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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Godzilla Reborn

Text Chapter 199 Outnumbered

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    Oh my god, the monsters are having a party in Mitsuda City!  Two news helicopters, "Intrepid" and "Brave", recorded the entire scene.  Audiences all over the world watched this scene with exclamations and shocked expressions.  It¡¯s hard to imagine that there are so many monsters in the world.  It seems that even if aliens do exist, it is no longer surprising.  Whether it is night or day, at this time, in every corner of the earth, the disaster in Mitsuda City is being discussed.  People are also strongly calling on the Longxia government to actively deal with this difficulty.  Long Xia Fang also has a big problem. They are not only facing the problem of those monsters, but also a bigger catastrophic problem that is as big as the entire earth.  The Ministry of National Defense finally returned to normal at some point. Facing those unimaginable huge monsters, the military decided to use their most powerful military force, nuclear weapons!  There is nothing left for Guangtian City, and the most important thing is to deal with those dangerous monsters.  Even if Mitsuda City is blown up because of this, there is nothing that can be done about it.  It's better than those monsters destroying Guangtian City and then destroying other cities.  While they are all together, blow them all up in one go and finish them off!  This is what the military thinks.  As for the citizens of Guangtian City, those who were aware of the situation had fled as soon as possible and went to other cities to seek refuge.  Fan and others are exactly this type of people.  ?The citizens who didn¡¯t realize it later had already fled in their cars.  With so many monsters coming, no one would think that Guangtian City is safe.  Even the military was forced to withdraw. They would be idiots if they didn't run away.  ¡°In short, less than half of the citizens of Guangtian City have left.  There is still a small half who are on their way to escape.  The rest are either hiding in bomb shelters or not ready to leave.  In an increasingly severe environment.  The military is also taking active actions.  Nuclear weapons will be used, but not before that.  They must keep casualties to a minimum.  They quietly went to various parts of the city to organize citizens to leave.  But because there are so many people, the intersections on the edge of Guangtian City have long been overcrowded.  Millions of people want to escape from here, it will not happen overnight.  "Hey, move quickly, we've been parked here for half an hour!" Beep, beep.  Didi!  The drivers were honking their horns almost to death, but the road was so blocked that it was impossible to clear the road.  Big trucks, small trucks, big cars, small cars, vans, tricycles, wow, even buses are among them, there are so many cars!  These vehicles gather from various roads in the city, but the roads leading out of the city are obviously very sparse and cannot accommodate so many vehicles.  Behind the scenes, Mitsuda City is trembling, and monsters are fighting.  The burning fire over there dyed half of the night sky red.  The citizens were so panicked that they rushed to escape.  There are also many reporters filming live broadcasts here.  Great chaos in Guangtian City.  It has evolved into a very serious issue.  And what frightens people is that the huge monsters are confronting each other in a sea of ??smoke and ashes.  "Don't make any noise. Don't forget the purpose of our coming here!" The fast-spinning Terror Killer Beast swept everything, came on stage, and said loudly.  Its sound was very loud, and the fleeing citizens far away on the edge of the city also heard it.  "Wow, hurry up and go!" People suddenly became even more frightened.  This also directly led to more traffic chaos.  There was a complete breakdown of order.  Three fire scorpions, a poisonous bat, and a spiny snapping turtle, a total of five monsters came from the hostile forces, Lin Lie believed.  With so many giant monsters coming together, they can level Guangtian City in the blink of an eye.     but.  Can the big crab handle it alone?  Lin Lie had probably guessed the answer, which was of course impossible.  No matter how powerful it is.  It is also difficult for two fists to defeat four hands.  The Terror Killer Beast stood in front of the four monsters and said: "You are all useless guys! You have come so many and you can't even complete a small task!" The Black Bat Poison Beast is getting angry, "  Go, how do you know I haven¡¯t completed the task! I haven¡¯t even started yet!¡± ¡°Yes!¡± said the third child of Fire Scorpion.  At this time, the boss of Fire Scorpion also spoke, "Smelly Old Turtle, you, why are you here?" "Why do you think I came? It's not because you are all so useless! But" Terror Killing Beast  Suddenly the conversation changed and he asked: "Why are you not dead yet? And the fighting hasn't started yet. That's strange. Do we all have to die today?" "What are you talking about? There are so many of us, how can we complete even a small task?  ?Can¡¯t do it!  Let's all go together and kill that stupid crab first!  "The third fire scorpion said arrogantly. He had a grudge against his tail being cut short, so he couldn't wait to take revenge. So the five giant monsters united as one. They had the same purpose and the same goal.  