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The fierce north wind has failed to succeed Chapter 51 Encouragement

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    After assigning the tasks, Huang Shi summoned all the senior officers together.  He opened another wooden box next to the box of telescopes with his own hands.  The box was stuffed full of straw. Huang Shi dug out a cloth bag and took out a small yellow disc. As soon as he let go, it fell towards the ground until it was caught by a shiny chain.  Huang Shi held it up and showed it to the surrounding subordinates while saying: "This thing is called a pocket watch, and it is a high-end weapon just produced by the Funing Town Military Industry Department." While introducing the use of this thing, Huang Shi told his subordinates how to read the watch.  Winding and checking.  Of the twenty pocket watches, Huang Shi kept one for himself and gave a few to senior officers of each battalion and the gendarmerie leaders. The remaining pocket watches were all handed over to Ouyang Xin's engineering team.  Huangshi taught them how to use pocket watches. With this thing, the army's division and attack will be easier to control and coordinate, and military plans can be formulated more carefully.  In addition to pocket watches and telescopes, the Military Industry Department of Funing Town also sent two other new weapons for engineers: a compass with a glass cover and a bubble level with a scale.  After glass, an important military material, was produced, Huang Shi painstakingly recalled these simple instruments. He had no doubt that these things would bring great benefits to the army.  In addition to these gadgets, the Funing Army also shipped 500 boxes of military supplies via Yangtze River shipping, including hundreds of engineer shovels and shovels, a large number of iron hammers, dexterous and sharp short-handled hand axes, entire boxes of iron nails, steel  Manufactured saw blades and matching saw bows, etc.  These materials were manufactured by the newly expanded Funing Town Military Industry Department to meet the needs of Huangshi. Now Bao Bowen has devoted 80% of his manpower to the production of these tools.  Bao Bowen also attached a letter with this batch of materials stating that the production of armor has slowed down and the production capacity of the Funing Town Military Industry Department will continue to be transferred to tools.  According to Huangshi Chuqian's order, once conditions permit, Funing Town should try to manufacture metal gears to replace the wooden gears currently used in waterwheels.  Bao Bowen reported: This project has been started.  Moreover, the Funing Town Military Industry Department also produced the first batch of metal pulleys.  He will bring these goods to Huangshi to Guiyang within three days.  If Huang Shi hadn¡¯t been delayed on the road, he would have received the loading and unloading pulleys from the metal engineers within a few days.  Ouyang Xin's engineering team now still uses crude wooden pulleys, which are far inferior to metal pulleys in terms of safety factor and work efficiency.  It seems that with the rapid improvement of tool production capacity, the efficiency of engineers will soon increase several times compared with before.  On August 4, the seventh year of the Apocalypse, the Fire Battalion and the Panshi Battalion of the Funing Army rushed north from Guiyang along the official road to Bozhou, 200 miles away.  There were local military depots along the way responsible for supplying materials, and the baggage was also transported by the post stations, government offices and the army along the way. Therefore, Huangshi ordered the entire army to march on a forced march.  After marching 60 miles for three consecutive days, they arrived at the Ming Army Camp in Bozhou on the afternoon of the fourth day, August 8.  After entering Bozhou, Huangshi immediately took over the garrison here. The Ming army ordered to mobilize all nearby manpower to expand the Bozhou camp. At the same time, they tried their best to find and gather guides who were familiar with the terrain near Chishui River.  Bozhou itself is surrounded by the Xiangjiang River, as well as Renjiang, Hongjiang, Luomin River and many other rivers. On the 8th, before Huangshi had a stable foothold, the first batch of baggage had been transported from the waterway.  August 9th.  The mobilized manpower left Banzhou and headed towards the Chishui River.  Huangshi's two battalions began to rest.  Along the way, the garrisons at Yamen Pass, Luomeng Pass, Loushanguan and other places were also sent out by Huangshi. The next advance point he selected was Yongzhenyi, which was only forty miles away from the Chishui River.  