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Text Chapter 360 Teacher He¡¯s invitation

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    "But what to do about the problem of "Happy Camp"?" President Luo spread his hands helplessly, "Brother Chu, I asked a lot of people to get a few of them on stage for this variety show. You should know,  It is not a TV series broadcast on Mango Channel. It is so difficult to appear on the stage to promote "Happy Camp". You are a full man and don't know how hungry a man is" "Sister Luo, you are a great beauty, why have you become a hungry man?  " Chu Shi laughed and seemed not to care about this matter. Before President Luo could speak, Chu Shi said directly, "Leave this matter to me. I will contact the management of Mango Channel in a few days.  I will first appear on my variety show in 3 days, and then I will appear on "Happy Camp" after the filming of my variety show is completed. It may be a week delay in "Kuaiben", or it may be a simple delay in broadcasting, but I will ensure that you are on stage.  "It's just that simple?" Not only President Luo, but also several other people around him were stunned. After all, it involved their own affairs. Even Liu Yushi and Tang Yanran were very concerned about it.  .  ¡Ì¨N The variety show "Happy Camp" can be said to be the longest-running and most popular Chinese talk variety show in the entire entertainment industry. The celebrity artists who can appear on the stage are either the main creators of Mango Channel's popular TV series, or they are Chinese  Trend pioneers, or top celebrities, most of the new generation of celebrities grew up watching this variety show.  It can be said that every young person with a star dream is eager to be on this stage, so to speak.  "Happy Camp" is the accompanying dream of the new generation of star artists, and it is precisely for this reason.  If we exclude other reasons, such as the idea of ??making good friends with Chu Shi and the personal relationship with Chu Shi.  Even if the ratings of Chu Shi's new variety show are better than "Happy Camp", I'm afraid more young people will choose "Happy Camp" instead of Chu Shi's new variety show!  After all, "Happy Camp" is not an ordinary variety show, it has even become the key to measuring the success of the new generation of celebrity artists!  ??And such a crucial variety show that they spent countless efforts and energy to successfully stage, Chu Shi was able to smoothen the relationship and adjust the time casually?  "Oh my God, what a monster!"  Several people looked at each other and involuntarily thought that as for the truth or falsehood of what Chu Shi said, no one had the slightest doubt.  Not to mention Chu Shi¡¯s current status in the variety show and entertainment circles.  Just talking about the relationship between Chu Shi and Mango Terrace, it will definitely not be a problem to get this thing done!  Who in the entertainment industry doesn¡¯t know that it was Chu Shi who saved Mango Channel?  Who doesn¡¯t know that all the people on Mango Channel owe Chu Shi a huge favor? Not only that, Chu Shi has now become Mango Channel¡¯s closest partner, whether it is variety shows or TV series production.  They can all be called the 'closest partners'!  Not only that!  It is said that Chu Shi has a very close relationship with many senior executives of Mango TV.  Legend has it that as long as Chu Shi uses this relationship, at least there is nothing that cannot be done within Mango Terrace!  Under such circumstances, how could President Luo, Yang Mi, Hu Ge and others doubt Chu Shi?  Just a little surprised.  Chu Shi is also a man of action who does whatever he wants!  Such a question was just raised.  Moreover, President Luo and others did not express rejection, so Chu Shi immediately chose to call Chen Fengxiao.  Of course, during the phone call.  Chu Shi did not reveal Chen Fengxiao's identity, but called him "Brother" in a familiar manner.  Although it was not agreed upon in advance, Chen Fengxiao instantly understood Chu Shi's intention.  Not many issues were mentioned.  "Are you talking about the TV series "Sword and Sword III" appearing on the stage? I know a little about this. After all, it is the biggest competitor of "The Heirs" for the annual ratings championship. How could I not pay attention? But I say brother,  Are you planning to let the stars of "Sword and Sword III" appear in the first episode of your new variety show? Are you trying to seduce your enemies? " "What the hell, do you think I'm a careless person?  If you want to win the ratings championship, you have to wait until next year to win it with your strength!" Chu Shi laughed, not having any scruples because of the presence of President Luo and others, and spoke directly to Chen Fengxiao, "Finally, because  There is a certain conflict between my new variety show and their appearance on "Kuaiben". In order for my new variety show to start filming smoothly, all I ask is you, brother. How about it, is there no problem with this?"  "Of course there is no problem!" Chen Fengxiao didn't care about this problem at all, "YouYou should know that "Happy Camp" has always been a recorded variety show. In order to avoid accidents, two episodes of the program will be recorded in advance, and now is no exception!  