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Text Chapter 211 Blood Transformation Technique

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    Transform blood.  Just hearing this name made Lin Lie feel something bad.  Generally speaking, martial arts will be called something like a magical skill, a magical book, a magical palm, or a magical fist.  But this blood transformation doesn't feel right at first sight.  "Transforming blood, what kind of martial arts is this?" Lin Lie asked.  The big crab kept moving forward while saying: "This is a very powerful martial art. This martial art used to be called star-absorbing, but after improvement, it became blood-transforming." "Star-absorbing!" Lin Lie was shocked, "Then  Isn’t it the number one evil skill in the Demon Sect? " "You are right," Big Crab said without hesitation, "Blending blood is also the number one evil skill in the Demon Sect. But you have to know that martial arts does not differentiate between good and evil.  "The key depends on whether the person who uses it is good or evil." "You make sense, but how can you master the first evil skill in the Demon Sect?" "I can't answer your question now. I can only tell you, this is.  "Well," Lin Lie didn't continue to ask, "Can you tell me what's so great about absorbing stars? Is it that simple?" The big crab replied: "  I can tell you this. Transforming blood can indeed absorb people's internal energy, and it is very useful in battle. Of course, the premise is that the enemy you are fighting has internal energy that can be absorbed. If you encounter that kind of thing.  Enemies, just run away. In addition to absorbing people's internal energy, it can also absorb blood and flesh nutrients. This means that you can eat without your mouth. " "Eh?  ?" Lin Lie couldn't help feeling a little excited.  "There are more magical things, you will know when you learn them." "Okay. Then teach me quickly." "Okay," the big crab said: "But before that, I need to tell you, learn to transform blood  , there are extremely harsh conditions. I think you have already experienced it. " "How do you know? I I don't think I told you this!"  Well, he never mentioned his own affairs to anyone.  The big crab said quickly: "II guessed it. Oh, I don't have to guess, I can tell it at a glance. Haha, in short. You can learn now." They swam very far in the sea again  Very far away.  Finally arrived at the destination.  This is the deepest submarine canyon in the world, called the Abyss Canyon.  From a distance, Lin Lie could see the dark and winding crack lying on the seabed like lightning.  "It tore up the entire ocean floor.  Like a huge scar.  It was pitch black inside.  It was like an endless abyss, swallowing up all the light.  This place is very scary, this huge crack.  It's like a door to hell.  It was eerily quiet and pitch black.  Of course, Lin Lie did not feel scared.  Although the giant crab can't defeat Bahamut, it is still very powerful.  So, Lin Lie and the big crab continued to dive downwards and fell into the abyss canyon.  They fell for a long time, and the water pressure continued to increase, but it was completely unable to affect them.  Finally, they landed at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, where it was so dark that they couldn’t see their fingers.  Even the bright eyes of the big crab didn't know where they had gone, completely submerged in darkness.  But this does not affect their activities. They can use their internal power to light up the light at any time.  Big Crab taught Lin Lie the mental formula for turning blood, and Lin Lie quickly recited it.  They each took action and opened their own lair, and then Lin Lie began to practice martial arts.  The big crab goes out to find food.  Just like that, the brief tranquility began.  In other places, human civilization is being ravaged by Bahamut.  Boom boom boom!  There was a serious explosion on the street, and all kinds of guns, missiles and rockets were attacking Bahamut's strong body crazily.  This is a city in the Lion Heart Country. Bahamut has destroyed six cities in this country in a row. More than ten million people have died under its claws, drowned by its breath and roared by it.  torn into pieces.  The proud Lion Heart Nation suffered an extremely heavy blow, so they frantically attacked Bahamut at all costs.  But all kinds of attacks cannot harm it at all.  Its scales are an invulnerable shield; nothing can harm it.  People were killed, armies routed, attacks blocked, cities destroyed.  It is like the doomsday judge, killing people and setting fire everywhere, causing trouble everywhere.Waves.  No army can defeat it, no weapon can destroy it, ordinary guns and bombs can't even scratch it, powerful missiles can only massage it, and even super-terrifying nuclear weapons can't even scratch it.  It can only be used to warm the body.  It has been blown up by at least ten nuclear bombs. It held the atomic bomb in its hands and stepped on the hydrogen bomb under its feet. The huge explosion submerged it, and then it emerged from the sea of ????fire, bringing greater despair to people.  