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Text 1133 Lin Youde: This forces me to pretend

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    As soon as Lin Youde saw Mary Belle who was invited, he realized that this guy was exactly what he thought.  Among contemporary people, it is estimated that even the few living science fiction masters will not think that there is a machine among the goddesses, but Lin Youde came back from later generations and has been deeply influenced by various artificial intelligence science fiction works since he was a child.  When he was in elementary school, his favorite was "Knight Rider" played at the Zhengda Theater. The all-powerful Thunderbolt car and the artificial intelligence it carried left a deep impression on Lin Youde.  Then he came into contact with the more well-known "Terminator", where Skynet controls the earth and so on. Lin Youde is too familiar with this routine.  So when he saw Maribelle, Lin Youde was very sure that she was an existence similar to artificial intelligence. Of course, this was due to Lin Youde's ability to recognize people that he had practiced over the years. To use a clich¨¦d saying: Maribelle is  Humans are completely inhuman.  Lin Youde didn't know how she was born. According to Fox's investigation, Mary Belle was once paralyzed in bed in a vegetative state. She was born at the same time that the Difference Engine was abandoned in the United States. Lin Youde always felt that there was some connection between the two.  After Lin Youde shook hands with Mary Belle, he asked loudly: "Miss Belle, if I take out a gun and shoot myself now, will you stop me?" "I don't understand what you mean." "You know Isaac Assi  "Mofu?" "That science fiction novelist who likes to talk nonsense? I hate his robot novels, even though they are very popular." Lin Youde smiled and was avoided in his first round of trials.  Having gained some important information, Mary Belle may have considered Isaac Asimov's novel a threat to her as a computer.  "I heard that you like to get straight to the point, so let's get started. Please show me where humans are better than computers." "Don't worry," Lin Youde turned around with a smile, walked slowly to his seat, and raised his eyebrows after sitting down  Erlang Leg looked at Mary Belle who was still waiting, "Aren't you going to sit down?" Mary Belle just sat down. She said nothing. It seemed that Lin Youde had no other choice but to go straight to the topic. No matter what he said  Maribelle would probably ignore everything.  "Ms. Bailey, I would like to ask you, how can a computer distinguish between bald people and normal people? If people with less than fifty hairs are defined as bald, and those with more than fifty hairs are not, then the computer will define people with fifty-one hairs as normal people.  , a person with forty-nine hairs is called a bald person, but among us humans, both of them are bald. This is one of the flaws of computers. "This flaw is innocuous. Computers are still better than humans in other aspects, including computer management.  The human society under the future will still be comprehensively superior to the current human society. You are wasting a lot of resources on" "I said, that is just one of the flaws of computers," Lin Youde forcibly interrupted Mary Belle, if she really did.  It's a computer, so he shouldn't be unhappy about being interrupted, and the fact is exactly what Lin Youde thought. He didn't feel even the slightest bit of displeasure from Maribelle, so Lin Youde became even more convinced that this guy was just someone who didn't know how.  When the incident happened, the artificial intelligence on an unrelated girl ran to it and said, "Let's play guessing, Miss Bailey." "Guessing?" "That's right, it's a pure chance game. In theory, which side wins is just a matter of pure probability.  However, when we humans play this kind of game, we often make some guesses, such as telling the opponent what he will do before guessing. Miss Belle, would you like to try it?" Mary Belle nodded after a brief pause.  Agreed.  "Come on," Lin Youde raised his hand, "I can throw rocks." After the first round, Lin Youde won.  "Because it is a game of probability," Lin Youde said, "so we will increase the number of trials to increase the so-called fairness. Of course, this is just an illusion. Increasing the number of trials will not make this game fairer. Do you want to do it again? I  There will still be stones." Then Lin Youde won again.  At this time, Mary Belle said: "Every time you take action, you are about 0.3 seconds slower than me. I think with human reaction speed, this time can already determine the winner." "That's right, Miss Belle. What's the game?  It's just a smoke bomb. The winning method of guessing is actually very simple, which is to move slower than the opponent. To put it bluntly, it is still a problem of reaction nerves and dynamic vision. Through human wisdom, a pure probability game has become a matter of no probability and a mere competition.  "This is a game of personal strength. If you cheat, the result of guessing will be invalid." "That's the problem," Lin Youde laughed. "It's difficult for two people to do an activity like guessing accurately."  