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Volume 1¡¤Dear Relatives Scene 29 White Dragon (I)

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    Act 29 White Dragon (i) When the unique cry of the jackal reached the girl's ears, the sudden jumping scene made the girl suddenly open her eyes.  In <Ice and Fire# Her eyes glanced around the suddenly accelerating carriage without focus. Finally, she seemed to feel something running suddenly. She raised her head and looked outside.  Then she let out a scream.  There, a jackal that was running quickly was shot into its eye socket by an arrow, and blood spurted out. The jackal screamed and fell to the ground, rolled a few times, and finally fell silent.  Go down.  "Cool! I can't tell, but you are quite strong." Diga's voice came, and then a different dart hit a jackal in the chest.  The dart actually pierced the heart of the Jackal's chest, and it soon lost the strength to continue running.  The voice of Ge Tongluo, who was standing on the roof of the car, also came over at this time: "Didn't you say you can't see clearly?" "Of course you can see it from this close. Oh, hold on tight." There is a stone in the middle in front of you.  When the carriage forcibly drove over this rock, everyone in the carriage was shaken by the carriage.  The girl tightly grasped the armrest of the carriage next to her, and at this moment, the silent half-elf boy in front of her suddenly laughed: "It's really it came so fast." The nearest jackal was already within reach of the carriage.  ~Half a meter away, it¡¯s really hard to imagine that they can run so fast.  At this moment, a spark suddenly floated out of the hand of the half-elf boy.  At this time, Ilya's voice came: "Are you crazy!" "To be honest. As a mage, I like to control the field more than I like the turret." Avis's voice was a little deep.  "Butthese guys are in a good position. If I don't let go, I won't feel comfortable tonight" As soon as he finished speaking, a talisman flashed in Avis's hand.  The magic book he held in his left hand instantly emitted a shining light. When the light disappeared, there was a burning flame in Ives' hand.  With a finger of Ives' hand, the flame rushed directly into the middle of the running gnolls behind.  Then, there was a harsh 'Boom!  ¡¯ a terrible sound.  The girl covered her head in panic.  But when she opened her eyes, what she saw was a pile of burning corpses.  The corpse still had a vague human shape, but after taking a few steps forward, the corpse finally fell to the ground.  The flames slowly dissipated, and more jackals around were burned by the flames. They cried and howled for a while and then declared their death.  "Haha, you are indeed Mr. Mage!" Diga's excited laughter came over at this time.  Ives said flatly: "You can also cast ring spells. What's there to envy?" Diga is a level 10 bard with two extraordinary feats.  To say that he can't cast ring spells is really strange.  "But I really don't know how to fireball." Diga's voice dropped.  The carriage continued to move forward.  Ge Tongluo also jumped down from the roof of the car and straightened his clothes: "You did a good job. If you don't release that 250 gold coin worth of arrows, I will waste a few more 5 silver coin arrows."  "Are you scolding me?" The girl looked at the quarreling team and suddenly fell silent. She looked down at her canvas-supported shoes and said nothing.  The rest of the journey was quite peaceful. After killing a few eyeless hobgoblins, they arrived at the bottom of the burning village.  When the girl saw the village in front of her after the fire wave attacked, her pupils could not help but shrink.  She covered her mouth in surprise, trying not to shed tears.  When Avis looked carefully, he also saw corpses everywhere.  For a girl who grew up in this village, these people might be her acquaintances.  With a sigh, Ives said: "In the script of fate, happiness is just a luxury hope." Ge Tongluo also made a cross in silence, then he looked up and looked around: "The battle here is over.  "What are we going to do next, look for survivors?" "When did you have the illusion that there will be survivors in the place after being attacked by monsters?" Avis shook his head helplessly.  These people are all dead. "What you just said is good, who said it?" Diga nodded and said.  Avis glanced at him: "I said so." "You don't seem to have the experience to say such a thing." Diga said with some surprise.  Avis snorted, turned away, and said nothing.  Of course, this sentence was not said by him, but by the protagonist in the game he played.  At that time, they conquered hell and watched their hometown being destroyed.?The companions died one by one.  But the happiness he pursued eventually dissipated in his hands. The protagonist, who was on the verge of mental breakdown, finally unlocked the seal of the Book of Destiny.  In the final cg animation of the game, the stars fell on the earth like fireworks, and the gods landed on the ground one by one.  