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The fierce north wind has failed to succeed. Chapter 54: Raging Waves (Part 1)

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    The ministers asked the king to be the emperor. King Xin declined because he was deeply saddened by the death of the late emperor and had no intention to think about the title. The ministers then recommended the king to be the emperor in the name of the fact that the country cannot live without a king for a day. King Xin said that he had little virtue.  The incompetent person rejected the recommendation of the ministers for the second time; the ministers believed that the sages in the sea had no greater faith in the king than the three of them. They believed that the king would be the emperor. They believed that the king wanted to observe filial piety for three years and asked the ministers to mention the matter again in the future.  After receiving the letter and the king's third refusal, the officials of the six ministries jointly signed a form of persuasion and the cabinet assistant submitted it to Xinfan, imploring King Xin to leave the vassal and inherit the rule for the sake of the ancestors and the people.  At this point, every Chinese prince in the past dynasties had to go through the process of three bows and three concessions. King Xin accepted the advice of the ministers and went to the ancestral temple to offer sacrifices to heaven. That is the emperor's throne, and the emperor decreed that it would be changed to Chongzhen Yuan next year.  Year.  On October 26, the seventh year of Tianqi, nine days after the death of Xizong, Wei Zhongxian, who was once so powerful, now seems to have aged twenty years.  Since ancient times, the emperor and his courtiers are currently the two most favored eunuchs by the emperor, Cao Huachun and Wang Chengen. Wang Chengen is fine, but Cao Huachun is a disciple of the great eunuch Wang An, and Wang An was once Wei Zhongxian's biggest political enemy, and he also died at the hands of Wei Zhongxian.  Land.  At that time, Wang An was working for the Donglin Party and praised the local prime minister, so of course Cao Huachun was also a member of the Donglin Party. The emperor naturally favored this person, which naturally made Wei Zhongxian secretly think that it was not good. After a few days of observation, he thought that the emperor of Xindi was very polite to him, but he was far from being worthy of it.  Since Wei Zhongxian has been in the officialdom for many years, he is confident that he still has a lot of eyesight.  Wei Zhongxian knew that he had offended too many people over the years and seeing that the new emperor no longer trusted him, he could not help but consider a way out.  So today Wei Zhongxian got up early and waited outside Cao Huachun's door.  When Cao Huachun opened the door and came out.  Wei Zhongxian fell to his knees: "Eunuch Cao, please give our family a way to survive!" Cao Huachun was shocked when he saw this. He took a step away and hesitated, but still did not help Wei Zhongxian. He just shouted: "Nine thousand years old!  But I can't." Wei Zhongxian kowtowed several times and said sincerely: "Eunuch Cao, please tell me that our family is getting older.  There is nothing more to ask for." Cao Huachun put a smile on his face and finally walked over to help Wei Zhongxian up and dusted off his clothes.  During this period, Wei Zhongxian stood with his head lowered and his hands tied, motionless like a puppet, allowing himself to be manipulated by the other party.  "Eunuch Wei" After hearing this title, Wei Zhongxian seemed to let out a sigh of relief and his stiff shoulders seemed to loosen a bit, but he was still like a primary school student facing the class teacher.  Waiting honestly for Cao Huachun to write.  "Long live the Lord has been praising Wei Gonggong, the late emperor. When he was dying, he also mentioned Wei Gonggong's merits and Wei Gonggong's talents" On October 18, the Southwest Superintendent Zhang Heming sent a memorial to Shuixi and Yongning, the capital. Zhang Heming said that he thought  God has the virtue of good life.  Now that the rebels have surrendered, it is not appropriate to do more killing.  At the same time, Zhang Heming also put forward his views on the situation in the southwest. He believed that the imperial court should implement land reform and return to the areas of Shuixi and Yongning.  There are three obvious benefits to the reform of the land return movement: first, the number of people and Dingkou controlled by the imperial court will increase, which will of course increase the fiscal revenue of Sichuan, Guizhou, and Yunnan provinces; secondly, it will eliminate the separatist forces of small people in case of an emergency.  In the future, there will be chaos in the southwest. The manpower and material resources in Shuixi and Yongning will also be used by the court instead of the other way around. In the end, if the chickens are killed to scare the monkeys, this time, if the rich families like Shejia and Anjia, which have existed for thousands of years, are completely uprooted.  