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The fierce north wind has failed to succeed. Chapter 53 Chishui (Part 1)

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    On September 10, the seventh year of the Apocalypse, it was getting dark. The engineers had set up warning ropes and bells in the surrounding woods, and lit piles of bonfires forming a column on the road where the enemy troops came.  Zhang Chengye believed that the enemy troops also needed to rest, so the possibility of attacking at night was not high. However, he still strictly followed the regulations and set up multiple guard posts. Three teams of Funing officers and soldiers will also take turns on duty tonight. A whole team of soldiers will be ready to fight every moment.  Enemy night attack.  At the foot of Zhang Chengye, the hillside of the west road from the south slope to the foot of the mountain, which is just a few dozen meters, is covered with more than 700 corpses. These people are lying or lying down, and their bodies all show strange distortions. Their eyes are wide open and their faces are wide open.  The expressions on them were ferocious, and it was obvious that they had gone through a painful and violent struggle before dying.  The stream farther away has been blocked by corpses, forming small pools. The stream soaks the corpses white and dyes the grass and soil on both sides of the waterway pink and deep black.  The one-sided battle continued two or three times in the afternoon, and its intensity could be witnessed just from the woods opposite the Ming army.  Many of the trees there are old trees that have been growing for many years, and two people cannot hug each other.  But like the young trees, they were also beaten to pieces by the six-pounder shells and fell to the ground. The high temperature when the shells passed by also left black burn marks on them.  There are many remains of Yongning Army soldiers above and below these trees. From deep in the woods to in front of the Ming Army's front line, weapons and shields of Yongning Army soldiers are scattered everywhere.  Some of the shields and vine armor had been beaten into powder and scattered all over the floor. Most of them were six-pound cannon shells, and their shooting at a distance of tens of meters was enough to kill the person involved.  The baggage team was still moving supplies continuously, while the engineering team had already set up a temporary camp. Zhang Chengye smiled at Ouyang Xin and said, "Thanks to your engineering team this time, otherwise we wouldn't have been able to go through such a journey in a few days."  The large forest even dragged the cannons over. " Ouyang Xin has long been accustomed to this kind of praise.  He smiled and replied: "Of course our engineering team has spent so much money on the commander-in-chief, it must be worth it." When Zhang Chengye mentioned money, he remembered the last experience in Haizhou, when General Pan under Mao Wenlong  The tools of the fire-fighting battalion engineering team were swept away. After arriving in Funing Town, Huangshi spent money to re-equip the engineering teams directly under the town and the three battalions. The equipment was better and more luxurious than before.  "Well, last time in Haizhou, Marshal Mao and his generals were full of praise for the engineering corps. I heard that they were also going to form an engineering corps." Ouyang Xin laughed a few times.  With a face full of pride, he said: "They have taken a lot of things, which should help them a lot, but they can only plan walls and dig holes. The engineering team is not that easy to set up." "Yes.  Ah, the commander has a whole set of unique skills just like our infantry." Zhang Chengye nodded in agreement. After a while, he looked at Ouyang Xin again and suddenly showed a look of realization: "By the way, in the past eight years, all the Feng Shui in the Ming Dynasty has been committing crimes.  Sir, as well as the tomb robbers are almost all in our Funing Army. Even if others want to form an engineering team, they don¡¯t have that many talents.¡± Ouyang Xin laughed loudly when he heard this.  Before he was exiled to Liaodong, he worked as a Feng Shui master during the day and as a tomb robber at night. Now when he recalls his life back then, it seems like a dream.  The Ming Dynasty's army has always had many criminals who are not ashamed to have broken the law, so Ouyang Xin did not find Zhang Chengye's words offensive: "Even if other people could recruit so many talents, they would never be able to build an engineering corps like the commander-in-chief."  