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The Wind Rises in Chang'an Chapter 283 Seeds

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    Unknowingly, he was stunned for a long time before he suddenly turned around. Gongsun Xian looked at him worriedly, and after asking, he learned that he had been stunned for half an hour.  ¡Ó He cupped his hands in embarrassment and said, "I was just thinking about something and didn't notice what the prefect said. I'm sorry for being rude." Gongsun Xian repeated thoughtfully. He had given a detailed introduction to Shuofang County's arrangements in the past half hour, especially Shuofang County.  The Luli settlements on both sides of the Yellow River were resettled in the county. The jurisdiction of Shuofang County included the complete Hetao Plain. There was no separate Wuyuan County to cut the Hetao Plain twice. The imperial court's intention was to strengthen the area of ??the border counties to ensure cultivated land and pastoral areas.  The eastern part of Soufang County is the core area of ??the original Jiuyuan County. The county seat of Soofang County is also located in Jiuyuan County in the eastern grassland. It is adjacent to the fertile land with rivers at the foot of Yinshan Mountain in the north, and to the east is the grassland with dense rivers and lakes in the Chile River.  Most of Chilechuan is within the scope of Yunzhong County, and only the eastern edge belongs to Shuofang County.  Gongsunxian's plan is to first resettle the first batch of 100,000 people in the grasslands with more rivers in the east. Plan cultivated land and build Luli in the areas near the rivers to lay a solid foundation for grassroots organizations to establish households for the next step. Pasture lands far away from the rivers  Fertility and water resources could not support farming, so they were designated as grazing pastures for Han people to raise livestock.  Thinking of animal husbandry, Cao Shi suddenly remembered Zhang Qian and his party who were far away in the Parthian Empire (Parthian Empire). According to last year's news, they went to Ctesiphon, the capital of the Parthian Empire, where the chaos was far more dangerous than in the countries in the Western Regions.  Sending the message Before the Xiongnu invaded early last year, a caravan ranger who stayed behind in the Great Yuezhi Kingdom due to illness asked the Dayue clan merchants to disguise themselves and travel thousands of miles back to the Qilian Mountains where the Little Yuezhi stayed behind to send back the important news about the caravan, the grassland desert  The haunting golden eagle is a ferocious hunter of homing pigeons.  Delivering messages becomes more convoluted and less efficient.  Rather, it would be better to let the reliable Da Yuezhi merchants pretend to be Kangju people and enter the Shache State (Yarkand County) through the Leiless Country in Congling (Pamir Plateau).  Along the middle line that Zhang Qian walked, we followed the Sea of ??Death (Taklamakan Desert) to the territory of the Xiaoyuezhi people at the foot of the Qilian Mountains. It can be reached in two months if walking is smooth.  There are stretches of uninhabited oases along the way, and only large oases will be settled.  The Dayue clan merchant's name was Atu. When he was young, he followed his father and left his hometown to move westward. In the past ten years, he visited most of the small kingdoms in the Western Regions. Only Wusun and the small country in the eastern part of the Western Regions where the Huns were stronger did not dare to go.  The Dayuezhi Kingdom brought various crop seeds sent by caravans, as well as many spices and fruit seeds, including a very important plant seed, alfalfa.  Alfalfa was ubiquitous in ancient Persia.  Nearly two hundred years since the fall of the Achaemenid dynasty, not much of the ancient Persian civilization is left. As a magical plant that ancient Persia and even earlier ancient Assyrians relied on, alfalfa has witnessed  Several huge empires were born, prosperous, declined and finally destroyed. Each powerful empire had a cavalry empire due to the discovery of alfalfa. They conquered the east and west to expand their territory and dominate the country.  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????: They are immersed in luxurious life and can't extricate themselves. When civilization gradually decays and the empire collapses, alfalfa is quickly forgotten.  The Parthians were a people from the northeastern part of the Persian Empire, with Sarmatian ancestry from the north of the Caspian Sea. They occupied Parthian County and underwent Hellenistic transformation, transforming from a pure nomadic people into a Hellenistic civilization of half farming and half pastoralism.  Inheriting the territory of the fragmented ancient Persian Empire, they soon entered a war with their nominal overlord, the Seleucid Empire.  As for alfalfa, the small purple flowers are something ordinary herders take for granted.  At the turn of spring and summer, endless purple flowers bloom on the grassland. The Parthians are not rare for the magical alfalfa.  Perhaps it is because happiness comes too easily that they do not cherish it. The Parthians, who only have rough farming skills, only have a superficial understanding of the collection and preservation of plant seeds.  "Gongsun Prefect. I have something I want to entrust you to keep carefully. When the spring comes and the flowers bloom and sow their seeds in the grasslands of the central and western regions, my Han family's food and grass supplies will depend on it."  A box full of seeds was wrapped in fine silk. Gongsun Xian immediately judged that this was some kind of important crop based on his familiarity with local affairs. Listening to the tone of the cavalry general, it was obviously very important.  