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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Godzilla Reborn

Text Chapter 189 Trap

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    The eyes and attention of people all over the world follow the "Intrepid" news helicopter flying in the sky.  The camera follows Godzilla, heading towards the sea.  ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????OUT out of the blue, Godzilla didn't intend to stay long after defeating the two giant bugs, and it didn't show its destructiveness. It seemed that it wanted to return to the sea quickly.  Although this ending is not very good, it is still good.  Sitting in the bus, Emily secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She really hoped that everything would end here.  She deeply hoped that Godzilla would never appear again.  Fa En also relaxed after seeing that scene.  As he expected, Godzilla did not destroy the city again after his victory, at least not intentionally.  If the result was not like this, but it was defeated by those two big bugs, then the situation would definitely be quite bad.  Of course he also wanted the murderers of his two sons to be punished, but he also didn't want to see his city destroyed.  Under the tracking of the camera, you can see Godzilla on his way back, but suddenly, his huge body stopped at an intersection, and his whole body was motionless.  A large, looming white cover suddenly appeared in that place, and Godzilla was completely surrounded.  There was a trap set at that turntable-shaped intersection!  And what¡¯s unimaginable is that there are actually traps in this world that can catch Godzilla!  It¡¯s impossible not to be shocked.  The female reporter in front of the camera said: "Oh my God, look, Godzilla has been captured alive. It's unbelievable. Unknown equipment is installed in all the four buildings next to the carousel. Those equipment were installed when Godzilla walked in."  After being caught in the trap, it was opened at the same time. While the glass of the building was shattered, Godzilla was caught in the middle of the action. You can see that Godzilla took his right foot and was about to lift it.  The left foot was moving, and then the whole movement suddenly stopped, it was amazing. "It's really amazing!  Lin Lie knew this very well.  He couldn't move his whole body.  He even found that his blood had stopped flowing, his heartbeat and breathing had stopped, and even his nerve reactions had become extremely sluggish.  Decreasing rapidly.  "Howhow did it happen" Think about this problem.  Lin Lie spent a lot of effort.  His vision also became extremely slow, and the surrounding landscape gradually became frozen.  There are changes from beginning to end.  Even the sound is the same. No sound waves can be heard here, and no breath can be smelled.  There is no way of knowing whether the temperature is cold or hot.  ¡° Moreover, the flow of internal energy in the body almost came to a standstill.  This world has changed, and he found that this is no longer the original world.  Everything was very different, and he was trapped inside, cut off from the outside world.  At this moment, Lin Lie couldn't help but panic.  Even this panic came very slowly.  Godzilla was caught like this, which surprised everyone.  Of course most people will be happy about this. Godzilla finally poses a serious threat to mankind, so people are happy to see this.  However, they wanted to know more about how those scientists captured Godzilla.  There was no military presence here at first, but within minutes after Godzilla was captured, the army appeared here, and large forces were gathering around.  The Intrepid news helicopter stopped in an open grassland, and then the crew on it rushed to one of the four buildings.  Fortunately, the scene has not been blocked by the military, and several reporters successfully entered the building.  The first thing they saw was the wires, engines and oil drums all over the ground.  The female reporter said to the audience around the world in front of the camera: "I believe this should be the power source of those mysterious devices like satellite pots." "The engine is rumbling, just like my heartbeat.  , I really don¡¯t know if Godzilla outside will suddenly riot. " "These wires are really thick. I think those devices must consume a lot of power. As long as we follow these wires, we can quickly.  Find those devices." Soon, the news team carrying cameras and wireless network equipment, headed by the female reporter, quickly went upstairs, and soon they found such a device.  It was an office with very good lighting, but all the office facilities inside had been cleaned up quickly.  Instead, there is a lot of complicated wiring and scientific equipment.  There were two scientific workers standing inside, looking atThey were not young at all, and one of them had half-white hair.  When they saw the reporters arriving, they quickly said: "You can't come in, please leave quickly!" The female reporter apologized repeatedly: "I am very sorry, but there are more than nine people watching this scene in front of the camera, so please  Can you please generously allow us to know some relevant information? The audience is looking forward to your speech." Then, the camera immediately focused on the two scientists.  