Get up." After laughing, Ouyang Xin walked up to the ridge again and looked at the battles today as if they were printed out of the same mold.  The Yongning Army transported one or two thousand people through this road, and then braved the firepower of the Ming Army and finally rushed out and was repulsed After a while, another two thousand people came to die.  Looking at the battlefield littered with corpses in front of him, Ouyang Xin asked curiously: "It's easy to win. Have we killed a thousand enemies?" Zhang Chengye shrugged.  His face was filled with a lazy expression of indifference: "There is no one thousand. There are always eight or nine hundred." "That means we have won four or five Ningjin victories today?" "Haha, yes." The Imperial Court  The victory of Ningjin was announced to the world. The Funing army felt a little ridiculous when they saw the two hundred cuts above. The veterans who participated in the Battle of Jinzhou were even more dismissive of it.  Zhang Chengye was one of them back then. When he saw the 70,000 Guan Ning army being killed by 200, he shouted angrily: During the Battle of Jinzhou, my lord brought 500 immortal soldiers who were not even equipped with armor.  Two and a half Ningjin great victories came; another half Ningjin great victory came to Gaizhou; until they reached Nanguan.  Our two battalions of 4,000 soldiers achieved five great victories in Ningjin; that is to say, we do not count the years of our Immortal Army Marshal Mao and General Chen.  There were also fifteen Ningjin victories.  Since Zhang Chengye has taken "Ningjin Victory" as a measure,When the position came, Ouyang Xin did what he liked, which made him laugh, and the atmosphere between the two became more harmonious.  Zhang Chengye smiled and pointed to the battlefield below: "They are all miscellaneous soldiers. There are quite a lot of miscellaneous soldiers from the Yongning Army. Tomorrow we should be able to meet the real test of the luxury thieves. The elites should also arrive."   In the early morning of the 11th, the Ming army's baggage team also dragged in two nine-pound cannons. After they got these treasures out of the woods yesterday, the inner guard in charge of transportation asked them to transport them directly to the south.  Because it was said that the offensive in the north was going very well, Huangshi estimated that he could take Pushisuo without the arrival of two nine-pound cannons, so he sent the two heavy artillery pieces south immediately to save them from running away in vain.  Since arriving in Funing Town, Huangshi's equipment has been rapidly strengthened. Now each artillery team has reached full strength. Each team has eight six-pound cannons and two new nine-pound cannons.  Although larger guns are also being tested, they may not be equipped to the Sixth Army because the weight of the nine-pounder gun together with the gun carriage is very considerable.  The larger twelve-pounder artillery could not keep up with the marching speed of the infantry anyway.  By noon on the 11th, the Yongning Army launched several more attacks on the Ming Army's positions. This time they were hit by Ming Army artillery fire from a longer distance.  Through the recent attacks, the Yongning Army seems to have figured out the maximum range of the Ming Army's artillery. There are four hills to cross within a straight line distance of more than one mile. The Yongning Army will swagger to the Ming Army's artillery attack limit under the watchful eyes of the Ming Army.  Then he suddenly crossed the mountain and appeared on the north slope.  He ran wildly to the south slope in front, hid behind it, rested for a while, and then jumped down to the next hill.  On the contrary, after long-term test firing, the Ming army has become more and more aware of the artillery Zhuyuan. In the recent two times, as soon as the rebels jumped out of the mountain line, they would be accurately and powerfully bombarded by the Ming army on the north slope.  The morale of the Yongning Army seemed to be getting lower every time. During the attack at noon, the Ming Army completed the expulsion with only artillery.  The Yongning army only passed three hills before they began to collapse. They could not even rush down the last northern slope along the road for tactical deployment.  When the Ming army's artillery roared, Zhang Chengye kept using his binoculars to observe the enemy's ground movements. The cowering team on the opposite side even held up the flag in their hands feebly. Every bombardment by the Ming army could cause a violent commotion.  