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Chapter 352 The Monk¡¯s Conspiracy

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    Pure text online reading of this website domain name <foncolor=red> Mobile synchronous reading please visit Some time ago, although Master Bamiao went to Huanglong Mansion and was not in Beijing, the Miracle Goulan also stopped.  But it has not cooled down at all. On the contrary, the pursuit of the miraculous hook has become much more fanatical.  Those who had seen it were all eloquent in boasting, while those who had not seen it were dazzled by it.  There is no reason to explain the magic shown in the miracle check list.  The monks and masters in many temples have long been dissatisfied with the popularity of the Taoism led by Ding Yang, and even privately used various rumors to attack and smear him.  But some things are not so easy to explain. Even luminous sand can tell lies with eyes open - it is a kind of illusion, but what about Yitian Tower and Miracle Hook?  The former stands tall in the school grounds, and the latter has made countless people experience its beauty.  "However, things like the lower limit are always limitless. As long as you are unwilling to admit it, you can pretend not to see it when it is in front of you.  "It is true that some monks in the temple have become so insane that they accuse them of luminous sand, Yitian Pagoda and miracle hooks as illusions.  "It's a pity that the believers who can pursue the monks to the end are so rare that they can be said to be rare.  No matter how crazy these people are, they can't reverse the general trend.  Recently, the temples inside and outside the whole Beijing city are full of sorrows, and the monks can make money without sesame oil.  Most of the monks hated Ding Yang, but no one could help but look at each other.  Most monks can only slander him quietly in their hearts, and only a handful of them dare to speak out.  No matter how much you hate her to death, you still have to pretend to be calm and calm on the outside.  The monks were not blind, and they did not dare to say anything when they did not see the true mysterious origin of Ding Yang.  Although they are all magicians, there are not many of them who sincerely believe in God.  The vast majority of them are just hanging around, and some simply don't believe in gods and Buddhas at all.  The various temples also met privately several times, trying to come up with a practical plan to deal with Ding Yang.  "Amitabha, is there still no good solution available? Do we have to watch helplessly as he coaxes all the believers step by step, and from now on we all go to drink the northwest wind?" "Oh, it's not that I don't want to,  There is really no way! You have all seen what he is capable of. Who knows how he does all this? What should I do if I can¡¯t figure out the mystery? " When this topic comes up, more than one monk comes up.  Want to jump feet.  It¡¯s not that they are willing to remain silent. How many people have been upright and secretly to see the Yitian Tower, the Luminous Sand and the Miraculous Goulan? Do you see anything?  None of it!  Not only can't you see any of the mechanisms, and you can't find any mystery hidden in it, but on the contrary, each one is almost driven crazy by these miraculous existences.  Even the monks themselves are about to become followers of Bamiao Zhenren.  "If you can't reveal the so-called truth, you can only stand on the stage set up by Ding Yang and perform. Of course the monks are not willing."  "Act quickly, activate all the connections that can be mobilized, and find the key to the Eight Wonders Taoist as soon as possible no matter what. If this continues, this vast northern land will become the hell of my Buddhist sect!" "Yes.  , is 110,000 times more terrifying than the madness of the Southern Dynasty in destroying Buddhism! When the Southern Dynasty destroyed Buddhist temples and forced monks and nuns to return to secular life, it was just superficial, but now they want to destroy my foundation!  "That's right, many believers have stopped coming to worship Buddha these days. When I go to the homes of these lay people, they are all talking about the wonders of the Eight Wonders. If things continue like this, our Buddhist sect will be cut off."  The inheritance is unknown!" "That's good, that's good! Although Buddhism has a compassionate heart of cutting meat to feed eagles, it is really necessary to protect the Dharma with the Angry Eyes Vajra!  Give it a serious blow! " "Oh? Tell me, is there any way to win? If you want to deal with Bamaiao Taoist, you must kill him!  If you dodge it, then" "After someone starts, it becomes easier to talk about what happens next.  The kind-hearted monks all began to discuss the safest way to find an assassin - one that was both safe and lethal.  This one says that there are believers who are good at riding and shooting. As long as they find an opening, they can shoot out with an arrow and kill them; the other one says that there are dead soldiers who can use them and risk their lives at critical moments  But what he was talking about was very lively, but he was stumped by a question: "Who can guarantee that our assassination operation will be successful? If that person is really possessed by supreme magic power, wouldn't we be wasting our energy in vain?  " There was a sudden silence. All the monks looked at me, and I looked at you, their eyes full of fear.  