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The Wind Rises in Chang'an Chapter 288 The Defeat of Xianbei

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    It was rumored that Wu'an Hou Tianfen was seriously ill. He did not see the Taiwei come to court three times in a row. The door of Wu'an Hou's Mansion was also closed and a plaque was hung up to thank guests behind closed doors.  Within a few days, shocking news came.  "The Xiongnu defeated three Xianbei tribes! Beheaded 3,000 and captured 20,000. The Xiongnu king and his three tribes escaped into the dense forest and disappeared without a trace!" When Hong Ling's urgent envoy raised his whip and flew into Chang'an, the people of Chang'an woke up from the shock.  Dapo Xianbei was like dropping a bombshell, and a thunder broke out in the northern border counties, adding a different color to Chang'an in the sixth year of Jianyuan.  Cao Shi entered Weiyang Palace immediately. The emperor was sitting in the drawing room wearing Zhajia and holding a long sword, waiting for a long time.  "I pay homage to Your Majesty!" "The cavalry has arrived just in time. Come and take a look at this battle report." Cao Shi was surprised when he received the thick stack of battle reports. He did not expect that the imperial court would also produce a full set of battlefields in just one year.  Analyzing the data, he scanned the battle report sent by the border commander at a glance and then breathed a sigh of relief. The governor of the border commander seemed to have consciously imitated Cao Shi's intelligence collection style, but he was limited by his lack of skill and knowledge and could not copy it perfectly. The collected information was read piecemeal.  It sounds complicated and gives me a headache.  Several county governors report one thing at the same time, with different words and sentences. Although it can play the role of listening and understanding, the invisible increase in the separate inspection and judgment requires a lot of time. If the level of separate inspection and judgment is not enough, it is likely to be seen.  Wrong. After all, intelligence can be divided into right and wrong. Some intelligence is unreliable and false. Identifying false information is a major task.  The battle report describes the victory of the Huns from many different angles. It can at least prove that the Huns cavalry began to be equipped with standard equipment similar to the Han cavalry. The leather lasso replaced the metal stirrups, and the wooden saddles also imitated the high bridge saddles.  Due to the lack of physical objects, they could only use their imagination to come up with many strange shapes. The Xianbei people used bare plates, saddleless and stirrup cavalry to fight against the Huns cavalry, and it was natural that they were defeated.  "Why did they attack suddenly?" A thought flashed through Cao Shi's mind. From his understanding, the Huns had the advantage, and the Xianbei people lacked the strength to fight in the current situation.  The best way is to hide in the deep mountains and dense forests to survive. As long as they get past this threshold, the Huns cavalry will be forced to retreat. Nearly 300,000 troops surrounded several passes of the Xianbei Mountains and refused to leave, no matter how hard the blizzard hit, there was no change.  It seems that the Huns are very strong, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Huns are betting on whether they can defeat the Xianbei before they run out of food and supplies.  If you win, the morale of the Huns will be boosted and they will gain a lot of loot. If you lose, they will face the setbacks of two wars. It is possible that the Huns will be unable to recover for ten to twenty years. If the Han army goes north to attack the Xiongnu, the situation will be completely changed.  Unfortunately, the Huns won the crucial bet, but fortunately, the Xianbei people were so injured that they fled into the mountains and disappeared.  Perhaps no one can predict where the Xianbei people will flee. At least the mortal hatred between the two sides will superimpose to a deeper level, and the next time they meet, they will never end.  "Loss of 1,500 and injuries of 2,770. The Huns have an absolute advantage because of the imitation stirrups and saddles?" Cao Shi was not sure. At least the surface data cannot explain the timing changes on the battlefield. Maybe it is not imagination.  A crushing battle on one side.  However, the intelligence that Border County can obtain is limited to this. If you want to obtain more detailed information, you must obtain it from a higher level.  The emperor does not have such a fixed source of information, and he does not know that the cavalry general under his nose has special information.  Staring at the map and analyzing carefully: "The Huns are indeed copying our Han cavalry. The North Korean prince Wei Youqu of the Wei family is serving beside the military minister Shan Yu. This traitor has once again betrayed me and the Han Empire!" Liu Che said with "Another  " is used to describe it because Wei Youqu's grandfather, Wei Man, was betrayed once. At that time, Wei Man followed Lu Wan in his rebellion and used the betrayal of important information from the Han Empire as bait to gain the support of Maodun Shanyu. There is no doubt that his efforts are destined to  will fail.  Seeing that the battle situation was developing in a direction where his side was at a huge disadvantage, Weiman realized something was wrong, so he disguised himself as a soldier and infiltrated into the deserters and escaped smoothly.  He fled to Jizi North Korea and was treated as a high minister. He turned around and drove away the king of Jizi North Korea.  Create a new territory for Wei's Korea by yourself.  The betrayal of the Weiman era has long passed, and the relationship between the new generation of emperors and the princes and kings is urgently needed to be re-established. At this juncture, four princes and princes from far away countries came all the way to Chang'an with gold, pearls and jade in their hands. The original intention was to have the emperor ascend the throne and be crowned.  The gift was unexpectedly backfired and involved him in a troublesome incident that he could not extricate himself from. Except for Wei Youqu, the crown prince of the Wei family of Korea, who escaped by chance, two of the other three were captured and one voluntarily surrendered. Mitsukoshi, who had dominated the southern border for hundreds of years, was wiped out.  .  As a descendant of Wei Man, Wei Youqu naturally chose to embark on the path of betrayal.  The emperor thought so, and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty also believed that this statement was reasonable. As for Wei Youqu's difficulties and helplessness, it was all nonsense. If he did not take the blame, it was already an improper attitude.Not only did he have no remorse, but he also secretly avoided betrayal. The emperor was very disappointed with Wei Man's attitude in Korea. As expected, none of Wei Man's descendants were reliable.  "Cheqi, tell me what you think." Cao Shi frowned and said, "I didn't expect the Xianbei people to take the initiative. According to my calculations, it should be two or three months before Shen suddenly launches an attack. According to the climate of the grassland, the three seasons  April is the critical moment when there is no response. At that time, it is the most certain time to take action. The tactics of the Huns are confusing. "The Huns have tactics?  Cao Shi couldn't even confirm this, at least from the description of the Huns, they couldn't see that they had strong tactics.  "I heard that King Zuoxian of the Xiongnu attacked Wuhuan Mountain with all his troops, trying to say that the existence and significance of King Wuhuan had been completely wiped out. Is this true?" "What your Majesty said is absolutely true. King Zuoxian used his main force to target nothing.  The action of the inconspicuous hill was originally intended to clear out the large tribes lying on the border of the Xiongnu one by one. The Xianbei Wuhuan tribe was obviously a huge tribe. In the end, sooner or later, this system would belong to the residents of Chang'an, and it had a lot to do with the Huns.  The Xiongnu left territory controlled by King Zuo Xian has a large population of surrendered Rongdi people." "King You Xian has no signal to move?" "No, a famous doctor must be invited for diagnosis and treatment." "It's nothing more than hatred from generation to generation.  "The emperor sighed.  As spring flowers bloom and the thaw begins in the southern Xianbei Mountains, a group of immigrants hold hands and walk together. After several rounds of repeated counts, they find that the population has dropped by 40,000.  "The losses were too heavy. Some people fell off their horses and died silently, while others couldn't stop bleeding and suddenly died of illness. We Xianbei men must not just back down and give up!" Tuoba Yi yelled with all his strength.  .  King Cheluo of Xianbei returned home with a livid face and quietly took refuge in the mountains: "You bastard of the Huns, I have recorded this blood debt!" "Your Majesty, there is no need to continue to worry. The Huns have suffered great losses this time. We will be temporarily driven away sooner or later."  Go back." Yuli Surgu also said quietly. He was demoted to the small leader of Xianbei in the middle of the country just because the early requirements were very high.  King Xianbei wanted to clear his mind, but Xianbei's tragic loss left him no time to clear his mind. The disappearance and death of 40,000 people included relatives of the refugees, relatives and friends of the followers, and others. They had to do more psychological work.  Prepare.  "What should we do?" The same question was swirling in every Xianbei person's mind. Xianbei was temporarily driven to the east foot of Xianbei Mountain, and the west foot was also beaten by the Huns. Every Xianbei person became a pure battle.  Crazy demons and front-line warriors, but they also have their own difficulties. They are not good at division of labor and cooperation. When people always lose their strength, how to deal with the overwhelming Huns will be a big trouble.  The Xianbei people did not want to fight, and they lost nearly 70,000 people, almost destroying Xianbei's hematopoietic function. Most of the next generation of Xianbei children are only seven or eight-year-old children, and the adults are serving in the military or hunting. Xianbei  Their daily activities are hunting and hunting. They have very few pastures, and only dedicated people will be responsible for grazing.  If the Huns call a truce and maintain peace, the Xianbei people can tolerate the loss of 70,000 people. At least that is what the Xianbei people said at first, but the Xiongnu Chanyu cannot trust their signatures, so it is best to let them sign.  "Let's call it a truce and let's surrender? Will it work?" Bie Shilan Xiu stared at him: "Don't talk nonsense, okay? Surrender is not advisable." Tuoba also lost no time in supporting: "What Bie Shilan said  That's right, we may not be willing to surrender. " "Then what should we do? Fight?" "No." Bie Shilan shook his head. The Xianbei people's temporary war-weariness was not relieved for the time being, especially after a series of defeats.  With their war weariness reaching its peak, the Xianbei people began to doubt their own military strength. In the past, they were invincible in single combat but were charged by the short Huns cavalry, making it difficult to distinguish their direction.  What's even more terrible is that the place where the Xianbei people start the decisive battle must be in an open area, otherwise the Xianbei cavalry will not be able to fight in the dense mountains and forests. As soon as the two sides collide, it is obvious that the Huns cavalry are more powerful. They can hold out their hands and chop with weapons without using.  Worried about losing balance and falling off the horse, the Xianbei people held the weapon in one hand and the reins in the other. Their bodies were stiff and unable to dodge flexibly. Once they were slashed and stabbed, they immediately fell off the horse.  In that war, the arrogant Xianbei people fell off their horses like dumplings. An even more shameless tactic was to use heavy blunt instruments to hit them in a charging posture. The Xianbei cavalry who could not maintain their balance were knocked out and seriously injured on the spot.  The people used this tactic to constantly hit and chop. Most of them were only slightly injured, but they had no way to help each other in the chaotic horse battle. They could only watchThe injured knight was trampled to death by the horse. This is how many Xianbei cavalry died.  "We can't fight, but we can't stop fighting. We must find another way." Yuli Surgu said firmly: "Actually, we also have a way." (To be continued)
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