Zhang Chengye watched helplessly as several people who looked like enemy leaders were killing those who retreated, but to no avail. Thousands of rebels fled into the dense forest in a swarm. More than a dozen rebels lay dead in the middle of the road. No one even tried to remove their bodies.  Put it away.  "There are too many miscellaneous fish from the Yongning thieves, right?" Zhang Chengye put down the binoculars.  Such a sigh of relief came out.  "Why do they come up in thousands every time?" The person who asked the question was Ouyang Xin.  Now many engineers and baggage officers are standing on the ridge and looking south. Their behavior is suspected of violating the military regulations of Funing Army. Officers and soldiers of non-combat troops are generally not allowed to go to the battlefield, but now the Ming Army  Everyone felt that this was no longer a battle, so no one was abiding by the regulations and came to watch the fun.  ¡°The road is too narrow and they can only get a few people out at a time.¡± Zhang Chengye looked at the several peaks opposite.  The winding official road had several ups and downs on it, although the rebels were able to safely avoid the Ming army's artillery when they were on the southern slope.  But this undulating terrain also lengthened their movement distance. Every time the rebels walked to the north slope, they were bombarded by the Ming army.  The movement of the Yongning Army is mainly on these visible roads, because it is impossible for them to leave the road and climb the cliff in a straight line, and it is even more difficult for them to move high and long distances in the woods.  An officer of the baggage team smiled and said: "It seems that just replenishing enough gunpowder and cannon pellets is enough." "Don't be careless." Zhang Chengye shook his head and said seriously to several lay officers around him: "These enemy troops may be all  It's the rear guard. We may encounter the elite of the thieves at any time" Zhang Chengye raised his telescope and looked to the south and said in a deep voice, "There will be a real battle then."  Just after noon, a soldier from the Internal Guard came galloping over on horseback. The white-helmeted soldier let go of his horse's reins and raised his arms high into the sky: "The commander-in-chief captured the Universal Fire Fighting Camp yesterday. The main force is heading here."  We will arrive before nightfall." "Mighty!" The soldiers of the Ming army also raised their arms and shouted excitedly.  The inner guard soldier rode up to the Ming army¡¯s temporary camp and handed a note to Zhang Chengye.  After reading it, the latter handed it to Ouyang Xin.  On it is Huang Shi's handwriting. He informed the entire Funing Army on this road.  The grain, grass and baggage piled up in Universal City have now all fallen into the hands of the Ming army.  The rebels from Fushisuo to ¡özhou have been trapped in a situation of encirclement. They will soon lose the ability to block the communication line from Feizhou to Fushisuo.  After reading it, Ouyang Xin handed it over to an officer in the baggage team. After reading it, the officer loudly ordered the soldiers to stop completely.Instead of moving grain and grass from the forest, we must go all out to transport artillery shells and gunpowder.  "How many miscellaneous fish have we defeated? Ten thousand?" Ouyang Xin saw that the Yongning Army had not attacked for a long time in front of him and asked Zhang Chengye what his overall record was in the past two days.  "Not only did the thieves come, but one team fell and another team was defeated. There were almost 20,000, and their casualties were probably close to 2,000." Zhang Chengye looked at Ouyang Xin's stunned expression and swept his hand across the hills and woods to their south:  "There are tens of thousands of rebels who have broken into the woods. According to the army regulations of our Funing Army, troops that have broken down and lost their organization cannot be considered combat effectiveness." "So many?" Ouyang Xin was shocked because the prisoner said that there were only 30,000 She Chongming in front of them.  Elite Zhang Chengye now counts nearly 20,000 miscellaneous fish alone.  It seems that a big fish has been caught in the net: "How many elites are there among them? The prisoner said that there are only 30,000 elites." "If there are no elites, they are just trash fish." Zhang Chengye shook his head again and said with a serious face:  "So we may encounter a tough battle at any time." After two o'clock in the afternoon on the 11th, the inner guard came again to announce that the main force of Huangshi was already more than ten miles away, but because it was a mountain road, it would take some time to walk.  arrive.  