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Text Chapter 366: Unveiling a new era in the variety show industry

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    If a person is stupid and stupid, he will not be disliked by others, but if a person is cunning, mean, vulgar and shameless, then it is a pity that he will definitely become the target of people's condemnation in a short period of time.  šI However, the six of them did not take this warning to heart at all. It was not that they did not care, just because they did not think that they would be such a person. Even the staff around them were very relieved.  The celebrities I follow are all relatively easy to get in touch with and are kind to others, so things like this will never happen.  It has to be said that Chu Shi had already considered this when selecting the host. After all, it is a reality show variety show. In the future, it is very likely that he will have to do a long variety show for several years or even more than ten years. Even if one person's acting skills are  No matter how good it is, if it's not your own appearance, it will be exposed one day.  However, it is precisely because of the warnings of many seniors that all of them have let go of their burdens. They have made up their minds to completely give up the burden of being idols and devote themselves wholeheartedly to the filming of variety shows.  "Besides the baggage of idols, one more thing is to be funny! Of course, in addition to the host, several guests should also pay attention to this. The moment the camera is turned on, everyone can joke without restraint without violating the laweven  You can raise any issue that offends your personal interests, as long as it doesn't touch other people's bottom line. Just like a good friend, you will expose the other person's insignificant scars and ridicule them constantly, just to make people laugh!  There are many other ways to make fun of yourself, such as making fun of yourself, telling a joke, playing a prank, etc. You can use it as long as you think it¡¯s funny. Don¡¯t worry about other things. Even people you don¡¯t know well can laugh at it.  For the sake of the show, I don¡¯t think anyone will be angry about this. I think Yoo Jae-seok has some experience, right?¡± Yoo Jae-seok nodded quickly, without the arrogance of Korea¡¯s top variety show host.  In front of him, he became a very obedient employee, "Yes, the variety show "Infinite Challenge" I am currently hosting is like this. Even people who are not familiar with it can laugh at it as much as they want, as long as it does not violate the other party's bottom line, even if it is to expose scars.  Relationships, there are many, many funny ways. I have already communicated and explained with Deng Chao and the other five. "Brother Shi, this is how unreasonable you are!"  He glared at Liu Zaishi fiercely and muttered dissatisfiedly, "I am also the host. Why are you just explaining to them and not me? You must know that this is also my first time as a host. Don't look at me.  The calm look here actually makes me very nervous about the filming work tomorrow!¡± ¡°Are you still nervous?¡± Liu Zaishi laughed.  Bringing the state of work into life, with an exaggerated look, "It's good that I didn't ask you to tell me, but you still want me to tell you? No!" "Okay. Who told you to be  Where's the captain?" Chu Shi spread his hands helplessly, causing laughter on the scene, and the serious atmosphere was relieved a lot.  Chu Shi also continued to talk, "The last point is to be serious and persistent! It is mainly set for the seven hosts including me. Of course, I also hope that the three guests can do the same. Otherwise, I can guarantee that  "Not only will your popularity not increase because of this variety show, but it will also decline a lot!" "There will be many and many games during the filming of the variety show. What I mean by seriousness is that I hope everyone can do it!"  Treat these games that may seem a little childish with the attitude of work and filming. Don't have an attitude of 'that's almost enough'. Even if you are acting, you must show a strong desire to win or lose, even  You can do whatever it takes to win. Only in this way can you be called 'serious' and be worthy of the audience watching the program on TV!" After Chu Shi finished speaking, he couldn't help but laugh, "Of course, I said it.'  "By hook or by crook" does not mean that you can be despicable and shameless in order to win, it just means that you can use tactics, such as performing a show very hard, begging the enemy to let you go, or forming an alliance with others in a personal battle.  To deal with the enemy, even in the process, in order to win, you can choose to betray your 'allies'. As long as it does not violate the moral bottom line, there is no problem. I can also assure you that doing so will only make you more popular.  And it will not cause a decline in popularity! " "If your popularity drops because of my instructions today, I can assure you here that I will compensate you in other ways Of course, I am referring to how many people.  Famous program hosts, such as program guests, should not do such things as "betrayal". After all, unlike our program hosts, we can make the audience understand through long-term efforts, and the ultimate goal is to make the program popular, and with it  ?It's enough to feed back the popularity to yourself, and you only have one chance to appear in one issue, so you'd better not do such a controversial thing!  " Chu Shi said, the others nodded slightly, but Liu Zaishi snickered in his heart. Liu Zaishi also communicated with Chu Shi about this issue. He believed that appropriate 'betrayal' was harmless and would make the show more interesting, but this is only suitable for  The seven hosts did it. If the guests on the show also did the same It would be very difficult for the seven hosts to win! Although this reason occupies a small part of the truth, Chu Shi concealed it!  