It will definitely shock other chieftains in the southwest.  Zhang Heming claimed in the memorial that if the reform of native land and returning to local people can be implemented smoothly.  That will definitely ensure that there will be no chaos in the southwest for fifty years, and it will also benefit future generations and allow the country to enjoy long-term benefits.  But Zhang Heming spoke categorically about the difficulty of changing the land and returning it to the local people. If he is not careful, it will not only easily trigger the civil revolution, but also become an excuse for a small number of people with ulterior motives to cause chaos.  Therefore, Zhang Heming proposed a comprehensive plan of "using barbarians to control barbarians".  The first step is to kill all the leaders of Yongning and Shuixi and their close confidants and nephews. These people were the backbone of the rebels during the She'an Rebellion and were the most responsible for the disaster. Therefore, Zhang Heming advocated killing them all so that they could cause trouble.  To act as a deterrent.  It will also deprive the small people of Shuixi and Yongning of their possible leading troublemakers.  At present, Zhang Heming has found all the captives and killed them all. He suggested that the remaining parties in Shuixi and Yongning should be treated in the same way.  The second step is to adopt a gentle policy towards the minority people in other places.  Zhang Heming said that he planned to amnesty tens of thousands of prisoners to win people's hearts, and he would also divide the land and property of the executed local leaders equally among them to show the court's leniency.  When Zhang Heming killed these two local men before, he also asked such prisoners to take action. He also organized a "complaint meeting" to unearth all the past incidents of these leaders bullying men and dominating women. Finally, he asked these two local civilians to kill them.  The leader testified to the court that?My own repentance and loyalty.  There is nothing wrong with the above treatment, but the third point raised by Zhang Heming is a bit strange. Before talking about the third point, he first talked about the hostility of the Shaomin towards the Han people.  Reduce the burden on the people, but some people may always accuse the Han people of enslaving the people, so be careful.  Zhang Heming's third step is to organize a local official election for these small people, and they themselves will elect a temporary local official. The reason why it is called a temporary local official is because this kind of local official must be re-elected every three years and is not allowed to be re-elected.  The third time is not allowed to be hereditary.  Zhang Heming suggested that this temporary native official should be maintained for a period of time until Shuixi and Yongning were completely Hanized. Some people would be admitted as scholars, juren, jinshi, and serve as other local officials. After that, the court would send officials to these two areas to rule.  As for the benefits of doing so, Zhang Heming also believes that there are three points. First, letting native officials govern for a period of time will help eliminate the native people's fear of the court to prevent anyone from inciting them to rebel again; secondly,  Without long-term and hereditary chieftains, it would be difficult to form the core of resistance to the imperial court again. The third Ming Dynasty could send people called "observers" to supervise the election of Shaomin and not allow them to bribe or force the election. Finally, after the election of native officials, it would be necessary to  It would be effective if it was approved by the chief secretaries of Sichuan and Guizhou. Zhang Heming believed that in this way, the minority people and local officials would have demands from the Ming government, so that it would no longer be monolithic.  In the memorial, Zhang Heming also suggested establishing two parties for the native people to compete for the position of native official.  He even named the two parties. One was called "Democratic Party" for Shaomin - now Shaomin was no longer a slave to the chieftain and was the master of his own country; the other was called "Republican Party", which they jointly recommended and the Ming Dynasty  The so-called "republic" also maintains peace.  After reading the memorial, the new emperor thought for a long time and couldn't help but laugh. He repeatedly praised Zhang Heming for his insight. This was really a mature way of planning the country.  He planned to approve and implement it, and also planned to give three thousand volumes of Confucian classics to Shuixi, Yongning, etc., so that the young people of these two places could become scholars as soon as possible.  Some people in the cabinet questioned Zhang Heming's method. They all said that although this kind of thing sounds good, there is no precedent after all.  