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Text Chapter 248 Aliens Attack

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    After Mr. Godzilla showed his power and all the invading monsters were eliminated, people finally returned to their normal and quiet life.  Schools, companies, workshops, transportation all started normal operations.  Except for the military and some important institutions in various countries, almost everything has returned to normal.  People¡¯s traumatized hearts are gradually being comforted and repaired. The shadow of death seems to have left them, just like the dawn of daylight that drives away all the darkness.  The bright sunshine shines on the ground solidified by the cold winter, and the ice is gradually dissolved. The sleeping roots wake up under the call of warmth, and grow green buds.  The seeds also took off their coats one after another, revealing their immature bodies and moving towards the sun.  The traces of the severe cold finally disappeared, and people embraced spring and welcomed a bright future.  But the Kiru were waving to them.  The Kiru interstellar fleet has finally arrived in the solar system, and the invasion of the Earth will begin soon.  Thousands of starships were so dazzling that people's eyes were numb.  The heads of state gathered together and watched the horrifying scene.  "So, that means we will be attacked by those guys." "Yes, gentlemen, I'm afraid that is the enemy we have been preparing to deal with." "Forget it, our efforts have no effect at all.  If there is any way to resolve it peacefully, it must be used at all costs. "Yes. There is no need to fight this war. We must find someone to negotiate and we must surrender."  "What a joke! We have to surrender before we even start. The dignity of the people on earth will be completely lost!" "But sir, do you think we have any resistance ability even just a little bigger?" "We have X-type fighter planes!"  "Oh my God, I'm still expecting that kind of thing. There are only a hundred of that kind of thing in the world now. The alien fighters must be more advanced than ours, and they have an absolute advantage in numbers. Their entire force is in space.  , and the only equipment we can travel in space is the space shuttle, which is an insurmountable gap. It is impossible for space nuclear missiles to deal with those guys!" "Okay, gentlemen, if they are willing to negotiate,  We should put down our dignity for the time being. How can we not bow our heads under the roof? " "But if they don't want to negotiate, they are determined to kill us all?" "Then I'm afraid there won't even be anyone to prepare for our funeral."  Our country supports peace talks, but the conditions must be acceptable to us. If they refuse, then we will have to fight hard."  Several linguists were transported to the space shuttle.  The space shuttle is sent into space using a launch vehicle, and then the space shuttle flies towards the Kiru star fleet.  But unexpectedly, before flying twice, a thick laser beam shot directly over.  With a bang, the space shuttle died heroically.  The angry heads of state immediately declared war on the Kiru people.  and issue a warning.  As long as they dare to take another step forward.  They will use space nuclear missiles to destroy them all. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? of course, this kind of little trick that can't even scare yourself will not scare away the Kiru people.  The Kiru people have a reason to destroy the people on Earth, so nothing can make them retreat.  What's more, they have obvious advantages.  The war was led by Duduji, the highest governor of the Kiru people in the galaxy and the highest military commander.  At the moment, it is sitting in the flagship Sacred Galaxy with Aoi-chan and Ba-Thulium, directing the battle situation.  They looked at the blue planet on the huge screen and the beautiful rivers and mountains above, and couldn't help but feel that it was really a beautiful planet.  "Such a naturally beautiful planet is rare in the entire universe. It is really wasted in the hands of humans." Du Duji said angrily: "Give them a few more decades, I'm afraid the earth will be destroyed.  It looks like this. According to comparisons with data from decades ago, many beautiful forests have disappeared, grasslands have turned into deserts, rivers have been polluted, low-intelligent wild animals have been severely hunted, and countless species have become extinct.  The city is becoming more and more polluted, the sky is no longer blue, and the sea will probably be poisoned. Everyone, I am afraid that without us taking action, the people on earth will be killed by ourselves after a while.  If we realize our mistakes and correct them, it may be too late. Even if humans finally escape their fate, there won¡¯t be much left of them. We are here to save the earth from the hands of the people on earth.¡± ¡°I¡¯m afraid we can¡¯t do that.  "It also needs to be destroyed," Councilor Dam said, "I admit that the earth is indeed a good place, but Bahamut cursed everything on it, so we can't stay.??Any risk.  And don't murmur about human power.  If they were born before us, it would be them, not us, that would dominate the universe.  " "Then what are you waiting for? Let's take action.  " Some main station-level starship battleships quickly started an attack plan. They used neutron energy cannons to target the distant Earth, targeting some key buildings of the Earth people. For example, the Lion Heart Country, which has the strongest military strength on the Earth,  The Geta Building. The Geta Building is the location of the Lionheart National Defense Headquarters and is recognized as one of the most powerful places in the world. The most advanced anti-aircraft missiles are installed in the ground around the building, and the ground is 100 meters deep.  