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Volume 1: Mysteries in the Ancient House Chapter 79: Sorrow in the Lunatic Asylum

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    One day later, Xiao Rui packed her things and planned to leave for the lunatic asylum immediately.  During this period, Liang Chen tried to dissuade Xiao Rui more than once, hoping that she would not go, because although what happened to Zhang Li was done by an evil spirit, the evil spirit was not his daughter Xiao Ai, so Liang Chen felt that since the incident  If it has nothing to do with my daughter, there is no need to take the risk.  However, this was something that Xiao Rui had to take care of, because even if it wasn't his daughter Xiao Ai, Qi Feng released all the evil spirits that day mostly because of his own family, while poor Zhang Li was just affected by  The victim was implicated, so Xiao Rui could not sit idly by and ignore it, both emotionally and rationally.  The couple had a big fight over this. In the end, Xiao Rui insisted on going, and Liang Chen really had no choice. Originally, he wanted to go there together, but the distance there was not very close, and he might have to stay for a few days.  As soon as Xiao Ai came home and was unconscious, there was no one to take care of her, so Liang Chen decided to stay.  In fact, after what happened this time, neither Xiao Rui nor Liang Chen noticed that there was an indescribable feeling spreading quietly between them.  The Municipal Lunatic Asylum has a history of about twenty years. When it was first established, it caused a lot of casualties due to patients losing control. Later, after several years of revisions, it was reopened.  There are many severely mentally ill people living here. To a certain extent, this is a very dangerous place, and bad things may happen if you are not careful.  Zhang Liyu was diagnosed with mental illness by a forensic doctor more than a week ago. He killed his wife with an ax on their wedding night. Legally speaking, mentally ill people who kill people do not have to serve the same sentence as ordinary people. They will be sent to a lunatic asylum.  Get treatment, which can take a long, long time.  After a long morning of traveling and traveling, Xiao Rui finally arrived at the lunatic asylum.  First of all, the lunatic asylum was built about two towns away from the city center. It was similar to the previous ancient house in that it was built in a desolate place. Apart from the neat courtyard, the only neighbors were flowers, plants and trees.  In fact, when the site was selected, in order to prevent patients from harming normal people's lives, a place far away from people's lives had to be chosen.  The entire lunatic asylum building has four floors. The first floor is an information desk used to guide family members, and the upper floors are occupied by mentally ill patients according to their degree of illness.  Xiao Rui came to the front desk, claiming to be a relative of Zhang Li, and came to visit, but it didn't go as smoothly as expected.  First, when she said Zhang Li's name, the receptionist at the front desk immediately became serious, and then said.  "Zhang Li? Is he the Zhang Li who killed his wife?"  Xiao Rui nodded repeatedly after hearing this, and then the receptionist continued to speak.  "I'm sorry, Zhang Li's situation is very complicated. We cannot provide services to you without the consent of the dean."  Next, Xiao Rui said a lot more earnestly, but she was told that she must get the consent of the dean, otherwise she would not be able to take her to visit Zhang Li.  Xiao Rui had no choice but to let the reception staff lead her to the dean's office. She didn't understand why it was so troublesome for her to see Zhang Li. Normally, the hospital should welcome family members to visit, because from other aspects  For example, frequent visits from family members may provide a lot of help to the patient's recovery.  All these questions were finally answered when Xiao Rui met the dean.  The dean told Zhang Li's situation.  When Zhang Li was sent here, the forensic doctor notified the dean in a written document that Zhang Li suffered from severe mental illness and strong violent tendencies and must be isolated from other patients. At the same time, he should be prohibited from interacting with other patients until he got better.  Any contact with outsiders.  About the third day after Zhang Li came to the lunatic asylum, the dean saw that Zhang Li was in very stable condition and did not show any extreme actions, so he thought that Zhang Li's mental condition might have been relieved, so the dean released Zhang Li.  come out.  However, when Zhang Li came into contact with other patients, something bad happened. Zhang Li was very uneasy at first, and then screamed and attacked others.  After this incident happened, the hospital took complete isolation measures and locked Zhang Li in an independent ward on the fourth floor, prohibiting anyone from contacting him. The strange thing is that Zhang Li would appear particularly quiet as long as he was alone.  .  After listening to the dean's story, Xiao Rui immediately understood that the evil spirit should still be occupying Zhang Li's body, otherwise such violent behavior would not be possible on his body.  But even if this is the case now, Xiao Rui still has to see Zhang Li, otherwise everything will come to a standstill, so Xiao Rui begged the dean, claiming that he was a distant relative of Zhang Li and had not seen him for a long time.  He is the only relative of Zhang Li.  However, no matter what she said, the dean remained indifferent. In the end, Xiao Rui could only relax her request and said that she would just stand outside the door and look at Zhang Li and promise not to go in.  Finally, the dean agreed.  But the premise is that he will arrange two staff members to accompany himXiao Rui went there, saying it was to protect her from the patients. In fact, they just asked two people to monitor Xiao Rui to prevent her from breaking into the ward privately and contacting Zhang Li.  After a while, two medical staff took Xiao Rui up the stairs of the lunatic asylum one after another.  Since Zhang Li was imprisoned on the fourth floor, he had to pass through the second and third floors to get there.  When passing by the second floor, Xiao Rui saw many mental patients wearing hospital clothes with their hands tied together. Some of them were sitting quietly and some were talking nonsense. In fact, the patients on the second floor were still  They are all mildly ill and become mentally disturbed due to some stimulation in real life. They only do some weird things and have no violent tendencies.  However, when we got to the third floor, the patients here were completely different. The entire third floor was filled with the painful shouts of the patients. Among them, there was a woman who kept shouting, "Give me the baby, give me the baby."  .  Apparently, someone robbed her child, which caused her to suffer from severe mental illness.  Along the way, Xiao Rui looked at these abnormal people and felt a sense of oppression in her heart. She couldn't explain why.  After a while, after walking through the stairs on the third floor, Xiao Rui was taken to the fourth floor. It was extremely quiet here. The entire floor was filled with rooms with closed doors. This is what the dean said.  , holding some extremely violent patients.  Under the leadership of the two medical staff, Xiao Rui stopped in front of the door of the room near the middle. The two people told Xiao Rui that Zhang Li was locked up inside.  After hearing this, Xiao Rui quickly raised her head and looked inside through the glass on the door. At this time, there was a man in white clothes in the room. His back was to the door. His hands were also tied together, and he kept saying something in his mouth.  Talking about something.  Seeing this, Xiao Rui turned around and said to the two medical staff.  "What is he talking about? How long has he been like this?"  One of the male medical staff replied.  "He has always liked quietness very much since he was first sent in. As for starting to talk to himself, he started talking to himself two days ago when he was imprisoned here again."  After listening, Xiao Rui turned his head in front of the glass. However, Zhang Li, who was sitting there in the room, had gone somewhere. Xiao Rui looked around through the window in confusion.  At this time, a ferocious face suddenly appeared in front of the window, and at the same time he shouted, "I didn't kill anyone, I didn't kill anyone, I didn't kill Han Lingling". This sudden scene suddenly frightened me.  Xiao Rui quickly took a few steps back. When the two medical staff saw this, they quickly pulled Xiao Rui away. On the way downstairs, Xiao Rui kept thinking about Zhang Li's appearance just now. He kept repeating that he did not kill anyone.  , although the expression was ferocious, but his eyes showed a hint of perseverance. Xiao Rui knew that what he said was true, but at this time, he should be possessed by an evil ghost. Why did the evil ghost say  What's the truth? What happened that night? What made Zhang Li look like this when he was sent to the lunatic asylum? With all these questions, Xiao Rui walked to the third floor again.  The shouting continued After Xiao Rui visited Zhang Li, he left the lunatic asylum and stood in front of the entire building. Xiao Rui could not forget what he saw today. The mental patients in the lunatic asylum,  They were all hurt by real life and were sent here in order to escape everything. In fact, the people in the lunatic asylum were very pitiful people. At this point, Xiao Rui finally understood where the sense of oppression in her heart came from.  That's because this building is filled with people's sadness, and I resonate with this sadness, because in real life, I am struggling to support myself under pressure.
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