There was no similar governance method before the Ming Dynasty.  The young emperor thought that this was not a reason for objection. He said to his ministers with enthusiasm: The Ming Dynasty covers thousands of miles, and its subjects are trillions of miles away, and their customs are all different. He thinks that the governance methods are different, and it is not surprising. The country is so big and there are so many types of people. It is perfectly fine.  There are several completely different governance methods coexisting.  With the emperor¡¯s support, Zhang Heming¡¯s proposal was adopted.  Shuixi and Yongning abolished the hereditary native officials and the Ming law was adopted from then on.   October 20, seven years of Apocalypse.  Yongning Today, Huang Shi personally brought a group of guards to the district of Yongning. After the Battle of Chishui, Zhang Heming, under the initiative of Huang Shi, agreed to adopt a gentle policy towards Yongning. After the surrender of Shuixi and Yongning, Zhang Heming prohibited other groups of Ming troops from entering these two districts.  Tens of thousands of former rebels who were captured in the areas were gradually released.  Under Huangshi¡¯s suggestion, Zhang Heming readily adopted his policy of ¡°using the barbarians to control the barbarians¡± and almost wiped out all the native classes in both areas. Even if they surrendered voluntarily, the local people would never forgive them. All the crimes of oppressing the tribesmen in their lives were dug out.  Then the Ming army asked their former enemies to execute all these leaders.  After the Ming army gave all the soil to the native people.  The native people seemed to have basically put aside their past hatred. After the Ming army led them to divide the property of the hereditary chieftains and the chieftain class, the native people's support for the Ming army basically reached the level of support for the chieftains before.  Finally, after Zhang Heming announced that Han officials would not be forced to be dispatched, the last worry in the hearts of the local people was lost. Since ancient times, people who have lost battles have never encountered such lenient treatment.  Walking among the districts of Yongning, Huang Shi felt that the local people still showed deep fear towards Bai Yubing, but to his relief, there was no hatred in their eyes.  In the past, when the Ming army fought against the Shaomin rebels in the southwest, once the rebels were defeated, the Ming army would often enter the Shaomin gathering areas and massacre them. They exchanged their prefecture level for military merit. Therefore, if the southwest Shaomin rebels did not rebel, they would have to fight the Ming army in bloody battles once they raised their troops.  After all, it was because they were not only fighting for the chieftain, but also fighting for their own lives and the lives of their loved ones.  The purpose of Huangshi this time is to tell these young people that if the chieftain makes trouble again, it will only be a problem between them and the Ming Dynasty and has nothing to do with the vast number of young people.  Huang Shi galloped on his horse. He looked around at the faces with fear and respect, and felt a lot of emotion in his heart. He knew that there were countless people here who were alive because of his words.  After arriving at Yongning Guard, Huang Shi met the temporarily appointed local official of Yongning. This man was Romero, the eldest brother of the first pair of brothers captured by the fire-fighting camp. With the support of the Ming army, he turned his back and killed his sister who had insulted him.  One of the leaders thus won the trust of the Ming army and was appointed as a temporary local official. Today Huangshi came here to ask whether any Ming army led troops to invade the Yongning district in disobeying orders.    After receiving a negative reply, Huangshi was ready to say goodbye and leave Shuixi and Yongning. The area became increasingly peaceful.  After seeing that the Ming army strictly abided by military orders and did not commit any acts of robbery or killing, the local people in these two areas felt relieved. Songs praising the magnanimity of the Ming army began to appear, and many people even asked for standing tablets to pray for Zhang Heming and Huang Shi.  This really makes Huangshi a bit dumbfounded that the requirements of these young people are so low.  Just don't massacre them and you'll be thanked.  In the end, Huangshi spent his own money and left some tools for the natives of Yongning and Shuixi. After all, they were facing the hard work of rebuilding their homes. If Huangshi could be completely stabilized, he would not have to worry about being sent to the southwest for business again.  "We dug out a big malignant sore from Daming's limbs," Huang Shi said with emotion to He Dingyuan, Jin Qiude and others after leaving Yongning Guard. After he finished speaking, he glanced to the northeast again: "But there is another more  The poisonous sores on the earth are waiting for us to dig out. " After the battle of Chishui in Guiyang on November 5th.  