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Text Chapter 254 The giant blood-red eye

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    "Bing wake up!" Drowsily, Qiao Hua felt some voices echoing in his ears.  ¡ñ¡Ð, although the sound was not loud, it came from all directions, and it carried a certain majestic aura.  Qiao Hua suddenly woke up.  The sounds around him also disappeared without a trace at this moment, and there was still infinite darkness in front of him.  But Qiao Hua was sure that the voice just now was definitely what he really heard and was not a dream or hallucination.  This is really weird.  Thinking back to the sound just now, Qiao Hua still felt nervous and inexplicable, as if it was not coming from any creature or nature, but some kind of oracle.  "Wake up?" Qiao Hua seemed to feel something at this time and looked down his body.  He couldn¡¯t see anything, but he clearly felt that something slippery was pulling on his hind legs and swimming slowly towards the bottom of the water. ??????????????????????????????? Qiao Hua felt horrified.  Being pulled down by such a slippery thing of unknown origin, although the other party's movements were very slow and gentle, the more it was like this, the more weird and inexplicable it made him feel.  ¡°Moreover, the dark blue above the head is almost invisible now. How long has this thing dragged me down?  He shook his hind legs, trying to break away from the slippery thing below, but the opponent's entanglement was very strong, and there was nothing he could do with his strength in the water.  ¡° Moreover, the thing obviously found that Qiao Hua had woken up, and its speed of swimming downstream suddenly accelerated, seemingly ignoring the buoyancy of the dwarf tyrannosaur¡¯s body.  Qiao Hua was angry.  It secretly accumulated strength while trying to find an attack target, but couldn't see anything, so it had to spray atomic clusters in all directions.  " However, the atomic cluster that worked well on land turned out to be completely useless in the water. It broke into pieces without even coming out of Qiao Hua's mouth.  The same goes for ball lightning.  If these two tricks don't work, Qiao Hua has another trick: generating electricity.  "Zi Zi" The muscles in the body tightened at the same time, and electric current was generated, spreading towards the waters in all directions.  This trick seems to have had some effect.  Qiao Hua obviously felt the slippery thing pulling him twitch, but he didn't let go.  It was only then that Qiao Hua really felt a little scared.  Just now I thought I was invincible, but now I have encountered such a being, and I don't know what to do for a moment.  It would be nice if I could use teleportation, but just to keep cool, I hung my hat on the branch of the tree where the core was lying "Swish, swish, swish!" The sea water around him receded quickly, and Qiao Hua's heart felt cold to the core.  .  What is waiting for me in this endless abyss?  So far, the only one that has really worked is the electric shock.  In order to save himself, Qiao Hua had no choice but to tighten all his muscles again and prepare for continuous electric shock stimulation.  However, what he didn't expect this time was that the electric current did not emanate from various parts of the body as before, but somehow it all converged on his forehead, coming out of the wound struck by lightning.  "Crack!" A stream of current rushed directly to Qiao Hua's feet. Although the conductive effect of the water consumed part of the energy, the remaining electrical energy could not be underestimated, and it hit the thing holding Qiao Hua directly.  The thing down there feels painful and the restraints are loosened.  At the same time, a faint red light shone directly from the bottom of the sea.  "Run!" Qiao Hua didn't even bother to wonder what the red light was emitting. His whole body was like a stone thrown from a trebuchet, cruising upstream quickly.  Afraid that the strange thing below would entangle him again, he continued to generate electricity while swimming upward.  In the darkness, Qiao Hua fantasized about the things below trying to grab him again and again, only to be electrocuted again and again.  Amid this extremely strong sense of fear, Qiao Hua didn¡¯t know how long he had been swimming.  In the boundless darkness, he even thought for a time that he was just flopping in place, or swimming towards the deep sea.  It wasn¡¯t until hazy light and shadow appeared above his head and signs of small marine life activity around him that Qiao Hua finally felt a sense of security.  But he did not dare to relax, but followed the light and shadow and swam to the surface of the sea.  "Poof!" When Qiao Hua saw the sunshine again that seemed to have been lost for a long time, his whole body seemed to fall apart, and his spirit was filled with the joy of surviving the disaster.    White clouds, blue sky, big trees, squirrels on the treesthese are ordinary sights on weekdays, but now they have a different feeling in Qiao Hua's eyes.  Dragging his tired body back to the shore, Qiao Hua grabbed a lot of fruits from the branches where the cores were and ate them, and finally felt a little calmer in his heart.  At this time, he can think about the situation he just encountered.  By the way, the force that grabbed the hind legs was not ordinary. Although Qiao Hua could not see the surrounding scene at the time, he could still estimate the speed of the dive based on the flow rate of the water around him.  Judging from the feeling, the speed at that time was very fast, and you must know that the guy was dragging a huge beast into the deep sea, and it was impossible to do it without unusually strong strength.  Thinking of this, Qiao Hua looked at the place where his legs were bound just now. The slippery feeling seemed to be still there, but there was no trace of it anymore.  As for the red light that Qiao Hua saw last, he felt nervous again when he thought about it, because now that he recalled the appearance of the thing that emitted the bright red light, Qiao Hua seemed to suddenly understand what it was.  A huge blood-red eye.  Qiao Hua¡¯s first impression was that it was something similar to magma, but after thinking about it, he realized something was wrong.  At that time, the faint light appeared in an instant, without any warning before.  And judging from the spindle-shaped structure that is wide in the middle and narrow on both sides, it is undoubtedly the eyes of some kind of creature.  At that moment, an unknown creature opened its eyes.  If it really is an eye, then the size of that creature would be too huge.  Looking at it from the angle at that time, the size of Guang¡¯s eye was about the same size as Qiao Hua¡¯s head. This was despite the fact that the distance could not be determined.  If Qiao Hua was far away from that thing at that time, it would be more than just his head.  The unpredictable deep sea, the slippery tentacles, the huge blood-red eyes "Impossible, this is completely inconsistent with the laws of biological evolution." Qiao Hua shook his head in disbelief, suspecting that he had seen it wrong.  But soon he thought of something again and was startled again.  Did you hear the voice that woke you up wrong?  (To be continued.)
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