Putting it away carefully, Gongsun Xian said quietly: "Don't worry, I guarantee that there will be no mistakes. In ten months when the frozen soil is lifted, people will be sent to plow the grassland at the foot of Yinshan Mountain. I wonder what preparations need to be made?" Gongsun Xian called  The clerk who came to take charge of the records carefully wrote down every note. The county soldiers and subordinate officials who were guarding the side showed no response. They thought the two distinguished leaders were exchanging agricultural technology experiences.  .  Taking this opportunity, Cao Shi taught him the planting technology that was popular in Guanzhong. Although the new farming technology in Guanzhong had long become an open secret, the meaning was completely different when the developers of the new technology talked about it personally. As they talked, they discovered each other.  StillHe was an agricultural expert, so the two stood by the Yellow River and talked happily. The two discussed the agricultural development ideas of Shuofang County and debated whether to develop westward or eastward.  Originally, Gongsun Xian had no intention of discussing the agricultural layout. He was not a young man in his twenties. He knew the priorities and what should not be said. There was no need to say anything. He accompanied the cavalry general who came from afar to talk about the defense of Shuofang County.  Introduce the resettlement plan and follow-up arrangements for the Luli settlement to ensure that the goals are basically set during the term of office, at least to prevent the people who move here from being attacked by war, plague, and wild beasts.  "The Han family has expanded rapidly in recent years. Not to mention the Mitsukoshi and Yelang Kingdoms in the south, the north has also taken over the fertile farmland of the Yinshan Mountains. Our population cannot keep up for the time being, but the population dilemma will not last long. My warning is one step ahead.  Sent to the Weiyang Palace, the court will encourage childbirth for at least the next twenty years, and provide partial tax exemptions for more children. The birth of two children will be exempted from the land tax of 30 yuan per 1 for three years, and the birth of three children will be exempted from the cud tax for three years.  The land tax will be exempted for two years for four children, and the cud tax will be exempted for two years after the birth of five children. " "It's a bit of a discount, right? " " It's not much. It takes at least fifteen years to raise a child. I don't give them enough time.  Fifteen years will be a new generation. The premise is that the parents of the children will feel that childbirth is a big profit, otherwise they will not have a strong desire to have children. "Gongsun Xian is still full of doubts: "I am worried that supervision will cause trouble if someone is the first.  The child died unexpectedly. If you give birth to a child, you will get the tax-free benefits and then escape. After all, this is an important military town on the border. We are worried that someone will follow the Huns. " "  It's very important, small people don't dare to make any noise. Those who have evil intentions should think twice." Cao Shi told the truth. Even if he doesn't say it now, it will be issued to the county in the form of a court official document sooner or later.  It is a very necessary action for the vanguard troops of border counties to improve the population fertility rate of Shuofang County.  He wanted to take advantage of the imperial edict to complete the pilot project in Shuofang County as quickly as possible, and try his best to restore Shuofang to the peaceful life it deserves. This area does not need the noise running around, and the purpose is to eliminate those who are not so  A pleasant topic, he stayed in Shuofang County for half a month and then left.  If you don¡¯t leave, you will catch the spring season.  At the same time, the third group of 100,000 people entered Henan through the Jiuyuan Chidao abandoned by the Qin Dynasty. People on both sides passed each other at the ferry, which caught his attention. The last group of people were obviously from wealthy families.  The Qin Chi Road was renovated and passed through for answering questions. Thousands of luxurious carriages were seen along the way. Such appearance can be said to be a sign that people are going in the direction of the emperor.  Chang'an City is the Weiyang Palace.  Liu Che has been sitting in the greenhouse hall and has been busy all day. In recent days, he has been busy dealing with complicated government affairs.  Weekends are a rare opportunity to spend some free time.  "Shuofang County has arranged for 300,000 people so quickly?" "No, it is just to allow the new residents to live in tents temporarily. It is expected that it will take at least three months or more to have reasonable housing." Dou Ying said in a dry voice.  : "The annual new population in Guanzhong will exceed the 300,000 mark, and the total population will exceed 39 million. In order to reduce the aging population, we must have more children. The annual birth rate is as high as 6%. Our population proposals are more  "General Cheqi asked us to prepare for a bigger baby boom. Are we ready?" Liu Che was very annoyed.  He didn't expect to hit the hand that everyone disliked with just a few words: "Do you know if you have solved it?" All the officials in the court shut up. The baby boom is certainly gratifying.  However, the economic burden that comes with the population explosion is a very difficult problem. Logically speaking, the more the population, the better for the Han Empire. However, the contradiction between land supply and demand caused by the population explosion will gradually emerge. Is it better to continue to expand or turn to domestic consumption?  