Therefore, they began to stare at the big crab not far away with vicious eyes. Facing the five powerful enemies, the big crab did not show any panic.  Even though the expression appeared, it could not be seen on its shell. It calmly said to the five big guys: "Are you all here? Are you going together or alone?  " "Ouch, your tone is really not small!  "The fearful beast said. The second child of Fire Scorpion laughed: "Hahahaha, of course we will go together!  We have this advantage and you have this disadvantage. Why should we waste our advantages!  Come on guys!  " With the shout of the third fire scorpion, the five giant beasts immediately took action. "Bang, bang, bang the earth immediately screamed. The billowing dust danced wildly, and the buildings, streets, and the earth all collapsed quickly. The black bats  The poisonous beast was the first to bear the brunt. It opened its broad bat wings and danced with a gust of wind. It roared and flew towards the big crab. At the same time, it quickly grabbed the big crab's eyes with its spear-like claws.  The big crab quickly raised its super-large pliers and clamped the big wings of the black bat poisonous beast. Then, it violently swung it in the distance! The wings of the black bat poisonous beast were torn off immediately.  The body was not very heavy, but it was still thousands of tons. It was thrown out like a stone, and it knocked down countless buildings. The Terror Beast took advantage of the big crab's unpreparedness and attacked it fiercely.  They collided. Boom! There was a loud noise, and the ground was torn open, and the ruins of the building fell in.  The turtle shell knocked its body crooked, but it still took advantage of the chaos and attacked. It used its huge pincers to pinch the head of the killing beast. No matter how hard the head of the killing beast was, it would be hit.  It cut off its head with pliers. However, the Terror Beast was not afraid at all. At the critical moment, it suddenly retracted its head into the turtle shell, and then at the critical moment, it stretched out its head like lightning.  . Using saw blade-like teeth, it bit the giant crab's claws hard. The claws of the giant crab were protected by a very strong carapace. It was not only extremely destructive, but also had extremely high defense.  It bites, but the opponent uses this to control its actions. One of its pincers is bitten and it cannot attack smoothly. The impact is not small. At this time, the boss of the fire scorpion pounces ferociously and rides on it.  It hit the big crab's body and hit it on the head. The second child of the fire scorpion also followed and started to attack the eight thin legs of the big crab. The third child of the fire scorpion was the most impulsive, and it wanted to take revenge.  Damn it, he used his two claws to prick the big crab's eyes. In the distance, the black bat beast climbed up from the ruins. It lost half of its wings, but the place where it was lost was actually moving very fast.  The black bat poisonous beast is known as the undead bat, and is also known as the "unkillable little strong". This is all because of its extremely strong vitality and its powerful regenerative cells.  It will never be killed. It didn't take long for the black bat to regenerate its wings. It screamed and flew into the air. Lin Lie watched the big crab being beaten from a distance.  He was very angry and wanted to rush to help. But the black bat poisonous beast suddenly flew towards him and rushed towards it.  Called: ¡°Little guy.  Run!  "It wanted to go to support, but both of its pincers were bitten. The boss of the fire scorpion kept spitting out blazing fire on its back, burning its whole body. The second and third scorpions of the fire were also there.  Tangled with it, it was really difficult to escape. Looking at the unprecedented battle, "Brave" looked very excited and nervous in front of the camera. She wanted to speak several times, but her mouth opened.  But she couldn't find a good adjective. And her opponent, the female reporter in the "Fearless" news helicopter, had much better language organization skills than her. "Oh my God!  She said: "Oh, the earth has been ravaged into gravel. Five monsters are working together to besiege the big crab."  They use the Imperial Park as a gladiatorial arena and the Cross Tower as a weapon. This place has been completely reduced toIt's a ruin, but their battle has just begun, my God!  Please allow me to sigh.  Here, I would like to mention by the way that the military has just sent us a message asking us to evacuate this place as soon as possible.  I am very happy about this, but also very sad. It seems that the military is finally going to take big action.  But we don¡¯t know what the result will be, so please wait and see!  " Lin Lie was already in deep trouble at this time. The poisonous black bat beast rushed towards him viciously. He had clearly seen that guy's wings being torn off by the claws of the big crab before, but now it was intact.  ! Lin Lie didn¡¯t know how to deal with the danger before him, and he didn¡¯t know what happened today. Why would there be so many monsters appearing together? Will there be any more monsters? He really wanted to rush forward and fight side by side with the big crab, but the fact was that  He cannot protect himself (to be continued).
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