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Text Chapter 240: Undercurrent

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    If savagery is defined as cruelty without reason, then this dwarf tyrannosaurus seems to have nothing to do with savagery: he is just cruelty, but very reasonable.  Of course, this so-called truth is viewed from his perspective.  Intelligent creatures have a very bad habit, that is, they like to make principles that apply only to themselves into universal principles. This is the case for humans, the same is true for Gliese creatures, and the same is true for dwarf tyrannosaurs.  So almost even Qiao Hua himself believed that he was embarking on a great cause.  The cruelty of the experiment soon became apparent.  From the moment nuclear radiation takes effect, many animals have already had radioactive reactions: vomiting, chaotic behavior, cruelty and irritability. As the timeline stretches out, some more serious situations begin to appear.  Some of the biological epidermal cells began to fall off and deform, and scanning their bodies revealed that some of them had signs of cancer.  "All animals that have reached the advanced stage of cancer can be destroyed humanely." The dwarf tyrannosaurus said to Tiedan.  Whenever such an order is given, Qiao Hua feels as if he has gained some kind of relief.  Only now did he realize that the feeling of pain would not only affect the person who suffered it, but would also be contagious to the surrounding people.  Qiao Hua's approach not only relieves the suffering of creatures suffering from the effects of cancer, but also saves himself.  Scenes like this play out every day in his conflicted mind.  While Qiao Hua was doing these things, Ada, who was twenty light years away, was developing brain structures in another experimental base.  "Compared with the temporary experimental site built by the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus, Ada's base suspended in mid-air is much taller.  Different from the silence and desolation of Gliese's home planet, there are various animals and plants growing in this area. Although they are all prepared for experimental subjects, it can also be regarded as a scenery.  Of course, the experiments conducted by alien women are not as simple and violent as the dwarf tyrannosaurus.  With the help of Sanchihua 3, Ada has almost all the biotechnology research results of the Gliese planet, which is equivalent to having the assistance of the entire Gliese scientific research department.  At this moment, there was a transparent test box in front of Ada, and a brown weasel was lying inside.  The legs kept kicking back and forth, but the body was unable to move because it was restrained by the robot arm. Several slender tubes were fixed in place at the head.  There are more fine tubes extending out from the bottom of the experimental box, and then like a river branching, it is divided into several small strands connected to different hosts.  "Continue brain stimulation." Ada gave orders to Sanjihua No. 3 while observing the waveforms on the display.  The giant machine assistant does not need to do it himself, it only needs to silently issue a remote command.  Various waves converged from the conduit into the experimental box, and Ada could even see the strange patterns formed by the collision of air in the box.  "Zizzizi!" If it is under normal circumstances.  The weasel's brain should have passed out long ago after such high-intensity stimulation, but Sanjihua-3 easily overcame this technical problem and ensured that the weasel could complete the experiment in an awake state.  "Sir, I suggest increasing the stimulation intensity by 30%." Sanjihua said on the 3rd, "If you want to achieve a breakthrough in a short time, you must increase it to the highest intensity." "Would it not be able to bear it?  ?" Ada looked at the weasel in the experimental box, whose limbs were twitching. "For the sake of conservatism, we still" "Sir, please trust my judgment." Sanjihua No. 3 said very confidently.  "Since it was developed by the highest scientific research institution, I have participated in the making of many major decisions, and the probability of making an error in judgment is zero." The alien woman thought about it and knew that she was worrying too much.  As a Gliese native who had been regarded as a genius since childhood, she was accustomed to doing things according to her own judgment.  However, Sanjihua No. 3 is the research result of many geniuses, and is naturally much more powerful than her alone.  With the sudden increase in stimulation intensity, Ada saw the lines on the holographic display in front of her fluctuate extremely strongly.  This was a scene she had never seen before.  These dense lines represent the degree of brain activity. What this level of activity means is yet to be concluded.  Soon, this weasel was regarded as sample No. 135 and placed together with other samples for long-term observation.  After a short rest.  Ada was about to conduct another set of experiments, but Crick suddenly rushed in from the outside.  "Master Wangwang, there's something wrong!" The big dog was in front of Ada in a blink of an eye, but when he saw Sanjihua No. 3 next to him, he suddenly became silent. He just kept sticking out his tongue and making a gasping sound.  .  The alien woman on the side calmly unloaded the experimental equipment?Turn off.  Without raising his head, he said: "Sanjihua No. 3, today's experiment has been completed, you can enter the dormant state." When the light in the eyes of the giant machine assistant dimmed, Ada had already followed Crick to the experiment.  Outside the base.  "Today when I was checking the communication stations deployed around the mother star, I found that five spacecrafts set off from the mother star and disappeared quickly." Creek looked up at Ada.  The latter nodded: "They should have gone to the Earth." "But I see that the direction of the spacecraft does not seem to be towards the Earth." Crick said, "Could it be somewhere else?" "My test  Compared with your communication station, the equipment can be deployed in a much wider range." Ada had a slight smile on her face.  She didn¡¯t expect that the guys from the Military Science and Technology Department had planned for such a long time before taking measures. It seemed that they had been carefully prepared.  However, the effectiveness of such preparations will still have to pass the test of time.  ¡° Let them take their time to toss, Ada thought, and she should also find something else to do.  A few days later, Ada handed over the monitoring of experimental samples to Sanchihua-3, and she and Crick went to the planet W520, two light-years away from the experimental base, to investigate.  Such abnormal behavior did not escape the surveillance of the security department authorized by the supreme leader. However, it turned out that the spacecraft Ada and Creek were traveling on did appear at w520, and everything seemed normal.  The undercurrent was already surging quietly. "Zhijijiji" Tiedan rubbed his sleepy eyes, grabbed the uneaten fruit from the treetop last night, and continued to eat.  Occasionally, I would look at the tall body in front of me.  Over the past few months, Qiao Hua has become accustomed to standing here on time and checking the biological data from the holographic image.  Every morning, in a flat area in the valley, this dwarf tyrannosaurus curled up its front paws and stood alone in an unchanged posture for a long time.  Looking down from mid-air, it feels very desolate.  (To be continued.) "I would like to visit with my friends on my mobile phone."
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