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Volume 1 Chapter 288 Ask Jackie Chan to be the director

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    The process of becoming a master is actually very simple. It involves bowing three times and kowtowing nine times, and pouring tea for the master. After the master drinks the tea, it means he is officially accepted as a disciple. Then the master leads all the disciples to kowtow to the ancestor.  But the etiquette of this process is very solemn. First of all, it must be witnessed by highly respected figures from the same sect and martial arts colleagues. If it was in the old society, respected masters like Mr. Sun Zhijun would have to send out greetings widely when accepting disciples.  Wang Xu's apprenticeship this time is the most important apprenticeship event for Bagua Zhang in the past ten years. All five major factions of Bagua Zhang in the country: Yin Style, Cheng Style, Shi Style, Liang Style, and Zhang Style all have heavyweights witnessing this event.  An apprenticeship ceremony.  For example, among the twelve famous teachers from various factions present, there were Ge Chunyan, Guan Baoping, and Han Yanwu. These three famous Baguazhang masters were the teachers who taught Zhang Ziyi Baguazhang in "The Grandmaster."  In addition to his wife, the witnesses Wang Xu invited were Chow Yun-fat and his parents. As the saying goes, "My parents are the ones who gave birth to me, and my master is the one who taught me." In traditional Chinese etiquette, the traditional master-disciple relationship is second only to the father-son relationship.  There were also reporters from Hebei TV who covered the entire process.  Although there were many onlookers at the apprenticeship site, the atmosphere was solemn and solemn. Mr. Sun Zhijun wore a patched but very clean white gua attire. It is said that this baigua was given to him by his master for his birthday when he was studying decades ago.  of.  Normally, the old gentleman wouldn't bear to wear it, but today he accepted Wang Xu, a closed disciple, and made an exception to wear it.  Wang Xu was also dressed more solemnly, a blue tunic suit. He knelt down and kowtowed three times respectfully.  Then he held a cup of tea and said respectfully: "Master, please have some tea." "Okay, okay!" Mr. Sun was very happy. It was a great joy to have another disciple in his seventies.  After drinking tea.  Wang Xu has officially become a disciple of Cheng Sect Bagua Zhang.  Next, Mr. Zhang led a group of disciples to worship the first, second and third generation ancestors.  At the same time, it also tells the history of Baguazhang to the newbie Wang Xu.  Baguazhang is a boxing technique that focuses on changing palm techniques and walking and turning. The walking pace is similar to the Bagua in the Book of Changes, so it is called Baguazhang.  Baguazhang, Xingyiquan and Tai Chi are also known as the three major internal martial arts.  This boxing style was created by Dong Haichuan, a strange man during the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty, although its history is only more than a hundred years old.  But it does have a glorious history, and there are many great masters.  For example, Cheng Tinghua, a disciple of Dong Haichuan, is the founder of the Cheng sect of Baguazhang.  What is so great about Cheng Tinghua?  You will also know that one of his disciples is Sun Lutang, the first of the ten great masters in the Republic of China.  Sun Lutang was from the same era as Huo Yuanjia, Huang Feihong and Ip Man.  Huo Yuanjia and Huang Feihong were the two great martial arts masters from the north and the south who were famous in the martial arts at that time. They were a bit like the "Northern Qiao Feng Nan Murong" in Jin Yong's novels, and Sun Lutang was above them. He was the first martial artist at that time. In Chinese history  Like Guan Yu, he is the only one who is revered as a "Martial Saint" by martial arts students all over the world.  Sun Lutang is almost revered as a god in the martial arts circles of the Republic of China. He is also the only person in the history of martial arts who has simultaneously practiced the three major internal martial arts, Tai Chi, Xing Yi and Ba Gua to the peak. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the number one master since the Ming and Qing Dynasties.  This time, Wang Xu¡¯s apprenticeship with Mr. Sun Zhijun, a famous Bagua Zhang master, was reported by Hebei TV Station, which attracted some attention on the Internet. Some netizens guessed whether Wang Xu was preparing for a new film and specifically strengthening his martial arts recuperation.  However, this view is not the mainstream. The mainstream view is just a kind of entertainment news without too much interpretation.  