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Text Chapter 78 Press Conference

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    Thursday, early morning - In the winter season, the day always comes relatively late, and the land is always covered with frost. At night, I always complain that the sun goes too hastily.  This was completely contrary to Su Ming's thoughts. He was not affected by the darkness at all, so he wished that the daylight hours could be shorter.  Retaining his aversion to the sun, early in the morning, before the morning glow had reached an annoying level, Su Ming forced Xia Yixin to toss him with coaxing and coaxing. When he saw the clock  When the direction was only five o'clock, for a moment, Xia Yixin really wanted to strangle Su Ming to death.  Safety first!  Safety first!  This was Su Ming's rhetoric, and it was quite convincing.  At least at such a time point, transporting things to the venue can indeed have a deceptive effect. Of course, more for the sake of the delicious breakfast, Xia Yixin didn't care about him so much.  .  When Su Ming and Xia Yixin walked downstairs, more than thirty private guards belonging to Xia's Heavy Industry were lined up outside neatly. They had been waiting for a long time. All black polished vehicles, in the early morning mist,  Covered with a layer of fine dew, the guards standing on both sides in an orderly manner do have an extraordinary temperament.  This was enough to intimidate a large number of people. The team that Xia Yixin had always been proud of did not provide her with much sense of security under the current circumstances. After experiencing that level of power, she sobered up  Realize how terrifying the hidden enemy really is.  She subconsciously looked at Su Ming, who was standing behind her, half a body away from her. It wasn't until he nodded affirmatively and patted her shoulder in a comforting manner that she calmed down a little!  Su Ming, who carries all her trust and only sustenance, is undoubtedly her most extraordinary existence.  Turning her face away and standing at the door of the car that someone had opened for her, Xia Yixin glanced at the group of elites belonging to the Xia family, took a deep breath, then calmly, waved her hand energetically, and ordered: "  Let's go!" Unlike Xia Yixin's peace of mind, although as this woman's spiritual support, he must show a confident attitude, in fact, Su Ming still has a little worry about such a high-profile approach.  Logically speaking, for things like transportation, it is better to be as low-key as possible. After all, it is a battle at their level. Ordinary people, even ordinary people equipped with nano armor, have no meaning.  Therefore, he really couldn't understand the pomp and circumstance that these big companies had to pay attention to.  However, as if he had really given up, Su Ming's worries seemed a bit unnecessary in the face of reality.  The entire transportation process was unexpectedly smooth, with no mistakes at all. Such a situation made Su Ming feel that something was a little abnormal.  No matter from any aspect, the measure of strength and the desire for the elemental disintegrator are not worthy of the other party's reason to stop.  If we really plan to do it in front of countless people, including military representatives and military security forces, during the press conference, it would be too crazy and arrogant!  However, considering the degree of contempt this time by the military, this possibility cannot be ruled out.   The so-called elemental disintegrator, when Xia Yixin unlocked more than thirty code locks of varying complexity from the research base a hundred meters underground, opened the alloy steel plate with a thickness of more than one meter, and took it out  , Su Ming still couldn't see much difference from such a small black box.  However, from Xia Yixin's confident and incomprehensible smile, he still retained a trace of expectation. Something that could make even those who adapt to it coveted would definitely not be something ordinary and without any highlights.  .  Therefore, when Su Ming walked into the venue holding this thing that was no less than a storm bomb, he was not moved at all by being trusted. On the contrary, he had enough reasons to believe that Xia Yixin simply took this huge thing.  A trouble was all thrown onto him, forcing him to be cautious.  You can feel it from the snickering that you are trying to hold back.  After arriving at the venue through the exclusive safe passage, Xia Yixin breathed a sigh of relief. Now that things have reached this point, more than half of it is finally completed. Next, he only needs to explain the function of the elemental disintegrator at the press conference.  After publishing the data, completing a symbolic bidding, and then handing over all the research data and samples to the military department, her affairs here would be considered to have come to an end.  That way, you can enjoy a stable life that you haven¡¯t seen for a long time!  Before the press conference was held, Xia Yixin had been looking forward to it for a while.  To be honest, since the development of the elemental disintegrator was completed, she has indeed been in a long-term state of tension for such a long time.She had been working at a high intensity, and even though she was used to it, she felt extremely tired.  After the commission is over, you can invite him to take a vacation or something on the grounds of celebration. Will he agree?  