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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> My World War II can t be so cute

Text 1127 Fifth update, LGD! LGD!

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    A series of disturbing events occurred in the first quarter of 1957.  First, the old rivals, the U.S. Air Force and the German Air Force, fired at each other over Baffin Bay. Many aircraft on both sides were injured, but miraculously, all the aircraft returned to the base smoothly.  Immediately afterwards, the Royal Canadian Navy patrol boat and the Danish Greenland patrol boat detachment exchanged water cannon fire, and then the two sides expelled each other's fishing boats and arrested some fishermen.  While these things were happening, the large fleets of the two military alliances were facing off in the North Atlantic. The fleet of the Human Revolution Alliance relied on shore-based aviation forces to deploy, while the fleets of the United States and the United Kingdom formed around their own aircraft carriers. The sea was always in a  The tense situation makes people extremely nervous.  So at the end of the first quarter of 1957, Stewart, the famous American talk show host, sighed: "I'm so glad that the world is still functioning well when the sunshine comes in April." In fact, Americans have been distracted by World War II and the Persian Gulf War.  It lost a bit of energy in the fight, and MacArthur, a hawk, was retired, so the United States behaved relatively conservatively in the Greenland crisis.  There is no shortage of people in the U.S. Congress and the military who want to send troops to occupy Greenland, but they have not been able to form a joint force at the moment - after all, no one obeys the other, and they have not decided who is the boss. Of course, there is no joint force with the outside world.  If MacArthur is here, then the hawks with the boss will probably be able to make a stronger voice, and maybe the US military will attack Greenland.  But now, the U.S. government has been wrangling over whether to take military action against Greenland.  There is a view within the U.S. government that it would dispatch a small force to attack Greenland to steal and destroy materialization-related equipment and data.  However, with the German goddess stationed in Greenland, the success rate of such an operation is questionable.  Although Shen Ji is more difficult to deal with such small-scale infiltration troops, because no matter how strong Shen Ji is, there is no way to use it without knowing where the enemy is. However, the deterrent effect generated by Shen Ji's presence is enough to limit the actions of these small forces.  .  After all, Shen Ji¡¯s single combat power is incredible. If she happens to be hit by Shen Ji, the small group of troops that have penetrated will basically be donated.  It¡¯s a small matter to donate an elite team for nothing, but it¡¯s a big deal to be caught and lead to the passiveness of the entire international situation.  After several months of debate, the United States decided to implement its original policy and strive to send observers to Greenland, and if possible, obtain partial mining rights for element zero.  For this reason, the United States has prepared exchange conditions for Germany, including stopping supporting India's claim to Tibet, no longer restricting South American countries from purchasing German weapons and equipment, and so on.  These conditions are not bad. For example, if you stop putting pressure on South American countries, it is estimated that Lin Youde will get orders worth billions of German marks that year - this was the 1950s, and billions of German marks or US dollars would be a huge amount.  payment level.  ¡°And the United States is also prepared to pay for the mined element zero, and is also prepared to be ripped off by Germany.  But this decision has been blocked in Congress. The currently opposition Democratic Party is making waves in Congress, accusing the government's decision of being too cowardly and kneeling to the Germans.  The mouthpiece controlled by the Democratic Party accused the newly re-elected President Eisenhower of being a German follower and Lin Youde's little brother, and even drew cartoons to satirize him.  The solution we came up with after finally unifying the internal opinions was flatly rejected by Germany. Germany¡¯s attitude is very tough. Element Zero is mine and you don¡¯t want any of it.  During this fruitless diplomatic dispute, the Germans quietly mined Element Zero for four or five months and sent it back to the European continent ship after ship.  The Americans had no choice but to find the French, because France had obtained a certain amount of element zero quota from Germany to meet France's domestic demand for element zero. The Americans were prepared to purchase element zero from the French in order to  Meet your own needs.  The French agreed very readily. In fact, the French do not have high demand for element zero. Element zero is now mainly used in the new alchemical industry. And now in the entire European continent, only Germany has a complete new alchemical industry. France  People get element zero just for research purposes, and the dosage is not too much. Selling it to Americans is a good deal in the eyes of the French.  So in the second quarter of 1957, the United States finally bought back a shipload of Element Zero from the French at a sky-high price.  When the Americans bought the third ship of Element Zero, Lin Youde finally agreed to the Americans sending observers to Greenland to ensure that the scientific experiments in Greenland were not military operations against the United States.  But U.S. observers are not allowed into the heart of Germany's research facilities.  This may seem like a concession, but it¡¯s actually not painful. However, the Americans still sent out an observer team composed of their best personnel., the meaning is obvious, they are here to steal German technology.  