They hesitated for a moment, then tilted their heads, "Okay," one of the older ones said.  "If you have any questions, except for military secrets, I will try my best to satisfy you." To be honest, no one can remain calm when standing in the eyes of people with more than nine figures.  Both scientists were already very excited. They were obviously not as calm as the reporters who made a living by speaking.  The female reporter asked: "As I want to know, everyone must be very curious, how did you catch it?" "It? Does it refer to Godzilla outside the window?" The scientist was obviously too nervous.  This nonsense is also said so seriously.  The reporter nodded and said: "Yes, it's unbelievable. How did you do it? You are so great!" "Thank you for the compliment," the younger scientist said, "Actually, we didn't expect it to go so smoothly at the beginning.  , the military didn't pay attention to our operation at all. We deployed this trap in obscurity, and then after Godzilla stepped into this range, we turned on dozens of such devices at the same time.  It was successfully trapped in the space inside. "So, why is this device of yours able to do this? Oh my god, what's so great about these devices?"  Ask about what people are concerned about.  The older scientist replied: "This kind of equipment can change the structure of space. Godzilla is not simply trapped in it, and the looming white mask that everyone sees is exactly what is released by these devices."  . These devices changed the space structure inside, making it very abnormal. In fact, the name of this defense system was not science fiction.  The light curtain defense system in the movie. I dare not say that it is impossible to use light curtains, but at least from a physical point of view, it is very, very difficult to achieve, but our thing can do it.  That kind of super defense. It can defend against attacks from various artillery shells and missiles. However, this device cannot be used in military applications because it must form a complete circle.  , it can operate. And things within the encirclement will lose the ability to move. Because the space structure inside and outside are different, they cannot be related to each other. Nothing can go in, and nothing can come out. Therefore.  Only then can we create extraordinary defense power.¡± The scientist¡¯s words were so exciting that the female reporter almost didn¡¯t understand.  But she understood the last few words.  "In other words, even though you have captured it, you can't go in and hurt it?" "It can be said that," the scientist said: "From another perspective, it is in a super defense.  Nothing can harm it. But at the same time, we have no way to move it. "Oh, my God!" the female reporter said in surprise, "That is, if you don't release it."  So it will stay here forever?" The scientist nodded in agreement.  Then he said: "Maybe this will become an exhibition hall, maybe not. But no matter what, this place will be strictly controlled by the military." This time the live news broadcast has come to an end for the time being.  But another news immediately made the audience active again.  "According to observatories and satellite photography around the world, scientists have discovered a large number of saucer-shaped aircraft suspected to be flying saucers, leaving the atmosphere at ultra-high speeds and flying into outer space. This phenomenon has aroused strong concern from all parties, and the defense ministries of various countries have already  There have been intensive discussions on this matter, but there is no result yet. The following are the pictures captured by the satellite. The viewers in front of the TV quickly browsed the latest satellite photos and short videos.  As can be seen from above, many fluorescent saucer-shaped flying objects are leaving the atmosphere very quickly.  It seems that the appearance of monsters is not the only miracle today, even flying saucers came out to join in the fun.  People are still concerned about the development of the Godzilla incident. When the camera jumps back again, people see that the turntable-shaped intersection has been blocked by the military. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Tanks at the station blocked all the streets and alleys, and the sky was full of armed helicopters. Soldiers were guarding the nearby buildings, and weapons and equipment were installed everywhere.  Godzilla is closely guarded. It seems that the military is very afraid of being attacked here.  It would be bad if someone released Godzilla.  The danger in the city has basically been lifted, and citizens poured out of the air-raid shelters. Many people wanted to watch Godzilla and see that sci-fi scene.  But the military has blocked all nearby streets and high-rise buildings, and is heavily guarded here, so no one can get close.  Almost everyone knows that Godzilla was captured.  Some people began to predict that Godzilla¡¯s companion, the assembled monster, might appear and rescue Godzilla.  Sure enough, this prediction soon became a reality.  Some citizens found a tabby cat running on the roof of a building on the edge of the city.  The military quickly learned about the situation, immediately strengthened the guard against Godzilla, and sent force to intercept the assembled monster.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!
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