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Chapter 72 Welcome to deliver at any time

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    In a wave of battles in the bottom lane, we handed over Lin Xiao's own support Thresh's [Flash] and [Ignite], plus the ADC Policewoman's [Healing], and replaced the opposite ADC Cannon's double call and auxiliary day.  Female [lit].  From the perspective of summoner skills, the profit is slightly smaller.  But more importantly, our own ADC policewoman got first blood from the opponent's cannon, while Lin Xiao himself completed his ultimate escape with residual health.  So Lin Xiao was very satisfied with this result.  In fact, in Lin Xiao¡¯s opinion, the bottom duo on the opposite purple side had already played quite well.  The opponent's ADC cannon player "Dragon Ball" is extremely accurate in calculating the burst damage when it reaches level 2. If the opponent's W skill was not interrupted by the limit of his E skill, and a small amount of magic damage was missing, it would be impossible to predict.  It was a one-for-one situation just now.  Although it is still a good deal to replace the opponent's ADC kill with your own support kill, it is always a good thing to be happy if you can save your life.  And Lin Xiao was also pleased to find that his ADC teammate policewoman "Arctic, Starlight" was also quite good at operations.  Just now, when her Thresh Q skill hooked the opponent's cannon, the policewoman reacted very quickly and used her W skill to deploy the trap, completing the seamless connection in control, and her operations in walking and slashing were also quite flexible.  , dealing enough damage.  Otherwise, if the policewoman has less flat A, the opposite ADC cannon may be able to support the time when killing his auxiliary hammer stone.  In fact, these things can be put in one sentence - "Sure enough, all the friends in this segment are very good~" With a piece of dark chocolate in his mouth, Lin Xiao gave a vague evaluation of this qualifying match.  .   "If Thresh hadn't used his E skill to interrupt my W just now, the damage would have been less, otherwise Thresh would have been instantly killed -" In the YY channel, the Dragon Balls looked at themselves regretfully  The twenty to thirty thousand viewers and fans in the live broadcast room explained.  And the majority of YY audience players who heard the explanation of Dragon Ball were immediately in awe of Thresh, the assistant on the blue side: "Damn it, it was really Thresh who used E to interrupt the cannon's W just now!  It¡¯s not because they are dazzled!  It's true!  This Threshis so slippery!  !  For a moment, the text message channel on the right side of the live broadcast room was flooded with messages: ¡¼Thresh 666666!  !  !  ¡½ ¡¼Lao Qi was manipulated with an angry look!  ¡½ ¡¼Thresh recruits three hundred disciples!  !  ¡½ ¡¼Watching the ADC cannon of Lao Qi, I decided to buy a hammer stone -¡½ Looking at this or amazing message information. Qi Dragon Ball was embarrassing, and his mind thought was a little erratic.  Facing a computer screen that temporarily turned into black and white, he subconsciously cast his gaze to the blue side's defense tower not far away - the blue side's auxiliary Thresh was swimming leisurely with only a few traces of remaining blood on his head.  Zaidi is ready to return to the city.  His eyes fell on the assistant Thresh who was "waving the sickle". Looking at the opponent's ID name, Dragon Ball couldn't help but think of the string of "001" numbers that had just been typed out by mistake.  Then, the guess in his mind became more and more certain: This Thresh is really very likely to be "that one"!  Otherwise, based on his own experience of being in the ranking field of the king group from being drilled 1 in the first area for such a long time, he has never heard of such an auxiliary hero who can suddenly appear from nowhere and can defeat the soul-locked warden Thresh.  A master who plays so smoothly.  You know, although Thresh's E skill can interrupt some skills with movement trajectories, in the situation just now, his ADC cannon almost fired W directly to jump Thresh, leaving no trace for the opponent.  Half a second reaction time.  But the Thresh on the opposite side this "Swinging Sickle" seized this extremely short reaction time, which was almost fleeting, and swung an E skill "Pendulum of Doom" that swung the chain of the scythe unceremoniously.  Interrupted his W.  At the same time, he also completely shattered his own killing plan.  Regardless of whether Dragon Ball is affected by his preconceived mentality now, he clearly remembers: In the DOTA professional circle, that legendary existence was not only recognized as the top level in the national server and even the world in terms of tactical coordination;  In terms of operational response speed, it is so powerful that it is so powerless that it is difficult to compete with it.  