It has been a long time since any enemy troops attacked, and most of the Ming army was sitting on the ground to rest.  When I was in Liaodong before.  Changsheng Island will start to freeze after September, but it is still very warm in Guizhou at this time, which is a comfortable time for the Liaodong soldiers. The soldiers from Fujian Province also feel very happy about this weather.  "What is that?" Zhang Chengye suddenly let out a strange cry.  Ouyang Xin followed Zhang Chengye's gaze and saw a stream of people outside the seven or eight peaks in the south. He took out his binoculars and looked at it: "Well, it seems to be cavalry." "Yes, it's really interesting to use cavalry in this terrain.  Ah." Zhang Chengye squinted his eyes and looked at the Yongning army and said in praise: "And the number of them seems to be quite a lot less than a thousand and five horsemen." "Ouyang Xin.  While looking at it, he asked: "Is this the main force of the enemy army?" "It seems otherwise. How can there be so many horses? But why do they use cavalry directly to charge into the battle? In this kind of terrain, infantry should be used." "Maybe it's them.  There are no elite infantry." "How is it possible? How can there be no elite infantry in the southwest?" Zhang Chengye didn't agree with Ouyang Xin's words. He put down his telescope and shouted, "That's right. It seems that the rebels are planning to use cavalry to charge into the formation."  The meandering cavalry dragged for several miles and blocked the entire road tightly. When the nearest vanguard arrived outside the shooting range of the Ming army.  Their tails were still behind the two hills.  After watching for a while, Ouyang Xin also put down the telescope and asked in surprise: "Isn't this a desperate move? Don't the thieves have 30,000 elites?" "It seems that the main force of the thieves is in Chishui Guards and there is no time to transfer them back, so they want to use the miscellaneous fish to recapture them."  This road. Because the road is narrow, they can only come in groups of one thousand and one group of two thousand. Seeing that the miscellaneous fish can't come down, the cavalry who just came back came up." Zhang Chengye made a wise analysis.  In his estimation.  The transportation capacity of the road in front of us.  In one day, 10,000 to 15,000 people could be rushed back from Manisuo, not counting the transportation of baggage and grain.  The Ming army's artillery began to roar, and Zhang Chengye picked up the telescope to observe the effect of the bombardment.  From time to time, some people fell off their horses in the Yongning army and cavalry within the circular field of view. Smoke and dust kept rising from their ranks: "The thieves seemed to have formed a very tight formation in order to enhance the effect of the assault, which greatly increased their casualties. Well, this unit looks like  It's okay to get up and there's no sign of escaping yet." Ouyang Xin saw that the Yongning army was still rushing forward and the men and horses on the ground were quickly swallowed up by the dense formation behind them.  The cavalry of the Yongning Army ruthlessly stepped over their wounded and moved closer to the Ming Army unswervingly.  "It's really crazy. Using cavalry to charge into battle in such a mountainous area, but I don't intend to risk my life with the thieves." Zhang Chengye observed the enemy's movements for the last time, shook his head, sighed, and then shouted loudly: "The whole army obeys the order.  Send out the hollow phalanx! " "Change the chain bombs." The existing four artillery pieces were organized into a temporary artillery unit. A senior artillery group commander took charge of several guns.  The man behind the cannon walked around and gave sonorous and loud orders.  By the time the Yongning Army crossed the last hill and stepped down the north slope road opposite the Ming Army, the nine-pounder cannon and six-pounder cannon had already been replaced with chain ammunition.  "Shoot!" "Shoot!" First the nine-pounder cannon and then the six-pounder cannon. They launched a fierce attack on the cavalry that could not hide in the forest. The silver snake roared away and knocked down the entire cavalry on the opposite side to the ground on the road.  It stirred up a fishy storm.Rain.  The screams resounded in the valley and reached the top of the mountain where the Ming army was located. Even the strong wind here could not blow away the bloody sound.  After each hit on the cavalry, a field of broken limbs and broken arms would be thrown up in the air. The artillery bombarded them for several rounds in succession.  But it still could not stop the Yongning Army from advancing resolutely.  