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The Wind Rises in Chang'an Chapter 299 Chase and Escape

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    ps: Read the exclusive story behind "The Marquises of the Han Dynasty" and listen to your more suggestions for the novel. Follow the official account of Qidian Chinese website (add friends on WeChat - add official account - enter ddxiaos to get confused), and tell me quietly!  Wei Qing's forbearance was rewarded. He used a nineteen-day ambush to intercept more than 7,000 people. The price he paid was only 600 battle losses. Unfortunately, his ambush was finally exposed.  The Huns soon noticed something unusual in the north. For half a month, the Mobei tribe was not seen moving south to the designated pastures. The large tribes sent scouts deep into the desert to search everywhere. Wei Qing's troops might be exposed to the Huns' gaze at any time.  .  At this time, the collapse of the other four groups was a foregone conclusion. The Xiongnu Chanyu was stationed in the Monan Grassland and there seemed to be some movement. Wei Qing's troops laid an ambush under the Xiongnu Chanyu's eyelids. If he was not careful, all his 10,000 cavalry would be surrendered.  Go in.  The tribal cavalry appeared more and more frequently, and eventually it was time to retreat.  "General, are we going to abandon the trophies?" "According to military regulations, any trophies that cannot be taken away must be abandoned and destroyed. This is a military order that cannot be changed." Captain Cui Hu felt very sorry, and nearly 8,000 heads were evenly distributed.  Almost every cavalryman has a decapitation head, which is enough to upgrade a low-ranking soldier to a first-level title. This is because the cavalrymen can only carry a limited number of things. Even one man with three horses cannot carry a group of cattle and sheep. There are also many who were enslaved by the Huns.  Han people.  Although one more Han citizen adds two more horses, the Han people need to eat more food and carry more luggage than the lightly armed Northern Army cavalry. The marching speed is slower and the perseverance to persist in long-distance attacks is insufficient. It is easy to fall behind and be recaptured by the Huns cavalry.  As a result, the rescued Han people fell into the tiger's mouth again. After careful consideration, Wei Qing decided to throw away most of his war supplies.  In particular, Han law stipulates that beheadings for military honors must be salted in lime and properly preserved, to prevent sergeants from deliberately making unrecognizable heads to kill good people and take credit for their merits.  The scouts brought bad news.  There are more and more signs that the Huns are setting up an encirclement net, and the target is precisely the 10,000 Northern Army cavalry still lingering in the desert. After interrogating the last batch of Huns prisoners, Wei Qing immediately issued a retreat order.  They didn't know that only two hundred miles away, a main force of the Huns was slowly approaching. King Zuoguli's wolf flag was fluttering in the wind. Yi Zhixie led the tiger and wolf divisions to sweep through Monan, personally leading the annihilation of a group of Han cavalry.  Although Lieutenant Wang Xin escaped by chance during the battle.  But for the first time, he completely defeated a Han cavalry, successfully breaking the Hanphobia that had arisen in the past year, and proving that the Han army was not the invincible black-armored monsters imagined.  The status of King Zuo Guli Yi Zhixie also increased greatly, and his personal prestige among the Xiongnu was only half a point lower than that of King Zuo Xian Qitan. In contrast, King Zuo Xian did not achieve much by pursuing Gongsun Ao.  It drags down the accumulation and improvement of personal prestige.  In the past two months, unusual warnings have appeared one after another. Various signs indicate that there is very likely a cunning Han cavalry hidden in the northern desert. The left and right captains who were originally supervising the grain road were interrupted in Mobeilong City. Communication was interrupted. Mobeilong  The situation in the city goes from good to bad and no one knows.  So the military minister Shanyu appointed Yizhixie to temporarily take over the logistics and food channels.  Yi Zhixie took advantage of the laziness and irresponsibility of the Huns' small nobles to kill people and establish their authority. He successfully intimidated the leaders of the small tribes to actively cooperate with him in completing the task of raising food and grass. Then he eliminated the need to rely on nepotism in the administration of officials.  The Hun nobles who were eating and drinking.  And for the first time, Han Chinese logistics methods were used to manage cattle and sheep. Although the method was from the old almanac decades ago, it was better than nothing.  Yi Zhixie had not yet come and burned three fires thoroughly.  The small tribes that kept disappearing in the Gobi desert attracted their attention, but the large tribes with tens of thousands of people were removed without any trouble.  All small tribes, whether they are small tribes with two to three hundred people and are responsible for their families, or medium-sized tribes with two to three thousand people that are well-known in an area, will disappear inexplicably.  As the chief officer in charge of the logistics of the grain road.  The pressure on Yi Zhixie was not small. The military minister Shanyu would ask about the situation in the desert several times every day. In order to deal with the military minister Shanyu and the small kings of the various tribes of the Xiongnu, King Zuogu Li tried his best but did not receive any special favor.  As a result, he simply did not stop and personally led the team north to capture this cunning fox.  "BoC said, how many main forces do you think are on the other side? How sure are we of being annihilated if we encounter one?" "Please rest assured, Your Majesty, at least there won't be too many people, otherwise our big tribe will definitely be annexed by him, which means that the people hiding in the desert  The fox is not strong enough. " Yi Zhixie disagreed: "Your assumption is too random. If the leader of the fox is very cunning and deliberately sets out bait to lure us, wouldn't it be the king himself who suffers?  , he also thought of a similar hypothesis, how many troops are hidden in the Gobi desert, and who is their commander?  Could it be the cavalry general Cao?At this time, any wrong judgment may bring devastating disaster. After all, no matter how cunning the wolf is, he doesn't know whether a step forward will lead to a flat plain or an abyss.  