Only a few friends in the industry knew that Wang Xu wanted to transform.  I really put my heart into it for the new film.  Jackie Chan called Wang Xu after seeing the news.  "Sledgehammer, do you really want to make a kung fu movie?" Jackie Chan now knew that Wang Xu was not joking. He said: "Transformation is very risky. The market for making kung fu movies is not very good now. Have you thought clearly?  "I understand that there are risks. I don't have to worry about the box office if I make a comedy." Wang Xu said: "I want to challenge other genres. I believe that I will not regret it even if it fails."  Brother, why did you go to Hollywood back then? This is also an adventure." Jackie Chan understood Wang Xu's determination and smiled: "Do you need me to help you with anything?" After Wang Xu said thank you, he said: "I am.  I want to ask you to be the director. " Many viewers may not have noticed that many of the best-selling movies such as "Police Story", "Plan A", and "Eagle Project" were directed by Jackie Chan himself, but he is famous as an actor.  It's so big that people forget that he is also a top kung fu film director.  "No problem, this busy brother will definitely help you." "That's great. I'll send you the script after it's finalized in a few days. I'm a little busy right now so I won't talk to you anymore. I'll hang up." Wang Xu wants to send Chow Yun-fat away  Let's go, Fa Ge just happened to come and heard what he and Jackie Chan said,?? said: "It's a good idea for you to invite Jackie Chan to be the director. With him and Jingjiaban, your new film will at least be of guaranteed quality." Of course, the benefits of having Jackie Chan join the franchise are not limited to that. Wang Xu chuckled and said: "Student  I'm taking a risk now, teacher, do you want to protect me?" Chow Yun-fat laughed and scolded: "Please pay attention to me, first of all, brothers must also settle the score, don't think about me reducing my salary!" "Oh, let's talk!  Money hurts my feelings too much. Besides, you and I are not brothers. We are masters and disciples. As the saying goes, 'Once a teacher, always a father.' Dad Zhou, do you think so?" Chow Yun-fat was killed by Wang Xu?  Dad Zhou screamed and his whole body got goosebumps, but there was some warmth in his heart. He quickly said: "I surrender. I am really unfortunate to be relied on by a brat like you in my later years." Wang Xu was overjoyed and said with a smile: "Look what you said.  , I don¡¯t want you to suffer a loss, Master.¡± ¡°I like hearing this.¡± Chow Yun-fat laughed. He is very supportive of Wang Xu¡¯s transformation. An actor should act like one, and cannot be limited to one.  type, young people should constantly challenge themselves.  "Okay, don't send me off. You can go back and keep in touch if you need anything." "Have a nice journey!" Wang Xu watched Chow Yun-fat get into the car and did not return until the car disappeared at the entrance of the village.  The guests attending the ceremony left one after another. Zhuang Xiaodie went to see her parents off at the airport. Only a few reporters stayed. They rented a private house nearby and wanted to take some photos of Wang Xu practicing. At the same time, they were also curious about whether Wang Xu was really practicing martial arts or not.  A hype.  These reporters were really patient. After squatting for half a month, they actually took a lot of pictures of Wang Xu practicing. For example, from five o'clock in the morning, Wang Xu was practicing boxing with the old and young men in Chengjia Village.  There was a stake under a tree, but it was a pity that Mr. Sun Zhijun was not photographed teaching skills in person.  Three hours in the morning and three hours in the afternoon. This can no longer be said to be just practicing for fun. Wang Xu is really practicing meticulously.  The reporter did not see that Wang Xu¡¯s indoor exercises were even harder. In order to enhance his body¡¯s flexibility, he had to do kicking and stretching exercises every night. It was really painful at first and his whole body ached. There was no on-site guidance from a master for such training.  It is easy to strain the meridians.  Wang Xu had to grit his teeth several times in the past week. When Zhuang Xiaodie helped him apply the lotion, he saw that his calves were blue, and he was so heartbroken that he shed tears.  So much so that half a month later, he asked for two days off from his master to record the last episode of the first season of "Running Man". During the last scene of tearing off famous brands, he could only sit down because the pain in his calf meridians had not fully recovered.  Watching the game in the lounge, the name tag was handed to Wang Baoqiang.  (To be continued)
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