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Chapter 319: Shocked the whole audience

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    The crowd gathered today included not only the people of Linhuang Mansion, but also many nobles from the upper echelons of Khitan.  "Compared with the slow speed of information transmission among ordinary people, the flow of information above high-level officials is much faster.  Even before Xiao Chaoqing, the king of Liang, returned to Beijing, various rumors about the Ba Miao Taoist in the Southern Dynasties had already fallen into the ears of nobles.  When the Sunset Catastrophe occurred in Huanglong Mansion, many eminent monks and masters failed to save the situation at all, and more eminent monks and masters simply played a hide-and-seek game one by one.  No matter how many invitations were made, he was determined not to go to Huanglong Mansion to eliminate the Luoyang Catastrophe.  Anyway, I¡¯m just looking for reasons, and I can easily find a lot of them.  Therefore, when the news spread that Ding Yang had arrived in Beijing with Xiao Chaoqing, many nobles began to have new expectations in their hearts.  But who could have expected that a riot would start before anything was done.  As a result, the nobles who were originally planning to visit Ding Yang all stopped and sat aside to watch indifferently.  It is not yet clear whether Master Bamiao has real abilities, but he is definitely not an ordinary person.  If he was not implicated in great luck, how could he cause such trouble just after arriving at Linhuang Mansion?  For this kind of character, everyone is usually respectful.  Especially now that the disaster of Luoyang Catastrophe is expanding, people can't help but contact other aspects.  Whenever a disaster strikes the world, either a saint comes out to turn the tide, or a devil appears and stirs up the world.  In the current situation, no one can tell whether the Eight Wonders Taoist is a saint or a devil!  But no matter what, there is nothing wrong with staying away for the time being.  So in the past two days, Ding Yang¡¯s residence was deserted, and no one could come to visit.  Even the transmission of information between Yelu Yixin and him relied on people.  It can be seen that even King Wei is a little afraid to face Master Bamiao. Who among the other nobles dares to come forward?  Isn¡¯t that seeking death?  After receiving the news of praying for the deceased today, various speculations arose in a short period of time.  No one is sure what will happen, and many questions are like fishhooks hanging in the throat, which is really uncomfortable.  The nobles of Linhuang Mansion all rushed to the scene early today, eagerly waiting for the arrival of Master Bamiao.  The nobles of the Liao Kingdom looked down upon the Southern Dynasty at all. Over the years, they had become accustomed to the annual silver silk payment from the Southern Dynasty.  A country that relies on giving money to avoid the Khitan's iron heel from marching south, what's there to be proud of!  However, the tribes on the grassland are far more religious in mysticism than others.  Although Taoist Bamiao was also a Han from the Southern Dynasties, no one dared to look down upon him in the slightest.  According to legend, these people are all beings who can call the winds and rain. Not only can they not be offended, but more importantly, they must be respected and feared.  But after arriving at the school grounds, I discovered that King Wei had not arranged the arrangements carefully at all.  It's just that the nobles and ordinary people are separated according to their status.  But nothing was done about how Ding Yang prayed.  All the nobles carefully looked at Yelu Yixin's face, wondering if this meant that King Wei had made some decision in his heart.  If it is true, then perhaps new information may be obtained through King Wei's information channels.  Therefore, all the people in front of the noble viewing platform were constantly speculating on the purpose of doing this today.  Yelu Yixin¡¯s face was expressionless, but in his heart he longed to curse.  It was because he was unwilling to complete the preparations for blessing, but Ding Yang had requested it at that time.  Even if Yelu Yixin wants to form a good relationship, he doesn't know how to do it.  Now I can only watch, not knowing what the outcome will be.  To be honest, this was the first time he saw Ding Yang with his own eyes.  He also found out a few things about the big turmoil caused by Taoist Bamaiao before, and knew a lot of inside information.  But after actually seeing the Bamiao Taoist, I felt a little disappointed.  It¡¯s not that Ding Yang¡¯s appearance is not good, on the contrary, even Yelu Yixin couldn¡¯t help but admire him in his heart when he saw it.  Definitely well-groomed and personable.  But the question is, Taoist Bamaiao, you are a Taoist practitioner who cultivates immortality and seeks Taoism. Why don¡¯t you have the aura of an expert that can be felt at a glance?  It¡¯s not that the appearance is ordinary, but that the painting style is fundamentally wrong!  So when Ding Yang came to the clearing he requested earlier and stood up straight, he couldn't help but frown.  As for the people outside the school grounds, they all poked their heads to see what Ding Yang was like.  Although there are not too many rumors about Taoist Bamiao these days, after all, there are all kinds of magical stories about Taoist Seven Stars before. For DingThe sense of expectation is still very strong.  It¡¯s just expectation, but there are too many people, and most people can¡¯t see Ding Yang at all.  