They desperately controlled their horses and pushed their struggling and wailing companions into the dirt.  In a blink of an eye, they had reached the bottom.  "Change the shotshells." The artillerymen methodically carried out a series of technical actions such as clearing the barrel, adding powder, and loading ammunition.  The Yongning Army's cavalry, led by thunderous shouts, were rushing towards the Ming Army along the road. The sound of hooves was as thick as raindrops falling to the ground, but none of this could distract the Ming Army's gunners.  .  The solid lead shot the size of a marble was wrapped in a linen cloth into a big ball, and the outside was carefully tied with a hemp rope net bag. The loading hand compacted the gunpowder step by step, then stuffed the heavy ball into the barrel of the gun and completed all the steps.  After the procedure.  The loader patted the cannon lightly and took a step back.  "Shoot!" The cannon violently emitted a stream of thick gunpowder smoke, and the entire cannon body also retreated a large piece amidst the roar. In front of the muzzle, the cavalry of the Yongning Army was rushing over quickly along the road. After the sound of the cannon, they still moved forward.  After rushing a few steps, there was a sudden sound of horses neighing.  The close-range shotgun fire had disastrous consequences for the dense cavalry formation. There was a continuous sound of fractures in the Yongning cavalry. The sound was so dense that it was like hail falling to the ground. The armor of the Yongning soldiers rushing in front was shattered.  Blood spurted out from each of their mouths.  Fallen in the dust along with their mounts.  "Shoot!" The second nine-pound cannon also fired, and another noise of people and horses came, but the Yongning cavalry rushed out of the narrow road. Countless pairs of horse hooves stepped on the shallow stream, splashing countless water drops, and they again  Once there was a chorus of shouts and the cannons rushed towards the Ming army.  "Fire!" "Fire!" The batteries of the two six-pound guns seemed to turn a blind eye to the Yongning Army cavalry that rushed out. They blocked the exit of the road and fired two more shots.  Then the soldiers of the four artillery groups dropped what they were holding, covered their helmets, and rushed towards the square formation formed by the troops.  Ouyang Xin and his engineers had already stood in the center of the hollow square of the infantry, and the heavy troops either retreated backwards or hid with them.  "Pikemen - squat!" The team Ouyang Xin was in was under the direct control of Zhang Chengye. Following his order, the spearmen on the outermost edge knelt down on one knee.  Put the spear on the ground.  Pointing diagonally forward.  The speeding artillerymen rushed into the forest of guns, jumped over the heads of the pikemen brothers, panted and rushed to the center of the hollow square array.  After the last artilleryman jumped into the square formation, the first Yongning Army cavalry also rushed to the front of the Ming Army formation "Shoot!" The firecrackers facing the south shouted. The firecrackers behind the row of spearmen immediately shouted  After a volley, more than a dozen Yongning Army cavalry who were at the forefront rolled and dismounted in the smoke. The cavalry behind them rushed over from both sides of the square position.  "Shoot!" The gunmen on the east and west sides of the phalanx also fired volleys at the command, and dozens of people fell off their horses and fell to the ground. More Yongning Army horses rushed up the mountain from behind them.  The square formation surrounding Zhang Chengye drew two arcs that went around to the side and back of the square formation.  "Shoot!" "Shoot!" The other two units also formed hollow square formations.  They formed a big "pin" with Zhang Chengye's troops. The horses of the Yongning army's cavalry ran in the gaps between the three hollow square formations, while the three Ming army's square formations remained motionless.  Together, shoulder to shoulder, the spears thrust outwards. Hundreds of thousands of bright spear blades emitted a cold light in the sun, which was brighter than the stars in the night sky.  "Free fire!" Zhang Chengye shouted again. Now he and Ouyang Xin both took out the flint-hand cymbals provided by the officers. The two of them stood behind the gunman and shot out streams of white gunpowder smoke at the enemy cavalry galloping outside the formation.  More than a thousand cavalrymen of the Yongning Army galloped back and forth outside the three square formations, roaring and waving their sabers and short spears, but no one could break into the Ming Army's hedgehog formation.  