It uses its wings to create storms that destroy streets, stomps its feet to cause earthquakes that knock down buildings, and uses its breath to summon fire to flood cities.  In just one day, countless creatures were killed by him.  The star battleship parked near the moon has always seemed very quiet.  The aliens inside were either working peacefully or nervously watching Bahamut's deeds.  They all come for Bahamut, but at the same time they are also afraid of Bahamut's majesty.  Bahamut killed hundreds of billions of Kiru people on several colonial planets. He was a veritable butcher and destructive maniac.  Yes, there is no Kirut who is not afraid of Bahamut.  The commander of this interstellar battleship is currently sitting in his private office, watching Bahamut's actions on Earth through a stereoscopic projection.  Sitting next to it was its good friend, a member of the Republic's Parliament.  The commander said: "Bahamut really likes to destroy. It leaves nothing behind and no grass grows in its path. The people on earth are really unlucky." The congressman nodded in agreement, "Bahamut does the same to us Kiru people.  Cruel. No monster can hear its name without trembling. It is born for destruction and killing. It combines strength and cruelty. No one can deal with it. But luckily it is on our side, otherwise.  That would be tragic. Even if it is not very obedient," "Then again," the starship commander suddenly thought of some questions, "How come those guys, the strange armored knights and the shark bullies, are on Earth.  "Huh? Yes. Why are they on Earth? The Kiru people working on Earth seem to have asked us about this." "But they thought it was us."  There is no such thing. We are here out of necessity. With Bahamut, who would want to go with us? Bahamut will not allow anyone to show his presence in front of it." "But.  What's going on? Only the Parliament can mobilize them. "My friend, you can't know about this," said the congressman.  With an innocent expression, "I haven't seen those guys for a long, long time. They should stay on their own planet. How could they come here? Besides, how did they get here? They couldn't have come without a shuttle."  We are still fast!" "There are no starships nearby. I think we need to talk to those guys to find out why and how they came."  "The starship commander said: "I immediately sent a team to investigate. "Bahamut has brought unimaginable fear to the human world."  Humanity is plunged into darkness and cannot see the coming of hope.  Peace is like the afternoon sun, slowly disappearing into the horizon.  Nightmares hung over them like dark clouds.  Life and home are like boats in the torrent, easily overturned.  Guangtian City has disappeared from the earth. Sun Yuxin and Faen buried Zorn's bones in a cemetery in another city.  "Fan's family has been ruined, and he no longer has a home.  And his wife is also delirious, unable to take care of herself, and will always need his care.  Emily originally wanted to invite Fawn to her country so that he could be taken care of there.  And Sun Yuxin also hopes that the couple can live with her.  But Faen decided to stay in his own country and live quietly as a common man.  Emily boarded the plane home worriedly, while Sun Yuxin sat beside her with sadness.  The two flew back to the Kingdom of Condor, but they could no longer continue their previous lives.  Sun Yuxin’s studies did not continue, so she found an easy job and started an ordinary life.  And Emily, of course, cannot be the same as her. 她是不可能将学业半途而废的,不然她老爸会揍扁她(这当然只是比喻,她老爸很疼爱她的)。  So Emily started studying in the past.  The students around were very curious about what happened to Sun Yuxin.  No one can get through Sun Yuxin's phone number, and many people are worried about her.    Emily did not answer the students’ questions. She didn’t want to say anything more about Sun Yuxin.  Nowadays, Emily, like everyone else, is nervous and fearful, paying attention to Bahamut's affairs.  Bahamut destroys several or even a dozen cities every day, and it searches for Godzilla all over the world.  It destroys, it kills, it brings doom.  The most serious disaster caused by Bahamut is the Lion Heart Kingdom, the strongest country in the world.  And the Kingdom of Condor has never been attacked.  The Lionheart Nation asked all countries in the world to unite to deal with Bahamut, but only a small number of countries agreed.  Longxia Kingdom and Shenying Kingdom refused to unite with them.  A few days later, Bahamut attacked the hinterland of Longxia Kingdom, killing tens of millions of people.  The Wind Tiger Country is also a powerful country, and this country was also brutally attacked by Bahamut.  One day later, the Eagle Kingdom, which had always been peaceful and peaceful, was also defeated.  Countries around the world can no longer remain calm, and leaders from various countries have proposed to hold global national security talks.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!
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