Yi Zhixie marched very cautiously, especially when entering the edge of the Gobi desert. The speed should not exceed seventy miles per day. You must know that the Huns brought the main force composed of pure cavalry, and seventy miles was equivalent to a normal march of one and a half hours (  A 3-hour march would be stress-free if it was an hour faster, and it could be completed in half an hour at the fastest. Anyway, the most indispensable thing on the grassland and desert is the flat plains.  The marching speed is very slow, mainly because of the special terrain of the Gobi desert. Every moment there are desert cyclones that spin the dragon fist wind around, there are also annoying sandstorms and the most terrifying big sandstorm. A single sweep will wipe out the Xiongnu.  The army fought back to its original shape. Yi Zhixie was a native Huns. He knew the climate and terrain of the desert and Gobi very well.  The 30,000 cavalrymen under King Zuoguli's tent were divided into three lines and crossed each other, just like weaving needles sweeping along the desert route to Mobei. The furthest distance from each other was no more than fifty miles. Therefore, although the marching speed was only seventy miles,  However, the area to be cleared and the area to be patrolled by reconnaissance cavalry are very large. As long as you have the patience to spend a month, you can clean up the Gobi Desert.  Yi Zhixie's preparations can be said to be extremely thorough. He calculated several main passages leading to the outside in the Gobi Desert, and created a natural semi-encirclement net by blocking several large tribes near the passage. As long as the encirclement net can be rolled out sooner or later,  The fish that slipped through the net will be swept away.  The Bank of China said that he had been thinking hard and couldn't figure it out. He subconsciously judged that the strength of the Han army ambushing in the Gobi desert was limited. According to his intuition, he would be right nine times out of ten. An occasional miss was an acceptable and normal situation.  In the past, he had stood up and insisted on his own opinion to persuade the general to move forward at full speed to capture the cunning fox.  But, that¡¯s no longer possible.  The terrible defeat in the Battle of Yanmen was unforgettable for him. The whip thrown by Shanyu on his face still left ugly scars on his fat face. He went from heaven to hell overnight, from Shanyu to Shanyu.  The central counselor of the court was reduced to relying on King Zuo Guli to beg for food. In the past, he was just a counselor with the name of "old dog". He at least had the dignity of a mid-level noble. Now he is really just an old dog, and a lost dog.  His position was very important at one time, and he was once a very trusted advisor to the military minister Shan Yu. However, a good future only requires a devastating prediction failure. Due to his misjudgment of prediction, the entire Xiongnu army hurriedly detoured south to raid Mayi.  And just a few hours after they raised their troops, they were attacked by the base camp. If they had not returned in time and saved a chance to escape smoothly, the nearly 300,000 Huns who entered Yanmen County would not have survived.  The Battle of Yanmen really frightened the Huns. The once arrogant Huns suddenly realized that their southern neighbors had become extremely powerful. They trained terrible black-armored soldiers to wreak havoc on the grasslands. They were honored as military officials of the emperor of the grasslands.  Chanyu was helpless.  The hastily launched imitation stirrups and saddles successfully defeated Xianbei and Wuhuan, which was regarded as an initial test of the vital role played by the new equipment in the war.  The military minister Shanyu had the confidence to engage in leather-armored cavalry, and even heavy cavalry imitating the black-armored soldiers. The Huns must master high-end combat power to better protect themselves, otherwise their own light cavalry would not be able to penetrate the defense of the black-armored soldiers.  It would be depressing news if the armored soldiers rushed over easily, raised their sabers and lances, and slaughtered their own people wantonly.  The Xiongnu raids were very resolute. Almost at the same time as Yi Zhixie stepped into the desert, the Xiongnu scouts discovered a burned camp in the hinterland of the desert. In addition to common items such as tent fences, there were also grains, grass, and carcasses of cattle and sheep that could not be taken away.  , What made the Huns scouts most angry was that many dead Huns were found among the burned corpses.  This Han army is a very cunning and cruel enemy. They may not have the terrifying impact of the black armor soldiers, but they are slightly more cunning and insidious. Tens of thousands of tribal cavalry searched extensively in the desert but failed to find them.  Half a figure, it is not a small matter that the search team sent by the tribal cavalry a few days ago did not dare to go too deep. This Xiongnu scout cavalry was the first witness to go deep into the hinterland of the Huns and find the burned camp and corpses.  When Yi Zhixie received the news of the safety ahead and discovered that the camp was burned down in the evening, King Zuoguli barely marched thirty miles to catch up with the moon and could only watch the cooked duck fly away.  "That's unreasonable! Why can't the information be sent one day in advance! Delaying the opportunity of fighting should be punished by death!" Yi Zhixie roared in the abandoned camp. Behind him, the 30,000 Zuoguli royal cavalry endured silently. Their king held up the Huns' fourth  On the surface, the king's banner has great glory, but in fact, there is a huge gap in terms of military strength and morale and experience. The thirty thousand Zuogu Li King's cavalry are slightly stronger than the ten thousand Wang Zhang cavalry, but the left and right kings have three  The strength of the Ten Thousand Kings¡¯ Cavalry, the fourth king of the Xiongnu and the top three right and left virtuous kings isThe distance is too large.  If there is no special opportunity, he will always bear the name of the fourth king of the Huns until the day he dies.  (A great pie-in-the-sky event, a cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow ~ click / Chinese website public account (add friends on WeChat-add public account-enter ddxiaos), participate now! Everyone has a prize, now  Follow the ddxiaoshuo WeChat public account immediately! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!
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