There is an extremely strong underground fortress. This complete facility can resist the attack of nuclear weapons. Even if the capital is attacked by nuclear weapons, the senior officers inside can quickly evacuate to the underground fortress before the nuclear bomb explodes and continue to command the troops.  Fight. It was this building that was targeted by the Kiru's neutron energy cannon. A blue and white energy beam shot out quickly, quickly passing through the earth's atmosphere and hitting the building directly.  On top of the building, there was a bang, and almost no one could react, and then the entire building was shattered in a burst of explosions. The Minister of Defense of the Lionheart Kingdom was killed on the spot, and countless senior military officers and important personnel of the country were also killed.  The president's office was also hit by a neutron energy cannon. Fortunately, the president of the Lion Heart Country was not inside at the time. Otherwise, this incident was immediately known to the heads of countries around the world and they fled.  Where they were originally, they hid in their respective underground fortresses to avoid the chaos. ¡°Oh my god, they have already started to attack before they even get close to the earth.  What happened? Our National Defense Building and the Central Administration Building disappeared in the blink of an eye. People across the country began to panic, and the world was about to be in chaos.  What should we do?  " "Since they have already taken action, there is no need to hesitate and launch space nuclear missiles immediately to send them all back to their hometowns!  ¡± Countries began to fight back as best they could. Space nuclear missiles were launched. The target was the slowly approaching interstellar fleet. The Kiru people¡¯s long-range attack methods are very powerful. Thousands of their warships jointly launched neutron energy cannons, which can destroy an entire city in an instant.  Of course, the nuclear missiles launched by humans will have no effect at all. The laser weapons can easily intercept any missiles within the safe range, and the Kiru people use laser cannons to destroy even the space stations.  The fighting has just begun. Most people don't know yet, but they suddenly find that the mobile phone signals are all gone. The people in the city don't know what happened next.  There was no time to react. The sky suddenly lit up. I didn't know what the hell I saw that made the sky so bright. Something like a light suddenly fell down, and a car was destroyed in an instant.  Things fell like rain, and everything started to shake. Big holes were blown out of the streets, and the flying debris smashed into people's bodies. The screams of fear began to spread crazily, and people fled here and there, but then.  The attack was overwhelming. It didn't take long for the entire city to be destroyed. Human beings had no power to resist. No matter how powerful the space nuclear missiles were, they were useless at such a long distance.  , it is impossible for conventional weapons to counterattack. Laser weapons are devices that humans can resist a little. Several countries immediately ordered their special operations forces to target the interstellar fleet in space (this seems to be very, very difficult, and it can only be seen with the naked eye.  The only way they could see the white clouds floating in the sky was to use a space telescope to capture the position of the starships, and then adjust the angle of the laser cannon to blindly shoot through the lens of the laser cannon.  The light instantly shot into the sky. After being weakened by the atmosphere, the light came to space. If you were lucky, it might hit a certain starship. If you were not lucky, it would not be able to hit anything. The power of this laser is used to deal with the earth.  The imaginary enemies on the ground may be very, very useful, but dealing with enemies in space is like shooting enemies with a water gun. It is not painful at all, not to mention that every Kiru starship has photons.  Shield protection, even if the photon shield is not used, it does not matter if it is hit by lasers from the earth. The laser weapon technology of the earth people is still very backward for the Kiru people, and the energy is not enough to destroy the starship.  Moreover, the number of such laser cannons is very limited. There are only more than a hundred of them in the world. As the earth rotates, more and more countries are being beaten by the Kiru people's neutron energy cannons.   Countries around the world finally stopped all resistance, knowing that they had no power to fight back.  The country and the military are completely powerless against the alien attack. Avoidance is the only way.  The heads of state and military officials have either hid in their respective fortresses or in secret military bases. In short, no one dares to stay in the city.  And many ignorant citizens still don¡¯t know what happened.  When the first Kiru attack started, Emily and her mother received a warning from her father to drive out of the city quickly, no matter where they were going.  Without any doubts, Emily immediately drove into the car, hurriedly packed a small amount of supplies for the provincial capital and a large amount of food, and rushed out of the city with her confused mother.  She also brought Sun Yuxin with her.  She called each of her classmates on the way (phones still worked at that time) and asked them to leave the city quickly.  But she failed to convince anyone because her words were outrageous and too sudden.  The result wasit didn't take long for the city to be shattered into pieces by thousands of neutron energy cannons.  The only one who survived that massive attack was the Human Civilization Research Institute, which was protected by Gondo's magic shield.  But unfortunately everything inside was still.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!
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