They just ran back and forth outside the formation and drew arcs of light in the air with their knives, spraying their unsatisfied desire to kill the enemy and venting their ever-building anger.  From time to time, fallen people stumbled towards the Ming army's phalanx. If these people were not hit by their own horses, they would have been able to run in front of the Ming army's pikemen.  "Kill!" A row of Ming soldiers shouted at the same time.  In front of ten spears that were stabbed diagonally from the ground at the same time, Sergeant YongningImmediately there were seven or eight large wounds on his body.  When the spear was withdrawn from his body, his life flowed out of his body along with the blood. The Yongning Army soldier opened his eyes wide and his throat rumbled, but he could no longer utter a word.  The soldier fell to his knees and propped himself up on the ground with his knife in his right hand, but it was only a moment before he plunged into the soil.  The leather helmet slid off his head as his face hit the ground violently.  It rolled to the knees of a Ming soldier, but the Ming soldier still maintained a squatting and kneeling posture, motionless and holding his spear at an angle.  The Yongning Army was still circling outside the Ming Army's phalanx, and the Ming Army was still shooting fire cannons at them again and again. As more and more Yongning Army fell, more and more bodies appeared in front of the Ming Army's phalanx.  Bloody enemy soldiers.  These people were all lone heroes. They marched towards the Ming army's phalanx with chaotic steps. Every time, one person faced groups of spearmen, so they fell one by one at the feet of the Ming army's formation.  Horse corpses and Yongning Army soldiers who died in the battle were stacked up layer by layer.  The corpses in front of Zhang Chengye and Ouyang Xin quickly gathered into a wall. Zhang Chengye, who had just loaded the ammunition, made several gestures and finally raised his blunderbuss upright: "Let's move to another place. There are so many corpses here that it affects my shooting."  "Ouyang Xin also loaded the ammunition at this time. After hearing Zhang Chengye's words, he nodded and turned around to follow Zhang Chengye to the other side.  Directly in front of Zhang Chengye's square formation, a Yongning Army cavalry reined in his horse and rushed straight towards the Ming Army's line.  Each of the Ming soldiers kneeling on the ground had taken off their masks on their helmets. Although their expressions could not be seen through the remaining gap, when the Yongning Army soldier rushed over, he faced the row of Ming Army companies.  No one swayed, just quietly holding out their spears.  The cavalry rushed over came closer The horse under the cavalry turned a corner outside a few rows of spears and crossed diagonally in front of the Ming army's line.  The Yongning Army cavalry shouted angrily.  With all his strength, he leaned out his body to the left, raised his buttocks from the saddle, and straightened his saber to draw toward the Ming army.  Although the upper half of his body was tilted almost parallel to the ground, the sword he tried desperately to reach over did not even scratch the forest of spears and blades in the Ming army's formation.  When the Yongning Army cavalryman retracted his body, the horse under his crotch had already started running along a line parallel to the east side of the phalanx.  Zhang Chengye had already reached the edge of the phalanx at this time. He watched the cavalryman running from the right hand level and took aim quietly. He never fired but slowly turned his body.  He waited until the cavalryman reached the closest point directly in front of him before pressing the trigger.  With a mournful cry, the horse hit by Zhang Chengye knocked off the knight on its back.  Then he took two more steps and his front legs went weak and he fell to the ground.  The Yongning Army cavalry rolled several times on the ground and lay on the ground for a long time. The sky was still spinning. He struggled to sit up from his knees and blinked his eyes hard to drive away the countless Venus.  Bang!  There was another roar of a handgun. The Yongning Army cavalry who had just knelt down tilted his head, and the leather helmet on his head was blown away. Blood spattered a foot high. The soldier maintained his kneeling position for a moment, and then suddenly shot towards  Countless Yongning Army cavalry were still shouting and rushing past in the direction where he fell down and his head was pointing.  "I actually made a mistake one day! And you took advantage of me." Zhang Chengye muttered dissatisfiedly as he took out the boring bar from the gun, narrowed his eyes, aimed at another target, and shot.  Although there were thunderous roars on the battlefield, Ouyang Xin, who had sharp ears, still heard the complaint next to him. He smiled and said: "Process, concession." After saying that, he also completed the loading work and flattened his arms again and closed them.  One eye shot another stream of white smoke outside the formation.  The gunmen in front of the two officers were also firing non-stop. A gust of mountain wind blew back the thick smoke, causing Ouyang Xin to cry.  He took a few steps back leisurely and coughed vigorously.  Then he walked up and asked: "Why didn't the other party fight against our spear array? Even if they can't save lives, they could at least exchange a few guns and leave." "They wanted to-" Zhang Chengye fired another shot and he blew.  The white smoke from the muzzle of the handgun was quickly tested with the back of my hand. I felt that the barrel was a little overheated, so I took a few steps back to let it cool down first.  Zhang Chengye raised his cymbal in the mountain wind and said loudly to Ouyang Xin: "The thieves may want to trade their lives for their lives, but their horses refuse." Zhang Chengye pointed at the edge of the phalanx.  There are densely packed rows of sharp white blades extending out there, like a beast with a mouth full of sharp fangs: "As long as we leave a passage for the horses to run through, the horses will definitely go around our formation." Ouyang Xin looked at it.  After holding the spears for a while, he said to Zhang Chengye: "What if the other party is holding a ten-foot-long spear?" "That's useless!" "Why? Our guns are notIs it nine feet?  " "Ha, we are just holding a five-foot short spear. As long as the blade in front is bright enough, that's enough.  " Zhang Chengye looked at Ouyang Xin's confused look and laughed proudly: "Brother Ouyang, think about it, the enemy soldiers know that their spears are longer than ours, but their horses don't.  Haha, so as long as we take a stick with a sharp enough and bright enough blade on the front, the horse will walk around our square formation, haha.  " After laughing, Zhang Chengye tested the temperature of the barrel again and started pouring gunpowder into it again: "Okay, let's go up and beat them again!  "  The shooting drill of the Ming army continued for a while. There were fewer and fewer Yongning cavalry running between several square formations. Soon some people began to turn around and withdraw from the battlefield. The remaining horses also slowed down after a long time.  Running back and forth on the mountainous terrain made these horses very tired. The drums in the first Ming army formation suddenly rang several times. Soon after the drums sounded, several drum beats came from the two square formations behind.  After the drum beat, the sound of gunfire on the battlefield suddenly stopped. After a moment of silence, the Ming army heard the sound of drums and stood up. Under the command of the officer, they gradually walked towards the outside of the formation and pressed forward with their guns.  Facing the isolated Yongning Army cavalry, there were only a few hundred Yongning Army cavalry left on the battlefield. Their horses also slowed down, and the Ming Army's infantry advanced quickly in a tight line.  The Yongning Army who remained on the battlefield were surrounded in some circles. There were dozens of Yongning Army cavalry in the largest circles, and there were only a few Yongning Army cavalry in the smaller circles.  They were killed by the Ming army who gathered from all sides. The Yongning army in the largest circle was still resisting them. Their mounts were forced to retreat in small steps by the approaching white-edged wall. The last few dozen cavalry were driven away by hundreds of Ming army spearmen.  Their horses were tightly packed together, and they were all trying to avoid the spear points that stretched out in front of them. They had to face at least eight or nine spears.  No matter how hard they waved their sabers and short spears, they were easily parried by three or four spears. Then four or five spears were stabbed into the belly of their mounts. After being overturned to the ground by their dying mounts, most of the Yongning soldiers stood up again.  There is no chance to resist. What is even more deadly is that behind these Ming army spearmen, there are many gunmen shooting upwards through the crowd and directly smashing the knights high above them into sieves.  