On August 10, a batch of baggage arrived at the Ming Army camp in Bozhou.  Two teams of soldiers and engineers from the Panshi Camp set out as the advance team into the mountainous area of ????Doushou Mountain in the morning.  On the afternoon of the 10th, two more groups of officers and soldiers from the Panshi Battalion prepared and followed the advance team into the Chishui River Basin.  On the night of the 10th, the Ming Army Bozhou Camp "Tomorrow He Guerrilla General will lead the main force of the Panshi Battalion to go out. Pass through the building mountainous area and go to the Yongzhen Camp. You will also go out with them, but your goal is not Yongzhen but to go north along the Tongzi River.  "Go straight out of Daduoushan to Erlangba." "Huangshi gave the task to Zhang Chengye, the team leader of the firefighting battalion. Today, Zhang Chengye will lead his team and the firefighting battalion engineering team to set out at dawn. Their goal is to capture Erlangba on the Tongzi River in the north of Daduoushan Mountain and attack the enemy.  Establish a strong defensive position there.  "The Tongzi River is very important to whether our army can successfully supply the Yongzhen Camp. Mr. Zhang Qian, come and take a look at the map." Huang Shi always likes to explain the strategic situation to his subordinates because he believes that his subordinates can fully understand the significance of their operations.  It is very beneficial to improve their sense of honor and mission.  Huang Shi called Zhang Chengye to the edge of the map and showed him the terrain from Banzhou to Yongzhen: "The road from our Banzhou Camp to Yongzhen Camp is one hundred and sixty miles long and spans the entire building.  In mountainous areas, there are mostly mountain roads. If we rely on this road for supplies,If we attack the main camp, it will require a lot of manpower, which will greatly affect the speed of our march.  " Then Huang Shi pointed to the Luomin River and said to Zhang Chengye: "General Manager Zhang Qian, there is only more than thirty miles between the Luomin River and the Tongzi River. I plan to use the Luomin River and the Tongzi River to supply the Yongzhen camp.  .  In the future, after the front line is stabilized, we may even transport grain and grass supplies directly from Guiyang through the Luomin River without passing through Bozhou to the Yongzhen Camp. Therefore, if our army wants to assemble troops and baggage at the Yongzhen Camp, we must ensure that the Tongzi River is always firmly connected.  It is in the hands of our army.  " Erlang Dam is located at the intersection of Tongzi River and Chishui River. These two rivers formed a protruding river loop, like a natural moat, wrapping the Yongzhen Camp inside. Huangshi lit Erlang Dam and emphasized to Zhang Chengye: "This place also protects  With the flank of Yongzhen, it isolates the Yongning area from the Yongzhen area. As long as Erlangba is in the hands of our army, the Yongzhen camp does not have to worry about being attacked from the north or the west.  Moreover, in addition to protecting the smooth transportation of the entire Tongzi River, this place is also the northern entrance of the Chishui River. If the Chishui River is guarded here, half of the Chishui River has already fallen into the hands of our army. In the future, our army will be able to transport supplies from Yongzhen to Chishuiwei through the Chishui River.  Do you understand everything?  " "I understand.  Marshal.  "Zhang Chengye replied sonorously and forcefully. He stared at the map for a while and suddenly asked: "The commander-in-chief has questions about his humble position.  " "Mr. Zhang Qian, tell me.  " "Commander Beizhi thinks that since Erlang Dam is so important, why not send more troops there instead of just one of Beizhi's troops?  " "Good question!  "Huang Shi praised and asked with encouragement: "How many troops does Mr. Zhang Qian think should be sent?  " Zhang Chengye stared at the map for a while and then fluently said what he was thinking in one breath: "Commander.  I thought that at least five troops should be dispatched to Erlangba. This would not only firmly protect the entire Tongzi River and Chishui River, but also contain the abnormal movements of the Yongning thieves.  After our army captures Chishui Guard, our army can also send troops from Erlangba to attack Linzhou. In this way, if the rebels go south from the Yongning area to attack Chishui Guard, we can attack from Linzhou and hit them hard on the back.  Huang Shijie smiled and said, "What Mr. Zhang Qian said is exactly what I wanted."  Now Tongzihe has to provide supplies to the Yongzhen camp, so it is temporarily unable to maintain too many troops in Erlangba.  