Judging from the actions of the Eight Wonderful Taoists, who can guarantee that one hit will kill the opponent?  Given the opponent's vast magical power, he might be killed in the end, so what should he do?  After all, the Yitian Tower and the miraculous hooks of Luminous Sand are not things that ordinary people can do!  "Um It is said that open guns are easy to hide, but hidden arrows are difficult to guard against. How many heroes and heroes are invincible in head-to-head combat, but they eventually fall at the hands of villains. Now we have reached the most dangerous moment for our Buddhist sect. I don't want to fight with all my strength.  No way." "Yes, even if he dies, we still have to fight him. We will find the most reliable people, and we will attack from behind the scenes, or poison him secretly, or simply assassinate him at close range.  , We have to deal with him to make everyone feel at ease. " "Then let's talk about how to take action! Whether he can resist it is one thing, but whether he can do it is another thing.  How can he still be invulnerable to assassinations? As time goes by, his life will be taken sooner or later." Although the monks were determined to take action, they actually didn't have much confidence in their words.  In fact, the strength shown by Ding Yang is too mysterious and unpredictable, and no one knows how powerful he is.  In fact, these days, many temples have begun to curse Ding Yang.  I don¡¯t know if it¡¯s because the monks are not good at their craftsmanship or they are not professional enough. Anyway, I have never heard of Ding Yang having any bad luck experiences.  Therefore, no matter how much I hate Ding Yang to the core, there is no practical way to take revenge.  Just as everyone was having a heated discussion about the assassination of Ding Yang, a monk finally couldn't help but spoke weakly: "Well, Amitabha, this poor monk has heard a shocking news recently, and  It's related to Taoist Bamaiao. Maybe it's not impossible to use some tricks." "What's the news?" Although he asked, no one really expected much.  Is there not much news about Ding Yang these days?  There are thousands of different messages every day, who knows whether they are true or false?  "Amitabha, you all must know that there is some connection between this temple and the palace. Many people in the palace come to this temple to offer incense and pray for blessings. So this news is related to the palace, but it is not yet known whether it is true or not." "It turns out it is.  Senior Brother Faming, your temple has many eyes and ears in the palace, and they must be the best informed. But what does the news in the palace have to do with the people we are dealing with?" "Yes, you may not believe it.  There is a believer in the temple who has always been devout. He was originally an actor in the palace. It is said that the queen and the emperor had a misunderstanding in the past, and the relationship has always been very cold. " "This I seem to have heard about it. Some people say that the queen is quite cold to the emperor.  There is a bit of complaint. But what does this have to do with Ba Miao Taoist? The people we have to deal with are not the emperor and the queen!" "Yes, there is probably no one else except King Wei who really cares about this issue, right?"  Even the monks can see that King Wei is obviously the most threatening being to Yelu Hongji's throne.  ¡°Who else would care about the problems between the emperors and empresses in the palace, except him?  "No, no, no, things are not as you imagined. It is said that the queen was dissatisfied with the emperor, so she liked to make songs and sing in harmony to express her sadness. The singer was quite dexterous, so he was very  The queen likes it. But recently, since Master Bamiao came to Beijing, the queen suddenly stopped calling the actors." When the monks heard this, they all looked at each other, not understanding what the monk Faming meant.  .  Even if the Queen no longer calls for singers to sing, what does it have to do with the arrival of the Eight Wonders?  Before they could raise any questions, Monk Faming broke the news: "According to what the actor said, the Queen may have an affair with Master Bamiao!" "What? This is simply impossible! How could the Queen do this?  With a Taoist priestwell, even if this Taoist priest has some ability, it won't be with the queen" "Humph, what's so strange about it? If others don't know, don't you senior ladies still understand?  How easy it is to deceive, and even if you want money or sex, you can't get it easily." "" This is true.This is false. Many purdah women are not very resistant to monks.  On weekdays, it is rare for strange men to go deep into the boudoir, and only monks can come and go freely.  Over time, there will inevitably be some romance.  Although not all monks have this idea, after all, monks have opportunities and convenient conditions.  It is not impossible to change from a monk to a Taoist priest: "Brother Faming, can what this actor said be true?" "He told the poor monk this, but whether this is really the case, it seems that he guessed it.  "Hmph, what does it matter if it's true? With our methods, if it's true, then it's true! When the news comes out, let's leave it to the people who deserve the headache."  As for ushahaha" "Then we will still carry out an assassination operation?" "Don't worry, don't worry, let's wait and see!" "
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