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Chapter 0376: The palace is haunted

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    When Xixia was first founded, Li Yuanhao abolished all Han rites and then restored Hu rites as national laws.  First, of course, it is to show its independence and draw a clear line with the Central Plains dynasty; second, there are also unspeakable practical difficulties. Chinese etiquette is very good, but it is very expensive! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? down  The name of the country of etiquette is not for nothing!  If you want to reach the level of a country of etiquette, you need to spend a lot of money. Without money, you will definitely not be worthy of the title of China.  Xixia¡¯s own national strength is barely able to protect itself and cannot reach the level of China.  Not to mention Xixia, even though the Liao Kingdom was vast, it was still not as rich as the Song Dynasty.  If you want to maintain Han Li, you need to devote enough capital to support it.  If you don¡¯t have money, it¡¯s more economical to live the life of a barbarian.  Well, China, let¡¯s go to bed!  But when Li Yuanhao¡¯s son succeeded to the throne and took charge, he began to depose Hu Li. He envied Han Li and began to implement Han Li.  After all, the Song Dynasty was rich enough, so China's living habits were regarded as a sign of civilization.  However, his time in power was relatively short, and then he died of an arrow wound, and the policies he pursued were not supported.  When his wife, Empress Dowager Liang, came to power behind the curtain, she was forced to abolish the Han rites and restore the Hu rites because of her non-Dangxiang ethnicity - in order to show her separation from the Han people.  Therefore, in the palace of Xixia, the rules of vassal etiquette were mainly followed, and the rules of the Song Dynasty were not implemented.  Ding Yang sneaked into the palace without spending much time at all.  Although the defense is very strict, no matter how strict it is, it can't stop Ding Yang from launching his full strength.  That night, after seeing Ye Liren, Queen Mother Liang lost consciousness shortly after taking a rest and fell into an extremely drowsy sleep.  Although I was very groggy, I still felt as if I had been tossed around for a long time in my sleep.  Even if I haven't woken up, I still feel a little exhausted.  Speaking of which, what made her even more embarrassed was that she had a very deep sleep and had an extremely absurd dream.  In the dream, I didn¡¯t know who she was with. Anyway, they were lingering until death, and they were always demanding.  Since her husband died three years ago, Queen Mother Liang has been in a state of emptiness for the past few years.  It wasn't that she didn't want to find a lover, in fact she did find one.  But after all, they had just listened to the government behind the curtain and held the power alone, and there were still many opposition forces lurking in Xixia.  Given Queen Mother Liang's passion for power, she didn't care about physical needs at all.  As long as it satisfies her control of power, the taste is enough for her to feel happy a thousand times.  Therefore, before the situation in Xixia has completely improved, her attitude towards her lover is completely dispensable.  It was only at the beginning of this year that he gradually and completely took control of Xixia's internal and external power, and slowly resumed contact with his lover.  But no matter what, you still have to pay attention to what should be paid attention to, and communication with your lover can only be done secretly.  However, the refreshing dream she had last night really made her feel comfortable from the very core of her bones, to the point where she was reluctant to wake up.  After all, Kemeng is just a dream, and you have to wake up when it¡¯s time to wake up.  As a result, she never expected that as soon as she woke up, Empress Dowager Liang's heart "thumped" and she realized a big problem.  ¡°Normally speaking, it¡¯s not unusual to have a less glorious dream, it¡¯s just to feel happy in your heart.  But now she realized that this time it was definitely not a matter of her dreaming and enjoying herself, but it was someone else's fault.  After all, Empress Dowager Liang is no longer a girl. From her first husband to her second husband and then to her lover, she is only 25 years old and has experienced more than one man.  It¡¯s not that I don¡¯t know anything about the things between men and women, even if they are apart for a long time, they are still very sensitive.  Judging from the many details on the body, it is obvious that the dream last night was not a dream, but something really happened.  The traces that men left in her body could be hidden from others but not from herself.  Fortunately, the past few years in power have not been in vain. Empress Dowager Liang's thoughts can be completely hidden in private so that others cannot see it on the surface.  She calmly pretended as if nothing had happened, but in fact she had already begun to deal with the traces.  