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Text 1152 I made a mistake

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    "Nuclear bombs also have optical radiation, right?" Xiaolu directly pointed out the error in Lin Youde's explanation, "Although the energy of optical radiation is much less than electromagnetic radiation, you can't ignore it, dad." "Your dad is  It's normal for liberal arts students to get this kind of question wrong." Lin Youde shrugged disapprovingly, "Anyway, it's generally correct. Since there is no medium such as air in the universe, shock waves cannot be generated and propagated, so the kinetic energy caused by the nuclear bomb explosion.  The damage is almost zero, mainly electromagnetic and optical radiation. Because the nuclear bomb itself radiates light in all directions, the optical radiation that reaches the target is limited. At most, it only causes high temperatures on the surface of the space station, and the light emitted by the nuclear bomb cannot continue to shine.  Therefore, it cannot damage the surface of the space station. During the ground test, the optical radiation of the nuclear bomb also caused some exposed low-ignition point materials to flash, right? " "Yes, it will not ignite materials with higher ignition points. In addition, it  The range that can directly ignite the human body is also very limited. It will be ineffective beyond a certain range." Charlotte frowned after answering, "You are trying to tempt me to reveal the data of our nuclear test." "Don't make trouble.  Are you trying to trick you into disclosing this kind of data? "Lin Youde's words made Charlotte nod: "That's why you just revealed it.  There are so many words, just to express one meaning: We in the United States cannot kill your big guys with nuclear bombs, right? " "Yes, the best result you can achieve is to disable all the electronic equipment above, but we  Designed to military standards, not only do all electronic equipment have anti-electromagnetic devices, we also have a mechanical system as a backup. Even if electromagnetic waves successfully destroy the electronic system, the space station can still rely on the mechanical system to operate until it is sent up to the ground.  "That means it is also a military space station." Lin Youde shrugged: "Yes, there is nothing to admit. In fact, it is expected that our future space transportation capacity will be placed on this thing.  In terms of construction, in addition to launching necessary communication and reconnaissance satellites, we plan to install a series of other facilities such as space laboratories and space interception systems in this large space station, so it will include both scientific research facilities and civilian facilities.  It is a hybrid space station with facilities and military facilities. " "It seems that we have to seriously consider how to destroy it." Charlotte said very bluntly, "We consider this reason and you to equip it with a military-grade protection system.  The reason is the same. "It's so difficult for people to trust each other," Lin Youde said.  "Yes, it is already difficult between people, but it will only be even more difficult between countries." Charlotte immediately agreed, "I even doubt that there will be a state of complete trust between countries.  It will probably never happen to integrate human beings into a whole." Lin Youde shrugged: "Have you watched my new movie "The End of Childhood"? "No, I already know enough about your thoughts.  "I don't want to spend time watching these brainwashing entertainment films you filmed." Lin Youde shrugged: "If you have time, please take a look. I don't remember if I told you the thoughts I expressed in the film."  , if I said it before, it¡¯s good for you to watch it as a purely entertainment film. I heard that you work 19 hours a day recently and you push yourself too hard. It¡¯s good to relax. There are many new things when you relax.  Ideas will appear, and maybe there is a solution to the problem you are facing." Charlotte shrugged disapprovingly.  "We'd better come have a drink." She said, "Drinking is one of the ways to relax, isn't it? It seems good to catch up with you now." It seems that the purpose of Charlotte's appointment this time is to find out what Lin Youde is doing.  What she was doing on the synchronous orbit, it seemed that she accepted Lin Youde's statement and believed that the purpose of the appointment was achieved, and the remaining time could be spent easily.  In other words, the situation that Lin Youde expected, in which Charlotte mistook the things on the track for something else because she thought too much, did not happen.  This made Lin Youde a little unhappy, so he said: "Ms. Roosevelt, don't you have anything to say about the Tower of Babylon we are building?" "No, I think this is a very good idea, and we may have to do it again in the future.  Let's borrow your orbital elevator to launch satellites." Lin Youde stared at Charlotte for a few seconds and asked tentatively again: "Aren't the Americans planning to build their own orbital elevator?" "I just said it, we are.  We don't think there's going to be enough technology to build this thing in the next thirty years. Besides, there's no way we could invest in such a project.How much profit can be achieved?  I'm afraid it won't be too much, right?  " Lin Youde shook his head: "Yes, at least in the first ten years of construction, there won't be too many, because there are really no resources in space that can be transported back and sold to make money, and it is impossible to rely on elevators in ten years.  A space industrial chain has been formed, so after the elevator is built, it may be a pure loss for a long time. Not only can it not make money, but a lot of money must be spent to maintain the operation of the elevator.  " "That's right. It's impossible for us in the United States to build such a thing, and we won't even spend money to do a feasibility assessment.  When you build it, the council and the capitalists behind it will start to evaluate the feasibility of this thing. When you start to make a profit, they will wake up from their dreams and speed up the construction.  This is the normal behavior of a capital-controlled society.  "Charlotte paused and added: "Howard has always wanted to persuade Congress to pay attention to your expansion in space. He painted a very grim future picture for the adults in Congress. In that future, you completely control the governance.  He has the right to the universe, and through this right he is able to dominate the world, but few people seem to agree with him, so he is now planning to do it himself.  " Lin Youde smiled. Fox's intelligence agents also knew something about Howard Stark. Stark told congressmen and leaders of large consortiums that Lin Youde could destroy the communication network by shooting down communication satellites. As a result, congressmen and consortium bosses actually  Said: ¡°Didn¡¯t our communications work very well without satellites?  " Lin Youde thought that he had to change himself. He was going to explode when he heard this. The so-called meat-eaters are incapable of far-sightedness. It seems that this is also quite common among the ruling classes of capitalist countries. "Mr. Stark is a sincerely loyal person.  American people.  Lin Youde could only say this, "It's a pity that he can't defeat me alone."  " "Yeah, so he got Maribelle.  "Charlotte replied calmly. (The Taj Mahal is in India. Damn it, this is not the first time I have made this mistake. Although I have been corrected several times, after a while, I accidentally put it back.  Throw it to Thailand, just because it is called the "Taj" Mahal)
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