Shuixi and Yongning have both surrendered, not to mention other chieftains in the southwest have also become very docile. As early as a month ago, Huangshi asked Zhang Heming to lead his army back to Funing Town.  Zhang Heming also felt that there was no need to let Funing's army waste food here anymore. It seemed that the rebellion would not have any major recurrence. Even if there were some small waves, the 180,000 Ming army in the four provinces would be enough to suppress it.  With Zhang Heming¡¯s consent, at the end of last month the fire-fighting camp began taking boats south along the Yangtze River to return to Fujian. At the same time, news came from Guangdong since the second half of this year.  Although the pirate forces in Fujian and Guangdong were greatly suppressed by Zhang's officers and soldiers, the sea route has been declared blocked, so it is no longer possible for Huangshi to return to Fujian from Guangzhou by sea.  After Huang Shi got the report about the pirates in Guangdong, he went to Zhang Heming again. The rebellion in the southwest had been decided.  Then he naturally had to rush back to Fujian as soon as possible to prepare for the Japanese pirate problem. After all, he was still the chief military officer of Fujian.  Zhang Heming saw that the situation in the southwest had become more stable these days and it was difficult to keep Huang Shi here, so he allowed Huang Shi to lead his troops to leave the southwest.  Since the sea route from Guangdong to Fujian is blocked, Huangshi can only ask the Panshi and Xuanfeng battalions to take the 6th route back to Fujian. This time, we have more time, so we can arrange it more calmly. Huangshi has already sent the vanguard to prepare food and grass, and has a fire-fighting camp.  Huang Shi believed that he could still buy enough food due to the good reputation he had left.  After this decision was made, Huang Shi asked other loyal and patriotic Catholics to inquire about the private reactions of the soldiers.  As a result, they secretly reported to Huangshi that although the officers and soldiers of the Panshi and Xuanfeng camps did not dare to say it openly, they very much hoped that Huangshi could personally take them back to Fujian.  There are also many former members of Huangshi in these two camps. Although they have been transferred out of the fire-fighting camp, they do not want to be regarded as the direct descendants of Huangshi.  In addition to these veterans, other soldiers in the two camps also hope that Huangshi can take them back just like they took them back to the fire camp. After all, they don't want to be regarded as lower than the fire camp.  However, although many soldiers in these two battalions have this idea, they do not have high expectations because although they do not want to be regarded as second-class troops, the qualifications for fire-fighting camps are still there.  This question made Huang Shi think about it for a while, and then he wrote a bunch of orders and instructions to Funing Town.  Then he announced to the officers and soldiers of the Panshi and Xuanfeng camps that Huangshi would walk back to Fujian with the officers and soldiers of the two battalions. In this way, Huangshi once again won overwhelming cheers.  The morale of the soldiers of these two battalions was also extremely high, just like when the fire-fighting battalion was about to leave Fujian.  Today the army will be led by Zhang Heming and the Southwest Civil and Military Officers to see him off. Now almost no Ming army general in the southwest dares to look directly at Huang Shi. Even Qin Liangyu, whom Huang Shi secretly admired, was very polite to Huang Shi. The compliment she sent made Huang Shi suddenly understand.  In front of his own troops, the famous white-pole soldiers in his previous life would pale a lot.  Zhang Heming kept sending Huangshi several miles away, which was enough to give Huangshi face. Before breaking up, Huangshi mentioned the old story again: "Laomo Zhang said last time, can Mr. Zhang succeed in the Liao incident?" Since Chishui River  After the great victory and the chaos in the southwest, Zhang Heming told everyone he met that Xiong Tingbi had scolded him for being a fool. Now Zhang Heming didn't even bother to give an evaluation. He simply stated such a fact every time and let everyone judge for themselves who was a fool between him and Xiong Tingbi.  It seems that Zhang Heming has always been resentful of the insults he received from Xiong Tingbi for many years. However, he had no way to refute before, so he became even more angry and became a heartache.  When Huang Shi saw Zhang Heming acting like this, he must have wanted to personally quell the Liao Dynasty in his heart, so he mentioned this topic inadvertently. As expected, Zhang Heming was very interested in this and discussed with Huang Shi many times the strategy of quelling the Liao Dynasty.  