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The Wind Rises in Chang'an Chapter 330 Marquis Pingyang relies on you

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    Three hundred miles north of Yanmen County, 90,000 Han troops were stationed by a narrow river. Ten miles away was King Zuoxian's main army. Relying on the power of King Zuoxian's main force heading south, the Xiongnu tribe hiding in Tibet instantly  Suddenly, the tribal cavalry surrounding the camp for more than ten miles were as dense as mosquitoes.  @ The cunning Huns did not launch an attack on the camp. They were like hungry wolves wandering on the grassland day and night. The intentions of the Han army¡¯s hunting troops to break through the encirclement were discovered several times, so that the Han army¡¯s supplies were lost.  becomes a big problem.  However, at the critical moment, the main general was not in the big tent and the quarrel was fierce. Xue Ze advocated retreating to a relatively safe place as soon as possible to reorganize his troops and fight again. Even if he stayed in the Xiongnu grassland, he should first withdraw to the adjacent border counties and rely on the border counties on the Han border.  At least the Huns did not dare to encircle them without restraint, but his proposal was immediately refuted by Gongsun Ao.  Gongsun Ao ridiculed Xue Ze for being timid and lacking in responsibility. He acted like a woman when leading troops in battle, which made Xue Ze, who claimed to be well-educated, half angry to death. Every other month, the imperial newspaper would follow the shipment of food and grass.  The team was sent to the army. The last time they transported food and grass was half a month ago when they were not besieged by the Huns.  The generals in the army learned about the changes in the political situation in Chang'an one after another. The imperial court issued a strong signal to further suppress the meritorious princes. In particular, the resignation of Zhang Ou, the imperial censor, became a new trend. Gongsun Ao thought that he would closely follow Wei Qing, a popular figure in the court.  His name must be indispensable to the Lieutenant who was injured due to meritorious service, so he might as well take this opportunity to break up with Xue Ze and surrender his name.  Xue Ze intended to ease the relationship between the two parties, but Gongsun Ao thought that his meritorious service was yesterday's news, and he lacked respect for him more and more. In a fit of anger, Xue Ze stopped talking to him.  Li Xisu had no prestige and could not be regarded as a peacemaker, so Li Cai wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and tigers.  There were signs of disharmony among several generals of the Han army.  The high-level turmoil seriously delayed the precious opportunity for the Han army to retreat. King Zuoxian called for hundreds of thousands of Xiongnu tribe herdsmen to act as informants.  The Han army was surrounded by people with no blind spots for dozens of miles, and it was not that easy to leave now.  "Don't stop! Everyone get up and keep going south! If we go two hundred miles south and approach the Han border, the Huns will not dare to continue chasing. Get up and keep walking!" The young Northern Army captain loudly urged the soldiers to break camp and go south.  Let's go. The tired soldiers had no choice but to stand up and continue the unfinished journey. The young soldier muttered: "Let's go, let's go! We don't even have time to eat. How can we continue walking when we are hungry." Boom!  There was fierce sound of horse hooves, the Xiongnu's silver wolf flag fluttered in the wind, and the Xiongnu's tribal cavalry came to harass them again.  Urgent shouts from the Han army rang out: "The whole army is on alert. The Wuhan Iron and Steel chariots are quickly arrayed! The chariots and soldiers protect the two wings, and the infantry is in the middle! Quick!" The Huns' running speed did not slow down, and the cavalry in formation were like mad cows.  They had to rush in. Facing the Hun cavalry, almost every Northern soldier tensed up, and their young and immature faces were full of nervousness. Most of them were young people in their early twenties, and they only had one year of superficial experience as a county soldier and could not cope with it.  The ferocious and savage Huns.  Just when he was about to rush to the front of the Han army's gun line, he suddenly slowed down, turned around, laughed and made a mocking gesture, then turned around and left while waving his whip wantonly.  "Damn the Huns! They rely on us and their cavalry to intimidate our soldiers." Gongsun Ao gritted his teeth in hatred but was helpless.  Without the assistance of Wei Qing and elite cavalry, this would be a protracted spear and shield war.  The Huns had powerful cavalry, and even the Han cavalry, which was fully armored, might not be able to gain an advantage. Facing the Han army, which only had chariots and infantry archers, it had unparalleled mobility.  But the Huns could not gnaw the main force of the Han army, which was as hard as a tortoise shell.  The Han army has powerful Wuhan Iron and Steel chariots. The front is a huge iron plate with spikes on the animal face. The spikes and edges on the left and right are huge deterrents.  The wheel hub was hidden in the belly of the tank and was not exposed, so there was no chance of winning in a frontal charge.  The sides and back were tightly surrounded by chariots. The archers on the chariots were armed with strong bows and crossbows for long range and powerful shooting.  It was far beyond the range of the crude Hun cavalry bows with their short bows.  The infantry placed on the chariot were stabbed with spears, and the steel chariot in front was also guarded by spearmen. It was almost a movable turtle shell with edges and corners everywhere. This was also due to the great development of iron smelting technology.  With the development, the main force of the Han army could have the luxury of replacing it with the most expensive iron equipment. The Huns could not resist the degree to which the Huns received help from Wei's Korea to initially complete the transformation of armed iron equipment.  "Don't stop, keep going south!"  Keep your footing." Facing the red and black flags fading away towards the south, King Zuo Xian was a little less interested.With his ability, he could have attacked the main force of the Han army long ago, and even a turtle shell could pry open a crack. However, the edict of the military minister Shanyu broke his last illusion.  "King Zuo Xian, the Great Chanyu orders you to go to the temporary Chanyu Courtyard immediately." The beggar groaned and lowered his proud head. The royal cavalry guards who had been waiting for a long time were on the left and right and went straight to the Chanyu Courtyard in the north. Fortunately, this distance  Not that far away.  When he arrived at Shan Yu's court, he saw a group of familiar Xiongnu nobles ducking their heads and avoiding his sight. They were unwilling to face the angry gaze of King Zuo Xian. After all, they were forced to give in under the pressure of the military minister Shan Yu.  .  "My beloved brother, we meet again!" King Juli of the Right Xian came over happily, as if he didn't notice how ugly the expression of King Zuo Xian was.  King Zuo Xian glared coldly: "Juli, what are you doing here?" "Of course it's the call of the Great Chanyu. I heard that there is a big operation waiting for us. Of course, this operation may have nothing to do with you  "King You Xian laughed and taunted, which completely angered King Zuo Xian. The moment he pulled out the sword, he heard another voice: "I also heard that you have been doing well recently. Shan Yu's name is often mentioned in the court.  , but everyone¡¯s expressions are very subtle when they mention you.¡± Choke!  The iron sword was sheathed, and King Zuo Xian walked towards the king's tent with a dark face and no words. He knew that he could not kill King You Xian, let alone provoke a violent conflict at this juncture, not to mention King You Xian's warning.  The meaning is already very obvious.  The coolness coming from the king's tent made King Zuo Xian feel chilled. The military minister Shan Yu sat on the throne and waited quietly. His expression was unprecedentedly indifferent: "Beggars, do you know your sin?"  With eyes locked like poisonous snakes, King Zuo Xian was so frightened that he did not dare to move. After a long time, he said: "Iis guilty!"  King Zuo Xian became more and more angry and went back, telling me, are you old? " King Zuo Xian was startled and broke out in a cold sweat. According to the custom of the Xiongnu, old people are abandoned to feed wolves. In the Xiongnu, it is said that a person is old.  It means the same as saying you are about to die. He immediately understood that Junchen Shanyu was implying that he should die, and quickly denied it: "I am not old, I am very strong now, I am still a warrior who sat down with Shanyu, and I can still do it."  He bent his big bow to kill a leopard and shoot an eagle for the great Chanyu. "Hearing the old story, the military minister Shanyu looked a little better. Killing a leopard and shooting an eagle was an important test for the Hun nobles to be selected as the crown prince's confidants. At that time, King Zuo Xian.  The beggar personally hunted two leopards and five goshawks and gave them to the then King of Zuoxian, Shanyu, the military minister of the Hun Crown Prince, thus becoming the unofficial candidate for King Zuoxian.  Decades passed by, and the Hun Crown Prince turned into an old Chanyu who was nearly fifty years old. The young confidant who had sacrificed the leopard and the goshawk also became the Zuo Xian King who was under one person and outnumbered ten thousand people. The two still maintained their dominance.  From the perspective of relationship, it¡¯s just that times have changed and people¡¯s hearts have changed.  The military minister Shanyu said coldly: "Beggar, I will spare you for the time being, but don't be happy too early. I want you to entangle the fleeing Han army and gather the main force of the royal court to annihilate the Han army."  "Lay the foundation." "Yes! I will entangle the Han army at all costs and prevent him from advancing even half a step!" Military minister Shan Yu glanced at King Zuo Xian and fell on King You Xian: "  Juli, when you go back, you immediately lead your troops to attack Longxi County. You must restrict the cavalry general Cao Shi to Longxi County and not move even half a step. I don't care whether you use a feint attack or a real attack. You must complete the task. As long as you do it well,  This Chanyu will reward you with the grassland at the foot of the Qilian Mountains, and will also give you ten thousand iron knives and ten thousand pairs of leather armor inlaid with iron plates. " "Accept your order, I will kill the cavalry general Cao Shi, you.  Just wait for my good news!" King You Xian deliberately raised his head to taunt King Zuo Xian beside him, and the two fierce eyes collided with each other.  The military minister Shanyu ignored him and turned to Captain Zuo: "Immediately notify the tribes in the north and south of the desert to send out the bravest men, drive their cattle and sheep, prepare weapons and horses, and follow this Shanyu's golden wolf flag.  Attack the Han army and destroy it. In front of it is the plain Han land, where there are countless grains, richer pastures than Chilechuan, and beautiful Han women." "Grab grain, grazing land, and rob women.  ! " " Rush over and defeat the Han army, invade the Han territory and take away everything we are going to! " The Xiongnu nobles shouted various slogans crazily, their hearts filled with greed and endless lust, looking desperately towards the quiet Han Dynasty in the south!  Home border county, where there are cattle, sheep, weapons, pastures and women lost by the Huns.  Zhao She wanted to speak but could not say a word. He knew that under the cold eyes of the military minister Shan Yu, no matter what kind of advice he said, it would be useless. This cunning old wolf king had already made a plan in his heartThey are ready to grab a vote in the territory of the Han family to make up for the continuous losses in the past two years. The Xiongnu's fragile economic system requires a huge amount of cattle, sheep and rich pastures, which are exactly what the Han family has.  "Bless the Han family! It's useless for that bastard Wei Qing to come back. Marquis Pingyang, everything depends on you!" (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster! PS: Sorry, I made a mistake, there is something wrong at home.  I have to take care of other things, so I can¡¯t take care of them. I will try my best to write more and make up for it. Thank you everyone for your support.
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