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Text Chapter 362 The Creator!

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    Bang!  Seizing the moment, Wei Wu crushed the crystal. Suddenly, Wei Wu felt an arrogance that soared to the nine heavens, bathed in thunder and lightning, and wanted to defy the sky and turn into a dragon, soaring out of his heart.  That aura and energy were so huge that they shook his soul. His entire sky was like a big drum beating like crazy, and a huge roar erupted.  In an instant, several times the cells in his body split out, and then they were wrapped in layers of energy, burning violently, sacrificing, and boiling.  Groups of energy balls rose up, entered his brain, and merged with the Sky God Fetus. The Sky God Fetus looked up to the sky and roared furiously.  By this time, Wei Wu could already feel that a huge network in his body was tightly trapping his mind and body.  The network is the barrier that prevents him from advancing to the realm. It is unbreakable. If he wants to break through, he can only continuously strengthen his strength and increase it crazily until the network is completely torn apart.  The flames burned, and the colorful flames soared into the sky in his brain. Through his brain and scalp, his brain seemed to be on fire.  "Ah" Wei Wu roared loudly, the sound echoing through thousands of miles, like a dragon's roar. He took a step forward, and his body almost turned into a translucent state.  Countless ancient runes shot out and re-entered his body like a downpour. The soul was sacrificed and began to nourish the body in turn.  Yin and Yang, soul and soul, the fusion and interweaving of the two life forms were so overwhelming that his strength was doubled.  In the Dzogchen realm, the pinnacle of the All Saint Realm, under almost impossible circumstances, he forcibly doubled his strength. His soul, the God of the Sky, picked up flowers and smiled, simple and innocent.  "Kill, his strength has improved again, damn it!" Tiefutu's expression changed continuously from behind, almost regretting his mistake, and with a violent roar, he exerted his strength to the limit and chased Wei Wu's body crazily.  At the same time, the roaring dragon horse also regretted constantly. The horse's face was pulled into a long face, and flames were wrapped around every scale on its body. Its four hooves stepped into the air, and countless blue lights were trampled into pieces.  Roar!  The dragon horse roared, and a flash of lightning shot out from the forked dragon horns above his head, breaking through the void and falling on Wei Wu's body.  But before Roaring Dragon Horse and Iron Buddha Tu were happy, all the thunder and lightning actually spun into whirlpools one after another and submerged into Wei Wu's body. Not only did they not cause any harm, they actually enhanced Wei Wu's strength.  This situation is driving Roaring Dragon Horse crazy.  "Hurry up and tell me the second way!" Wei Wu yelled.  "The second way is to rush into the Zhuxian Demon Palace." The little fox's eyes were bright, exuding strong self-confidence, "The Zhuxian Demon Palace is the supreme secret realm built by the Zhuxian Demon Emperor after the Nine Heavens Immortal Palace. The space inside  Overlapping, densely packed, one step is a thousand miles. Once inside, the two of them can't catch up with you at all. Then we can break through the realm inside. Once we break through the seventh level of the real person realm, hehe, I believe that with the strength of the eldest brother,  Even if we can't defeat them, we won't be in such a mess. ""Okay, let's rush into the Zhuxian Demon Palace!" Wei Wu laughed, turned his body, and rushed towards the sky, with countless blue haloes.  Being shattered by the impact, Wei Wu felt as if his body had been cut by a knife, dripping with blood. Even the doomsday iron armor could not withstand the impact of this energy, and he was seriously injured.  "No, he's going to rush into the Zhuxian Demon Palace, so we can't catch up with him. Once he breaks through the realm, we will definitely die!" Roaring Dragon Horse roared, the sound was comparable to a dragon's roar, he knew Wei Wu too well  Now, Wei Wu can compete with them from his current state. He really can't imagine what it will be like once Wei Wu breaks through the state.  Tiefutu's face was also extremely ugly. He shook the vacuum tower with his hands and flew up, hitting Wei Wu in the back.  Boom!  The sky collapsed and the earth shattered, the nine heavens collapsed, and countless energy waves surged. Originally, Wei Wu felt that it was difficult for him to continue to attack and enter the Zhuxian Demon Palace.  But the Iron Buddha Tower shook. Although he was hit hard at the end and his spine was almost broken, at the last moment.  Under the energy of the vacuum realm, the entire icy blue sky was torn apart with an extremely fine crack, just enough for him to pass through.  The moment Wei Wu passed through, the cracks healed instantly.  Boom!  Like a dream, at this momentWu Wu felt that his body was shrinking infinitely, without any feeling, but he just found that his body was shrinking, shrinking, and continuing to shrink.  Shrunk into eggs, shrunk into dust.  At the same time, he felt that on both sides of his eyes, countless scenes were stretched extremely long in an instant, and the long length changed into an eternal strip of light.  It seems quiet but not quiet!  A kind of eternal flight, almost time flowing backward, time passing by his ears at a reversing speed, before his eyes like a huge kaleidoscope, disappearing quickly, flashing out quickly.  This feeling of being unable to control oneself is so wonderful. Wei Wu felt that at this moment, he was deeply intoxicated, as if he would never reach the end.  