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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sundries -> The Great Sword of the Eastern Abyss

1. The Decider Prologue¡¤Origin

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    [East of the Central Continent; Border Village Hamur] The dry northeasterly wind blows in this village hidden in the rocky mountains. It is not the rainy season of the year. Unlike the humid southern continent, warm and humid monsoons are not frequent.  Visiting this desolate oriental village, the crops in the fields are drooping listlessly under the harsh sunlight, and the cracked land is in urgent need of rain But when the villagers are staying at home,  But there was a man standing on a towering rocky mountain, suffering the baptism of the harsh sunshine with the crops. This man was wearing a thick black cloak, and his head was tightly covered in the shadow of the hood. He was as skinny as a chicken's feet.  His hands are also folded in the loose long sleeves, and no skin on his whole body is exposed to the sun, like a poisonous snake that can only curl up in a dark corner Although the weather is hot, as long as you see this  The figure seemed to be touched by cold fingers on the spine, causing a chill to spread quietly in people's hearts.  "This is a challengeSuccess or failure depends on this. If even the first step is not successful, then there is no need to establish this organization." Standing on the rock mountain, the watcher wearing a dark cloak observed  Looking at the quiet mountain village at his feet, "Excluding individuals whose bodies automatically collapsed due to rejection, all the implants from a month ago have been returned to towns and villages. After a one-month adaptation period, the results should be available now.  " [Hamul Village] "I'm so hungry My stomach feels like it's on fire I want to eat" A sturdy man dressed as a farmer  The man tossed and turned on the bed, and a large number of twisted scarlet blood streaks appeared in his narrowed pupils, and the sides of the pupils seemed to be forcibly squeezed by a force. The originally round pupils gradually narrowed and became thinner, and the originally dark pupils  The color of his eyes gradually became lighter and lighter, and his irises shone with a predator-like dazzling light as if they were coated with diluted gold liquid, like the descendants of the ancient dragon mysterious and dangerous!  The man sat up and carefully stroked the back of his head with the five fingers of his right hand. The thick brown hair there could still be vaguely seen as being cut, and there was a staggered standard cross-shaped knife mark on the scalp hidden under the hair.  The scar healed quickly and was very smooth, but there was still a slight sting and itching, and life was squirming in the wound But it was just like this that gave him a more intense sense of hunger.  .  "I need food, I want to gnaw! gnaw the internal organs!" A devilish whisper burst out from the man's teeth like a curse.  "Master, your recent situation is very worrying" The farmhousewife pushed open the door and entered. Her worried words were interrupted by the man's actions. She saw the man's right arm suddenly stretched out and pointed.  The palm of his hand pierced the peasant housewife's abdomen "I'm sorry, I'm really hungry." After saying his apologetic words, the man's body suddenly expanded in a strange manner,  The muscles squirmed, the tendons and blood vessels beat and stretched, the bones were squeezed and made a soft "click-click" sound, the face became more rough and ferocious, the corners of the mouth were torn open to both sides at an incredible length, and the teeth in them had changed.  In order to have lizard-like fine but sharp teeth along the spine, the skin color becomes darker and the color becomes more solid and thicker. The whole body's physique increases sharply, from the original ordinary person to a monster over two meters tall   "No matter what it isit's really delicious." The man who had turned into a monster took out a large amount of internal organs mixed with blood from the belly of the corpse, and stuffed it into his mouth without even looking at it, as if  Chewing like a glutton, scarlet blood flowed down the corner of his mouth, and the fragments of internal organs were licked into his mouth by the pink tongue tip passing between the teeth "That's itFather"  He has turned into a monster." A calm and indifferent voice sounded from the mouth of the black-haired boy who stepped into the door. The last trace of shock on the handsome and fair face had completely receded, and what was left was only numbness after seeing the truth.  The last ray of emotion has been extinguished in his eyes, like a faint light burning out in the endless night.  "Then my father was responsible for my sister's death three days ago." Although it was a question, it was said in an affirmative tone.  "Killed my sister and killed my motheryou should die too!" The frowning boy said in cold language, a fact that has not yet happened, but is recognized as if it is the truth.  .  "But I'm really hungry" With the blood spilling from its sharp teeth, the demon whimpered as if in defense.  But what didn't match its words was that it stretched out its left arm that had just been used for eating. The originally round and smooth human fingers had long since transformed into something as sharp as a lizard's claws. And the moment it pointed at the boy, the demon  The fingers that turned into sharp claws stretched out of thin air like rubber bands, tearing the air with a sharp whistling sound, and struck straight at the young man's head.  This move is extremely powerful, and the advantage is that it is sudden. It takes less than two seconds from the time the demon raises its hand to the time when its fingers are weirdly extended.?The moment the demon raised his hand, five sharp claws shot out like bullets were already close to the boy's face. The demon could even imagine the wonderful touch of his fingers penetrating the boy's skull and smashing his gray matter.  "It's a pityit was almost." The young man just tilted his head slightly at the critical moment, and took a step back sideways to avoid the blow, and inserted it easily with the sharp fingertips of the wind.  The hard brick wall, with just a simple stir, caused a large amount of earth brick debris to fly and collapse. The demon turned his claws and swept horizontally, and the five sharp claw tips swept horizontally towards the boy.  In its view, the young man's subconscious dodge just now was just a fluke, and although this dodge was clever, it could not be copied. Just attack it again and you can tear it apart!  But whether it was the next blow or the next blow the young man seemed to be stumbling and clumsy, but he avoided it with the utmost subtlety.  "This guy" The man who has turned into a demon has long forgotten his identity as a father. What is left is only the anger of not being able to get delicious internal organs. It jumped up, but its huge body had the same  With unmatched mobility, after taking off from the ground, the figure only flashed in the air. When it flashed out again, it was already standing behind the young man. It opened its thick arms and fiercely grabbed the young man from behind.  Hug him over, and you can see the faint cold light flashing in the light at the tips of his open claws. If he is caught in this hug, I am afraid that the boy's body will immediately turn into pieces of broken flesh between his claws   "It's over" With words that were as smooth as dead water, the young man took a step back suddenly, and the sure-shot grapple just now turned into a collision of two sharp claws, and he  His right arm, which had been behind his back, suddenly turned back, and a meat cleaver that had been hidden in his sleeve came out. Without any hesitation, he pierced the demon's neck with just one blow, and the young man was extremely vicious.  Twisting the handle of the knife, trying to make the wound wider "You bastard!!!" An indistinct voice floated out from the cut throat and vocal cords, and the demon suffered severe injuries.  With a backhand sweep, the black-haired boy who had no time to avoid due to the expansion of the battle was knocked away hard. It staggered and barely held the handle of the meat cleaver with its sharp claws, and pulled the blade out of its throat with force.  There was also a trace of blood spurting out The demon shook his head and threw the meat cleaver to the ground. Then his knees softened and he knelt on the ground. Although he did not die directly,  But this move that pierced the neck still made it on the verge of death, but it didn't matter as long as there was enough flesh and blood "It's not dead yet. It seems that it was a miscalculation of the tenacity of its vitality.  Ah." After being knocked into the shadow of the corner, the boy's eyes, which were darker than the shadow, opened again. The demon's injured subconscious counterattack also hurt him. To a certain extent, he, as a human, was injured.  On the contrary, it was even more serious. Five horrific wounds almost tore his body. The deepest one on his lower abdomen even exposed his small intestine, and the shallowest one also tore two of his ribs. The blood was almost  It spurted out like money "But this time, I still won Goodbye, monster." The young man frowned slightly and forced the small intestine that had just flowed out of his body into his abdomen again.  Then he held the torn wound tightly with his left hand, bent down to pick up the meat cleaver discarded by the demon, swayed but walked firmly towards the demon who fell to the ground and was unable to get up   "Annolo, wait a minute! I am your fatherHave you forgotten?" The demon struggled hard, making weak accusations from its wide-open mouth, and raised its sharp claws  He shot out the last rubber-band-like attack, but the young man dodged this ill-aimed blow again "Oh? You still remember." The black-haired young man smiled, with a delicate and handsome face.  There was a sunny smile.  "Okaygoodbye, father." [A moment later] The hooded man in a dark cloak slowly walked into the village. He forcibly used his body to push away the people who had gathered because of the fierce fighting.  The villagers then slowly pushed open the closed door. The lingering sound of the scream had dispersed, and the whole house fell into a dead silence. The hooded man standing in front of the door hesitated for a moment, but still  Slowly pushing open the ajar door The smell of blood hit his face The black-haired boy kneeling in the shadows silently rotated the sliced ??meat that penetrated the demon's eyes.  With the knife, amidst the "squeaking" sound of flesh and blood being cut and torn, he turned his head silently, and looked at the hooded man standing at the door with a pair of dark pupils that seemed to be able to crush and swallow the whole world: "Monster?"  "I'm not a monster." The hooded man waved his hand. The voice coming from the shadow under the hood was rough and unpleasant. It was like rubbing a piece of wood against metal, and it could bring that weird itchy feeling that penetrated from the ears to the ear.  In my mind: "You are going to die."??I know.  "The black-haired boy replied nonchalantly. When the creature that was originally his father ate his sister and mother in two consecutive days, he just wanted to kill it As for life and death, that is the first  Questions for both of you to consider: ¡°Follow me and I can keep you alive.  "The hooded man whispered. "What else?  "The black-haired boy was noncommittal, but he asked again. "" The hooded man's pupils hidden in the shadow of the hood shrank slightly. He glanced at the five tear-shaped scars in front of the boy's body.  Said: "You are too weak now, but I can make you strong extremely powerful!  "    "make a deal.  "The black-haired boy stood up staggeringly. Covering his abdominal wound, he suddenly showed a sly smile stained with blood: "Then you have to move quickly, or I will die in a while  ¡±
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