He secretly glanced at Su Ming, who was sitting there with his eyes closed and thinking about something. Xia Yixin's heart beat a little faster. He always said that serious men are the best looking, but he didn't expect Su Ming to be so focused.  It was a bit overwhelming for her.  The time of the press conference was set in the afternoon, but it was still only the morning, and the entire venue started to become lively.  Not only the invitees belonging to various similar companies, but also almost all the media organizations in Shidu also came.  Xia's Heavy Industry also exerts full influence on the entire heavy industry chain of the Federation. Therefore, whether it is for cuddling or just to watch the excitement, such a group of people cannot slack off.  The environment inside the venue is still generally clean, but outside the venue, the hustle and bustle of people is no less than that in the downtown area. As representatives of the same industry, most of them know each other, and people come and go to socialize.  A few greetings, even if they are whispered, seem a bit confusing given the huge population base.  Such a situation interfered with Su Ming's perception to a certain extent, making him unable to determine whether some strange guy had sneaked in!  Although his perception of the intrinsic diffusion field of the phagocytosis was absolutely unmistakable, he would not forget that the woman who called herself Lin Weiyue and whose origin was actually unknown was able to evade his perception twice and sense the situation around her.  .  ¡°And in addition, there is the sniper with completely unknown and conceptual equipment. He is a real human species. It is really hard for Su Ming to distinguish between them in such a complex environment.  The last few hours before the launch of the press conference were undoubtedly the busiest period for the entire Xia's Heavy Industry. The entire group was operating to the limit, and even Xia Yixin could no longer stay in the office.  Not only did I have to arrange many matters for the meeting, but I also had to receive a few important guests.  Most of the time, Su Ming stayed alone in the room, watching every move at the venue while guarding the elemental disintegrator.  Apart from security issues, the only thing worthy of Su Ming's attention was the presence of military representatives - which completely confirmed his speculation. Apart from Fang Yanshan, the military representative of the Shidu garrison, there was no one else.  People, not to mention Mu Mingyan, who has attracted much attention in this era and represents the highest technological power of the Federation.  Even Fang Yanshan only rushed to the venue when the press conference was about to begin, and he really couldn't see much importance in it.  Isn¡¯t it really a big deal?  While he felt regretful for missing the opportunity to meet again, Su Ming could not help but have such considerations.   At two o'clock in the afternoon, the press conference started on time - the huge disc-shaped venue was filled with people from high to low. Although it was far from full, it seemed a bit sparse in such a wide venue.  , but in terms of the number of people, it is indeed a rare event.  Xia Yixin on the stage changed into the standard work clothes she usually wears, and wore a tight-fitting dark blue dress, which made her already extremely attractive figure even more charming, and the chest-high style brought out the beauty.  There is a deep ravine, and the long skirt drags to the ground, completely covering the slender and sexy legs. The conservative style forms a strong contrast with the upper body, making people want to lift them up and take a look.  The impulse of a glance.  With a thin layer of makeup on her face, and her serious and dignified posture, every move she made lost her usual casualness and looked extraordinarily serious and decent. Even Su Ming felt amazing.  "Dear guests, I am honored that you can be invited to participate in this Xia Group's new product launch conference! I am Xia Yixin, the chairman of Xia Group. Here, I want to tell you some good news! You, everyone present,  We will witness the greatest invention of this century. Maybe it is too arrogant to say this now, but from my personal point of view, this is really not an exaggeration at all.¡± Such words did cause a small stir in the audience!  The commotion, exclamation, ridicule, etc. could be clearly heard in Su Ming's ears, but Xia Yixin's calm tone did not tremble at all even when facing the top-down gazes of nearly a thousand people.  The excellent sound effects, when spread out, can indeed enhance the atmosphere. At this point, for a girl in her twenties, she can't do it any better.  As her words fell, the lighting equipment in the field that was still shining slowly dimmed. The only place that was still illuminated was the focus.Now.  On the booth, next to Xia Yixin, a not-too-wide column slowly rose up. On top of it, placed was the small black metal box that Su Ming had spent the whole day with.  Slender fingers pressed up, and light green light was projected out, completely sweeping over Xia Yixin's face. Then, after a series of dazzling unlocking methods, a mechanical unlocking sound sounded. In the black box, white light reflected a  A device as small as a mobile phone was held out.  "Elemental disintegrator - the name is indeed a bit inappropriate for the time being, but it is a thing that can achieve miracles!" Xia Yixin held the bright silver instrument in both hands and spoke confidently, with a look in his beautiful big eyes.  , showing a very proud look.
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