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Chapter 21 Woodcutter

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    Jing Tian¡¯s original idea was to see if people could understand the ¡®rules of fate¡¯ in the real world.  Because Jing Tian has already tried it in those 'fantasy worlds'. All worlds are the same. The rules of destiny are obscure and unclear. There is no sense of agility. If you want to understand, you can't get any clues.  It is possible to understand the ¡®Rules of Destiny¡¯ in the space, but the rules of the ¡®World Pearl¡¯ are too calm, giving people a feeling that they have no characteristics.  Therefore, Jing Tiancai wanted to see what the ¡®rules of fate¡¯ were like in reality.  Unexpectedly, as soon as the spiritual sense was released, an accident occurred.  The first thing that came into Jing Tian¡¯s perception was a small ¡®dimensional space¡¯ located inside the earth.  But the state of this ¡®dimensional space¡¯ is somewhat bad.  Metaphorically speaking, this dimensional space seems to be a sphere, but the upper area seems to have been slashed horizontally, causing the complete sphere to be split into two halves, maintaining the state of healing.  There are some corroded pits on the ball, and the vague power of space is released from time to time on these pits and the cross-section connected by the broken threads.  Jing Tian carefully ¡®looked¡¯ at this dimensional space the size of the moon. After a while, his face couldn¡¯t help but become surprised and enlightened.  The dimensional space is hidden inside the center of the earth, as if it were a shrunken earth, and the connected ¡®cross-section¡¯ corresponds to the earth¡¯s 30-degree north latitude.  There are many unsolved mysteries on the earth, but at this moment, there are no secrets in Jing Tian¡¯s eyes.  But the harvest didn¡¯t end there. Jing Tian easily detected the scene inside the ¡®dimensional space¡¯. What did he see?  He saw mountain spirits and sea monsters, strange monsters, ancient dinosaurs, and even the Eastern Divine Dragon and the Western Flying Dragon hidden among the mountains and rivers.  The geographical environment within the dimensional space is rich, including mountains, seas, rivers and lakes, and ancient jungles. What surprised Jing Tian the most were the various civilized city-states that appeared to be independent.  The civilization of the oriental race with yellow skin maintains its ancient characteristics.  A white-skinned technological city where energy and anti-gravity technologies are widely used.  Outside these two main systems, there are also various humanoid civilizations.  There are giants over eight meters tall, thumb-sized Lilliputians, three-eyed humans, and goblins with animal appearances, and other strange races, which make Jing Tian feel like he has seen a fantasy world On the bed, Jing Tian looked blank.  After sitting in stunned silence for a long time, I don't know when, he finally spoke like a whisper and muttered: "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" After a while, Jing Tian finally came back to his senses, took a deep breath, and calmed down his fluctuating mood.  Turning his head to look at the sleeping Yang Ying, Jing Tian thought for a moment, got up and got out of bed, and put on his clothes.  ?????????????????????????????????????????¡­  At this moment, Jing Tian easily came to the interior of this dimensional world he named the 'Book of Mountains and Seas' and appeared on a low mountain.  "Gah" an unpleasant strange roar sounded, and a huge figure suddenly rose up from the back mountain, but it was a pterosaur rising into the sky. After flapping its wings a few times, it gradually glided away in the wind Jing Tian watched him off and turned around after a while.  , looking far down the mountain, looking at the ancient town in the distance, and with a thought, he replaced the modern clothes on his body with robes.  Steps flashed, and in the next moment Jing Tian arrived at the foot of the mountain. Flashing again, his figure stepped onto a tough dirt road, and then he changed to walking slowly towards the city in the distance.  Not long after, Jing Tian saw a human being, who emerged from the dense forest beside the road carrying a bundle of dry firewood. He was walking like a dragon and a tiger, and his body was full of vitality and blood.  The man was in his forties and looked very smart. He was slightly stunned when he saw Jing Tian, ??then showed a very friendly smile and said something that Jing Tian couldn't understand. It sounded like Chinese, but he couldn't tell where it came from.  dialect.  But it can be guessed that it is a way of greeting.  Jing Tian couldn¡¯t understand what the other person was saying, so he responded with a smile. At the same time, the power of his mind penetrated the other person¡¯s mind, and he quickly gained language memory.  "Which family are you a child of? I've never seen you in the city. Did you come from another city?" This time Jing Tian understood the other party's words, and the middle-aged man dressed as a woodcutter continued to smile in a friendly way.  He said: "Why are you alone out of the city? Have you achieved success in spiritual practice?" "Ah, um" Jing Tian hesitated for a moment, then asked with a smile: "Excuse me, what is your name" "My name is Gai Mu." The woodcutter said  He responded with a smile and continued to ask: "What is your name in this life?" "Jing Tian." Now that he was no longer afraid of others knowing his real name, Jing Tian did not hide it anymore.  ¡°I haven¡¯t heard of it nearbyWhich city has this surname? Which human race are you from?  "The woodcutter thought for a moment, and then asked curiously. "I came from outside the sky.  "Jing Tian said truthfully, because when he was searching the other party's language memory just now, the term 'visitor from outer space' was not unfamiliar to him. "It's actually a visitor from outer space?  "The woodcutter was stunned, but he didn't resist. Instead, he was mostly surprised. "Yes, I came to this world by accident.  "Jing Tian replied with a smile. "Haha, you are so lucky to have landed in this place.  "The woodcutter laughed and praised, and then explained: "From time to time, there are visitors from the outside, but most of them fall into the wilderness and are killed by wild beasts and monsters. Even if they are lucky enough to survive, they will suffer varying injuries. Very few people can survive.  .  " Having said this, the woodcutter couldn't help but shook his head and sighed: "You aliens from the outside are too weak in physique. As long as you are slightly injured or scratched, your life will be in danger. Unless there is a spiritual fruit or elixir to save your life, it will be difficult to survive.  " "The world is different, and so are our bodies.  Jing Tian smiled and said: "Perhaps in this world, even breathing is a kind of harm to us."  ¡± Jing Tian¡¯s words are well-founded. Although this dimensional space seems suitable for survival, the aura between heaven and earth is rich, which not only nourishes various fantasy creatures and races, but also nourishes all kinds of bacteria. If the bacteria on the earth can  If it causes a little harm to the human body, the harmful bacteria in this dimension can cause about a hundred harm to people. In this case, how can the physical constitution of those people on earth who accidentally come here be able to withstand any injuries.  Illness Jing Tian's statement was refreshing to the woodcutter, but he didn't go into it because he didn't have time. Just as Jing Tian finished speaking, the woodcutter suddenly raised his head and looked into the sky, and then the energy and blood in his body became stronger.  His heart beat like a drum, and he took a step forward and rushed towards Jing Tian. He crossed seven or eight meters in one step and came to Jing Tian's side in the blink of an eye. Then the woodcutter shook his shoulders and lifted the bundle he was carrying.  The dry firewood was thrown up, covering Jingtian's head. The next moment, the woodcutter's logging ax was slashing upward quickly, and at the same time he shouted: "Bah!"  " Although Jing Tian didn't move, all the surrounding scenes were reflected in his mind. He saw that with the woodcutter's loud shout, a sound wave suddenly vibrated towards the sky, and the sound wave converged into a bundle, not disturbing the surroundings at all. " Clustered sound waves and  An ugly strange bird swooped down and collided with each other, causing the strange bird's swooping momentum to slow down greatly. Then, the woodcutter slashed his hand axe, and the surrounding aura of heaven and earth vibrated more violently, forming a sword-like aura.  The moon blade passed through the body of the strange bird in an instant. Bang! The body of the strange bird was split in two, blood and internal organs splashed, and the body hit the dry firewood above Jing Tian's head, and the woodcutter hit it.  As if he had expected it, he turned the hand ax and gently placed it above Xiang Jingtian's head. The dry firewood moved sideways and fell to the ground with a clatter, mixed with the two halves of the strange bird carcass, and the smell of blood came quickly.  Spreading Jing Tian was surprised that this woodcutter's methods were almost as weak as those of the masters in the "Tang Dynasty Double Dragon World", and there was no sign of internal force running in his body, but he could carry out such an attack. "Haha, no one in the future can.  Frightened?  "The woodcutter restrained his breath, the drumming sound of his heart disappeared, and the rising energy and blood converged. He held an ax in one hand and asked Jing Tian with a smile. "Thank you for your help.  "Jing Tian smiled and shook his head, and thanked the woodcutter. "Haha, I thought before that the child from some family had achieved success in spiritual practice, so I walked alone in the wild. I didn't think that you were a visitor from outside the world.  Your Qi and blood are too weak. If you walk alone, you will inevitably be bullied by such beasts.  "As he spoke, the woodcutter looked at the two halves of the bird carcass on the ground, tsked and shook his head and said regretfully: "It's a pity that my skills are not good, but I wasted the blood of this 'skull-pecking bird'.  " "Skull-pecking bird?  "Jing Tian looked at the two halves of the body, which were nearly one meter in size. "Oh, you are a visitor from outside the world, no wonder you don't recognize it.  "The woodcutter's face suddenly became clear, and then he bent down and collected the scattered dry firewood while explaining: "This flying animal is called the 'Skull Pecker', and it is the most evil thief, specializing in sneak attacks on the weak.  It can distinguish the thickness of blood. If it sees a human or beast with weak blood, it will definitely attack from the air, swoop in, break the skull of the human or beast, suck the brain marrow, and then drink the blood.  " Jing Tian was surprised. He carefully looked at the long beak of the strange bird. Sure enough, it was shaped like a thin cone. After a little inspection, he found that the beak was very hard. Shaking his head and paying no more attention, Jing Tian also squatted down to help collect dry firewood and was curious.  The ground asked the woodcutter: "Are all the people here practicing as successfully as our predecessors?  " "Hey, my strength does not mean that I have achieved success in cultivation.  "The woodcutter shook his head with a smile and continued to clean up.?: "I don't have the cultivation talent of a Qi Refiner. I can only enhance my Qi and blood like an ordinary person. I have some methods of transporting Qi and blood, and I have worked hard to acquire a few techniques for self-defense." "Qi Refiner?"  Jingtian's hand movements paused.  "That's right, it seems that you people outside the world are very kind to the Qi Refiners." The woodcutter took the dry firewood handed to him by Jing Tian and bundled it with rattan. He said with a smile: "The old people said, in the past  Someone from outside the world has arrived. Hearing about the Qi Refiner, he was overjoyed" He tightened the cane tightly, causing the dry firewood to make a crunching sound. Then the woodcutter looked up with a smile, looked at Jing Tian and said, "But  All outsiders do not have the talent to practice as a Qi Refiner. In the end, they have to give up and have their lifespan shortened. "Jing Tian can imagine that both the ancients and modern people who came here unexpectedly will certainly feel sorry for them.  I yearn for this special existence of Qi Refiner.  However, after reviewing all the ancient records, it seems that only the ancient pre-Qin Dynasty has the shadow of Qi refiners. The increasingly weak physiques of future generations will not be able to meet the conditions for practicing Qi refinement.  Just like what is said in ancient books, people in ancient times were a hundred years old in the Spring and Autumn Period, but their movements did not decline; people today are half a hundred years old, but their movements declined.  Looking at the woodcutter who was picking up the two halves of the 'Skull Pecker' corpse, and feeling the rich energy and blood of the other man, Jing Tian couldn't help but curiously asked: "Senior, how many lifespans do people in this world have? Are they all like this?  Do you have strong Qi and blood?" "Yes." The woodcutter responded without raising his head: "The lifespan of our human race is about two hundred. People who practice Qi and blood can live up to two hundred and forty years.  The woodcutter had already tied up the two halves of the 'Skull Pecker' body and said to Jing Tian with a smile: "What?"  , want to try to practice?" "I don't have that intention at the moment." Jing Tian smiled and shook his head: "I want to know more about the world now, and I will talk about it in the future." "Haha, I have a good heart."  The woodcutter stood up, patted the corners of his clothes casually, moved his arms, and carried the bundled firewood on his back.  Seeing Jing Tian stand up, the woodcutter raised his hand and pointed to the city wall in the distance: "Let's go. If you want to know more, you need to ask the elders in the city. Ordinary people like me don't know so much."  Two." Jing Tian handed over his hand.  "Haha, where can I tell you that regardless of whether it's inside or outside the sky, our human race should be united as one." The woodcutter laughed loudly, stepped forward and patted Jing Tian on the shoulder: "Let's go, after more than five hundred years, it's rare to meet again.  If a guest from outside the world comes to the world, our human race also needs to understand the situation outside the world. Maybe there will be a way to strengthen our race." "I will elaborate on it myself," Jing Tian nodded in response.  The woodcutter was very satisfied and took the lead to lead the way to the distant town.  Jingtian followed, thinking in his mind at the same time.  Judging from what the woodcutter said, the human race in this world may not be that stable.  When Jingtian looked at this ¡®dimensional space¡¯ earlier, he saw technological civilization in the distance, as well as various other legendary races.  Human beings in the East only occupy a small area of ????the world, with a total number of only tens of millions.  ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????: There are many mountain monsters and various powerful beasts in the wild, this world may be extremely dangerous and survival will be difficult.  While walking, Jing Tian made up his mind. He might be able to do something for the human race in this world, but he still had to go to the city first to learn more about this world.  Jing Tian did not intend to use any ability to obtain information about this world. After all, the outside world was still a month away. Therefore, he had a traveling mentality this time, preparing to unveil the world bit by bit with his own actions.  That's what makes it fun.  In the midst of his thoughts, Jing Tian had already followed the woodcutter as he approached the town. Gradually, the oppressive feeling of pulsating blood became stronger = ps: Ahhhhh!  Fell into a pit!  This plot is so difficult to write~ Thank you to classmate ¡®Cynical Bu Gong%¡¯ for the 1000 reward~
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