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Text 1154 The coach is cheating

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    Because Lin Youde went out, the Potsdam Defense Exhibition in 1964 was scheduled to fall.  Needless to say, the highlight of this defense exhibition is Lin Youde¡¯s next-generation heavy air superiority fighter.  Lin Youde actually confirmed the existence of this kind of fighter through his daughter, so all countries came over in a hurry, wanting to verify the combat effectiveness of this fighter in person - to say the least, even looking at a model of this aircraft is good.  , you can at least go back and copy a model and put it in your own wind tunnel to test the aerodynamic effect.  However, after the defense exhibition started, no one saw any models on the Lin Group¡¯s booth, nor did they see this aircraft that has attracted worldwide attention on the tarmac of the Von Braun Air Force Base, which was the venue.  On the tarmac with the F106 freedom fighter fighter sent by the United States to participate in the exhibition.  The F106 in this time and space is very different from the F106 in another time and space in all aspects. It is a next-generation fighter specially developed by the U.S. Air Force after learning from the lessons learned from the battle with the German Volunteer Flying Team in the Persian Gulf. The Americans passed through the Persian Gulf.  war, we also understand the direction in which future heavy-duty air superiority fighters will develop: future air superiority fighters should have enough space to install electronic systems, should have a large enough engine with twin engines, and should have enough supply of these two  A "glutton of fuel" fuel tanks, all of which require more space.  So the F106 is also a heavy-duty aircraft, with a maximum take-off weight of 28 tons, almost the same as Lin Youde's Eagle.  But Americans are obviously not fashionable enough when it comes to aerodynamic shapes. The United States in this time and space is not led by the impossible aerodynamic shapes of overhead machines that Lin Youde drew. After all, there are many things in Lin Youde's drawings.  As soon as you put it in the wind tunnel, you will know that it is nonsense.  Like another time and space, the Americans manufactured a series of test aircraft with numbers beginning with "X" (this is a habit in American aircraft research, technical demonstrator aircraft begin with X, while prototypes of combat-oriented models begin with Y).  Americans have experimented with various new wings and aerodynamic shapes of the entire aircraft, and even tested flying wing and canard aircraft.  Then the American F106 actually adopted a triangular rear-mounted main wing layout, with a fully-moving canard arranged in front of the main wing.  Lin Youde's expression was very subtle after seeing the photos of the F106 test flight.  Isn¡¯t this the most familiar aerodynamic layout for locals from another time and space?  It¡¯s so ironic that I copied all the Yankees¡¯ fashionable styles, and my opponent, the Yankees, actually started playing with canards and delta wings!  What the hell is this!  And the shape looks very much like an enlarged double-haired version of the Gripen.  ¡°Could it be that if this time and space continues to develop, there will be a magical scene where the J-20 created by the Americans will fight against the F22 created by the Chinese Lin Youde?  No, it should be impossible. Lin Youde prefers YF23. The prototype of YF22 in his hands will not become the final winner of the tender.  So when this time and space develops to the end, what will happen may be the J-20 vs. F23.  If you think about it carefully, the F23 with its standard green nose, white fuselage and red air intake paint seems to be very different - By the way, in this time and space, the German Air Force's traditional yellow nose is placed on the F23's sci-fi fuselage  It seems very subtle, but once you accept these settings, you will feel that it all makes sense In any case, the large Gripen with the cool and high-definition paint of the United States is squatting at the stop.  On the ground, because the eagle did not come, the griffin became the focus of everyone's attention.  It also lived up to expectations. In the first five days of the defense exhibition for professionals, the F106 killed all participating fighter jets in simulated battles, including the Super Phantom Ultimate Magic Modified Limited Edition Pure Gold Luminous Flash Card Edition, demonstrating its powerful air combat maneuverability.  ¡ª¡ªThe Americans will of course have reservations about electronic systems. In fact, the simulation battle setting at the defense exhibition is not suitable for displaying electronic systems. What the two sides are competing for is pure air combat capabilities.  After all, the electronic system can be upgraded and modified in various ways, but the flight performance is not good, and subsequent improvements are only minor changes. If the performance itself is not good, no matter how you improve it, the improvement will be limited.  Even if Shen Hoy installs a vector propulsion nozzle and an F135 engine on Ba Ye, it won't be able to do anything - Ba Ye may really be able to fight a dozen F15s if he changes it like this later The Americans are very satisfied, they seem to have foreseen it.  Orders and money are rolling in.  The head of the U.S. delegation to the exhibition publicly stated: ¡°We welcome the countries of the Alliance of Human Revolution to purchase F106. Of course, because we have different positions on certain issues, we must make some modifications to the F106s sold, but we guarantee that the countries of the Alliance of Human Revolution will  The F106 purchased is the same as that purchased by U.S. allies. "The subtext of this statement is too obvious. As long as any country participating in the defense exhibition has an IQ, they will know how Lin Youde exploited the Arabs. There is no reason for the Americans not to follow suit.  ??The countries of the Human Innovation Alliance stretched their necks and waited for Lin Youde'sHe appeared to boost the confidence of his allies, but until the last day of the non-opening day, Lin Youde's eagle did not appear in the sky over Potsdam.  So for a while, rumors spread, that the Eagle had a decisive flaw, that the only prototype crashed, and all kinds of theories appeared.  Just like that, the first day of the public open day has arrived.  Almost no professionals are present on this day, but "non-professionals" with high status such as heads of state will come in at this time to join in the fun with the public - otherwise the public will think that this defense exhibition is a big name  I can't see how low the level is.  Most heads of state are willing to give Lin Youde a face and stand up for defense in front of the public.  Lin Youde himself also appeared at the defense exhibition, accompanied by Xiaolu as a guard.  All parties immediately began to interpret this information: Lin Youde's daughter Nia is relatively free, so Lin Youde usually takes Nia with him when he goes out, or he takes his wife Lidya, who is relatively free, or Yi, who writes books and has freer control of his time.  Sabella.  Bringing Xiaolu out may be a signal.  So a bunch of professionals who were analyzing the information collected in the previous few days at the hotel rushed to Von Braun Air Force Base non-stop. There was an F106 flight show on the first day of the opening day. Maybe that guy likes all kinds of dramatic developments.  Will do something extraordinary during the F106 flight demonstration time.  By the time the F106 slid onto the runway, experts from various countries were already in place, and professional photographers also set up cameras with huge high-performance wide-angle lenses.  Many people immediately discovered that there was a long pod hanging under the fuselage of the American F106, which may be a camera cabin. It seems that the Americans are also looking forward to a direct encounter with the eagle.  But there are different voices.  Retired British Air Force Major General Hamilton doesn¡¯t think the eagle will come out.  "Since you have hired me as a consultant, I have to tell you something straight." He told his British employer, "The German army is very superstitious about the theory of energy air combat. In the later stages of the war, they were so superstitious that energy did not have the advantage.  I would never fight you. If not, our army would have lost more aircraft in the last three years of the war. Like this kind of superstition, German designers are also very superstitious about certain performance of their aircraft.  It has good rolling performance, good vertical maneuverability, and is extremely good in both climb and dive, but the price paid is the lack of horizontal maneuverability. I fought in the air more than 300 times in World War II, and never hovered.  The Germans took advantage of me." Hamilton pointed to the sky: "The flight altitude of this air show is so low. I think it reaches the sky when it reaches three thousand meters. If the Germans are here to fight, they will.  They will enter from an altitude of more than five thousand meters and use their body's certainly excellent vertical maneuvering energy to carry out repeated dive attacks. Then they will definitely win, but that won't show how good their Eagle is, right?"  "What if they enter from the same height?" asked the young man who looked like a technician. Others were obviously listening to Hamilton, who had his chest decorated with medals.  "Then the Americans can use circling to defeat the Germans." Hamilton shook his head, "Air combat relies on brains, especially simulated air combat. As long as you occupy the superior shooting position, you will be judged to score. The driver's shooting skills and the artillery will be judged.  Accuracy has no effect, so winning the simulated air battle only depends on your brain, and my brain and experience tell me that the Germans-" Hamilton stopped suddenly, squinting and staring at the sky in the distance.  .  Although he was old, the old pilot¡¯s eyes were still as sharp and vicious as an eagle. He saw the approaching black spot before everyone else.  "The Germans are coming." He said, "Let's see the result." The large machine silhouette with black paint and yellow nose rushed towards this side.  The F106 in the air apparently also discovered the intruder, and it immediately turned to prepare to meet the enemy.  /p> The noses of both sides are aligned with each other. This alignment will cause both sides to obtain a "shootdown" from each other. However, since they obtain it at the same time, it is estimated that the referees on the ground will write this down off the scoreboard -  ¡ªThe premise is that there is actually a referee team on the ground judging the results of the simulated air battle.  In the flash of lightning, the two fighter jets passed each other. The Americans rolled the lever and entered the circle without hesitation, while the Germans - Hamilton originally thought that the Germans might pull up and perform an Immelmann maneuver to gain some altitude advantage.  .  But the Germans also cut into the circle.  "Oh my God." Hamilton exclaimed in a low voice.  Because he could see at a glance how much overload G force the Eagle was currently experiencing. Due to the large overload maneuver, the Eagle's wings began to "smoke", which was actually turbulence caused by the maneuver.It causes the air pressure in the area to distort and change, and the water vapor in the area liquefies to form water mist. The water mist looks like a white cloak hanging behind it.  In this simple and crude way, the eagle directly bit the tail of the F106 without any fancy movements.  "The Americans are going to cry." Hamilton said softly, "It's just like a heavyweight boxer competing against a lightweight boxer. The difference in weight alone can determine the outcome."
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