Huang Shi found that the old man had a good memory.  Although Zhang Heming did not blatantly record Huang Shi's words, after several conversations, he almost knew Huang Shi's plan by heart.  But of course he will not be missing in Huangshi's plan. This is why he has been seducing Zhang Heming to pacifyThe purpose of this matter is that as long as Zhang Heming can still be as unconstrained as this time, Huang Shi is still quite confident in clearing up the money.  Dongjiang Town has a good relationship with Huangshi. He also has a few old friends in the Guan Ning Army. Even if they are under unified command, it will not be too difficult.  What's more, since Huangshi guarded Funing Town, he has more money. Training four battalions of 20,000 people next year doesn't seem to be a big problem.  Just adopt the strategy of using the sea as the road in Yellowstone.  He was very sure that the war with Huang Taiji would be a war of attrition in the Liaozhong Plain. Once it became a war of attrition, Huangshi would be confident that he could drive Huang Taiji back to Jianzhou within three years and drive them back to Tunguska within five years.  After hearing Huang Shi mention this issue again, Zhang Heming was silent for a while and then said: "In my opinion, it will take at least six years to pacify the Liao Dynasty." This time is not Zhang Heming's idea at all, it is basically the approximate time Huang Shi mentioned when chatting with him.  In addition to the five years it took to drive Huang Taiji out of Jianzhou, Zhang Heming also added one year to transfer Huang Shi to Liaodong.  He always likes to take full advantage of the situation and be lenient to the enemy.  "There is absolutely no problem for Zhang Lao Mingjian to wait for six years, but it is not impossible for him to wait for five years" Huang Shi was afraid that Zhang Heming would lose out in the bidding, so he tried his best to advocate his strategy of "pacifying Liao in five years".  Huang Shi said that he thought the biggest problem was the problem of siege, but since there are millions of grains and wages a year, logistics should not be a big problem: "It is wise today that if Mr. Zhang needs more grains, wages, artillery generals for Pingliao,  I think I will definitely support Zhang Laodi today. "" Be careful what you say." Zhang Heming laughed disapprovingly and said seriously: "Three million Liao's salary is already a huge burden on the country, as well as food, armor, and artillery.  , the castle also costs money. The country's income and expenditure are the most important thing." "I heard about your family affairs in Huangshi and I know that you and Jiannu have a sworn enemy.  I will definitely recommend you, but it is still unknown after all. You can go to Fujian with peace of mind, otherwise even if you are sent to Liaodong, you will not be able to be transferred." "Lao Zhang taught me that the last general is reckless.  Farewell." "Be careful along the way." "Don't worry, Mr. Zhang." Since the battle of Ningjin, Yan Mingtai, the leader of the Great Eunuch Party, has ordered the abandonment of Jinzhou. He believes that if there is no force that dares to rescue the siege.  There is no point in holding on to the fortress; if there are no troops who dare to attack, then there is no point in building a forward base.  After abandoning Jinzhou, the Liaodong Dusi Mansion could save more than one million taels of silver a year.  Since the Battle of Ningjin, the eunuch party has been completely discouraged and disappointed with the Guanning Army in Liao Town.  Therefore, Yan Mingtai ordered a re-examination of Dongjiang Town's soldiers and immediately increased the number of joint troops from 24,000 to 36,000. Dongjiang Town's annual military pay was also doubled from 200,000 to 300,000.  Similarly, after the Battle of Ningjin, Hou Jin stepped up its offensive in southern Liaoning and reoccupied Haizhou City. However, after receiving strengthened support from the central government, the combat effectiveness of Dongjiang Town also increased.  In November of the seventh year, Mao Wenlong launched a counterattack in the direction of Haizhou and quickly reached the city of Haizhou.  In mid-November of the seventh year of the Apocalypse, at the expense of the lives of a large number of soldiers in the mainland, including General Zhang Pan, the city wall that the Jin army had just repaired was opened with a big hole. However, some of the defenders were able to escape in time before the Ming army swarmed into the city.  Beimen escaped.  Bai Youcai and the Sun brothers stood under the city and watched them. The grizzled commander personally raised a red flag and climbed up to the top of the city and waved it toward them: "Long live the Ming Dynasty!" "My Dongjiang Army is mighty!" They captured Haizhou.  Later, Mao Wenlong immediately sent people to occupy it and began to colonize around Gaizhou.  