But of course Lin Youde, who had already made arrangements, would not let them succeed so easily, so Greenland once again became the focus of the spy war between the two sides.  After all, Greenland is not German territory, and there are still many locals who can be bribed. American spies feel that they have plenty of room to play, while Germany is very confident in the loyalty of its facility staff in Greenland. In addition,  Fox's social welfare foundation and Germany's own secret service are closely monitoring Greenland. Lin Youde has full confidence that he can keep his secrets.  Of course, the best way to keep the secret is to transfer the secret from Greenland back to Germany.  This is what Lin Youde did. He ordered Sophie, who had already conducted many experiments and mastered the production of new superconducting materials to a certain extent, to transfer all the personnel and information related to the experiments to Germany, while Sophie continued to stay in Greenland to puzzle.  American.  Sophie's series of experiments have produced a considerable number of Sophie's A-type superconducting alloys. These alloys made Lin Youde's applied physicists crazy. Almost everyone was stunned when they heard about the existence of such alloys.  Run over and request to use this alloy to make what they need.  "But Lin Youde ordered that all alloys be used to manufacture tokamak devices.  Tokamak can not only be manufactured with superconducting materials. In order for the device to operate smoothly, it requires considerable strength in various cutting-edge fields such as electromagnetics and automatic control. However, correspondingly, if we go all out to research the tokamak,  Carmack, that can also effectively drive scientific research progress in other needed fields.  Lin Youde also ordered his scientists to continue studying the production of superconducting materials based on the results Sophie had already obtained.  By June 1957, the Greenland crisis was officially resolved, and the Chinese people got a fairly acceptable result. Lin Youde did not have any dissatisfaction with this result - just as predicted, he left the South American country in June of that year.  Weapons orders were obtained there, and Americans also curbed their actions in the Persian Gulf.  In September 1957, even Sophie withdrew from Greenland. Only then did the Americans feel that something was wrong and they seemed to have been cheated.  But Eisenhower and his staff would never admit this. Regardless of whether they were tricked or not, the Eisenhower government did place its own informants around the enemy's key research institutions. Therefore, after weighing the situation, the Democratic Party felt that it was forced to say that this was a trick.  It is easy for the other party to take advantage of it. The result is that the US political circles pretend to be confused and keep silent about the Greenland crisis.  In October 1957, Lin Youde launched a manned spacecraft again. This time the manned spacecraft carried a docking door and a dedicated independent return capsule.  The first step in this experiment is to test the return capsule detachment system, which will be used by the lunar landing spacecraft in the future. The second step is to prepare for the subsequent docking experiment.  It is expected that the spacecraft of the next launch mission will dock with the spacecraft remaining in orbit to test docking-related systems.  Docking in space is actually a very complicated process. If it relies entirely on manual operation, the requirements for the operator are very high, and it is easy to fail due to human error.  Of course, if Shenji is used to operate the docking, the risk will be much less, but the aerospace industry cannot always rely on Shenji.  The return mission went very smoothly. This time, the German Space Control Center accurately predicted the location where the spacecraft's return capsule would crash, and only two warships were able to successfully recover it in the Mediterranean Sea.  After the mission, Dr. Feng Kamen personally applied to Lin Youde to give his student Qian Xuesen the award.  Lin Youde generously gave Qian Xuesen the highest honor he could award.  After the training ceremony, Qian Xuesen, who was much younger than another time and space, found Lin Youde.  "Mr. Lin, I have some questions and I would like to ask your opinion." "You want to return to China, right?" Lin Youde said sharply.  The great scientist from another time and space scratched his head and showed a shy smile.  "Young man," Lin Youde patted him on the shoulder, "I have many outstanding scientific talents here. Although you are the top one among them, your departure will make me feel very regretful, but the progress of my scientific research  It won¡¯t slow you down much. If you want to return to China to help develop your own space science, I support your decision.¡± ¡°Really?¡± ¡°Of course it¡¯s true. I¡¯m going to hold a farewell party to say goodbye.¡±  You. Work hard after you return to China. There is still no space in the aerospace field in China. However, I think aerospace will develop in an international direction in the future, and as long as I am alive, China will not have to worry about suffering losses in aerospace. I can do this.  ??You promise.  " The future great scientist thought for a while, and finally made his decision: "You are a person with great talents and great plans. I know that you stay in Europe because it is easier to realize your great talents and plans here, but I am a mortal, and I am not that kind.  I have great ambitions. I just want to return to China to serve the motherland.  "    "very good.  "Lin Youde patted him on the shoulder. (Although the fifth update is a little late, the fifth update is still out. Isn't it too much to ask for a monthly ticket? By the way, let me shout LGD! LGD! It's great to win against C9)
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