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The Wind Rises in Chang'an Chapter 321 The Uneasy Rainy Season

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    As the last clouds dispersed, the air was filled with an anxious feeling. More than 20 days had passed since the last sunny day, and 150,000 riders were trapped in the grassland surrounded by mud, unable to extricate themselves.  ¡î¡ú Difficulties and obstacles did not force the Han army to stop. After more than ten days and nights of pursuit, they finally caught a few greedy herders who were grazing far away from the tribe. The information obtained from them did not make people feel at ease.  In the temporary camp of the Northern Army, Wei Qing held a military meeting to discuss strategies for advancing troops.  Duwei Mirong said with worry: "The Huns told us that heavy rains like this year are very rare. It is a strange weather that has not happened in at least the past thirty years. Referring to the Huns' tradition of abandoning the elderly, which has led to the loss of ethnic memory, this  The number will be several times higher. The local wizard said that this year has been a very terrible spring. The continuous heavy rain has temporarily eliminated the dry season of the grassland, which is extremely detrimental to our Northern Expedition. " "The heavy rain and moisture are unprecedented, and the grain is baked.  The firewood and grass are all wet, and our grain and grass cannot be dried or baked and are getting moldy. It is expected that we will run out of edible grain and grass in fifteen days, so we can only turn around and return to the border county to wait for the opportunity before entering the grassland." Du Wei Xian reminded.  road.  Wei Qing looked solemn.  As we all know, the nomads on the grasslands are cunning. The Huns have been using the non-engagement strategy to avoid the pursuit of the Han army since the Dunyu era. The wolves will never confront the Han army unless they have to. If they do not meet now, it means that the Huns are not ready.  Once the two sides collide, it often means that the coyotes are ready to eat their prey in one bite.  Wei Qing and his colleagues knew the power of this and could not allow the Huns to prepare for war calmly, especially since the battlefield was on the grassland and desert where the time, place and people were advantageous.  The Huns' home advantage is already terrifying, and if they are fully prepared to set up a perfect ambush, there will really be no way to survive.  Not everyone is lucky enough to encounter the siege of Baishan Mountain.  Not every general has a powerful military force that makes the Huns fearful. Wei Qing believes that his military command ability is far inferior to that of the famous generals in the early Han Dynasty.  The Xiongnu military official Chanyu was not as good as his grandfather Maodun Chanyu, but the gap in military strength between the two sides was obvious. One hundred and fifty thousand fighting three hundred thousand was a problem of the times. It was really so easy to win with less to win more than Fan Kuai.  , Chen Wu advocated the Northern Expedition to the Xiongnu, and it was not Wei Qing's turn to do it.  However, the Han army still had a great advantage. At least fifty years later, the situation between the Han and Hungarians was reversed. The Han family's national power doubled and became stronger and stronger. An additional population of 1.4 million every year provided a steady stream of power for this huge empire. The Xiongnu  The total population is just over four million.  Given the absolute gap in national power between the two sides, there was no need for a large-scale battle. Instead, the Han army could drag the Huns to death by relying on small-scale military conflicts and confrontations.  The difficulty lies in the emperor's unwillingness to delay. The offensive strategy that is eager for quick success is the most difficult. The attack means that we must go deep into the unfamiliar grassland and desert, search for the main Xiongnu forces that may be found in the vast land, seize them and wait for the opportunity to launch a decisive battle and win a great victory.  , this probability value is as low as waking up and finding out that you are the emperor's illegitimate son, it is almost an impossible and slim probability.  "Driving away the Huns is the stated goal given to us by His Majesty. It is the wisest choice to immediately turn around and retreat back to the border counties to wait for the opportunity. However, if we really do this, we will lose the trust of the emperor, the great future and the public opinion in Chang'an.  "We can tell them that the rainy season on the grassland is disrupting our march, the food is getting moldy, and the soldiers are getting sick, so we can't, it doesn't make sense."  .  He knows better than anyone.  The retreat of the Han army would involve great political risks, and the military orders issued a few months ago still echoed in my ears from time to time.  Even if there would be no punishment for withdrawing to the border counties, it would be an indelible shame in one's personal career and an unacceptable blow to this young Han army.  The result of the discussion was not satisfactory to everyone. The main difficulty was that it was necessary to gain something from the expedition against the Xiongnu, but also to ensure the precious military rations needed by the army. Continuous heavy rains in the grassland and desert made it more difficult to supply food and grass to border counties. In the past, only one stone of food could be supplied.  It costs five kilograms of food, and the cost of transportation during the rainy season doubles.  The cost of transporting food remains high and the food roads are too long and require the dispatch of troops to protect them. The accumulated logistical pressure is fed back to the military and can easily cause morale to be shaken. There are also annoying acclimatization and dysentery that plague young soldiers. They are just from a group background.  The descendants of ordinary civilians in Guanzhong or Guandong have neither the vocational training that military meritorious nobles have received since childhood, nor the commendable physical fitness. They have the courage to enter the grasslands with nothing but enthusiasm and less than two years of military training.  