After finishing dealing with the traces on his body, he secretly started investigating, trying to figure out what happened last night.  ¡°If someone secretly attacked her, then it wouldn¡¯t be too difficult for someone who could do this to kill her.  "Losing one's body is nothing, but losing one's life inexplicably is something Empress Dowager Liang will never tolerate."   But after investigating, Empress Dowager Liang was surprised to find that everything last night was normal.  Except for the fact that the palace maid was sleeping too deeply in her palace, there were no unusual details at all.  Including the statements from the guards in the palace and the patrol team, all prove that everything was business as usual last night.  This made Empress Dowager Liang feel very uneasy, as if there was a big hand secretly controlling everything.  Although Xixia¡¯s imperial palace is not big, it is definitely not small either.  After the entire investigation, it was almost a complete uproar.  Even if we try our best not to expand the momentum, the actual impact is still very large.  Queen Mother Liang soon discovered that her investigative behavior inside the palace had caused uneasiness among important ministers outside the palace.  Although the important ministers outside the palace did not know the reason why she did this, they would inevitably inquire about the information privately.  Instead, rumors spread and all kinds of groundless speculations emerged.  After Empress Dowager Liang received the news, she felt a little dumbfounded and at the same time began to feel the uneasiness in her heart begin to intensify.  ¡°If the important ministers outside the palace begin to doubt her control over the inner palace, they will also question her qualifications to control the power of the government.  She didn't know what the domino effect was, but she would never allow such a thing to happen.  So he quietly calmed down everything and continued to pretend he didn't know anything.  But privately, he notified his younger brother Liang Yimi and dispatched elite guards to the palace for defense.  By the way, not only did she change her sleeping quarters, but she also added more maids to serve.  It was clearly announced that everyone should remain in shift status, and no one could be distracted for a moment.  As long as someone is on duty, he is absolutely not allowed to rest. He must be alert in the palace at all times.  But what surprised her was that she had a strange dream again at night. As usual, she felt so comfortable that her whole body felt paralyzed, and she was too lazy to do anything.  As usual, I slept until dawn without even stumbling in the middle.  I just slept, with no intention of waking up.  In fact, although she has taken charge of Xixia's domestic power in the past few years, her sleep quality has become worse and worse. Most of the time, she can't fall asleep even if she wants to.  What¡¯s more, there are so many things to do every day, and the things to worry about are countless.  With heavy thoughts and many things to do, of course the quality of sleep is very poor.  However, after two nights, she suddenly discovered that the quality of her sleep was unimaginable.  I dare not say that I will fall asleep if I touch the pillow, at least I will fall asleep and not wake up.  These days have basically disappeared from her life since she started having an affair with the emperor. Even after she became the queen, it was still the same.  This thing among the Xixia royal family has always been very dirty, and there has never been a time when it was clean.  It was true that Emperor Liang Zuo had an affair with her, and it was true that he made her queen, but he never stopped having beautiful women around him.  "The Empress Dowager Liang has never complained about this, and is even looking for a woman to sleep with her husband.  In order to secure the throne of the Queen, no one knows how much Empress Dowager Liang paid.  And when Emperor Liang Zuo died and her son Bingchang ascended the throne, the position of the Empress Dowager was also difficult to fill.  The extreme yearning for power in her nature made Empress Dowager Liang begin to listen to politics behind the curtain at the age of only twenty-two.  During the more than three years in charge of Xixia's national affairs, she deeply realized the beauty of power, but she also lost a lot because of it.  Perfect sleep like this is one of the things that is lost.  As for the sour feeling of living and dying in a dream, I have never even tried it in my life.  ¡°If there wasn¡¯t so much mystery in this matter.  Maybe Empress Dowager Liang would admit it.  After her investigation was completed, she soon discovered that the order she gave last night to never let people fall asleep was not implemented.  That is to say, at the same time that she began to dream, the maid serving in the palace also fell asleep.  Empress Dowager Liang didn¡¯t mean to say anything more, and directly ordered the execution of the maids on duty.  However, on the third day, she clearly felt something again, and she once again entered that sweet dream and couldn't extricate herself.  