But once the matter in Yongzhen is settled, I will personally lead the entire firefighting battalion to Erlangba to look for an opportunity to cross Chishui and attack Linzhou.  In this way, the Yongning thieves can only sit back and watch Chishui become mine, otherwise they will fall into our army's trap when they go south to rescue the Chishui guards.  " "The commander is wise.  " "Haha, so Mr. Zhang Qian, you have a heavy burden on your shoulders. Whether you can successfully capture Erlang Dam and consolidate it is related to whether the Yongzhen Camp can receive supplies.  It is also related to whether we can go from Yongzhen to attack Chishui in the future. Finally, it is also related to whether we can capture the main force of Yongning thieves between Pu's Office and Mani's Office.  It can be said that Mr. Zhang Qian, although your team is small in number, it determines the victory or defeat of our army in this battle.  " "It is the commander-in-chief who understands that he must live up to the commander-in-chief's orders.  "  On August 12, the seventh year of the Apocalypse, Bai Youcai and the three Sun brothers were building a new fort wall at the Dongjiang military seaport camp near Tieshan. During the last Korean War, the Sun brothers and Bai Youcai followed Mao Wenlong to attack Zhenjiang.  But Grandpa Bai stayed at home because of his age. When Bai Youcai left, his grandfather was digging out vole nests, so when Bai Youcai said goodbye for the last time, the old man who was concentrating on digging up vole didn't even raise his head and just responded casually.  As a result, this sound became a farewell. Now Bai Youcai is alone in this world. The Sun brothers, who also lost a relative, accepted him into their family. Bai Youcai happened to be the same age as the Sun family.  It seems that the fourth son of the Sun family is now calling him "Third Brother" instead of "Third Brother Bai". From Tieshan to Changcheng, the Dongjiang Army and the Houjin Army are still at war, although North Korea has promised not to let the Dongjiang Army go to sea.  But in fact, North Korea was unable to stop the Dongjiang Army's military operations. However, now the Jin Army has occupied Yizhou, deeply distorted the Ming Army's front line, and has repeatedly tried to cut off the communication line from Tieshan to Shuozhou.  The Sun brothers were cutting branches from the trees while Bai Youcai took a big comb and carefully applied the mixed mud to the wooden sticks. After the wooden sticks dried, they would be used to build the city wall.  Tieshan Fort and the nearby Dongjiang Army forts were built with this material. Lunch was wild vegetables and grain cakes, but Bai Youcai and the Sun brothers ate them very well before eating.  He first took off his dirty shirt and put it on his legs. After Bai Youcai carefully finished eating the noodles, he opened his eyes wide and searched for the piece of cloth to remove all the noodle residue that fell on his clothes.  Picked it up. ¡°Look, another boat is coming.  "The voice of the second son of the Sun family rang in Bai Youcai's ears.Having finished searching for the residue on his clothes, he looked back at the grain ship slowly sailing into the harbor and couldn't help but swallow a large mouthful of saliva.  Bai Youcai and the Sun brothers returned to work. According to their experience, the gate of the port camp will open after a while, and a group of heavily armed Dongjiang officers and soldiers will be the first to come out to clear the way. Behind them, they will be followed by trucks full of food.  trolley.  However, Bai Youcai and the others knew that these grains were definitely not for them to eat, but were to be sent to Shuozhou and then supplied to the Kuandian Dongjiang Army.  Since the Later Jin Army occupied Yizhou, the Yalu River natural barrier has been divided into half by the Dongjiang Army and the Later Jin Army.  Therefore, North Korea cannot be completely reassured.  These Dongjiang troops responsible for guarding the grain trucks will be given double rations.  Because the grain transport team from Tieshan to Shuozhou was often attacked by the Hou Jin Army.  In these days, the Dongjiang Army has sacrificed hundreds of lives on this road in order to keep the grain road to Shuozhou open.  However, although it was difficult to supply Shuozhou, Mao Wenlong stubbornly refused to give up the Kuandian area. Just as Yizhou was the bridgehead of Hou Jin in the south of the Yalu River, Kuandian was also the attack base of the Dongjiang Army in the north of the Yangtze River.  If Kuandian is abandoned, the natural danger of the Yalu River will become unilateral to the Jin Army. All the Dongjiang Army will fall into a completely passive situation in Liaodong.  