The recovery of Haizhou in the history of Huangshiyuan marked the peak of Dongjiang Town's control area. From then on, the Ming court began to seriously consider letting Mao Wenlong move the town to Gaizhou.  Mao Wenlong's act of regaining Haizhou and garrisoning the city not only marked the complete bankruptcy of Hou Jin's attempt to defeat Dongjiang Town through the Korean War, but also marked that Dongjiang Town finally began to try to fight head-on with Hou Jin's army in the Liaozhong Plain.  In this time and space, the intruder Huangshi arrived in Liaodong and then left, but Dongjiang Town still stubbornly took this step.  At the funeral of General Zhang Pan.  Mao Wenlong impassionedly shouted to his poor soldiers: "We descendants of Liaodong land troops will remember that there was once a ragged army and an underfed army in the hinterland. Although they were hungry and cold, they still took back from the barbarians.  They finally won the final victory after losing the land of their ancestors. " At the end of November, the impeachment of Wei Zhongxian by the central government officials became more and more intense. Wei Zhongxian wrote a letter begging to resign and return to his hometown. The emperor ordered Wei Zhongxian to go to Fengyang to accept the emperor.  Mausoleum.  Wei Zhongxian was overjoyed when he heard this.  Thinking that his life was saved, he quickly packed up his bags and left for Fengyang at nightOn the fifth day of the twelfth lunar month of the seventh year of Qi, Wei Zhongxian arrived at Youshi Hotel in Nanguan, Fucheng, after a long journey.  Pushing the door open and holding a letter in his hand: "Eunuch Wei, there is a letter from the capital." Wei Zhongxian looked at Li Chaoqin's anxious face, lowered his head and put his feet in the footbath.  Then he let out a sigh of satisfaction. He closed his eyes for a moment and then said slowly: "Read it." The letter was written by Li Yongzhen. The Donglin Party impeached Wei Zhongxian a few days ago for plotting to kill people on the way to Fengyang with the intention of treason.  The emperor has ordered the Jin Yiwei to go out of the capital to capture Li Yongzhen. In the letter, he asked Wei Zhongxian to make plans in advance.  Wei Zhongxian laughed when he heard this.  He shook his head and sighed: "Donglin Party, Donglin Party, we have seen too many incompetent people in our family, but it is really rare for them to be as incompetent as you are. For more than ten years, you will not even change the charge of framing the ground."  In addition to treason, it is still treason. Alas, the crime of persecuting people in our family has never been repeated in the past two years. Are you living like a dog?" "Eunuch Wei!" Hearing this urgent sound.  After the ground screamed.  Wei Zhongxian raised his head and looked at Li Chaoqin beside him and sneered again: "Did our family say it wrong? Fight against the case. The Donglin Party said that Concubine Zheng brought a madman with a stick to conspire; the Donglin Party in the Hongwan Case  It was said that Lord Yuan Fufang offered poison to Emperor Zhen and conspired with Concubine Zheng and Li Xuan to rebel; in the palace transfer case, the Donglin Party said that Li Xuan was holding Princess Le'an and plotting rebellion; now an old eunuch from our family went to Fengyang with a few servants, haha.  He can also plot rebellion!" Li Chaoqin couldn't help shouting for the third time after hearing what Wei Zhongxian said for a long time: "Eunuch Wei!" "I won't stop drinking tonight!" Wei Zhongxian shouted.  He actually laughed out loud.  At four o'clock in the morning on the sixth day of the lunar month, before drinking, Wei Zhongxian asked Li Chaoqin to hang a rope for him on the beam.  However, Li Chaoqin actually hung two ropes. Wei Zhongxian looked at the two nooses side by side, smiled bitterly, shook his head a few times, and asked Li Chaoqin to sit down and drink with him. By this time, both Wei Zhongxian and Li Chaoqin were very drunk.  "Our family has collected a lot of money behind the late emperor's back before, but the late emperor never cared about our family. Even if he knew about it, he would just laugh it off. Eunuch Cao once told our family that the late emperor even mentioned our family to Long Live Lord before he left  "Wei Zhongxian sighed and picked up the wine glass again, with a look of nostalgia on his face: "Every time we think about this, we hope that we can do our best to repay the late emperor's kindness." "The Donglin Party said that we should be dismissed.  , Restoring the ancestral system, natural disasters will pass, and the Ming Dynasty will be able to have good weather. Well, our family's life was originally given by the late emperor. If this is really the case, then it is not a pity for our family to die. Hehe, but if the natural disasters are still there, do you have to rely on Donglin?  Is the party going to govern the country?" Wei Zhongxian drank the wine in the cup and shouted happily, then sighed again: "Long live the Lord, he was born in a deep palace and grew up within a high wall.  