By the way, there was still a palace maid on duty that night who fell asleep and failed to complete the order.  So as usual, the head of the palace maid fell to the ground, but she had no intention of explaining anything.  But after similar situations happened three times in a row on the fourth, fifth, and sixth days, Empress Dowager Liang finally understood the fact that she could not solve this problem by killing someone.  The dead palace maids changed batch after batch, but what was supposed to happen always happened one after another.  The maids have begun to be reluctant to stay on night watch any longer.?They were executed one after another, and the reason was that no one could figure out why they suddenly fell asleep and failed to perform their vigil duties.  In a short period of time, various rumors began to spread in the palace, all of which were related to the Empress Dowager Liang.  And the repeated executions of palace maids also made everyone around Queen Mother Liang start to feel in danger.  After all, the deaths these few times were not just ordinary palace maids, but also the confidant palace maids around her.  When things got to this point, even Empress Dowager Liang began to panic, but she gritted her teeth and refused to admit any crisis.  Even his younger brother Liang Yimi started to hear about it, and asked insinuatingly whether there was any strange accident happening in the palace.  However, Empress Dowager Liang never admitted it and refused her brother's suggestion to invite eminent monks to ward off evil spirits.  However, a few days later, although she no longer executed the palace maids, what was supposed to happen happened as usual.  Even though Empress Dowager Liang was feeling great both physically and mentally, she began to really think about it - was she really not a ghost? ?????????????????????? It is never peaceful in Xixia¡¯s palace, and ghosts are not a rare surprise.  I had no choice but to feel a little uneasy.  If she really encountered a ghost, then these dreams of hers Empress Dowager Liang almost didn't dare to think about it anymore, and hurriedly agreed to her brother to invite the master of Chengtian Temple to come and have a look.  Is there really something unclean in the palace? It is true that we must quickly find a way to solve the problem.  Although Empress Dowager Liang did not tell anyone about her dreams, she handled all the traces when she got up every morning by herself.  But just one night, everyone in the entire palace fell asleep, which is shocking enough.  When the master of Chengtian Temple came to the palace, he looked around with a serious look on his face and pointed out that there were some evil spirits hiding in the palace.  Even if none of these evil ghosts are evil ghosts that harm lives, there is no guarantee that they will continue to exist.  So the frightened Empress Dowager Liang urgently ordered the master to do something. No matter what, she must first get rid of the evil ghost hidden in the palace.  Chengtian Temple is a royal temple, and the current abbot is also a famous monk.  He personally took action and led several outstanding disciples in the temple to go out together and began to operate the ritual with all his strength.  Three days and three nights of chanting and blessing activities were arranged, and the entire palace was turned into a land and water ashram.  The monks showed up with all their special skills, and there was a big fuss inside and outside the palace.  I chanted sutras throughout the day and did not stop even at night.  Queen Mother Liang was still not sure what the final result would be, but the other maids were already relieved.  That night, Empress Dowager Liang entered the palace to rest, almost as monks do, and there were many maids serving her inside and outside.  Everyone thought that there would be no more problems that night, but unexpectedly, what was supposed to happen happened - everyone fell asleep inside and outside the dormitory again.  After Empress Dowager Liang woke up, she felt the smoothness on the vital parts of her body as usual.  Thinking back to the sour feeling in the dream last night, is there anything else that you don¡¯t understand that happened?  But how could this be?  This is completely out of line with the rules!  Isn¡¯t it agreed that some monk is doing it?  Why did it come when it was supposed to come? Could it be that the monks' approach was completely ineffective?  She is really a mute who eats Coptidis chinensis and cannot even express her sufferings.  ¡°But when others ask, I can¡¯t tell you directly. I can only vaguely explain what happened that night.  She didn¡¯t say anything, but the maids couldn¡¯t bear it anymore.  Obviously, the evil spirit in the palace has not been eliminated yet!  After the monks heard the news, one by one, their faces turned red - not because they were ashamed, but because they were angry.  I have never seen such a slap in the face!  But the monks¡¯ chanting behavior didn¡¯t stop at all all night long!  Why are you playing like this?  In fact, the result was even more serious than this the next night.  ~
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