If it were anyone else, I think "Happy Camp" would ignore it, but since it's Brother Chu, you let alone me, even if it's the show team unilaterally, they will definitely sell you this face. Although your new  Variety shows are not broadcast on Mango Channel!  " "It seems that I still have some opinions on my new variety show being hosted on Blueberry Channel!  " Chu Shi laughed and teased Chen Fengxiao, but Chen Fengxiao didn't care. He also knew that there was someone beside Chu Shi, so he didn't say anything more and directly gave Chu Shi a phone number and promised Chu Shi,  He would say hello first. After hanging up Chen Fengxiao's phone, Chu Shi waited for a few minutes, and under the expectant and curious eyes of President Luo and others, he dialed the phone number Chen Fengxiao left for him.  . The phone rang three times, and a magnetic, elegant middle-aged male voice came into Chu Shi's ears. Chu Shi on the other end of the phone also sat upright, "Is it Teacher He?  I am Chu Shi, do you recognize me?  ¡± On the surface, He Jiong is just a variety show host. Although he is the top variety show host in China, Chu Shi himself is the top variety show producer in China. From this point of view, Chu Shi is not at all  There is no need to take He Jiong seriously. But in Chu Shi's view, a man like He Jiong, who has created China's longest-running and iconic interview variety show with his own efforts, is by no means an ordinary man.  The host is so simple! Even through Chen Fengxiao, Chu Shicai learned that many of the ideas in "Happy Camp", including the selection of guests, are often handled by He Jiong!  They all became very popular not long after they debuted on "Happy Camp", which also cast a veil of mystery on "Happy Camp". In addition, He Jiong himself has many other identities besides being a variety show host.  Any one of them is enough to make Chu Shi look at him, and he also has connections that cannot be matched by any star artist in the entire Chinese entertainment industry, plus a developed brain, he is by no means as simple as an ordinary host!  Chen Fengxiao would not show off in front of He Jiong, let alone a young man like Chu Shi. ¡°Chu Shi?  Long time admiration!  " Slightly different from the joy on stage, He Jiong in life is quite calm. He smiled and said to Chu Shi with a gentle, sincere and rich voice that gave people a 'straightforward' feeling, "Some time ago, our happy family  When it came to the celebrity artist we most wanted to invite to the party, the five of us had surprisingly unanimous opinions, but we all mentioned your name!  Not only do we want you to appear on our show, but more importantly, we also want to get to know you, a legendary figure. What do you think? Do you want to come over and have fun?  " Although Chen Fengxiao and He Jiong discussed the issues mentioned by Chu Shi in advance, in He Jiong's eyes, this was not a problem at all. Compared with the trivial matter of changing the recording time, He Jiong was more concerned about it.  It¡¯s still Chu Shi! Faced with He Jiong¡¯s enthusiasm, Chu Shi couldn¡¯t help but smile. In fact, He Jiong had sent an invitation to Chu Shi a long time ago!  He was certain that Chu Shi would become famous in the future and wanted to invite Chu Shi. But unfortunately, Chu Shi was creating the variety show "Voice of China" at that time. In some aspects, Chu Shi had a pretty good relationship with Blueberry Channel.  He Jiong had no choice but to give up the tempting idea of ??inviting Chu Shi. However, not long after, Chu Shi relied on the TV series.  The work "The Heirs" officially started cooperation with Mango Channel, and through He Jiong's observation, it was determined that a certain senior executive between Chu Shi and Mango Channel must have a very close relationship, and in the future, Chu Shi will also  He has a good relationship with Mango Channel. As for the performance of Chu Shi's TV series "The Heirs", He Jiong did not consider it because he firmly believed that Chu Shi's ability in variety show production alone would be enough for Mango.  The TV station took the initiative to curry favor. Therefore, He Jiong sent an invitation to Chu Shi before the TV series "The Heirs" was aired! There is no problem in participating in the show as a member of the TV series crew, as long as Chu Shi  Shi can come over! But unfortunately, Chu Shi has to take the college entrance examination, produce variety shows, film TV series, and even manage two entertainment companies. He really has no time. It can be said that this has also become He Jiong  In the past few months, the biggest regret is that the program is one thing, and more importantly, I want to recognize Chu Shi. And now, I happened to have a direct phone call with Chu Shi, and He Jiong also spoke directly.??raised this question, as for other things they are all trivial matters!  "It's a pity that President Luo and others don't know that the things they value very much are not a big deal in the eyes of Chu Shi, He Jiong, and Chen Fengxiao. Otherwise, they don't know how to cry!"  ps: I went shopping on Sunday and was a little late, hehe, but I will definitely not miss my promise to update 6,000 words twice a day this month without interruption - Xiaoxiao's 'every day' means before going to bed, not before midnight  , please forgive me if I update after midnight, after all, it¡¯s not full time, hehe.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!
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