As long as Kuandian is still in the hands of the Dongjiang Army, the Houjin side must deploy a large number of troops around it to confront Chen Jisheng.  This also played a very strong restraint on the Dongjiang Army headquarters.  But this time Bai Youcai and the others obviously guessed wrong.  Not long after the ship docked, thunderous cheers rang out from the port fort. After the gate slowly opened, the soldiers of the Dongjiang Army around the fort stood up in shock and looked at the Dongjiang commander and his banner from the port fort.  He walked out from under the gate.  "Commander Mao!" "It's Marshal Mao!" Bai Youcai threw down the mud tube in his hand and shouted, jumping up and running in the direction of Mao Wenlong.  While running, Bai Youcai passed some people and was overtaken by some faster people behind him.  Panting, he ran to the side of the road and looked greedily at the flaming flag.  Together with thousands of people around him, they shouted wildly: "Does Marshal Mao want to counterattack Liaodong?" "But does he want to counterattack Liaodong?"  Mao Wenlong kept walking from the port road to the Jiangjun camp in Shandong Province.  Fortunately, the dark and thin faces did not show too much disappointment.  This time Mao Wenlong only came to inspect the war zone after the Dongjiang officers and soldiers figured this out.  They all went back to work hard, and they all used their actions to express to their highest officer: not only did they not lose confidence, but they became more morale because of this setback and new hatred.  The officers of the Dongjiang Army in Tieshan and other forts were also full of fighting spirit. Seven years ago, when Mao Wenlong brought 200 people to Longchuan, North Korea, the Hou Jin regime was like the rising sun, full of invincible deterrence, but the Liaodong Ming Army had no place to stand.  But in seven years, the Dongjiang Army has expanded to hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians.  Covering an area of ??thousands of miles, it has become a force that cannot be underestimated.  After the Korean War.  Every time Mao Wenlong boosts the morale of his men, he gets a positive response from everyone. Although Dongjiang Town has encountered a low point now, everyone believes that this is just a low point.  For example, Pan Shen, who asked Huang Shi for a bunch of engineering equipment in Haeju last time, escaped from Yiju alone this time and was considered to have survived the catastrophe.  When Mao Wenlong asked General Pan Shen in Tieshan Fort what he thought of the battle situation, the fool Pan in everyone's mouth laughed again. He said to Mao Wenlong with fighting spirit: "No matter how difficult it is, can it still be as difficult as the commander-in-chief's past?"  Even the Tatars, who only had 200 men back then, couldn't destroy our Dongjiang Army. How can they do it now? "Huang Shi has already asked Mao Wenlong to buy large logs through businessmen.  If the military town conducts private transactions, it will be a taboo in the Ming Dynasty officialdom. But now that there are businessmen in the middle, it may be better.  The relationship between Huang Shi and Mao Wenlong was originally very close, but now they may not be caught by using businessmen as a cover-up.  For Mao Wenlong, it is absolutely impossible to get Huangshi land money for nothing without producing wood. Therefore, Mao Wenlong's trip was not only to boost the morale of North Korea's Dongjiang Army, but also to see how to transport the large wood from Changbai Mountain to Tieshan.   August 14th The Ming Army Camp in Bozhou, Sichuan. The local Ming Army in Guiyang, which set out at the same time as the fire-fighting camp a few days ago, has just arrived. The Selective Front Battalion, which only set off from Guiyang on the 10th, arrived yesterday under the leadership of Jia Minghe.  Bozhou camp.  Huang Shi is now fully clothed and is about to set off for the Yongzhen camp.  On the way from Bozhou to Yongzhen, the Ming army had set up a temporary post station and arranged for a small number of post horses Huang Shi and a few guards to change horses along the way. It is estimated that they can reach the Yongzhen camp within two days.  After the Selected Front Battalion arrived in Bozhou, there was no need for the last few soldiers of the fire-fighting battalion to stay here. They would immediately set off for Erlang Dam after handing over the defense to the Selected Front Battalion.    Huangshi will also go to Erlangba after inspecting the Yongzhen camp with this current communication method.  The further progress of the war will not be something he can control in real time.  