I don¡¯t know how evil people are in this world.¡± ¡°How can Lord Long Live believe in the Donglin Party? That¡¯s all.¡± Wei Zhongxian complained all night and felt that he was too mother-in-law.  Wei Zhongxian stood up unsteadily, dragging the bench and moved under the noose. Wei Zhongxian staggered to the noose. He was so drunk that he wanted to climb onto the stool. Li Chaoqin breathed out the smell of alcohol.  He came over and helped Wei Zhongxian to climb onto the stool.  "Thank you." Wei Zhongxian said softly. He knelt on the bench, stretched out his hand, grabbed the noose and dragged himself upright.  "FirstLong live Lord Wei Chen is here." Wei Zhongxian put a noose around his neck and murmured about kicking the stool. But just after he closed his eyes, he suddenly seemed to remember something important.  Things quickly opened their eyes again and took out their necks from the noose.  At this time, Li Chaoqin had already dragged his stool over.  As he was climbing up unsteadily, Wei Zhongxian turned around and said loudly to him: "Thank you." Then Wei Zhongxian turned his head again, pulled the noose around his neck for the second time and closed his eyes The twelfth year of the seventh year of Apocalypse  On the sixth day of the lunar month, Wei Zhongxian hanged himself in Fucheng and was hastily buried by his followers. At the request of the Donglin Party, the emperor ordered Wei Zhongxian's body to be exhumed and beheaded with three thousand knives for treason.  And beheaded in public.  ¡­ After the eunuch party was wiped out at the end of December of the seventh year of Tianqi, the young emperor established a brand new Donglin Party Cabinet. The Donglin Cabinet then suggested to the emperor that the Dongchang secret service agency should be abolished.  Because this kind of surveillance is an insult to the gentlemen of Donglin.  The young man Pang Ren had great trust in the moral integrity of Mr. Donglin. He fully believed that even if no one was watching them, civil servants would not embezzle the country's money and would do their best to perform their duties. Therefore, the emperor readily approved the cabinet proposal.  The National Security Bureau of Ming Dynasty was disbanded.  The young man who wanted to be the king of Yao and Shun was disbanded.Later, Dongchang asked his ministers how they should cooperate with each other to realize his ambition of reviving the Ming Dynasty?  The gentlemen of Donglin believe that the emperor should also cancel other surveillance agencies deployed in various places, such as river supervision in various provinces.  Emperor Jiajing liked to send eunuchs to monitor and regulate rivers.  Because floods were frequently treated and violated at that time, Jiajing unkindly suspected that the civil servants below had embezzled public funds for river control.  But he had no evidence, so he simply sent eunuchs out to supervise flood control. This distrust made the civil servants resentful and successfully abolished it in the Long Qing Dynasty.  Emperor Wanli was not like his cowardly father at all, but more like his unkind grandfather. Therefore, after Wanli took office, he not only re-sent eunuchs to supervise flood control, but also greatly strengthened it and announced that all funds for flood control must be reviewed by the eunuchs.  In the past, during the floods, the emperor had no way to deal with civil servants, but the emperor had great means to deal with eunuchs.  Wanli stipulated that once there was a flood, he would execute the supervising eunuchs indiscriminately.  Although this approach is quite unreasonable.  But it greatly stimulated the enthusiasm for work in the river prison. During the Wanli Dynasty, when the spring and autumn floods came, many eunuchs in charge of the river prison would even move to live on the river embankment. Despite this, many eunuchs died due to this barbaric law of Wanli.  Therefore, the civil servants hated Emperor Wanli's evil law even more than they hated Emperor Jiajing.  After the Donglin Party came to power in the Tianqi Dynasty, the river eunuchs were again taken back. From the first year of Tianqi to the sixth year of Tianqi, before Wei Zhongxian came to power, Donglin gentlemen had not built rivers nationwide once.  This time, since the emperor consulted the Donglin cabinet, he immediately cited the river supervisor as Wei Zhongxian's evil government.  Since this law was promulgated after Wei Zhongxian framed Junzi Donglin, the young emperor agreed that it must be an evil rule. He believed that insulting Junzi Donglin's virtue was destroying the harmony and trust between the emperor and his ministers, so the emperor happily ordered to take back the whole country.  The eunuch supervising the river.  In the previous life of Huangshi, from the time Chongzhen took back the river to supervise the eunuchs until Li Zicheng conquered Beijing, the entire Ming Dynasty had never built a river or controlled water once in seventeen years, whether it was the Yellow River or the Yangtze River, whether it was Shandong or Zhejiang.  