It is obvious that he plans to win as many wins as possible during the filming of the next program. It is said that the rewards set by Chu Shi¡¯s new variety show are very generous! ¡°There is also the aspect of hard work, which is very simple.  The points mentioned before are similar!  Some games during the filming of the program may be difficult and laborious for everyone, but all you need to do is put in more effort. Unless you are really exhausted, you must complete even the difficult tasks!  Yoo Jae Suk does this very well. As far as I know, Yoo Jae Suk has a serious fear of heights. His legs will tremble as long as he stands on high places. But when filming a Korean variety show, as long as the program requires it.  He will also grit his teeth and participate in bungee jumping, roller coaster and other games, no matter how scared he is!  at this point.  I also hope that other variety show hosts, including me, can learn more!  " As soon as Chu Shi finished speaking, Deng Chao and others on the side nodded with approval. " At first, as a Korean, Liu Zaishi successfully took over the identity of the captain of Chu Shi's new variety show, and these people felt a little unhappy.  , although they all chose to accept this fact after understanding Liu Zaishi's status and reputation in South Korea, they may not particularly recognize Liu Zaishi's leadership. After returning home, in order to better understand the next few years, and even the future.  After being partners for more than ten years, people have learned nothing about the other five people except Chu Shi. Deng Chao, Sun Li, Chen Chi, Wang Zulan, and Li Chen have no major achievements.  They are in TV dramas and they are all local celebrities in China. Just ask your assistant to go out and inquire about them, and you can find out everything about the other person's work and life. It is also because of the understanding between the five people.  , the five of them are full of recognition for each other. Maybe they are not very famous, but they are all pretty good. And with the broadcast of Chu Shixin's variety show, it is only a matter of time before their fame increases, so there is nothing to worry about.  ? What really surprised them was Liu Jae Suk! After learning about Liu Jae Suk in detail, everyone was extremely shocked by his rise, acting career, conduct, unanimous praise, the strongest connections, countless fans, and everything.  The achievements of the anti-fans are legendary, which is enough for the five people except Chu Shi to admire him. After carefully watching the variety show "Infinite Challenge" hosted by Yoo Jae-seok, they also admired Yoo Jae-seok's funny ability and flexible reactions.  , their serious efforts are all admired by them. Liu Jae Suk and Kang Ho Dong can be said to be the two most popular variety show hosts in Korea, but their hosting styles are completely different.  This is reflected in the variety shows "Infinite Challenge" and "Two Days and One Night" that he currently hosts. When he encounters very difficult characters that require more effort, Jiang Hodong will try his best to persevere and use his usual strength.  He used his loud voice and venomous tongue to motivate the other party and force him to complete the task, but Liu Zaishi would not say too many words. He would only follow behind the other party, pulling him to run when he could no longer run, and supporting him when he could no longer crawl.  When he is afraid and dares not jump, no matter how scared he is, he will set an example and use practical actions to force the other person. How can he not work hard and persist with all his efforts, even if he has a good face?  Trying to encourage others to complete their tasks, and being able to host a variety show under the leadership of Yoo Jae-seok is not only the dream of a Korean host, but also the luck of Deng Chao and others. Because of this, they completely accepted Liu Jae-seok and secretly looked forward to it.  Do you know how far your variety show can reach under the leadership of Chu Shi and Yoo Jae Suk? "In terms of program hosts and guests, there is only so much I want to say. What I want to mention next is the program.  The rest of the team!  " His eyes shifted from the hosts and guests to the staff sitting around. Chu Shi took the lead and said, "The first thing to ensure is the physical strength of the dedicated cameraman. After all, all the hosts and guests of our show,  Basically, they run from beginning to end, which is already a huge burden for celebrities. The cameraman also has to carry the camera, and the burden will be even greater, even if there are equipment around each celebrity.Two cameramen will still be very sleepy, which requires more attention from the management staff!  " "Don't worry, Minister Chu, we started professional training in this regard a few months ago!  " As soon as Chu Shi finished speaking, a middle-aged man who was not very tall but quite strong stood up and patted his chest and promised. " Chu Shi recognized him. He was a powerful cameraman who had collaborated with Wang Lei many times. He was also known as  He is good at physical strength and often shoots some outdoor variety shows that require great physical strength. He has good management skills, so he was appointed by Chu Shi as a small boss to manage these body-worn cameramen. This strong cameraman told Chu Shi that as early as  A long time ago, Wang Lei ordered him to lead all the body-worn cameramen to exercise to ensure that everyone's physical strength could keep up after the filming of the show started. However, he did not betray Wang Lei's trust. Not only did he make the original plan  The body cameraman practiced very well, and also trained the other cameramen hard. This was also recognized by Wang Lei, and Chu Shi finally felt relieved.  He also asked the entire program team to ask many questions, ordering the props team to conduct a final inspection of the props today to ensure that there are no accidents during the filming of the program, requiring security to be more vigilant in maintaining order on site, as well as the cooperation issues at the filming location, and the quality of the clothing sponsors.  