Usually this kind of young army is the most difficult to maintain morale. When the wind is going smoothly, its momentum can be as strong as any elite division. Once it suffers setbacks and deep difficulties, it will fall into a low and negative mood. HanThe middle and high-level leaders of the Communist Party of China are also aware of this problem, and they have always emphasized that they must attack the Huns in the north to gain something. Beheadings and trophies are a panacea to boost morale, and they are proven to work every time.  The Han army¡¯s solution to the food pressure was to sweep the grasslands, attack the Xiongnu tribes when they encountered them, and hunt the wild sheep and cattle in the grasslands. In short, they would catch whatever they saw without mercy.  This is a very cruel move. The custom of grassland tribes has always been to never hunt in spring. After a year of hard work in winter, wild animals are exhausted. They will eat desperately to replenish their strength and take advantage of the warm season to enter the mating period, so as to give birth as soon as possible in summer.  They give birth to their own cubs to propagate the population, so the grassland animals in this season are very thin or have pot bellies waiting to give birth.  The Han people obviously also know this rule. Farming civilization is not simply about farming to make a living. Almost every family has participated in hunting in Luli. Of course, they also know that hunting and fishing are not allowed throughout the spring or even early summer, but the desert grasslands do not belong to the Han people.  In the area under actual control, there is no need to be polite to the brutal and cunning Huns, just like they robbed the Han people of food, burned the Han people's houses, and plundered the Han people's wives and daughters, they treated them in their own way.  On the sixth day after the short rainy season, the temperature also rose back to the standard range of spring. Six consecutive sunny days made the mud extremely hard. The Han soldiers who were gradually liberated from acclimatization and dysentery began to take action.  .  Taking advantage of the fact that the main force of the Huns was not moving nearby, the 50,000 Han cavalry dispersed into ten dispersed nets, keeping the distance of two and two within forty miles, sweeping across from east to west in a net-like manner, followed by the 30,000 Han chariots.  Later, the big yellow crossbow was removed from the chariot and served as a temporary transport vehicle for transporting trophies.  During the sweep, we caught whatever we encountered. In just half a month, hundreds of thousands of wild yellow sheep were killed, and nearly 10,000 bison and wild deer were killed. Rabbits, pheasants and other small animals were not counted.  In addition, they also captured several wandering herds of wild horses. They seemed to be horses deliberately herded by large tribes nearby. All of these gave the Han army an advantage.  The Han army returned home happily, and the Xiongnu tribesmen were so angry that they were half dead. Although no Xiongnu tribe appeared within two hundred miles of the Han army, it was their own pasture after all. The tribal herdsmen who cared about the pasture sent the tribe's sacred eagle hands to let the heroes  The eagles flying high in the sky served as their eyes, monitoring every move of the Han army from a distance.  Knowing that the pastures had been ruined and in shambles, the Xiongnu tribesmen immediately became furious.  "Da Chanyu, the Han people are deliberately insulting us! They killed all our cattle and sheep to force us Huns to death. We can't just watch the Han people do it!" "The cattle and sheep in the pasture are gone, and the cattle and sheep raised by the tribe are gone.  They cannot be slaughtered easily. Without the cattle and sheep grazing in the pastures, what would such a large tribe eat? " "After the summer, the cattle and sheep raised need to be fattened. We all rely on eating the scattered cattle and sheep on the grasslands. If the Han people rob them, we will eat.  The little kings of the Xiongnu tribe gathered together and complained about the excessive behavior of the Han people. The pastures of many small tribes were not big at all. They didn¡¯t know how to eat in the summer after being tortured by the Han army.  Bru's survival crisis is imminent, and even the Huns' nobles must consider the opinions of the little king of the tribe before acting.  The sharp boning knife in the hand of the military minister Shan Yu was slashed hard, and the mutton chops with pieces of meat were broken into two pieces. The fine iron sharp knife made from Han Dynasty shone with an icy cold light, just like the fierce Xiongnu Chan Yu's  The eyes are aggressive.  "Mr. Zhao, what suggestions do you have?" Hundreds of eyes were aimed at the middle-aged man on the right. He was wearing an inconspicuous leather robe. His skin was darkened by the strong winds in the north. He drank mare's milk and ate mutton all year round.  On the contrary, it became stronger. Zhao She wiped off the grease on the blade with a handkerchief, and said slowly: "In my opinion, this is definitely not the best time." The military minister Shan Yu paused slightly, his eyes flashing with fear.  The cold light of the people: "Tell me why you still can't take action. I agreed with your strategy and let the Han army go three hundred and three hundred miles. The Han army went deep into the grassland and became farther and farther away from the Han border. According to your strategy, the Han army had difficulty replenishing its morale.  If you waver, you can fight. As long as the retreat of the Han army is cut off, there will be no chance of death. Why do you have to wait for me?¡±  They thought calmly in the rain and realized the threat, so they changed their strategy and stationed their troops and sent out cavalry to hunt wantonly. At this time, if the Xiongnu made any changes, they would be quickly discovered by the Han cavalry. It was no longer appropriate to lose the suddenness of the plan. Facing the Han army that was waiting for victory, they  It¡¯s hard to predict, so it¡¯s better to wait and take action.¡± ¡°When?¡± Zhao She responded: ¡°When the Han army relaxes its vigilance and loses its patience, and when the Han army is exhausted and eager to return, that¡¯s when the Huns will show off their skills.  "(To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!
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