In the past seventeen years, the river has been allowed to overflow again and again. Every time Mr. Donglin used the excuse of "saving money" to spend all the funds for river repair and water control.  The Donglin cabinet and the Donglin party members in both the government and the field shouted long live for the emperor's wise decision. Then the cabinet proposed a tax reduction package plan. They believed that natural disasters were mainly caused by Wanli's arbitrary tax collection. Now is the time to put things right, so they asked  The emperor proposed a general tax reduction to please God and ensure good weather in the Ming Dynasty.  After the emperor agreed, Mr. Donglin was the first to propose a tea tax. In the past, Emperor Wanli could not believe the civil servants, so he sent supervisory eunuchs to inspect the tea gardens in various provinces. This was of course a great bad governance.  The gentlemen of Donglin will never embezzle state taxes. The emperor then took back the eunuchs who supervised the chief secretaries.  Of course, since then, the tea tax revenue in various provinces has dropped sharply. Civil servants have been reporting disasters year after year. Tea has been in decline every year. In the ten years of Chongzhen, the tea tax in Zhejiang Province alone dropped from 200,000 taels of silver in the Wanli and Tianqi years to 12 taels of silver per year!  Then came the sea tax. The civil servants of the Ming Dynasty and the maritime merchants of the Fang Dynasty had already been in inextricable contact with each other. They proposed to the emperor that the "sea ban" should be restored.  The emperor once again recognized the judgment of the Donglin Cabinet and ordered the eunuchs of the customs to return to the palace.  Since Emperor Wanli established sea trade, customs tax has been a major pillar of the Ming Dynasty's finances and an important source of internal currency. By the 40th year of Wanli, Emperor Wanli could receive four million taels of silver from sea tax every year.  After the suspension of customs duties in the first year of Chongzhen in the name of restoring the maritime ban, the inner treasury could no longer get one or two dollars from the increasingly prosperous country's maritime trade.  Then there is the silk tax. Wanli believes that if merchants sell silk and weave silk, they will definitely make money, so he collects industrial and commercial taxes. Donglin Junzi believes that this is called "the emperor competing for profits with the common people" and is one of the reasons for natural disasters. Naturally, this time the local tax exemption plan will also  Chongzhen agreed with this.  There are also cloth taxes, just like the Tang and Song Dynasties. The Ming Dynasty originally stipulated the colors of clothes that ordinary people and officials at all levels could use. For example, bright yellow was originally the color of the emperor, and red was the clothes that high-ranking officials could wear.  After the money-hungry and shameless Emperor Wanli came to power, he relaxed the restrictions on the clothes of the people in order to collect more taxes. Soon, in the Ming Dynasty, there was a phenomenon of ordinary people competing with officials for clothes.  At that time, the local officials who felt that they were polite protested to Wanli and asked the emperor what if he was messing around regardless of the official's decency, what would happen if the common people wore yellow clothes one day.  As a result, Wanli replied that as long as the weaving merchants were willing to pay taxes, he thought it was not impossible to sell yellow cloth In this way, the ministers of the Ming Dynasty were once again defeated by the emperor's rogues.  After abolishing all kinds of "competing with the people for profit" and violating the ancestral system of taxation in accordance with the requirements of civil servants, the new emperor once again enjoyed the high praise that his grandfather, father and brother had never enjoyed.??The gentlemen of Donglin, both in the government and in the field, unanimously praised the young emperor as the well-deserved leader of the Ming Dynasty's resurgence and assured him that according to the principles of heaven and man's induction, the Ming Dynasty would soon be in good weather and the country would be peaceful and peaceful.  Having obtained the reputation of Yao and Shun so easily, the young emperor was proud and decided to pay attention to the national defense situation of the Ming Dynasty. The chaos in She'an in the southwest has basically subsided, and the chaos in Liaodong has become particularly conspicuous.  To get rid of the eunuchs who have been completely purged, there seem to be two candidates for the supervisor to consider. They are both civilian officials and have experience in commanding the army.  "Pass an edict to recruit Zhang Heming and Yuan Chonghuan to Beijing."
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