A feeling of being like light and dust, a feeling of moving at the same speed as time filled the depths of his heart. He knew that there was nothing faster than this speed in the world.  No matter how fast you go, he will jump into the eternal black hole abyss, and then become completely invisible. This world cannot bear higher speeds, and this world will completely destroy you because of faster speeds.  If you want faster speed and more powerful energy, there is only one place that can bear it, and that is the Immortal Court above the Nine Heavens, the Immortal Space, and the Hell World that is equally powerful as the Immortal Space.  The thought was solidified, and the moment was eternity. A kind of real gold immortality, the perception that time is with me, collapsed in an instant, and the next moment, he was standing in a great place.  This place may really only be comparable to the Immortal Court above the Nine Heavens.  This is the real Zhuxian Demon Palace!  Bang!  The clouds and fog in the sky cleared, and a vast palace appeared. It was extremely gorgeous, with bricks and green tiles, carved corridors and caves. It was magnificent. The architecture was magnificent and simple and elegant.  ??The hall is supported by big red coiled dragon pillars. On the pillars, golden dragon-shaped patterns are flying with scales and claws, clouds are forming, and lightning is thundering.  In the square, there are statues more than ten feet high. Each statue is an image of an ancient immortal. He wears loose clothes, big sleeves fluttering, a sword hanging from his waist, and a golden Yu in his hand.  Boom!  Wei Wu opened his eyes and looked around. At this moment, there was a sound of thunder in the sky. He immediately looked over and found that the Iron Buddha Tu and the Roaring Dragon Horse exploded into the void at the same time and entered here.  But the environment here is very weird, and it is impossible for them to appear near him.  "They have also come in. Let's find the Creation Supervisor quickly, otherwise it will be too late." Wei Wu yelled.  The Creator Supervisor is likely to have the existence of Cathay Divine Iron. Once the Creator Supervisor is captured by these two people, he will have almost no chance to obtain this treasure again.  Cathay Divine Iron is so rare that it is not even found in the Chaos Dragon Cave. Only in this ancient immortal's palace can there be a slight possibility.  Of course, if Iron Buddha and Roaring Dragon Horse really ransacked the Creation Prison in front of him, he could only find an opportunity to kill them, but this was also very dangerous, because once the Cathay Divine Iron was obtained by the opponent, it would probably be wasted.  , once it is wasted, he will never have another chance.  "This is Fenghua Prison. The characters on the main hall are ancient immortal inscriptions. According to the immortal world, Fenghua Prison is the place where clothes are designed for the immortals. Let's quickly bypass this hall." "Let's go to the place where clothes are designed!  " Wei Wu sneered, and quickly went around, passing through the beautiful palaces, the Heavenly Soldiers Prison, the Divine Medicine Prison, the Heavenly Mansion Prison, and the Beast Control Prison  In the past, there were almost a hundred halls, but no creation supervisor was found. Wei Wu was sweating on his face. Not only was he nervous, but more importantly, this place was too big.  It¡¯s so vast!  A large hall covers an area of ??more than a thousand acres and has a pleasant scenery. Various magical plants are planted here, all of which are exquisite products from ancient times. The air is warm and moist, exuding strong energy of heaven and earth.  Although this kind of energy of heaven and earth is not the immortal energy of the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, its quality is very high, and the energy in it is extremely huge, with a mixture of Taoism and demons.  Suddenly, a strong wave of stars, geomagnetism, and plant essences spread from a distance, and Wei Wu's face immediately lit up with joy.  "I found it. Turn left three hundred and sixty-five miles, and you will find the Creation Supervisor. There are so powerful material energy fluctuations, meteorite iron, earth magnetism, and all kinds of genius and treasures. There are too many to mention."  The fox screamed. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Wei Wu moved his body lightly, quickly changed direction, and ran towards the palace on the left. The mountain peaks were verdant, lush, old trees were rooted, and spiritual beasts were running around.  ??The mountains were shrouded in clouds and mist, and everything was changing. I walked hundreds of kilometers forward, and suddenly the spiritual energy around me suddenlyIt's more than a hundred times stronger.  Then a black and white peak appeared in his eyes. The black and white energy on the peak was swirling like a dragon and python, the atmosphere was puffing, and crystal snowflakes fell from the sky.  The air is extremely cold, and the cold breath will freeze your heart even if you are a master of the third level of the Real Realm.  Wei Wu immediately braved the wind and snow and continued to move forward, sneaking for more than a hundred miles in the wind and snow, when suddenly a gorgeous palace stood on the top of the mountain.  The palace was filled with empty spirits and wind, and black clouds were rolling in. The whole palace seemed to be carved and condensed from a large block of black ice, exuding an extremely cold air.  ¡°And Wei Wu could vaguely feel that there was a fierce roar of wild beasts, spreading from the depths of the palace, like a dragon¡¯s roar.
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