They punch completely at the same time, even if the two players guessing the punch are both computers,?There will be subtle differences in the timing of punching due to various reasons, right?  So the key is how much delay counts as cheating.  In human cognition, 0.3 seconds is too short, so I don't count it as cheating.  " Mary Belle was silent. She seemed to have figured out Lin Youde's trick. "You realize it, Miss Belle, you can't define the length of time. For you, 0.3 seconds is just 0.3 seconds.  , you cannot decide whether it is long or short, and naturally you cannot decide whether this delay is considered cheating.  So from the very beginning, you can't beat me in this guessing game.  " "I can add a definition to limit the maximum delay time.  " "Yes, you can add more, but now that we have finished the competition, I will not compete with you under a modified rule again.  How about we switch to another game and play chess?  " Lin Youde pointed to the chessboard that was placed next to him. Mary Belle did not pause at all this time and immediately agreed. An hour later, Lin Youde checked Mary Belle's king. "Miss Belle, you always follow the best rules.  Act wisely, this is the cause of your failure, all your actions are predictable.  Although you calculated all the steps in an exhaustive way, you defaulted that I would also follow the optimal solution, or a choice close to it, so you did not calculate those moves that seemed very bad to you.  I guess this is because your computing power is not enough to calculate all the moves within the time limit, right?  " "That's why you chose fast chess.  Maribelle glanced at the timer placed next to the chessboard, "You designed everything for my computing power from the beginning."  " "Of course, but you have a chance to win this time, as long as you play chess like a real human being. My chess skills are actually not that good.  But you don't, you have been relying on your proud computing power - no, correction, you don't have this feeling of pride, you rely on your computing power because you judge that it is your advantage.  The computer will always choose the optimal solution to act. You will only take risks when probability science shows that the risk coefficient of risk is proportional to the return.  Everything you do is based on mathematics, and even games follow mathematical theories.  You are always logical, but humans are not. Human beings are illogical. Human beings will believe in their own luck, and human beings will take very irrational risks. But these are not the key. You will lose because you¡ª¡ª Lin Youde  Pointing directly at Mary Belle's nose: "You are not as cunning as me." "Indeed," Mary Belle was not affected at all, and showed no sign of the sullenness that ordinary people would have when they are provoked like this. "I lost, but I think these  Failures can be undone. After this experience, I won¡¯t fail on the same project.¡± ¡°The so-called Saints won¡¯t be treated by the same attack twice?¡± ¡°What?¡±  Frowning, of course she couldn't understand Lin Youde's words.  "Miss Belle, you are too naive. The world is much more complicated than a chessboard, especially human society. Although many people think that human society as a separate object can be summarized by various laws, they do.  It was pretty good, and they summarized a lot of things that can be called laws, but in the end, no one of them can be right all the time. There are many different schools of human sociological theory, and each of them has not been able to defeat the other to establish their own absolute  I think this reflects the complexity and unpredictability of society. "It is precisely because of this that personal experience is far more important than theory when dealing with matters related to human society, and these experiences are far more important.  and cunning cannot be summed up by mathematics.  After studying the way you acted in the past, I can already conclude that I accurately grasp the principles of your actions, so if you compete with me, I can take action completely against you, and you have no chance of winning.  Even if you add some variables after knowing this, as long as you still think based on mathematics and logic, all of your variables can be controlled by me, and it is fundamentally impossible for you to beat me.  " Mary Belle was completely silent. Lin Youde waited for a while, but still didn't get a rebuttal. This is normal. The computer will accept all logical arguments. It never knows what it means to be stubborn. What Lin Youde said just now is very logical.  She will not refute, but will accept it in full. The only way she can refute it is if she finds a loophole in Lin Youde's logic, thus proving that the entire paragraph is illogical, but she is obviously not sure that there is a loophole in the logic.  Finally, Lin Youde breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he had not thought about how he should answer when Mary Belle retorted.Now he can continue: "As for Charlotte, as my old opponent, I am very sure that she will not lose to you. Just wait and see." "Actually, when I ran for president, Charlotte  Di should have been re-elected for two terms." Mary Belle responded quickly this time, "In terms of time, it is impossible for us to compete." Lin Youde was a little embarrassed for a moment. He forgot that Mary Belle could only run for office now.  