So before leaving, Huangshi could only briefly explain the strategic points to Jia Minghe. He pointed the map on the wall with a riding whip and said: "Brother Jia, if nothing happens, He Guerrilla will definitely attack in the direction of Chishui Guards within four days. I estimate  The rebels haven't figured out our army's movements yet, so it won't be until August 20 at the earliest for them to react, so they won't have time to reinforce the Chishui Guards. The Yongning rebels may counterattack the Chishui Guards by the end of this month."  Seeing that Jia Minghe seemed a little suspicious of Huang Shi, he stopped talking and indicated that he could ask. Jia Minghe immediately pointed to the map and asked, "Sir. Although the Yongning thieves are closer to the Chishui Guards, the general thought that they might contact the Shuixi thieves first and then  Then attack our army from both sides." "Yes, if the rebels know the combat effectiveness of our army, they should do this, but the rebels do not know, so they probably think that a lonely army of thousands of officers and soldiers is nothing.  Once the two thieves She Chongming and An Bangyan took control of Chishui River, they would be divided into two and there would be no room for movement. I guess Bingguishen She would never fail to see this.  Chongming will immediately drop all his tens of thousands of main troops and attack the Chishui Guards in the south, trying to eat up our lone army in one fell swoop." Jia Minghe thought for a moment and nodded, "What the commander said is true.  She Chongming dares to come. We are not afraid that the two thieves of Chishui Guard will be dead. "Haha, if they are really not smart enough, we will have enough advantages." Huang Shi chuckled.  Obviously, he didn't care about the fighting power of the rebels, so he felt that the other side did not dare to attack a battalion of Funing Army.  However, since Huangshi Xiangshe Chongming and An Bangyan dared to raise the rebel flag, they must still be very confident in their military power.  "When He guerrillas attacked Chishui Guards along the Chishui River, I would go to Erlangba to direct the fire-fighting battalion to attack Linzhou. When She Chongming's main force appeared north of Chishui Guards, I would use Panshi Camp as the anvil and the fire-fighting battalion as the handle of the hammer.  She Chongming's elite gathered between Pu Shi and Mani. "If She Chongming cannot arrive in time, He Dingyuan's city defense will have more time to reinforce. If She Chongming rushes in, Huang Shi probably won't have much success.  Once the heavy baggage is defeated, it will become uncontrollable: "She Chongming will arrive in Shuixi and Yongning in about ten days. Although An Bangyan is far away, he will come desperately in fifteen to twenty days in the hope of annihilating our army.  "Restore the posture of internal operations." "That's what the commander said." "So you have to take over the defense there after He Guerrilla leaves the Yongzhen camp to ensure that the supply lines of the Fire Fighting and Panshi battalions are unobstructed." "Don't worry, the commander-in-chief."  "Then other Ming troops from all walks of life will arrive one after another. When they arrive, the two battalions of Ming troops in Guiyang should also arrive at the Yongzhen camp. You can lead the Xuanfeng battalion westward along the south bank of the Chishui River. If An Bangyan does not cross.  If he crosses the Chishui River, you will cut off his retreat and block the Shuixi bandits on the north bank of the Chishui River. This time, the Fenghuang Battalion will be the anvil, and the Fire and Rock Battalions will be the hammers to defeat An Bangyan in one fell swoop.  Annihilation is here." "Commander, I obey." Although Huang Shi believed in Jia Minghe's loyalty, he couldn't do enough to motivate his subordinates. After hearing Jia Minghe's respectful and cautious answer, Huang Shi threw the whip aside solemnly.  He bowed his hands to Jia Minghe in a matter-of-fact manner, which frightened the latter so much that he jumped away: "Don't take it for granted that the commander-in-chief will definitely do his duty." Huang Shi straightened up and looked at Jia Minghe with a solemn face: "Brother Jia  The Chishui Guards must save the thieves. I am sure that An Bangyan will do his best to save the An family, which has been in Shuixi for two thousand years from the Han Dynasty to today. There are probably tens of thousands of thieves with deep roots.  Going to Shuixi's lair to annihilate these bandits will probably cost the lives of thousands of brothers, so I very much hope to annihilate these bandits in Chishui Guards." Jia Minghe also had a solemn look on his face when he heard this. He had rarely seen Huangshi before.  Speak to yourself in such a serious tone.  