.  But Thresh didn¡¯t draw the hook.  "Thresh's Q skill doesn't have enough range." "Syndra's flash E is a little too urgent." "Bomberman gives himself a W, and it shouldn't be a big problem to escape back to the tower." Dragon Ball made a judgment.  The next second, "Ghost Moon, Quicksand", who is the purple side's mid lane bomber, got rid of the dizzy control of Syndra's E skill. When he saw Thresh catching up quickly not far away, he used the W skill without hesitation.  "Fixed-point blasting" was launched, and an explosive bag was dropped on the ground under his feet.  Explodes instantly!  Bang!  !  !  ¡ª¡ª The explosive package on the ground exploded with a bang, and the huge impact sent Bomber Giggs' short body into the air, drawing an arc and flying towards the depths of his defense tower.  At the same moment, the blue hamster that was catching up from behind had already swung its sickle chain, and launched a Q skill "death sentence" brazenly!
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