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Text 1014. Annan Protectorate (Part 2)

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    When Jing Wen said that he wanted to set up a Protector's Palace, which was the Annan Grand Protector's Palace, everyone finally understood what Jing Wen meant.  6¨LJing Wen played this trick well. He actually first came up with the idea of ??sending troops for an expedition, and then everyone would definitely oppose it.  Because all fools know that it is impossible to send a large army to attack Lin Yi State now, Jing Wen deliberately proposed it and did not think it could be passed.  But then Jing Wen came up with a plan, which was to send a capable person and let him convince those Linyi countries to become the Jisuzhou of the Tang Dynasty, and then they could peacefully recover the Linyi countries.  ??And this Linyi country was once part of China, but now it has become independent.  So it would be good if we could use our "tongue" to regain this country this time.  As for the civil servants, they still like this method, because if they can persuade others to merge with the Tang Dynasty through words, then the civil servants can also expand their territory.  Therefore, Jing Wen's proposal to establish the Annan Protectorate was not completely impossible.  So everyone agreed, but how was this Great Protectorate established?  "Your Majesty, I have only heard of the Protectorate, but what is the Protectorate?" someone asked.  And Li Shimin immediately said: "According to my official position in the Tang Dynasty, the Protectorate's Palace is only the third rank. And I plan to set up a Great Protectorate, with a rank starting from the second rank, and the area controlled by this Grand Protectorate is larger than that of the Protectorate.  It is larger, and has greater independent rights. The Protectorate has the right to mobilize the garrison, and has the right to collect the tribute from the Jizhou Prefecture on behalf of the Tang Dynasty, and can select some people from the local people to form a garrison army.  Even within the scope of authority, we can independently declare power to some small countries, and we can carry out small-scale operations without asking the Central Committee of the Tang Dynasty." When everyone heard about the composition of the Grand Protectorate, their minds suddenly started to rumble.  .  This Great Protectorate has too much power, as if they are all independent princes and feudal officials!  And not only can you control the place.  It can also mobilize the army, and even independently declare its power to those small countries, and mobilize military forces to deter those small countries.  Now he is truly a local prince.  However, the only drawback is that those state capitals are all Jizhou, and it is impossible to cooperate 100% with the Metropolitan Protector.  However, this power was powerful enough, and it simply broke through the Tang Dynasty's control over the army and the division of power between civil and military families.  ¡°But everyone also thought about the conditions there, and they were speechless.  Because of the communication problems in this era, it is impossible for them to send communications back for instructions at all times.  If everything is sent back to the center for instructions, there is no need to do anything.  Therefore, this must give them the right to be independent.  Otherwise, there is no way to control them.  However, they are indeed princes, and this is undisputed.  The Great Protector of this Great Protectorate is from the second rank, and his position is not low! ?????????????? The former Duhufu was just a coordinating agency for Jizhou Prefecture, but this Duhufu actually has the right to direct management, which is extraordinary.  Moreover, they have military power, and their deterrent effect on those border states is not the slightest.  But this is also Jingwen¡¯s request. After all, the Annan Protectorate is not a nominal territory like in the past, but a colony.  as a colony.  People in the colonies will definitely resist. After all, they are colonists, and the people there will naturally not be willing to be exploited.  If there is no right to mobilize troops, it may not be possible to suppress the people in those places.  Therefore, it is necessary to grant certain military powers to the Annan Protectorate.  Otherwise, Datang would not be able to exploit the people there.  And this is actually an imitation of the colonial system of later generations in the West. Western colonial governors all have military power. Without military power, they will not be able to suppress local rebellions.  China's military control system is actually not suitable for colonial expansion.  Since the colonial system is to be implemented.  That is to say, we need to keep up with the system.  Although controlling military power can prevent local independence and the formation of warlords.  But now that we want to establish a colony, it is naturally impossible to follow the traditional method.  So Jingwen also used doctrine.  Learn from the Western colonial system, and then grant full powers to the governor-general, who is similar to the position of governor, to handle the affairs of these colonies instead of the central government.  If you appoint someone while being careful at the same time, it is impossible to make the officer who is sent out feel at ease.  In addition, the Tang Dynasty did not regard these territories as its own territory, but as colonies. Even if it accidentally lost part of the land, it would not be too heartbreaking.  As for the great guardians of those colonies, they can completely allow them to keep their families in the country and send a certain number of people to supervise them, which can also avoid any problems for them.  "Your Majesty, if you don't believe it, then we might as well adopt a committee system according to the army's method. We send a group of people and then set up a committee. Once something happens??Everyone votes to resolve the matter, which can also prevent one family from becoming dominant.  "Jing Wen said. "After hearing about the military's committee system, everyone was initially relieved. After all, this committee system can be seen by all. It is currently implemented in the military, which means that everyone can vote together to solve the problem, which avoids the military's  A single family will affect the control of the army by the superiors, so if we use the committee system in this Grand Protectorate, we can feel more at ease. ¡°Also, we might as well let the prince or prince come to lead this Grand Protectorate.  This can further avoid various problems.  In fact, the people in charge are the chief historian of the Great Protectorate and Sima, who is responsible for leading the civil and military officials in the Great Protectorate. This way, at least in terms of justice, there is no problem.  " I heard that the prince was asked to come and lead the Protectorate from a distance. That means that the Protectorate can be controlled based on official duties. At least in name, the Protectorate is still under the control of the royal family. This is the same as  The same as those of the capital state pastors, so that they can be held concurrently by the royal family, so that the rule of the royal family can be maintained. Now that the princes of the royal family can lead the palace, we can feel more at ease. "Your Majesty, then we will send it.  Who is going to send an envoy to the Linyi Kingdom, and then take advantage of the situation to establish the Annan Protectorate?  "Immediately someone took the initiative to ask. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels are better and updated faster!
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