I heard Huang Shi continue to speak: "There is a saying in the art of war: Don't stop when you return to the army. If An Bangyan is really blocked by the Jia brothers in Chishui Hebei this time, they will definitely fight to the death to fight back to their hometown. So I know  Brother Jia's burden is very heavy this time, but I still have to hand it to Brother Jia. This time you are solely responsible for the left wing of our Funing Army, but its significance is not only about this.  Thousands, even tens of thousands of brothers' lives." Jia Minghe was stunned for a moment.  Then he lifted up his cloak and knelt down on one knee, clasping his fists and shouting: "The commander-in-chief is serious in his words. If Anbang Yan really comes here, the general will fight to the death to block him in Hebei until the commander-in-chief destroys him." He paused.  After a pause, Jia Minghe suddenly raised his voice by another octave and said impassionedly: "Commander, don't worry, as long as there is a forward selection camp, the commander's left wing will be as safe as a mountain.""Okay!" Huang Shi helped Jia Minghe up with both hands: "I am convinced of this."  August 16, Ming Army Yongzhen Camp. A month ago, this place was just an ordinary post station and investigation post.  It has been quiet here for the past few years, but now it is like a big buzzing hive. In addition to the five thousand officers and soldiers of the Panshi Camp, there are thousands of auxiliary soldiers who are busy around the Yongzhen Camp.  There is a continuous flow of supplies that have just been transported from Tongzi River.  The engineering team of the Panshi Battalion has not only built a simple dock on the Tongzi River, but yesterday the engineering advance team on the Chishui River reported back that the dock on the Chishui River was also declared completed two days ago. The engineering team is seizing the time to build bamboo rafts.  And began to install tow ropes along the river.  "So far everything is going well." Chief of Staff Jin Qiude came to the Yongzhen Camp with He Dingyuan from the beginning. In the past two days, a large number of staff officers have been calculating the transportation capacity of the Chishui River and establishing a network with the Yongzhen Camp as its base.  A central and well-connected post station communication network: "The post horses are enough for the time being, but we need to mobilize another 300 post horses from Guizhou before the campaign begins in full swing. In order to establish a larger command network." Huang Shi took a closer look.  Jin Qiude's plan asked: "Do you suggest that the old camp be set up here in Yongzhen?" "Yes, the Yongzhen area seems to be relatively safe at the moment. Once the wings of the fire fighting camp and the front selection camp are opened, it will become  It is safer, so the general believes that there is no need to build the Bozhou camp. All reinforcements and supplies from Guiyang should be concentrated here in Yongzhen." "Then do as you say." "Commander.  " Huangshi left his seal to Jin Qiude so that he could unified command of the upcoming Guizhou reinforcements.  Huang Shi did not give Jin Qiude any rigid orders.  Jin Gude's most important job is not to coordinate operations but to transport supplies. Judging from the current communication methods, coordinating military operations within a hundred miles is a fantasy.  "It seems that we have come to the right place. The Shuixi and Yongning thieves did not expect that our army could move so fast. Although we were maneuvering from the outside, we were still far ahead of them." Huang Shi had already seen Jin Qiude.  It will take four or five days for Shuixi and Yongning to judge clearly the scale and direction of the Ming army's attack based on the analysis made by the staff officers. It will not be until the end of this month at the earliest when they complete their assembly and launch a counterattack.  Jin Qiude is also very confident about the first step of the offensive: "According to the long-term veterans of Yongzhenyi, there are only a few hundred rebels in the Chishuiwei area. Most of them are estimated to be old, weak, and even women. It is impossible to have any elite troops.  It's just a matter of resistance because we can transport Panshi Camp's six-pounder cannon along the river to capture the Chishui Guards. It doesn't seem to be a big problem. The only problem is that the road is not easy to walk. Compared with the rebels, this journey is longer for us.  "It's just trouble." Huang Shi said with a dismissive attitude: "A road without a firm defender is also a road; a road with a firm defender is also a road." "Commander.  That¡¯s right.