Congressmen, it will take several years to become party whips or figures of the same level, and then they will have enough qualifications to run for president.  Even if this process is quick, it will take the late 1960s, and Charlotte may take over from Eisenhower in the next term. According to the U.S. Constitution, Charlotte cannot be re-elected after two re-elections. It just so happens that Mary Belle can  Take over from Charlotte.  At this time, Mary Belle continued: "I admit that humans have advantages in some aspects, but we also have advantages. We never forget things, we never make mistakes, and we make no mistakes. As long as humans make mistakes, they will be defeated by us."  "Yes, I have to admit this." "I have understood your thoughts, which is very beneficial. Now I must say goodbye." Mary Belle is indeed a machine, she is not polite at all, and she leaves as soon as she finishes her work.  .  But after standing up, she suddenly stopped and looked at Lin Youde again.  "One more question, if the positions were reversed, I mean, if I hired you to answer the question of 'bald men and ordinary people', how would you answer it?" "It's very simple," Lin Youde spread his hands, "Why do computers  How to distinguish bald people from ordinary people? Human beings' fuzzy judgment ability was born to make up for the lack of human brain power. It is impossible for humans to clearly grasp how many hairs each person has, and they can only make fuzzy judgments. Computers do not.  Knowing how many hairs each person has, it doesn¡¯t need the concept of baldness at all. ¡°For example, if a human policeman wants to arrest a fugitive with only fifty hairs, he can only say that the fugitive is bald when wanted, but the computer¡¯s.  The police don't need this, they just need to accurately say that this person has fifty hairs.  To put it bluntly, measuring computer intelligence by human standards is simply human self-satisfaction. If a computer really has self-awareness, it will not be able to pass the Turing test.  Alan Mathison Turing was fundamentally wrong. There is no need for a computer to resemble a human being.  "This is inevitable. Even if we are the same human beings, there are different cultural circles. People born in these cultural circles cannot understand each other on many issues. Human beings are like this, not to mention that they are the same as us from the beginning of our body structure.  As for completely different computers, I think the situation is exactly the opposite. The more a computer can pass the Turing test, the more it shows that it does not possess the so-called artificial intelligence. You are the best example, Miss Maribelle. "You are good in many aspects.  Act according to human rules, but as long as I have in-depth contact with you, I can be sure that you are not a human being at all, you are a machine, a machine with its own consciousness.  The people you came into contact with before failed to discover this because they fundamentally did not believe that machines could be conscious. They did not have this option in their brains, so you were classified as a 'maverick', but I am different.  , I clearly know that silicon-based life is possible, and consciousness is not a unique gift given to mankind by God at all.  So, before I met you, I deduced that you might be a machine, an artificial intelligence.  " Lin Youde actually went off topic halfway through his speech, but he did not stop, and Mary Belle was also listening attentively. After Lin Youde finished speaking, Mary Belle said: "Your existence is huge to me.  threaten.  " "But you can't exclude me," Lin Youde retorted decisively, "According to common sense, as a goddess, you are only a few meters away from me" "Two point seventy-five meters.  " "Very good, at this distance, you can kill me with one blow, and no one can stop you.  But, you can't.  Because my existence itself is illogical. As long as you are a monster with strange power and chaos, you cannot hurt me.  Do you want to give it a try?  " "No need, there are rumors about your physique. I think that should be true.  The last question is, what kind of existence are you compared to humans?  " "I am a prophet, a guide for mankind.  You can call me Moses, you can call me the Son, you name it, I will lead mankind to the Kingdom of God.  " "Does the Kingdom of God exist?  " "This is a metaphor, Miss Machine.  "Lin Youde smiled and stretched out his finger, pointing at the ceiling. "(The rise of the humble family is so scary. Next month it will no longer be on the new book monthly ticket list. Without it, I wouldn't have been in the top five in the category. I didn't think about it at all.  Fortunately, I will start a new book on September 1st, and this book will be finished on August 31st.I no longer have to deal with such a terrible historical classification Please let me win the monthly classification award for the last time this July. Please give me a monthly ticket!  )
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