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    Fon Karmen curled his lips, then stood up and walked to the blackboard behind Lin Youde, and drew a schematic diagram on it. When drawing, he habitually put one hand in his pocket, as if he was lecturing to students in school.  "We have repeatedly verified the physical model of this system, and it is theoretically feasible," von Karman said while writing down a lot of formulas. Lin Youde only recognized the formula for uniform circular motion. "As long as the balance weight itself is configured on the track,  If the mass is large enough, the rising cargo will not pull the hammer down. This is because" Von Karman's next round of explanations was terrifyingly abstract, but the scientists were all nodding, and Lin Youde could only nod along.  Anyway, just know that the counterweight is big enough so it won't be pulled down.  "So, if we want to build an elevator that can lift m mass at one time, we must configure a counterweight of km mass in space. The value of the k coefficient depends on the orbit we choose. After considering various orbits, we think it should  To configure a counterweight in a synchronous orbit at an altitude of 35,786 kilometers, assuming that we need to lift a thousand tons of cargo at a time, we may need to perform 400 missions to transport all the counterweights to orbit.  It has been installed and assembled. If the mission is to be carried out once a month, this project will take 30 years. "Is it necessary to install such a large counterweight in space?" Lin Youde couldn't help but ask about the balance of the synchronous orbit elevator.  The hammer shouldn't be too big.  "If we develop larger rockets, the number of missions will of course be reduced." Lin Youde couldn't help but touch his chin. The mass of the counterweight he just heard was far more than the "International Space Station" in another time and space. It seemed  Even building an orbital elevator is not a simple matter.  Lin Youde couldn't help but think that thirty years later, he would probably be an old man who couldn't even take care of himself. This plan could only be completed by his daughters "In addition to this huge counterweight, we also need a method for making cables.  This material must be strong enough and light enough at the same time, otherwise not only will the cables squeeze out the available carrying capacity, but the entire system will also become unstable due to the lowered center of gravity. We can only continue to increase the counterweight.  This cable must either be an insulator H or have room-temperature superconducting capabilities, otherwise, even if it has only a slight resistance, the strong current generated by cutting the magnetic field wire will create a large amount of resistive heat, thereby melting down the entire system.  The material is pessimistic, and it even exceeds the standards we have seen for alchemical materials." After von Karmen finished speaking, the atmosphere in the entire conference room was very heavy.  Von Karman seemed to feel that this was not enough, so he continued: "In addition to these two big problems, there is another problem with this system, which is how the cables deal with various meteorological problems caused by atmospheric convection in the troposphere below the stratosphere.  Because the cable is connected to the ground base station, when the weather is bad, the ground base station may face strong pulling force from the cable. The strength of the joint between the base station foundation and the cable must be very high. In addition, the lifting cargo must be strong.  Crossing the troposphere, and how the motor lifts the cargo, etc. You must know that this is not a direct lift of the object. The motor has to drive something like a wheel and move along the cable. This means between the wheel and the cable.  The friction must be able to support a weight of one thousand tons. In fact, it should be more than one thousand tons" Von Karman seemed to have finished speaking. After a while, someone concluded: "There are as many technical bottlenecks as mountains." And then immediately.  Someone said: "But this is the easiest plan to implement so far." "I really hope to develop the anti-gravity engines described in science fiction works, then everything will be simple." Someone else said this  explain.  "I think the idea proposed by the American named Heinlein of concentrating a group of goddesses to use the power of the goddesses to send the spacecraft into orbit is not bad." "Don't be stupid, that would require gathering all the goddesses in the world to send it.  Once." At this time, Lin Youde coughed and attracted everyone's attention. He said: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Let's start building the counterweight first." The scientists looked at each other, and finally everyone's eyes came together.  On Lin Youde, von Karman asked on behalf of everyone: "Do we really want to build it?" "Of course. But it is not just a balance weight. Every part we send up should have its own purpose, such as a space laboratory and a large space telescope.  , the military module equipped with the experimental laser, and the electronic reconnaissance cabin for monitoring ground radio waves, all of them are sent up and installed together as a counterweight. Even if it takes thirty years, we have to build it.  To find ways to solve other problems, thirty years should be enough for us to find something.¡±The scientists looked at each other again. This time, they finally realized that Lin Youde was serious. He really wanted to build such a Babylonian Tower of Babel and open mankind's path to space.  "Then, let me first determine where to deploy the counterweight." said von Braun, the general manager of the aerospace project. "Because the counterweight will be placed in a synchronous orbit, we must consider the location of the ground base station in the future, otherwise the balance  After the construction of the hammer is completed, it will consume a huge amount of fuel to change the orbit of such a large thing. "A spacecraft must consume the materials it carries, such as satellites. Most satellites have fuel reserves to facilitate the orbital flight."  Orbital adjustments are made during service.  Once a satellite runs out of fuel, its role will be greatly reduced, especially those remote sensing satellites that need to adjust their position from time to time. Without fuel, they are basically useless.  Therefore, a country that adjusts satellite orbits in order to find a missing flight is simply domineering. You must know that the loss of satellite life caused by adjusting satellite orbits, if converted into money, may be dozens of times the insurance compensation of the entire flight.  .  Therefore, large orbital objects such as counterweights must be deployed in the right place from the beginning, with land suitable for building ground base stations underneath.  "I have already considered the location of the orbital elevator. The only options are areas near the equator. Unfortunately, these areas are now basically underdeveloped areas with almost zero infrastructure." Lin Youde stood up and said  With a gesture, the staff on standby hung up a world map on the blackboard, "Because of this, for the convenience of elevator construction and subsequent transportation of aerospace supplies, the location of the ground station should be on the seaside. This will also facilitate the naval fleet to protect the base station."  Safety. After excluding the entire America, there are not many places to choose from. ¡°The first is near the Gulf of Guinea, which is only less than 4,000 kilometers away from the American continent controlled by the United States and 9,000 kilometers away from the coast of Florida.  Right or left, this is not a safe distance.  The key is that if our fleet goes there, it will inevitably be intercepted by the US fleet in the Atlantic Ocean.  "The second is the coast of Somalia, Kenya and Tanzania, which are even more backward than those around the Gulf of Guinea, and the sects believed by the Somalis are now our enemies. The Americans also have a large number of military bases and garrisons on the Arabian Peninsula. This is not a  Good choice. ¡°This is the only one left.  " Lin Youde clicked on Southeast Asia. "Although it is very close to Australia, an ally of the Americans, the sea area is small and suitable for land-based aviation operations. At the same time, it is very close to the Xin Ming Dynasty. Some of the surrounding countries were vassals of the Ming Dynasty twenty years ago.  There are also French colonies among them, and the Philippines has just become independent from the Americans, and anti-American sentiment is very high.  If the fully recovered Xinming expands in this direction, with the support of the entire Human Innovation Alliance behind it, it will be difficult for the Americans to stop it.  " Lin Youde paused and added: "By the way, the French colonial rule here is about to be unsustainable. Let Xinming step in to help, and you can sell the French a favor.  "
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