Hard to decide.  Most people don¡¯t want a population explosion. Guanzhong¡¯s population growth rate of 4% is very scary. The figure of doubling the total population in more than ten years is horrifying. But at this time, General Chariot and Cavalry sent a bolder plan to double the population.  plan.  "The population will double in five years, and quadruple in ten years. It will basically achieve control of Luoyue in the south and the Xiongnu in the north. The first wave of population maturity peak will be formed in fifteen years at the earliest, and the peak of the population will be formed in the next fifteen years.  Entering the golden age of demographic dividend, we can crush the enemy with a huge population of 200 million within thirty years. "Liu Che asked, "What do you think about this?" "I think it's inappropriate," said Zhongdao Yan.  "Although I don't understand the demographic dividend, at least there is an opportunity right in front of me. As long as I seize the opportunity, becoming a rich man within twenty or thirty years is not a dream." Fan Taguang, the great farmer, said: "I think it is not appropriate to talk too much about this matter.  We can gain a better understanding of the struggle only from the current situation in the world. I heard that a peaceful corner of South Vietnam can support millions of South Vietnamese.??subjects, the homeland of Jingman can also accommodate at least five million people. Only the population capacity between Kuaiji County and Dongou Kingdom and Minyue Kingdom was reduced when Nanyue Kingdom, Minyue Kingdom, and Dongou Kingdom surrendered.  Statistics on the number of household registrations left behind show that the total population of the three kings is about two million. Their farming skills are so backward that they cannot even plant three crops of rice. It can be seen that there are many people who can produce as much as they can by randomly spreading seeds.  Now, the good old days are destined to be gone forever.  "    "However?  " "The counties in the south have a population of at least 30 million, and the counties in the north can accommodate a population of at least 60 million. The famous grain harvest in the Guanzhong area makes people envious and jealous. First of all, I want to say that the grain is definitely not enough.  The hometown of Jingman, Kuaiji and Wuzhong areas must become new rhythm points, that is, wandering around Roshan when there is nothing to do. The demographic dividend is in line with the pattern of some people. At least it is interesting to gain experience.  "Xiong Zan walked out in a swagger. The hunter didn't dare to shoot at all, so he did nothing for the big man. Tian Fu was very dissatisfied. He said that doubling the population was correct, but he was wrong. He said angrily: "I don't believe it.  It is a completely nonsense plan and some people will be deceived.  " "It's not a lie, it's a fact.  "Cao Shi came from outside the hall, ignoring Tian Fu's nonsense and saluting the ministers. Wei Qihou Dou Ying smiled hoarsely and said: "Pingyang Hou is here at the right time, tell me what you think.  " "We want to form an advantage in the northern border counties by using more to defeat less. Wubao, the Great Wall and the beacon tower are indispensable. The population of each county should be maintained at more than 300,000 people. If the population is less than 300,000, the population will be too small.  Five hundred thousand will affect the normal development of the local population. The narrow pastures will cause disputes and conflicts. There is not enough space for the border counties to expand northward. Careful calculations suggest that six to seven million people are needed in the northern border counties. From the confrontation between Han and Hungary  From the perspective of the situation, six to seven million people in border counties will immediately increase the huge advantage of the Han army. The source of troops will be guaranteed, the conquered areas will not have to worry about being abandoned, and the rear area will be supplied and stored with grain and grass. The benefits of zero-zero total are many.  .  " Cao Shi's tireless explanations basically made the bureaucrats who were not familiar with military affairs listen. The Huns on the opposite side were busy cleaning up the old loaches in the Xianbei Mountains. The Han army gained a positive advantage in the grand strategy by relying on the fishermen's profit, allowing the Huns to  People and Xianbei people are like dogs. We need to keep quiet and do the migration and follow-up layout of the counties, so that the border counties can be transformed from sparsely populated desert grasslands into a large military camp within a year. The northern grasslands are not that big.  It has no effect. At least the Monan grassland is fertile and suitable for pasture. It is expected that letting the Huns occupy the pasture will not be as good as the Han people standing alone. Both sides have reasons to avoid fighting. They are afraid that a slight conflict will trigger a full-scale war between Han and Hungary.  "In the middle of the night, most people are still immersed in sweet sleep. Only a few people will persist to see the dawn of dawn. We cannot let the trauma of the Han-Hungarian War happen.  To be left to future generations, we, the Han family officials and bureaucrats in charge, only want to live a stable life, but the changes in the Han-Hungarian situation quietly tell us that peace is a beautiful and fragile thing.  " The emperor stood up from his desk: "Thirty years is too long, I want to be faster, faster" (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!
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