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Text Chapter 55 Intricacies

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    The cold, almost emotionless eyes conveyed a strong murderous aura from the air. The chill ran down Xia Yixin's spine and spread uncontrollably throughout her body, restraining her from even having the strength to open her mouth and speak.  In fact, it is a rare thing for an ordinary person to be able to hold on without fainting under such murderous intent.  Even the thought of calling for help could not be realized. Although the siren was close at hand, it was too difficult to take such a step.  Fortunately, just when Xia Yixin was about to feel desperate, a harsh whistle suddenly sounded in the quiet night sky - the dynamic monitoring device finally discovered these uninvited guests.  For a time, several rows of dazzling lights lit up in sequence and quickly from far to near. The intense white light illuminated the manor that was originally shrouded in darkness as if it were daytime.  In the open field, not a single figure could be seen. In such an environment, the four people standing high above them suddenly seemed abrupt.  But even though he was exposed so unpreparedly, he didn't see any signs of panic at all. He still stood there so carelessly, staring at Xia Yixin motionlessly, silently releasing the oppressive atmosphere, even hugging his chest.  , the posture of inserting the pocket has not changed at all.  However, under such conditions, it is still possible to see what this group of people looks like.  "Two men and two women, if their bodies are anything to go by, this should be the case!"  Wearing uniformly a sky-blue corset, the covered part covers almost every part of the body, and even the face is blocked by the mask that covers half of the face, making it difficult to see the true appearance. It is worth mentioning that,  On their right chests, like embroidery, there was a pattern that was so primitive that Xia Yixin could not understand it at all. The golden threads shone brilliantly under the light.  Really speaking, as assassins, their equipment is indeed a bit crude, or in other words, they do not carry any weapons at all.  The thin clothes didn't look like they were hiding any firearms. They were coordinated from top to bottom, without any unnaturalness.  As for the hands, apart from their own arms, waists, and trouser pockets, nothing else was seen.  Looking at this indiscreet gesture, Xia Yixin not only showed no sign of relaxing, but her expression became even more nervous - some things are scary just because they know about them.  "Show your identity and purpose immediately! Come down from above with your head in your hands!" The guards who had been ordered to hide themselves were able to play their role at this time.  In short, just when the other party was still unprepared, they had already surrounded her. More than thirty guards armed with nano-armors rushed into Xia Yixin's room uniformly and stood in front of her.  Isolated from such a heart-stopping gaze, the solid and reliable silver armor and the various weapons derived from it gave Xia Yixin a sense of security, which made her feel like she had survived.  She breathed a long sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat from her forehead. But after such a small relaxation, she quickly realized that this might be an illusion.  The armed force of a small team tightly wrapped four people in it. The armored weapon system was not turned on to the maximum power, but even so, there were at least twenty black barrels and muzzles.  They were locked on them at close range. If they even made the slightest move, there was no doubt that they would be beaten into pieces immediately.  The words of coercion and firepower seemed to have an effect. The man who had been standing on the fence from beginning to end without any unnecessary movement finally spoke.  One of them, the tallest man, politely put his hand on his chest and made a fairly standard greeting greeting, but his indifferent tone did not convey any enthusiasm at all: "I am here to visit you and meet you for the first time, Miss Xia Yixin.  ! I think your purpose has been made clear, right? Hand over the elemental disintegrator and all the test parameters. Otherwise, I have to ask you to die!" Faced with this, do it to them!  Although it was considered a rather disadvantageous situation, Ying Yin's words contained no sense of crisis at all. Even the politeness was downplayed to the extreme. From his mouth, the matter of "please die" sounded as if it was no big deal at all.  thing.  Provocation and contempt, threats and murderous intentions, no matter what they are, are enough for the experienced guard captain to know what kind of orders to give. The other party looks completely confident, which makes him slightly worried, and he has no time to hesitate at all.  