¡±¡­ On the afternoon of the 16th, we set up camp at Panshi Camp by the Chishui River.  "Chishui Guards!" When Huang Shi finally explained the mission to He Dingyuan, Huang Shi whipped the riding crop hard on the map. With a "stab", Huang Shi poked a hole in the map.  Huang Shi turned his head and pointed his arm straight at the map, looked into He Dingyuan's eyes and said loudly: "This attack will determine the outcome of the southwest counter-insurgency campaign in one fell swoop. The bandits will either be completely ground to death in the millstone of Chishui Guard, or they will sit in their lair waiting to die. Now.  . The entire four southwestern provinces are squeezing out supplies and baggage for this attack. The entire four southwestern provinces¡¯ grain, grass, troops, horses, and salaries are all being transported here. The entire four southwestern provinces¡¯ civil and military personnel, and people.  The civil and military officials of the dynasty, the scholars and the people of the world all held their breaths and watched this decisive blow - "Huang Shi's right arm holding the riding crop remained unchanged and his left arm was raised and pointed heavily at He Dingyuan: "And this decision  "Commander" He Dingyuan was so excited that his face turned red and he shouted a deafening roar towards Huangshi: "The general will definitely take off the Chishui Guard and present it to you."  "I am convinced of this. But this is just the beginning." Huang Shi looked at the large map hanging on the wall and then poked a hole in Yongning Xuanfu Division.  He said to He Dingyuan: "The thieves will do their best to save Chishui. I will personally command the fire fighting battalion to rush out from behind the thieves and the He brothers. They will attack from the front and back. First, the Yongning thieves will be gathered under the Chishui guard city and annihilated. Then they will turn around and go south to fight with the Jia brothers."  The water thief. Huang Shi looked at He Dingyuan attentively and said in a slow voice: "If the Chishui Guards are in the enemy's army, they will be a turtle in the urn. Our army can advance and attack, and retreat and defend."  If the Chishui Guards fall, our Funing Army, which is divided into three groups, will be defeated by the thieves one by one.  ??Brother, in your hands you not only hold the outcome of the Southwest, but also the lives of the 15,000 officers and soldiers of our Funing Army's Third Battalion.  " "Commander, don't worry, the general will be in the city" "If you don't have Chishui Guards, you can't be here.  I don't know how to fly a sword to pass a message.  Once the Chishui Guards fall, our Funing Army will be completely wiped out. The Chishui Guards cannot be absent!  Absolutely not!  " He Dingyuan took a deep breath and raised his head high: "The commander-in-chief is the last general, and he has made a mistake. Not to mention tens of thousands of thieves, even one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand thieves will never be able to defeat the five thousand Funing Army.  Take the castle from your hands.  Commander, please feel free to worry.  The final general will surely be able to defend the Chishui Guards like an iron bucket of golden soup.  " "Okay, then prepare yourself.  Let's go out now." Huang Shi took out his pocket watch and took a look. It is now 2:43 pm on August 16, the seventh year of Tianqi. He recorded the number on a piece of paper, then raised his head and said to He Dingyuan: "Now every day  Every minute and every second is precious, it determines the victory of this battle and determines the number of enemies destroyed and casualties.  " In Huang Shi's eyes, He Dingyuan strode up to the camp tent. Underneath stood densely packed the five thousand officers and soldiers of the Panshi Battalion. The whole place was silent. Everyone raised their necks and looked at He Dingyuan who was aloof. He Dingyuan stood firmly with his legs and one hand.  With his hands on his hips, he raised his other hand high in the air and shouted with piercing eyes: "The entire army is heading towards the direction of Chishui Guards - a powerful reconnaissance.  " "Mighty!  "The soldiers shouted in unison. Suddenly various military instruments sounded. The Panshi camp marched out of the camp gate to the drums and marched along both sides of the Chishui River toward Chishui Weishui 6, a hundred miles away Seven days later, August 23  The Yongzhen Camp of the Ming Army is now more lively than a few days ago. The camp's warning area has been expanded to a radius of twenty miles, and simple watchtowers and beacons have been built in several directions.  A large group of civilians came in and out of the camp gate, carrying a large amount of supplies into the camp. A staff officer in the camp reported to Jin Qiude: "There are another thousand auxiliary soldiers today.  , fifty pack horses and fifty stage horses arrived. Now the whole camp has fifteen thousand auxiliary soldiers and one thousand horses. According to a letter from Guiyang, this number may double again within ten days.  " After putting down the report, the staff officer reported to Jin Qiude: "Sir, you wrote last time to request Ambassador Wu to transport more supplies. Ambassador Wu replied.  " "What did Ambassador Wu say?  " "My lord, Ambassador Wu said that he had brought every peasant, every horse, every grain, every blade of grass and every nail in his possession to the Yongzhen camp; Ambassador Wu also said that he had detained  In all other directions, the Ming army had to demolish civilian houses in Guiyang.  " Jin Qiude couldn't help laughing loudly when he heard this exaggerated statement: "Haha, Ambassador Wu still has the same temper.  Well, where are the reinforcements?  " "No reinforcements have arrived today.  The Yongzhen camp still only had 4,000 Ming troops except for the front camp.  However, Mr. Zhang has ordered all nearby Ming troops to move to Bozhou. Now there are at least 40,000 Ming troops in Sichuan and Guizhou provinces who have received the order. It is estimated that about 20,000 Ming troops are already on their way here.  " "Well, such a large-scale military deployment cannot be hidden from the eyes and ears of the Yongning and Shuixi thieves. Moreover, Mr. Zhang's order is so clear. They will never misjudge the first batch of thieves to reinforce the Chishui Guards.  Maybe it's already on its way.  "Jin Qiude frowned, looked at the map, then scratched his head and said, "Is there any news from Camp Panshi today?  "The news that He Dingyuan sent back yesterday was that the enemy soldiers had rushed to the foot of Chishui Guards. The sporadic resistance along the way was very weak and did not pose the slightest threat to the five thousand Ming army. However, no news has been sent back today. "General Jin" at two o'clock in the afternoon  General Kim.  "A messenger rushed in holding a piece of paper. His excitement was beyond words. He ran in, gave a hurried salute, and read out loud the news of He Dingyuan's victory An hour later, the forward selection camp had assembled outside the camp. Jia Minghe  Wearing bright armor and walking slowly up to the high platform of Yongzhen Camp, he waved He Dingyuan's note with his right hand and shouted briefly to the listening officers and soldiers: "General He attacked early the morning before yesterday.  Go to Chishui Guard!  " "Mighty!  " Jia Minghe first let the soldiers cheer heartily, then stretched out his arm and pressed down. Suddenly the whole place returned to silence. Jia Minghe puffed up his cheeks and shouted: "The whole army heard the order and the forward selection battalion immediately went out to Alomi.  Direction¡ª¡ªLaunch powerful investigation!  "" On August 24th, the central breakthrough of the Erlangba Ming Army was completed. Next, it depends on the deployment of the two wings. The Chishui River water transport is sufficient to maintain the Panshi Battalion for high-attack operations. After the Panshi Battalion switches to defense, the forwards are selected.  The battalion can also use part of its transport capacity to maintain the troop mobility, but the forward selection battalion will not be able to speed up for the time being because the current main transport capacity has to be given to the Chishui Guards to supply food, grass and ammunition because no one knows the water of the Chishui River.No one knows when the luck will be cut off, and no one knows how long the Panshi Battalion will need to fight under siege.  The fire-fighting camp can exclusively enjoy the water transportation capacity at the northern end of the Chishui River. From Erlang Dam to Linzhou Fire-fighting Camp, it can also use the 60-mile water transportation, thus shortening the 6-way transportation distance to only 60 miles.  Now, in addition to the fire-fighting battalion headquarters' baggage team, Erlangba also gathers thousands of auxiliary soldiers and 700 horses. Under the wise guidance of the fire-fighting battalion engineering team, the amount of supplies unloaded by Tongzihe at Erlangba every day is also increasing.  Huang Shi sat quietly on the chair and carefully read the military information sent by the post horse. He sighed softly, raised his head and handed a letter he had written long ago to the messenger: "Send this to Guiyang and give it to Zhang  "Brothers," Zhang Chengye shouted outside the Erlangba camp: "The direction of the powerful investigation is Linzhou."
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