A series of other issues will be subject to final review, and the 'emergency accident handling plan' will be reviewed again and again to ensure that after an accident occurs, it can be solved as quickly as possible without leaving even the slightest hidden danger.  ¡°Finally, it¡¯s about the post-production of the show!  " In the end, Chu Shi focused his attention on several editors not far away. In a film and television work, the editor plays a very huge role! It can even be said that in addition to the director, the editor is the most important editor for film and television works.  The person who has the greatest influence, in terms of role, is even bigger than the hero and heroine. However, in China, there have not been any very famous people born in this industry so far. This can also be seen. Compared with Hollywood  Generally speaking, China does not pay enough attention to these seemingly simple, but actually significant industries. A commercial blockbuster can not only be turned into a fast-paced, high-quality film by an excellent editor for post-production.  A work with excellent sense of touch can also make a seemingly dispensable character deeply rooted in people's hearts. An inadvertent look can become impressive if edited by a mediocre editor.  Although the film and television works produced do not have too many flaws, it is difficult to have any "surprises". The overall plot is not concise and clear, but it can be barely watched without any "surprises" in the results.  But it's not bad, it won't get a higher rating and go down in history, but it won't be called 'Rotten Tomatoes' or 'bad drama'. As for a bad editorha.  ! Chu Shi has actually seen a few such works. The editing of a music talent show is extremely confusing. One moment, she is a female singer, and the next moment she becomes a male singer, which gives people a very inconsistent feeling.  The same feeling applies to TV dramas! After the plot is over, there needs to be a certain aftertaste for the audience to savor, but because of the editor's lack of ability and self-righteousness, the plots are piled up one after another.  It looks good on the surface, but in reality, it is a film and television work that will make you vomit. Audiences like to watch the plot, but that doesn¡¯t mean they only want to watch it here. So whether an editor is good or bad, it doesn¡¯t matter.  It is very important for film and television works, but it is even more important for an outdoor variety show! The variety show "Where Are We Going, Dad" is relatively simple, because from beginning to end, all the celebrity dads and cute children are together.  For action, it only requires one task and one step-by-step editing and production. You don¡¯t need to worry too much. At best, you just need to find the plot with more highlights and remove the places with few highlights, and finally it was born.  Needless to say, "Voice of China" does not require Chu Shi to take part in person at all. Music director Jin Shi, director Song Yu and four instructors only need to select the best student in this competition and keep him.  The singing and interview sessions can be included in the program. The quality of the editor has little impact on the program. But Chu Shi¡¯s new variety show is different! During the filming process, the program is often divided into five groups.  Groups of four, groups of three, or even groups of two, individual battles, etc. to compete. The program is shot in groups. When editing, many conditions must be met such as everyone showing their faces and entertainment to be maximized. The overall development must be smooth.  , natural and interesting, so as not to make the audience irritable, and sometimes even use subtitles to add some hosting,The inner activities of the guests are either realistic or exaggerated for entertainment, with only one purpose, to make the audience like this program even more.  As a result, the requirements for editors are quite high!  Although the editors hired by director Wang Lei are all very good, after all, this is the recording of the first season and the first episode, and it is also the head-to-head confrontation between Chu Shi and Zhou Shuhai, and it is very likely to be the last confrontation, which will directly determine the outcome.  The confrontation over who is the King of Variety Shows is a variety show that Chu Shi himself participated in, so naturally he takes it very seriously.  "I will work with you on the editing of the first three episodes of the program, including this one. I won't talk too much about this issue now. We will discuss it in detail when the editing is underway. All in all, I hope that by the time  At that time, you will be able to obey my command, and through three cooperations, you will fully understand what I think about the program. In the future, I will not continue to participate in post-editing work, but I will still conduct the final review, and I have to bear with you.  ¡± Chu Shi¡¯s words were polite, but the meaning was very clear and made everyone present feel domineering.  I will complete the first three phases, and then you will do it yourself. It must conform to my ideas, otherwise everyone will go back to their own homes!  "That's all the content of today's meeting. Does anyone need to add anything?" Finally, after giving instructions to all the staff on site, Chu Shi looked around the crowd and saw that almost everyone was looking at him with confidence.  Without speaking, Chu Shi nodded with satisfaction, "Then let's adjourn the meeting. When we go back, think carefully about what I just told you. Finallytomorrow, I'm waiting for you all to join me in unveiling a new era in the variety show industry.  Times!" (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!
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