At that time, all I could hear was the protagonist's sick laughter To be honest, this was the first time Ives had played such a protagonist.  Of course, this should have something to do with the line he chooses.  He chose a line that looks like lawful good, but is actually chaotic evil, that is, the protagonist is innocent on the surface, but is doing many bad things behind the scenes.  Of course, the bad things he did were all chosen by Ives himself, not the protagonist, so in the end, the protagonist lost everything and he could only take revenge on the gods.  However, judging from the endings circulating on the Internet, there are not many good endings.  Some protagonists retreat into the mountains in despair, some protagonists are betrayed and end up dying on a cross, and there are also protagonists whose wives are abducted by teammates.  In short, there are all kinds of strange endings, but it seems that only Ives can achieve the ending where the protagonist opens the Book of Destiny.  I don¡¯t know if those people didn¡¯t play carefully enough, or if Ives chose a line that was really crazy.  Ge Tongluo played with the dagger in his hand impatiently: "I've had enough. Hurry up and notify the soldiers in the nearest city to come and collect the corpses. The smell here is terrible." Ives looked at the sky.  Waiting.  Of course he knew what was going to happen next, so he was not in a hurry.  Ge Tongluo said impatiently: "What are you still looking at? Why don't you leave quickly?" "When she appears, the stars will make way for her, and the moon will not be as beautiful as her. If the wind blows,  The cheek brings her figure" At this time, Avis was murmuring as if he was reciting a poem.  Diga, who had sharp ears, smiled and said: "Well! This poem is about the 'Frost Leaf Lady', right? The ancient white dragon on the head. I like this poem very much. The love between that white dragon and human beings is really great.  It's touching, but it doesn't end well. By the wayWhy are you chanting this poem at this time?" "Because" Avis took a deep breath and pointed to the horizon.  There, a white figure was slowly enlarging in the sky.  When they saw this figure, everyone's pupils couldn't help but dilate, then shrink The girl even knelt on the ground tremblingly.  Ge Tongluo immediately grasped the dagger at his waist, his expression full of caution.  Diga put his hand on Ge Tongluo's shoulder, shook his head, and then both of them became quiet.  The dragon in the sky is getting bigger and bigger, and its speed is getting faster and faster.  The snow-white body slowly enlarged, and a loud dragon roar echoed in the ears of Avis and others.  Soon, the huge body stopped in front of Ives and others. The huge existence flapped its wings and slowly landed in front.  A hurricane blew up everyone's hair, and the surrounding rubble was scattered. When viewed from a close distance, this dragon was incredibly huge. Even if its huge wings were folded, they were nearly ten meters wide.  A terrifying dragon's power instantly filled the surroundings, and everyone subconsciously felt an emotion called 'fear'. They couldn't help but kneel on the ground, trembling all over - this was the dragon's power.  Avis is also capable of dragon power, but compared to this dragon power, it pales into insignificance.  The saving throw of this dragon's power is difficult to achieve, and apart from the magic of 'resisting fear', there are not many ways to resist the terrifying power of this dragon.  Avis got down and looked forward.  Snow-white scales, emerald green eyes, and a huge body.  Ives has almost never seen such a beautiful and terrifying creature. Fortunately, this white dragon is not hostile, otherwise, all the people present combined would not be enough to deal with it alone.  The white dragon is a dragon with a challenge level of 17, and it is also the only pure-blood dragon that has not entered the legend.  But the ancient white dragon is a legendary dragon with a challenge level of 21. Although it is shameful to say that an ordinary adult golden dragon is probably at this level, but for Ivis, who has just realized the first extraordinary feat, no matter it is level 17  It doesn't make any difference to him whether it's level 21 - the opponent wants to crush him to death, and the force required to crush a reptile to death is the same.  "Humble mortals." Long Di lowered his head and looked at Avis and others, "Do you know who destroyed this village?" The sound was deafening, making people want to faint after hearing it.  But Avis still passed a will test, and he did not faint.  He just raised his head and looked at the ancient white dragon, and then said: "I offer you my respect, Ms. White Dragon Modicona." "Answer my question!" Bai Long opened his mouth and said almost roaring.  (To be continued) PS: Please give me a monthly pass.  r1292?¡­
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