And the few people who could see Ding Yang didn't understand what he wanted to do.  "I heard that this Bamaozhenren had a great reputation in the Southern Dynasties. From the emperor to the civil and military officials and common people, everyone was in awe of him." "I have also heard that he seemed to be in Bian in the Southern Dynasties.  What other big things did he do in Liangcheng? There are no merchants in the Southern Dynasties who don't know about him. But what it is is not clear yet. " "You said that His Highness the King of Wei invited Taoist Master Bamiao to pray for the deceased.  , What is the purpose of this Taoist priest? He is not a senior monk in any temple, can he really pray for blessings? " "If it is to catch ghosts, then?  It¡¯s not like the previous commotion caused some ghosts to haunt you, so I thought of finding a Taoist priest!¡± There were already a lot of people, but now the various voices are talking about each other, making the school grounds full of chaos.  Not to mention that the nobles were a little unhappy, even Yelu Yixin frowned in front of the stage.  It¡¯s so noisy and noisy like a temple fair. How can Master Bamiao pray for blessings?  Not to mention that he wanted to be seen when he was doing something, even if he spoke, no one might be able to hear him.  Of course, even if Ding Yang, who doesn¡¯t speak Khitan, speaks it out to others, only a very small number of them will understand.  Khitan is commonly spoken in Linhuang Mansion, but it does not mean that Chinese has disappeared.  In fact, Chinese has always been a very powerful supplement on the prairie.  Even in Shangjing, there are many people who understand and speak Chinese.  But before anyone could figure out the situation, Ding Yang had already waved his hand to Lin Si not to follow him, but to just stay aside and wait for him.  Arriving at the clearing that had been prepared in advance, Ding Yang glanced at the pool of wish power currently accumulated by the wish power badge.  After a mysterious smile appeared on his lips, he began to close his eyes and mutter something. No one knew what he was talking about.  Not to mention the current messy environment, even if there was silence, no one would hear his voice.  But he didn¡¯t do anything, he just stood on the edge of the open space and closed his eyes and meditated silently, which immediately aroused the interest of many people.  The people outside are all guessing, what is Ding Yang thinking about at the moment?  "Hey, didn't you say you understand Chinese? Come on, let's see, what is Master Bamiao talking about?" "It's true that I understand Chinese, but I don't understand lip reading! Even if I see it, I can't tell the difference.  Not coming out. Besides, it¡¯s so far away that I can¡¯t see clearly.¡± ¡°Then who knows Chinese? Could it be that this is Master Ba Miao¡¯s prayer?  It seems a bit too childish no matter how you look at it. " "I can understand Chinese, and I can also speak a little bit of lip reading. But from my perspective, what the Taoist said silently was not normal Chinese at all.  It¡¯s another kind of scripture.¡± Many people were stunned when they heard this conclusion: Another kind of scripture?  What is that?  Additional languages?  Not only the common people were puzzled, but Yelu Yixin in the center of the aristocracy also didn't understand.  However, as the powerful King of Wei, he had many talents of all kinds under his command.  Since I can¡¯t hear clearly what Ding Yang is saying, I naturally have to find a lip reader expert to analyze it.  But after analyzing the lip reading, the expert also blushed a little.  The language Ding Yang silently recited was not any language he knew at all.  In the end, I could only apologize to His Highness the King of Wei with a red face.  "This Master Bamaiao is really clever. He actually uses an extra language specifically for praying! What language is it? Do you want to ask afterward? It would be better to listen to it." If Ding Yang knew that there were so many people  When doubts abound, laughter is sure to break out.  ¡°He just recited a passage of text in English. He was just pretending, but it triggered so many speculations.  But for pretending to be a ghost, this is enough.  Before everyone could wake up, Ding Yang in the open space had opened his eyes instantly, stretched out a hand to point to the open space in front of him, and shouted loudly.  This sound was like spring thunder, covering everyone's voices in an instant, making people hear clearly.  My God, let¡¯s not talk about anything else, this voice alone is enough to prove that Bamiao Zhenren is different!  There are tens of thousands of people on the school grounds. Even if only a few people whisper to each other, the noise created is already earth-shattering.  But Ding Yang's voice suppressed it even more.  This isSuch greatness?  How terrifying is it?  Anyway, at this moment, everyone in the school who was originally talking stopped talking, and just looked stupidly in the direction of the sound.  Before more people could find out who had made the noise, the people in the front rows of the crowd were already in chaos - first there was an exclamation, and then many people gradually raised their eyebrows.  neck.  "Then what on earth is? Where does it come from? It couldn't be a real person who summoned it from the sky!" Before the people in front could explain, the people behind were quickly blocked from sight by the people in front of them.  They all saw the incredible scene that happened in front of them, and they all opened their mouths wide and began to slowly raise their necks: "Hiss so amazing!"?¡­
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