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The Wind Rises in Chang'an Chapter 280 Confrontation in the Cold Winter

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    Pure text online reading of this website domain name <foncolor=red> Mobile simultaneous reading please visit The north of Shanggu County is the hinterland of the Monan Grassland. At this time, winter snow falls thousands of miles away, and the temperature drops rapidly below freezing during the day, just like the usual Huns herdsmen.  Hiding in the felt tent without leaving the house.  .  For more latest chapters visit:§ëw  There was a bonfire burning in the camp on the edge of Daze. The tired Huns huddled in front of the fire to keep warm. The long encirclement and endless small-scale battles had exhausted them. The Xianbei people were more difficult to deal with than before.  He is also more brave, like a mad wolf rushing out of the dense forest and pounces on its prey, biting it crazily.  The Huns are not adapted to the complex environment of the vast jungle and white snow. Faced with sudden attacks, they are usually unable to fight back. Without the galloping horses and the vast grasslands, the Huns warriors stumble around like clumsy chicks.  Fortunately, the situation of the Xianbei people was even worse. The hiding place near the edge of the dense forest was forced to give up. The mountain caves used to escape the cold and winter were too easy to be discovered by the Huns cavalry. Once discovered, they would definitely die. The Huns released wolf smoke at the entrance of the cave to kill them.  In order to survive, the Xianbei people in the cave were forced to flee deep into the dense forest, which greatly squeezed the Xianbei people's living space.  The Greater Xianbei Mountains are vast and sparsely populated, but that doesn't mean there are many caves suitable for hiding. The fleeing Xianbei people poured into the few caves, making the originally small space even more inadequate.  The two sides faced off hard in the snowstorm.  "It would have been better if the heavy snow came half a month later." In the king's tent, Prince Yu Dan was holding a dagger and his spirits were waning. His first battle was not perfect. Under the protection of 50,000 cavalry, he fought a bloody battle with 20,000 Xianbei people.  On the battlefield, relying on the sharp shooting of the Wangzhang warriors beside him, he defeated the Xianbei people step by step. He watched the whole battle with a very calm expression from beginning to end.  Writing a biography as an eyewitness of the battle is 'very' good, but when it comes to personal performance, there is zero.  Yu Shan is an ambitious person.  I hope that I can conquer the powerful Hun nobles with my performance, gain a high prestige comparable to that of my ancestor Maodun Shanyu, conquer the Xianbei and conquer the Han Dynasty and make achievements to become the first generation of the Hun Empire's heroic master. In order to implement the ambitious plan, I have to hone the boring riding skills day after day.  With his skills in archery, he has traveled to every corner of the Xiongnu territory, and is proficient in detailed information such as tribal population in each region, location of pastures, and war conflicts and grievances between tribes.  Thanks to Zhao She¡¯s assistance and guidance, Yu Dan did everything perfectly.  He personally established a complex network of relationships among the Xiongnu tribes, successfully winning over the heirs of King Pi from each tribe, and forming an inconspicuous but influential new organization within the Xiongnu. The plan was very well done and executed.  It's also very good, just one step away from completing the sublimation of personal fame.  That is a victory that belongs to you.  "What a headache. My performance in the first battle was mediocre. The plan was going to be delayed. After all, I still missed a move." Yu Shan was distressed by his mediocre record. The Xianbei people were like slippery loaches in the mud of the Xianbei Mountains.  After digging around, I found that the dense deciduous forest was not as lush as the broad-leaved forest in the south. Even the dense forest could be entered by horseback, so I fell into the trap set by the Xianbei people.  Taking advantage of the convenient location, they often launched beautiful sneak attacks, each time bringing a heavy price to the Hun cavalry search team.  Team members returning from patrols every day will report many battle reports of being killed or injured. The losses are not large, but they cannot withstand the accumulation of time. The failure to catch the main Xianbei force for a long time also makes the morale of the Huns army very low. Large groups of cavalry cannot penetrate deep into the dense mountains and forests.  area.  A small group of cavalry would basically die if they went in, and the Huns who had the advantage were also trapped in an embarrassing confrontation and could not extricate themselves.  "The grain is consumed very quickly. Our grain can last for up to half a month." Zhao She lay on the parchment and sketched the westward map of the Xiongnu's left territory. He told the Xiongnu prince that the detailed map would help guide the Huns to victory.  , there are many great principles that Yu Shan has never heard of, and his difficulty in understanding does not affect his understanding of the outline. His understanding is that having a map is like an eagle with a pair of sharp eyes that can see through the wind and clouds. Without a map, he is deaf and blind. He can only rely on the local area.  The guide stumbled forward.  "There are many cattle and sheep, why can they only last for half a month?" "War horses don't eat cattle and sheep. Not only humans can eat grain, war horses must eat grains and cud to survive. Without grain, the war horse's combat effectiveness cannot be guaranteed. In this season  Heavy snow covered the grassland, and it was still a question whether ordinary war horses could continue to survive." Yu Shan opened his mouth and was speechless for a long time.  Including the additional troops, Shan Yuting raised more than 300,000 troops to attack the Xianbei Mountains. The Xianbei people hiding in the mountains obviously did not expect the determination of the military minister Shan Yu. They thought they would hide in the mountains for ten and a half days.  We were able to evacuate safely, but we didn¡¯t expect that the siege would last for three months, from mid-autumn in August until the heavy snowfall in November. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?The people in Xianbei were having a hard time, and the Xianbei people went crazy if they went any further.  "The prince is worried that the Xianbei people are worse off than us. The Xiongnu's food supply is very tight, but it does not prevent us from continuing to surround the Xianbei people in the mountains. We can send the war horses to Monan to overwinter safely, and we only need to ride the horses.  We can suppress the Xianbei people. Our difficult situation proves that the Xianbei people are in a worse situation. It is enough to deal with the Xianbei people with rhinoceros horses.  "Yes, even if you die of exhaustion and starvation, you don't have to feel bad. There is no need to feed precious grains." Yu Shan agreed. Special dry food is very difficult to find. The reason is that the Huns do not know how to farm, and qualified war horses need dry food.  To replenish the physical energy consumed, without food and grass, it is impossible to ensure that the war horse can perform 100% of its performance. Especially in autumn and winter, hay lacks nutrients. When fat loss is serious in autumn and winter, the war horse will easily starve to death if it does not eat grain.  There are two ways for the Huns to obtain grain. The first is to send caravans to Yanmen to trade with each other in Mayi City. Merchants from various border counties can also secretly smuggle grain. The second is to lead the army southward to plunder.  In the border counties, the simple and rough trade without capital was outstanding. Whenever the Huns faced a cold winter with heavy snowstorms, the Huns would lead their tribal cavalry southward to plunder, obtaining necessary daily necessities, food and their  All the good stuff you can see.  The initial plan for this year's war was just to fight a plundering war, to obtain huge wealth and grain through the plunder of Mayi City, and then safely retreat to Mobei Longcheng to have a verbal quarrel with the Han envoys. No matter how many reasons the Han emperor put forward, it would not damage the relationship with the Xiongnu.  The people achieved great success on the southern front, and the initial invasion plan was executed perfectly, but they discovered that something was not right.  After being beaten in the battle of Yanmen, he abandoned his armor and ran away all night. He vomited out all the food he had robbed, and all the slaves he had captured were released. In turn, he also lost the cattle and sheep he had brought and looted. It was a huge loss.  The Huns vomited blood.  Now that there is no food, the Huns have no choice but to choose a compromise and use rhinoceros horses instead of war horses to continue the operation. The snow will fall heavier and heavier anyway until knee-deep snow is everywhere. At that time, neither the Xianbei people nor the Huns will be able to fight.  , heavy snow has closed the mountains, reducing mobility to a pitiful figure, and the accompanying cold air will freeze the snow to a hard state, which will be a catastrophe for the cavalry.  The blizzard outside the big tent was getting bigger and bigger, and waves of coldness penetrated into the royal tent through the thick felt curtains. The slaves hurriedly lit up the stove to disperse the cold. The charcoal blocks used to light the fire in the Xiongnu royal court also came from Han.  This shows how great the cultural influence of Han Dynasty is.  The Hun wizards danced outside the tent to pray for war against the Xianbei people. They wanted to use the power of faith to convey the will of the gods. The absurd reasons were never suspected by people, because suspicion was a symbol of impurity and impurity. The wizards' techniques were crude, but  The effect of improving morale is not bad at all. At least the revised main force of the Huns is full of energy and ready to fight.  "Sir, the snow outside is getting heavier and heavier. It seems that we should not continue to fight. How about waiting until the warm spring next year and the flowers bloom before fighting again?" "Does the prince also think that we should temporarily call off the troops and make a truce? It's a pity that Shan Yu  They won¡¯t stop their troops, at least not now.¡± ¡°Because of the Xiongnu nobles?¡± ¡°Yes, that¡¯s right. The Xiongnu nobles have suffered heavy losses and are eager to seize more cattle and sheep from the Xianbei people to make up for their losses.  The benefits that the people are talking about are very exciting, so they should go all out to conquer the hinterland of the Xianbei Mountains to get more food and grass in return. "Yu Shan complained dissatisfied: "It's really a lack of people, they think the Xianbei people are made of mud.  The statue of the great-grandfather Maodun Shanyu was blocked. His grandfather Shanyu failed to attack Xianbei three times. His father, the military minister Shanyu, also attacked Xianbei twice but failed. It is wrong for our great Huns to go to the Xianbei Mountains to attack Xianbei.  "The most ideal way is to lure the Xianbei people to stand up and fight, use the superiority of our Xiongnu cavalry to strangle the main force of the Xianbei people, and then take advantage of the situation to destroy the Xianbei people, but it turns out that the Xianbei people will not jump out stupidly."  , at least it cannot come out now. " Zhao She clearly outlined the main curves of the map. The gurgling Gonglu River leads directly to Daze. The eastern Daxianbei Mountains adjacent to Daze run across the north and south from northeast to southwest. The mountains are the links between the Xiongnu and Xianbei.  The natural dividing line is also the dividing line between the prairie and the mountainous area. The grassland nomadic civilization cannot continue to advance eastward and deep into the hinterland. The vast mountains and forests to the east are not suitable for them.  Yu Dan looked at the map curiously, and Zhao She had no intention of hiding it. While guiding Yu Dan to understand the meaning of each symbol on the map, he painted different colors on the grasslands and plateau areas.  "Sir, what does tan mean?" &nbsp; "The brown color is the plateau, and the darker the color, the higher the altitude. The highest peaks are covered with snow all year round, so the peaks are outlined in white, and the green ones are the grasslands, and the dark green ones are  The color is the dense forest, and the blue color is the lake. We camped next to Daze. "So is this how the Han people draw pictures?" Zhao She shook his head and lowered his head to continue drawing.  Ha novel¡ª¡ª93654+dsuaahhh+27340993¡ª¡ª>?¡­
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