If he dared to stay, he waved his hand and gave the order to attack.  However, even so, in his sight, the vague worry finally became a reality, although this scene was indeed a grand scene that he had never seen in his life.  ¡°Click, click, click¡ª¡± The eight nano-armors, even if their firepower is not fully activated, still have extremely amazing explosive power. The moment the hand falls, the gunshotThe roaring sound was compiled into a messy variation, from violent at the beginning to gentle in the middle, until it dimmed. After the guard captain's hand shook hard, it still sounded twice unwillingly, and then stopped.  Come down.  Even Xia Yixin looked at the scene in front of him in shock. It was definitely a spectacle.  The bullet, which had already accelerated to more than three times the speed of sound the moment it came out of the barrel, was less than 20 meters away from the target. On such a short trajectory, the bullet even stopped at an awkward speed before it even had time to decrease.  Yingyin was less than half a meter away, floating there quietly, as if suspended in the air.  It is indeed hanging!  It was like being held by something in the void. At first, the warhead could be seen rotating at high speed, but it suddenly stopped. Even the small fixed-point high-explosive missile was not spared. When it was less than a few meters away, it was forcibly detonated.  , the fiery red flames rose for a moment, covering Xia Yixin's sight, but after dissipating, the figure on the other side was still unscathed, and even the splendor of the clothes on his body had not changed, and no trace of embarrassment could be seen.  Then, in the disbelief expressions of everyone, the hundreds of bullets that were originally hovering over there began to tremble slightly and spin in the opposite direction. At the same time, from Ying Yin's mouth, words like announcing destiny came out  : "It seems that Miss Xia Yixin refuses to cooperate with us. In that case, I have no choice but to respect your choice!" After speaking calmly and indifferently, the moment the words fell, a dark yellow warhead streaked through the air.  After passing through bright tracks, a circle of guards around them flew back before they had time to react, even much faster than before.  Here, we must affirm the defensive capabilities of nano-armor.  The composite nano-metal, which is much richer than the material of ordinary bullets, provides a great degree of buffering force even at that speed. At least the seemingly powerful counterattack failed to break through the seemingly thin layer in the end.  silver nail surface.     but!  Is it really possible that a person can be knocked away by just relying on the impact point of a bullet?  In any case, when this appetizing attack stopped, there was no escort figure within fifty meters of Yingyin. They were lying down in a mess, and the armor on their bodies had not yet been removed.  , just lying there motionless, even if there was no flesh trauma, under such an attack, the pure impact force alone was not something that the human body could withstand.  There is no doubt that Xia Yixin has come to an obvious conclusion in his mind. These people in front of him, at least the man who calls himself "Ying Yin", belong to the same unrecognized existence as Su Ming.  With such power, the guards who were trustworthy just a moment ago seemed much more fragile. The remaining thirty or so people had no idea how much they could withstand. What's more, there were four of them in total.  .  With hidden eyes, she looked around for a moment, and finally determined the location of the phone, which was at the head of the bed not far from her.  At this point, there is only one person she can place her hope on. She has no idea that the Adapter will be so powerful, and the only person who can compete with it is an equal force.  Relying on the cover of the unflinching guards in front of her, Xia Yixin took two quick steps and came to the bed. Seeing the mobile phone close at hand, when she just stretched out her hand, a strange twist suddenly appeared, and she subconsciously retracted it.  The movement of the hand was not unnecessary, because in the next second, the small mobile phone burst into a ball of blazing fire and exploded with a bang.  Such a change caused even Xia Yixin to have a trace of unconcealable panic on his face. He turned his head and looked around. One of the few people who had arrived in front of the crowd at some unknown time was squinting his eyes.  She put her fingers up to her mouth, making a silencing gesture, and said slowly: "Shh - Miss Xia, I advise you not to act rashly!" The last glimmer of hope was broken, and she was unable to resist.  The feeling made Xia Yixin's heart suddenly hit rock bottom.  </a><a></a>
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