Not long after, Dragon Ball¡¯s wandering thoughts were pulled back by a message from a teammate that appeared in the chat bar in the lower left corner of the screen.ÀÏ ¡¼I rely on the old seven, you can do hair, the small cannon plus the Japanese female level 2 and the opposite wave can't fight, I sent a person with a blood, and I didn't even kill the opposite blood assist.  !  !  !  !  !  ¡½ ?With the signature exclamation mark bombardment, there is no suspense about the identity of the player who sent this message.  In the live broadcast room, YY viewers and players who saw this message immediately responded enthusiastically: ¡¼Lao Qi is despised by the sword master!  ¡½ ¡¼Hahahahaha, it feels so embarrassing!  !  !  ¡½ ¡¼But the sword-defying sword is right, the cannon plus the Japanese girl, the second-level burst and combat power are obviously much higher than Thresh plus the policewoman¡ª¡ª¡½ ¡¡¡¡Dragon Ball looked embarrassed and coughed, and typed a reply:  ¡¼My, my, my I just made a mistake.  ¡½ ¡¡¡¡The Japanese female player "Internet Addiction Poisoning" who is assisting is also typing to ask: ¡¼Who is Thresh opposite the Blade Master? The operation is so slippery. Is he a professional support for which team?  ¡½ ?Following the mid lane bomber "Guiyue, Liusha" also curiously asked: ¡¼Is he the support of your Maple Leaf-Maple?  ¡½ ?¡­ ?Seeing the inquiries sent by teammates in the team chat column, Jiang Haojie typed back angrily: ¡¼Nonsense, of course not, it¡¯s not like you don¡¯t know the national server ID of our team¡¯s auxiliary, that guy is the only one  Diamond 1 is the number with forty or fifty victory points.  ¡½ ?While sending this message, Jiang Haojie was still muttering in his mouth: "Our team's support? It would be great if that guy 001 could really come to our place to play support" "Brother Jiang, what can you say alone?"  Not far away, Maple Leaf Team's assistant "Xiao Dao" was passing by with a bucket of instant noodles. Hearing Jiang Haojie's muttering, he looked over and asked curiously.  "Ah? Oh, it's okay! I'm playing ranked here, you go make some noodles -" After dismissing his teammates, Jiang Haojie continued typing on the keyboard and ordered his teammates: "Seventh, you guys play in the bottom lane"  Be steady. When I reach level 6, I will go down and help you catch them!  ¡½ ?Just as he hit the undo button, a yellow private message from a friend popped up in the chat bar: waving the sickle: ¡¼You guys are about to explode in the bottom lane~ Are you panicking?  ¡½ ?Jiang Haojie typed angrily and replied: ¡¼Just wait, I will go down and catch you to death later!  ¡½ ¡½ He waved the sickle: ¡¼Oh, okay, you are welcome to give someone a head at any time.  ¡½?¡­????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The top lane troops are controlled by the ¡°Blade Defying Heaven¡± top laner Pan Sen, close to the edge of the shooting range of his purple side¡¯s outer tower. As a purple side jungler Wei¡¯s ¡°Three Days¡±  "Sanye" drove out from the river mouth and cooperated with his teammate Pan Sen to successfully kill the blue side's top laner Prince.  The head was taken by Pan Sen, whose "sword defies the sky".  ¡¼Did you see it?  You are about to explode when you hit the road!  Let me ask you whether my Pantheon is 6 or not!  ¡½ Jiang Haojie showed off to Lin Xiao in a private chat with his friends.  Then Lin Xiao leisurely sent a reply: "Well, you guys are playing pretty well in the jungle."  ¡½ ¡°Fuck, fuck, fuck!!!¡ª¡ª¡± Jiang Haojie was so angry that he wanted to flip the table.  "Brother Jiang, are you okay?" On the table diagonally opposite, the assistant "Xiao Dao" who had finished making instant noodles stopped eating the noodles and looked up, asking with curiosity and concern.  "Ahem, it's okay. There's a bitch on the opposite side. You can continue eating instant noodles and don't worry about me¡ª¡ª"  The game time is 4 minutes and 30 seconds. The blue side's jungler, the blind monk, is wandering in the middle, preparing with his own ball girl.  Kill the opposing mid laner Bomberman.  But it is a pity that the stun control of the ball girl's E skill was avoided by a clever little move of the opponent "Ghost Moon and Quicksand". The two heroes on the blue side could only watch helplessly as the mid laner on the purple side, Bomberman, carried the rest on his head.  Less than half of the remaining blood ran away under the tower.  At this point, the head count of both sides is 1 to 1, and the situation on the field is still a balance of power.  Then, the screen perspective returns to the bottom lane.
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