The battle line slowly pushed down the mountain and when the Ming army's spearmen advanced to the intersection, the half-hearted soldiers of the Yongning army who had hesitated to escape found themselves in a trap. These stragglers were unable to resist the Ming army coming in groups.  After being forced to the edge of the forest, the army spearmen finally lost their fighting spirit and abandoned their horses and fled into the dense forest on foot. After repelling the charge, the Ming army engineers began to further build simple fortifications. They cut down some trees and built them.  Sawing them into sections, Ouyang Xin planned to collect stones and wood to build a low parapet to fight against the Yongning Army elites who might appear at any time. When Ouyang Xin asked Zhang Chengye for his opinion on this field fortification, the Ming army had already completed the post-war cleanup.  The injured at work were also sent to the camp behind for treatment. A soldier came over and reported to Zhang Chengye: "Nine of our troops were killed and 21 were wounded in this battle.  "After listening to the report, Zhang Chengye waved his hand and asked the soldier to retreat. He sneered at Ouyang Xin beside him: "The total number of casualties in these three teams in the past two days has been less than fifty. Since we sent troops, these three teams have lost their numbers due to illness.  There are more than seventy people.  " Before Ouyang Xin could say anything, they heard a commotion behind them. The two hurriedly ran up the ridge, only to see an army winding up from the top of the mountain in the distance to the north Huangshi rode his horse amidst the cheers of the officers and soldiers on both sides of the road.  Arriving in front of the Ming Army's formation on the southern line, we could already see many horses and the corpses of Yongning Army soldiers on the north slope. When Huangshi walked up the ridge, we saw a scene that had just experienced a battle. The entire south slope was stained red with blood.  Moreover, the road from the foot to the top of the next mountain was filled with corpses of men and horses. The trees at the entrance of the road were also beaten to pieces. "Mr. Zhang Qian, have you encountered the main force of the enemy?"  " "When I returned to my humble post as commander, I basically didn't encounter the main force of Yongning thieves, but I encountered ten to twenty thousand.  But just now I encountered the Yongning thieves charging into battle with a group of cavalry. Most of them were tough and not afraid of death, and they seemed to be the main force.  " "Cavalry charging into battle?  This kind of terrain?  "Huang Shi had a look of surprise on his face, so he asked about the course of the war in detail. After listening, he pondered for a while and said, "Why does it sound like a desperate attempt?  Are you sure that the ones you met earlier were not the main force of Yongning thieves?  " "They must be just trash fish and they have no fighting power at all.  The reason for my humble position is that most of the Yongning thieves must be in Chishui Guards.There was no time to transfer it back.  " "Well, it's possible that we have trapped more thieves than we thought.  "Huangshi saw that it was getting late, so he ordered the Ming army to rest on the spot and prepare to continue attacking southward tomorrow in order to join forces with He Dingyuan as soon as possible. The transportation capacity of this road is really limited. Huangshi can only send about a thousand people to advance and fight at a time.  They had to follow the baggage troops behind the group, otherwise the supply of the front-line troops would not be guaranteed. Huangshi captured many prisoners in Fushi Station, and She Chongming left many civilians there. Huangshi organized them all into his own grain transport.  In addition to the cavalry, Huangshi also left two troops at the Fushi Institute. They were not only responsible for the defense to the north, but also had the task of opening up the communication line from the Fushi Institute to Feizhou.  They would not be the only Ming army troops to perform this task After Fengzhou received Huangshi's order on September 12, the seventh year of Tianqi, the two battalions of Sichuan troops stationed in Fengzhou began to advance along the road towards Fushi. Their mission was to mop up the place.  The stragglers on this road drove all these guys who were short of food and clothing into the deep mountains and old forests. At the same time, they would also send this news to the Yongzhen Ming Army Camp, and the Yongzhen Camp would receive the news.  Then send it to Guiyang.
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