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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Fantasy -> Emperor Wu Alchemy God

Text Chapter 872: Falcon Spots Cang (Part 2)

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    In the dense woods, Bingjiu was looking for traces on the ground.  ??The Eagle Guards of the White Gate have no names. From the time they can remember, the first thing they remember is their own number. This number is engraved on the soul card, it is also engraved on the weapon, and it will be on the tombstone after death.  Two days ago, Bingjiu and fifty-nine companions were sent to sneak into the Hengduan Mountains. Their mission was to assassinate the disciples of the Wuyue Sect in the mountains and forests, and avenge the death of the Huashen elder who died in the Lieyang Mountain of Beiyue.  Bingjiu didn¡¯t know the two fallen elders. He didn¡¯t have the slightest affection for anyone in his sect. His existence was to carry out the sect¡¯s mission, no matter how dangerous the mission was.  In Diancang Mountain, Bingjiu has successfully killed a hunter. Unfortunately, the hunter was not a disciple of the Wuyue Sect, but a family from Wuyue City. The value of this achievement will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.  Fortunately, now he has found traces of prey again. The messy footprints on the ground are very fresh, showing that at least three hunters have passed through here and they have not been away for a long time.  Bingjiu immediately followed the footsteps.  The footprints disappeared at the edge of the woods, and in front were rolling mountains.  Bingjiu frowned, because the hard mountainous terrain would make people's footprints less obvious, and if they were damaged by strong mountain winds, it would be even more difficult to trace.  He was hesitant. Should he retreat into the woods to look for other prey, or go up the mountain to try his luck?  Both options have advantages and disadvantages.  Whoops!  call out!  At this moment, Bingjiu suddenly heard a subtle whistling sound in his ears, and a creepy feeling of danger suddenly came to his heart, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand up instantly.  ?First, I need a book?? There are enemies!  Bingjiu rolled out to the right without thinking, and at the same time activated the Gang Qi to support the Gang Armor to protect himself.  Seize it!  Take it!  The next moment, two feather arrows hit the place where he was standing. The arrows shot deeply into the hard rock. The power was jaw-dropping.  Whoosh!  Before Bingjiu had time to rejoice that he had escaped disaster, another arrow shot towards him!  Bingjiu¡¯s reaction was extremely fast, and he jumped into the air like lightning.  The palm of his right hand already held a dagger, and he accurately deflected the incoming arrows to Ge Fei. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? laugh!  laugh!  What he never expected was that he had just blocked the third arrow, and a dozen flying blades followed it like lightning.  Seal all his escape routes, front, rear, left and right!  Bingjiu was shocked and angry. In desperation, he could only turn around and dodge, and at the same time, he waved his dagger vigorously to protect his vitals.  Ding!  bite!  Several flying blades were blocked by Bingjiu¡¯s weapons, and the metal collided with a crisp and sweet sound.  After reading the book But three flying blades still shot down on him, hitting his right leg, lower abdomen and shoulder respectively.  The protective armor saved Bingjiu's life.  Although the three flying blades all penetrated the Gang Armor, the powerful power contained in the blades was offset by the Gang Armor and did not hurt his body.  But his armor was also shattered and he lost this most important layer of protection.  Whoops!  call out!  What made Bingjiu feel desperate was that two more feather arrows shot over!  The speed and power of the feather arrows made it extremely difficult for Bingjiu to dodge. The unknown enemy's sneak attack had to be steady, accurate and ruthless. It can be said that arrows are fatal.  The most terrible thing is that Bingjiu has three opponents, and none of them are weak!  Poof!  Bingjiu only dodged one of the feather arrows.  Another feather arrow shot through his right leg and sank into the soil of the forest with a cloud of blood mist.  "Ah!" Bingjiu screamed involuntarily, and his body immediately lost balance and rolled to the ground. The next moment, a line of sword energy slashed through the air, cutting him into two with lightning speed.  cut!  Bingjiu did not die immediately, he tried his best to open his eyes wide.  The last image left in his sight was a young man wearing leather armor and holding a familiar hand!  Wei Changfeng picked up Eagle Guard's weapon from the ground, looked at it and threw it to the Zhuge brothers who were coming behind him.  "This dagger is not bad, let me use it for you." The Eagle Guard who was just killed by Wei Changfeng and three others was quite strong.  It's a pity that he was so unlucky that he didn't have time to display all his strange abilities, so he died in a very depressing way.  ¡°I¡¯m afraid Bingjiu will never know how he was ambushed until his death. In fact, he was exposed early on.  Wei Changfeng discovered his existence with the help of Jin Jia's strong sniffing ability, and quietly deployedFallen into a trap.  The previous footprints in the forest were the bait deliberately left by the three of them!  "It's a spiritual weapon!" Zhuge Yongan had quick eyesight and quick hands, and caught the dagger thrown by Wei Changfeng.  He came from a wealthy family and had a keen eye. He could tell at a glance that this dagger was extraordinary and that it was a spiritual weapon.  A direct descendant of the family like him.  Although you can get a lot of resources from your own clan, such valuable spiritual weapons are not easy to get.  What made Zhuge Yongan even more excited was that they successfully surrounded and killed the second Eagle Guard.  The Eagle Guards of the White Sun Sect of the Sky Eagle Sect are very famous in the Wuyue Sect. Basically all the disciples know how powerful they are. Over the years, many disciples of the sect have died under the plot of the Eagle Guards.  Zhuge Yongan believed that if the two brothers joined forces, it would be impossible to leave an Eagle Guard behind. However, with Wei Changfeng, such a dangerous task of intercepting and killing the Eagle Guards became so easy!  In the eyes of the two brothers, Wei Changfeng became more and more mysterious.  It was so right to follow him in hunting the Eagle Guard this time!  Wei Changfeng found a soul card on Bingjiu's body, which was the best proof of his achievements.  He is also very satisfied. Although the Zhuge brothers are not very strong, their archery skills are very good, and the brothers work together very well. With their help, he can solve the target so quickly.  Therefore, Wei Changfeng did not hesitate to give up part of the loot.  "Don't be too proud!" Seeing the two brothers beaming with joy, he said in a deep voice: "If I remember correctly, there is a special method of contact between the Eagle Guards. Once many Eagle Guards die in the Eagle Guard Leader,  Then they will gather together again, and then we will be in danger!" Brother Zhuge couldn't help but put away his smile and nodded in unison.  Wei Changfeng was very satisfied with their attitude and said: "However, they dispersed into the mountains, and it will take a lot of time to regroup, so we hurry up and kill as many as we can!" As soon as he finished speaking,  The golden armor lying on his shoulder spread its wings and flew into the vast mountains and forests again!  Wei Changfeng knew that there was not much time left for them.  (To be continued.)
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